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Found 17,501 results

  1. ChunkCat

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Your surgeon is a bit off in his ratios. Weight loss rate is different for each surgery and for each person. I think the 3 month mark for most surgeries is closer to 30% though, not 50%. I've never heard that for 3 months, only for 6 months. Have you run your stats through this calculator? https://www.facs.org/quality-programs/accreditation-and-verification/metabolic-and-bariatric-surgery-accreditation-and-quality-improvement-program/riskbenefit-calculator/ That is the calculator many bariatric surgeons use to calculate their patient's trajectories. I feel like I'm behind because at about 3 months out I'm only down 40 lbs or so since surgery, but 53 lbs since my highest weight. So I used that calculator, starting with my highest weight, since that is what the surgeon would have used. Turns out I am right on the mark, as their PA told me a few weeks ago! Everyone around me is losing faster, but that doesn't matter. For my body and my health conditions I am apparently right on track. I found that really reassuring. Keep in mind that site only tells you what it expects you to lose in the first year. I thought malabsorbative surgeries like the DS or Bypass can keep losing up until the 18 month mark, though it is much slower loss at that point? I know DS patients can even lose up to the 2 year mark, though again, it is much slower. You usually lose the last 20%-25% much slower because the body is closer to its set point. I had a 6 week stall that started when I added solid food in. I kept gaining and losing the same few lbs. But someone told me to check my measurements, since usually when the scale stalls, our measurements go down. Sure enough, I was losing inches!! So I REALLY advocate people measure once a month and record it, the Baritastic app can even track it for you. It is really reassuring to see those inches lost when the scale has been acting like a d**k for weeks. LOL How are you doing now??
  2. ShoppGirl


    All I can say is that I am honestly baffled by your response. I know that sometimes tone is not there in written communication and perhaps that’s where the problem lies but I did not intend in anyway to give you ridicule or be impolite. I was genuinely trying to be helpful by sharing my experience with you in case you didn’t realize that the medication really does work. I presented it as another option that would hopefully result in your not having to deal with the pain or bloat at all. This community has been very helpful and supportive for me over the past three years and I try my very best to do the same for others. I wish you the best of luck in your journey and hope that you give others the benefit of the doubt that they are indeed trying to be helpful In the future because I have found nothing but kindness and support here and believe you will as well.
  3. I definitely agree it’s head hunger 100%. I just needed to taste something and was hoping that the coffee would also help move my bowels. I can technically only have broth, jello, protein pudding and applesauce now along with water/gatorade zero etc. my other concern right now is that I haven’t moved my bowels. I am not too concerned but I got a call from my surgeons team today and they said if I don’t go by tomorrow evening I need to come back to the hospital. This is so frustrating because I feel like I haven’t had anything in my system to make me go, and anesthesia is normally a reason for my body to stall it as well.
  4. Arabesque

    Sertraline since gastric sleeve

    You may be in a stall ( remember you can experience several of these while you’re losing). Also your rate of weight loss slows as you near your stabilised weight. Remember too, your weightloss does not have a steady straight line down trajectory. It goes up & down, zigs & zags, lose more one week less the next. So don’t give up yet. In saying that, yes, your medication may be a contributing factor as anti depressants are known for weight gain & increasing appetite. Have a chat with your surgeon & your prescribing doctor to be sure. There may be alternatives.
  5. Week out and too scared to cheat tbh - a teaspoon of cottage cheese is all I have had beyond seeq protein water and fairlife
  6. Spinoza

    Low calorie diet vs VSG

    No this isn't my experience. If I stuck to a low calorie diet (VLCD) I invariably lost weight. I've done that numerous times since my teens. What I could not do was keep that weight off. I regained it all plus more, every time. WLS seems to have changed that for me (so far - 2+ years post op). Can you give us a little more info? What diet were you sticking to, when and for how long?? I think it would be very unusual not to lose ANYTHING ever on a low calorie diet? Far more common to lose a bit, stall, lose a bit more...etc etc
  7. My package had a 2 year lifespan. I could see them every month if I needed to and I did in the beginning. That lasted about 9 months because I had some problems. The last year was 2 x quarterly and a last check in at 2 years for my pat on the back. I enjoyed my visits because I did well at weight loss, unlike weight watchers etc where I would just stall for months on end. All the while enduring the ritual non humiliation/ seething jealousy that these groups use to motivate
  8. I’m with you on not wanting to spend much on clothes right now. I’m going over to raid my daughter’s closet because I had just given her a bunch of my jeans a few months back. I am down to a US waist size 29 in jeans right now and I had held on to a few of my favorites but given her most of them. I can’t sew at all so I have resorted to posting my bigger clothes online to try and get bit of money out of them that I can turn around and put into some new clothes. I do still have quite a few smaller clothes I never let go of though. I get my post op blood work done next week and I’m pretty sure it will show I’m anemic also. I’m covered in huge bruises. I started to have a small amount of hair loss the past week so I’m bummed out and I have started watching what I eat much better. I was slacking so now I chart everything and get my exercise in everyday. I’m getting my 100gms of protein, 64 oz of water, cut out any soda and sweet tea again and went back to zero sugar. I was on my second stall but I have started slowly moving again. I’m currently at 170lbs so 37lbs total lost so far and 25lbs to go. I don’t have much support. My best friend and my mother were totally against this surgery when I said I was going to do it. My mother passed away before I made it through all the hoops. It took me a year to meet all their requirements. My best friend still can not show any support but I am already 100% happier with myself and I feel so much better already even with the challenges I know we have all faced. This group has been a lifesaver even though I don’t always post I do follow. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories and all the support. ❤️
  9. Clark Griswold

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hey and welcome to the June buddies thread I am just over 2 weeks since sleeve surgery and yes, the first 2 weeks were difficult. That chewing sensation is what I was craving and actually got some great advice earlier in this thread. I started to chew on sugar free ice lollies and made sure I had ice with my liquids, so I could crunch them. Other than that, not a lot you can do until you're on the next stage. All the best for your journey
  10. Well done on the loss so far, 29lbs is great. Everyone's body will react in different ways and your body is just trying to recover from the surgery and process the changes it is coping with. The loss can be big one week, then nothing for a few weeks, they can be slow and steady throughout, it is different for everyone but you will get there in the end. If the tomato soup was an issue maybe try less creamy soups, like a broth, if you want a change from the shakes and make sure you are getting enough liquids in as well. You will get through this, I think just about everyone who has gone through the surgery has had a low day or more, and it is just about being kind to yourself, not stressing and just realise that you have already had a substantial loss in just two weeks. You have got this 💪
  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thank you! I thought I had already responded to your post. Apparently I didn't hit submit reply. As I've mentioned in other post's. My weight has been stalled. However I weighed today and I'm down 4 lbs. I'm at 245 lbs. I'm not sure if the scale is playing with me or not. So I'm going to wait a few days before testing it out again. My biggest progress that I see is in my clothes. I'm in pant sizes that I haven't been in since 2002. The other big plus I see with you and everyone else. We've just started this journey. In the next 6 months all of us will look dramatically different. I intend to post more pictures along the way. I hope everyone else does as well. Your progress pics look great. The progress is real and will only get better. I wish you and everyone else the best with progress to your goal. 😃
  12. Kristen it's not uncommon for people who are post op a few days to have so much angst. Follow your doctor and nutritionist protocols. Everyone loses weight at a different pace. The main thing is to stick to the program and despite what is preached about super fast weigh loss, it does happen but it's not the norm. The majority of people lose a a decent amount of weight, experience a stall, after time the body adjusts and then you experience constipation, and the body adjusts and you lose more weight. . Your best result is patience and sticking to the plan. I have family members who can eat a lot more than they thought they should. It comes down to what you eventually eat. Eating a ton of salad is much better than eating a ton processed food. Still eating a ton but with much different results. Stay the course and dont be discouraged, your body is going through a process and needs to sort things out.
  13. Hello all, I had RNY Gastric Bypass on 10/6/15. I am almost three months out. I ordered some Berberine 500 mg as I heard it's great for PCOS and insulin resistance. Has anyone tried Berberine after gastric bypass? I hear it's great for weight loss too! ????
  14. @LisaCaryl Sorry, I didn't want to worry you! I'm close to giving up on trying to make healthy food choices is what I really meant. I'm feeling slightly better this evening although I'm freezing again because of the cold and rain in the UK. I think I'm just so so done in by all the traveling for work - I've still had less than 30 days at home since my surgery at the end of Feb and I know I'll be travelling pretty much non stop till mid July - and I'm so over the cold and the random hotel rooms and the living out of a suitcase. My partner is also travelling a lot so we barely see each other which normally we're fine with but the last 7-8 months have been especially bad travel wize. I think I just need a few good nights sleep in my own bed... I get home on wednesday evening and have a week a home before fmying off. Thankyou. Clothes feeling looser is a hard one because I travel light so basically just swap out one work dress for another from my suitcase when I'm home without trying anything on. I do have a dietician from the clinic I was operated at but the contact is just through whatsapp. I spoke to my partner earlier about how down I am (partner is not a GP or a psychiatrist but is a doctor.) and he thinks that it's just really because all this travelling and rain and cold is shitty and to keep upbeat and work i have to find something to get the negative emotions out on so I'm going with the lack of weightloss. The rational person inside me knows that this stall will pass but the emotional person is just so over the struggle allready!
  15. Couldn’t stomach premier protein post gastric sleeve - 2 weeks out and my saviour is the seeq protein water, whey with fair life and Panera broccoli soup
  16. 100% with you! I've discovered I'm just as happy with a handful of lentil or quinoa chips than anything I thought I'd miss -- probably more happy, just because there's no guilt eating them. I'm early on in my Post-OP (12 weeks this coming Wednesday) but I feel like every week I find a new recipe or premade item that just amazes me. Like, "I can eat this tasty thing? Really?"
  17. ShoppGirl

    My journey begins Sept 11

    Whatever your pre op diet, try to eat relatively healthy a week before that. Don’t go from doing food funerals one day to the liver shrink diet the next because the cravings will be that much worse. For me, carbs make me crave more carbs so i cut them completely the week before while I could still eat any portion of other stuff I wanted so that the pre op diet was a little easier and it wasn’t bad.
  18. I took Latuda for bipolar when I had my sleeve three years ago and my prescribing doctor was concerned about me not getting enough calories in the beginning for it to absorb properly as well. (For those who don’t know about this particular medication it’s not about it not absorbing due to the surgery itself like many controlled release meds. This med needs the 350 calories in order to absorb fully for anyone, not just people who had surgery). Anyways, My doctor switched me to vraylar for a couple of months prior to surgery just to make sure I was stable on it and then a short time after until I was back to being able to consume 350 calories at one time. The vraylar is quite expensive but luckily they were able to get enough samples for me. The plan was to switch me back once I was eating enough. What was weird and unexpected was post surgery when he tried to switch me back to the Latuda all of a sudden it caused me a great deal of anxiety and I couldn’t tolerate it anymore (even though I was on it for three years before surgery) so he kept me on the vraylar a little longer until things got back more normal for me and then made another change. I am now on a completely different medication. Neither the surgeon or prescribing dr could explain that anxiety except that when you alter the anatomy things just happen sometimes but I just worked with my prescribing dr and he sorted it out. The most important thing is that your prescribing dr and your loved ones are very aware that you may encounter some issues and that everyone is on top of it. If you feel the slightest bit off, you may need to be the one to contact your Dr. You mentioned “the switch” as an option. Not sure if you are speaking if the SADI switch or the Duodenal switch but both of those are restrictive and malabsorbing surgeries. The reason they suggested the sleeve for me was because they were concerned about my other meds not absorbing fully just because of the malabsorbing component of the other surgery. Fast forward three years and I gained my weight back and we are now considering conversion to the SADI or bypass because I gained my weight back. I gained it back because I ate the wrong things though so don’t let that scare you. I only mention it because I’m guessing you can see my current weight and may wonder why I didn’t lose. I did lose quite a bit and maintained it for a while but I was discouraged I didn’t lose it all and I let that get to me. Which is something you should be aware of, you may not lose as much as someone who is not on all these meds. Just don’t get too caught up in comparing your journey to others. I am 5’8” and I got down to 168. I would be so much happier and healthy now if I had just accepted that win instead of getting it in my head that I failed by not making it to where others did.
  19. Ashley1019

    December Surgery Buddies!

    December 6 is my surgery date, I just got that today. Feels like it’s been forever but it’s really only been three or four months now. all I have left is November 29 a video call with a RN about my weight from that morning my medication list And my new Vitamin list which I’ll be getting from her. Then November 30 I have to go to a three hour “second Pre-op class“ I have to start my two week liquid diet this Thursday Thanksgiving 😞 that’s OK though does anybody have any suggestions about things I need before surgery? any help is appreciated!
  20. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I haven't posted in a few weeks. November was incredibly frustrating since I stalled for most of the month of November. But the scale is moving again and even when it wasn't I was still losing inches so I'm staying positive. I'm 38 pounds down from my first appointment in July and I'm 18 pounds down from the weight I was on surgery day October 20th. I'm still hoping to be 50 pounds down by the end of the year but I know that with 12 pounds to go and only 23 days left that is a bit of a reach goal.
  21. Fars

    IM HUNGRY!!!!!!

    Had mine on 5 June and transitioned to soft stage on 27 - I was hungry first week post op but the restriction kicks in asap you transition and you are full after two teaspoons
  22. Don't let it get to that point, if you can help it. Make sure you have plenty of fluids, fiber, and MiraLax. In the very beginning, I needed Miralax in the morning and a stool softener/laxative combo at night. I did that for the first 6 weeks, then I was able to just use the Miralax everyday. But the last thing you want, especially in the first 6 weeks, is to be straining. The staples will be fine, but it's the healing from the surgery and the pain the straining can cause that you want to avoid.
  23. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I feel your pain with an injury. Tore my meniscus ligament in my knee. They wouldn't let me have surgery on it until I am 40 bmi. I'm there now, but I'm buying some time to be certain I have no issues since my gastric bypass. The surgeon suggested I wait at least three months post bariatric surgery. Trying to walk more is a problem, I can get a mile.or so in walking before the pain is too much. I'm looking forward to get it taken care of. I was wondering how well the vitamin patches work. I'm not having issues with taking vitamins orally. But there's so much berry flavored vitamins you can have before the tastes is meh.
  24. mkj14

    Major Regain

    Hello everyone! I had the gastric sleeve done in 2016. I lost a total of 140 lbs. I hit a stall and managed to keep myself at that amount. Fast forward to 2020. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, and had to have my thyroid removed due to large nodules. With all that occurring and being prescribed new meds I started to gain the weight back. As of today I have gained most of the weight back-120 lbs. I am wanting to get back on track and try to lose it back and then some. Any tips or recommendations? Is it even possible to lose all of it back?
  25. LAMamma

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    @wendy4energyrenewal Thanks for the welcome. I'm one week out now and the nausea with protein shakes seems to have lessened (I'm just already tired of them). I did figure out that mixing the shakes with water and ice made it a little more tolerable ... the thickness of the pre-made shakes is not sitting well. Wow, 2 weeks on pure liquid didn't sound like much but after a week, I'm really starting to feel deprived. I'll make it, but I'm already planning some pureed meals!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
