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Found 17,501 results

  1. MandoGetsSleeved

    1.5 years post op weight regain

    3 years out for me and weighed myself this morning.... UGH - 10lbs up. Funny, as soon as I weighed myself, I thought of this forum and this was one of the first posts I saw. I think we lose the weight, get comfortable, and "forget" the WHY and HOW we got here. Something I heard over the holidays: "Wow, I am so proud of you for keeping the weight off" - Me thinking: (as I'm drinking a high calorie cocktail).... I'm pretty much a failure at the moment.... Here's the reality - I lost the weight, got comfortable, quit tracking, eating whatever and whenever I want - Results: 10lbs weight gain. For me, the trick seems to be: Be a slave to the scale, TRACK TRACK TRACK. and get back into this forum. Tracking and weighing seems to be the only way I don't lie to myself (as if my clothes don't tell me...). Get back on the forum and remind myself daily of what I need to do vs. what I want to do. Going to try and get back to the basics: fluids and protein - skip the boredom/stress snacking and nix the alcohol. Thanks for these posts and knowing we aren't alone in this journey!
  2. Your goals are yours to decide. After all, you're the one doing the work and living in your body. The way you've been handling it seems cromulent. Different folks choose goal weights for different reasons: It was a weight they liked in the past; or what the Doc says; or what a chart says; or what their spouse says; or it seems reasonable; or it's a nice round number; or whatever. For me, I had a lot of weight to lose so putting a final number on it seemed unrealistic to me. I figured I'd ride the ride and see where I was when I got there. Ultimately I went by how I felt rather than a number on a scale. Don't make the mistake of allowing yourself to be pushed into someone else's goal for you. This way leads to frustration and can turn a perfectly respectable success into a complete failure. Keep doing you. Good luck, Tek
  3. So I got my surgery on June 22nd - about nine weeks ago. I am 5'8", 35F, and started out at 320, I'm currently 288 for a loss of 32 pounds over about two months. Is that okay? For the last week or so, I've had a really rough stall and barely been losing anything. Some days I'll even gain a pound. This is my second stall. I normally eat between 600 and 1000 calories (mostly about 800) and almost entirely protein really. Is there an issue with me? Is my weight loss rate okay or is it too slow? I feel like I should have lost like 50 pounds by now. What about this stall?
  4. LISS011

    My Story (Pre-Surgery)

    Congratulations to you, on your upcoming weight loss surgery.
  5. ms.sss

    What's to slow?? Is this to slow?

    Nothing is too slow, really. If you are losing weight, you are winning. We all get to same place eventually, more or less. At your current weight and height, 800 cals is well below your maintenance level so if you keep going, it'll keep coming off until u reach ur equilibrium (where your intake matches your expenditure...which is still a ways away, based in your info) You are doing great!
  6. I just got my blood work back online and am kind of upset about one number. Everything looks fine except for my A1C, which is 6.1. That falls in the pre-diabetes range of 5.7 - 6.4. Mine had mostly been between 5.6 and 6.1 before surgery, and nothing we were overly concerned about because of my weight. I'm quite discouraged to see it still up there after losing weight. I don't see the doctor until next week, so I will have to deal with it for now, but I wanted to put it out here and see if any of you have had this issue, too. My glucose is 75, but not sure how much that matters. Thanks!
  7. The little things are sometimes the best NSV. Just going into regular shops will never get old to me. Congratulations on your weight loss and the NSV.
  8. Vanessa Correal


    Hellow, thank you for your answer. I'm not unhappy with myself; let's say my self-love is at 75%, sometimes I feel a little down but I have never hated my body or my looks. The lowest my weight has been is 200 pounds and I looked like I was weighing 180 at the time (it was 7-8 years ago). I'm lucky enough to say I dont have any health problems at all, and I dont have difficulties moving around. I can run easily at work for any code happening. I think i'm going the surgery firstly for my health. I know it is a good option. I'm just confused about if it the best for me. I'm also doing it because I know I will be gaining weight throughout the years of life. I'm young and I might not feel it now, but with time, I will have more and more health problems.
  9. JennyBeez

    Am I behind?

    If my math is right, you're already at 12% total weight loss. My program gives a range of 22-30% total loss in the first year or two (for gastric bypass/RNY; for sleeve it was lower) You're well, well, well on your way at only 2.5 months in. Be proud of yourself. And honestly? Even when the weight loss slows down and you feel like you're fighting for the next pound to come off? Be proud of yourself then, too. Cause it's your choice every morning when you wake up to continue making the healthiest choices for your own body and health. And you're doing it. There are gonna be stalls, and the first few months weight seems to come off a lot easier -- so it will likely get slower. But you'll get there -- we'll get there. We're all on similar journeys here, but each one is going to be different. ...And as other have said, while comparison can be good when you're looking to find support for stuff we're all going through, when it comes to exact numbers (inches, pounds, etc) it's not really healthy to compare. Everyone's starting from a completely different place, with different programs, different comorbidities, different ancillary health issues, etc.
  10. I’m glad you have someone to talk to about your experiences and that you’re finding it helpful. It may be baby steps but they will eventually lead you to a happier, more contented place where you will be able to put the horrible experience behind you and finally enjoy the positive benefits of your weight loss 🙂
  11. When you look at calculators for post-surgery weight loss (I used this one -- https://mexicobariatriccenter.com/bariatric-surgery-weight-loss-timeline-calculator/), they are giving you a median view of what you can reasonably expect. Of course there are outliers (I'm one -- I am about 25 pounds lighter than what the calculator says I should be), but it is designed to give you reasonable expectations. I also struggle with what number to use for how much I have lost. From my absolute highest recorded weight: 285 pounds From right before my pre-surgery diet began: 270 pounds From the morning of my surgery: 240 pounds
  12. berryfungurl

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I was wondering how much weight you are all losing daily/weekly. I was losing .5-1lb daily for the first two weeks and now I’m just consistently losing .2lbs per day. I just hit week three so not sure if this is a kind of stall?
  13. I tried to update my side panel (weight lost, current weight) but searched and searched and couldn't figure out how to do it. So for those who wondered, my current weight is 160 at 5.5 months post-op. I've lost a total of 60 pounds from highest weight, and 40 since surgery. If someone could give me instructions how to update my side panel, I'd be grateful. Maybe it's not possible on a laptop computer. I realize most people these days use a cell phone app to get to this forum.
  14. After about 3 weeks post op, I am finally feeling better. So I am back to focusing on what I am eating and trying to break my stall. I have the stall at week 2, only really loss weight for 1 week after surgery when I was in the liquid stage. I want to ask all of you, how much proteins you eat a day? Before the surgery I was told to have 65-75 grams of protein a day, but when I follow up 1 week after surgery, my nutritionist told me to drink 2 bottle or protein shake a day. That’s already 60 grams! However I followed what he told me for a week. With the 2 bottle of shakes, my protein intake is over 100grams a day. When week 2 ended I didn’t loss any weight, but gained 2lbs…I feel like I took too much protein so when week 3 started I stop drinking 2 bottles of shakes and only drink 1. I can eat 40-50 grams of protein on my own right now. With the shake I am ranging from 70-85 grams a day. I like salmon, tuna and other type of fish and it gives me good amount of protein. Now after a few days of doing that. I finally loss that 2 lbs and back to my 1 week post op weight 241 lbs. do you think I am doing the right thing here not listening to what my nutritionist tell me?…he said I needed more protein to heal. 85 grams of protein is already 20 grams over what they told me to take initially tho. My liquid intake is 48oz a day now. This is hard because I literally can only sip very small sips. To finish a full bottle of water 500ml, it will take a 1 full hour, sometimes longer. With 3 meals a day, not drink 30 mins and 30 mins after, 48 oz of liquid is at my best. My eating schedule is 8am-5pm. 8am breakfast, 12pm lunch and 4:30pm dinner. Take me 30 mins to finish my meal. I feel like drinking water is like a full time job now. Surgery date 1/22 250lbs Post op 1/24 257lbs 1/31 follow up visit and started 2 shakes a day 241lbs 2/5 243lbs I stop drinking the 2 shakes 2/9 241lbs So after almost 3 weeks I loss about 9 lbs, and it was only during the first week when I was eating! Now I am feeling better I want to continue with the loss and not gain weight. Any input would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  15. Below is a recap of the positives and negatives of my gastric surgery one year after the surgery. Positives: I am no longer a diabetic after 15 years of being a diabetic. I do not take any anti acid medication, I was on daily anti acid medication for 20 years. I no longer have GERD or Barrett’s Esophagus. I look good, I feel good, I lost 100 pounds and I am able to do things that I was unable to do before. Negatives: Lactose Intolerance: I inherited a lactose intolerance after the surgery and will never be able to enjoy dairy products like ice cream. Alcohol Abstinence: I will never be able to have a beer or a glass of wine, due to the high alcohol concentration in the body, so I have prohibition of alcohol consumption for life. Medication Absorption Issues: Significant Challenge: Post-surgery, the stomach processes medications differently, resulting in varied absorption rates. This issue is under-researched and poses a significant opportunity for further medical studies. Example: Treatment of infections such as UTIs can be complicated. Ineffective antibiotic absorption can lead to persistent infections and increased risk of complications. I had severe challenges with antibiotic absorption. I had repeated UTI incidents due to ineffective medication absorption that necessitated trying multiple antibiotics before finding an effective one that absorbed appropriately. Due to lack of research in this area, doctors have almost no knowledge of this and you have to become your own subject matter expert. Reduced Immunity: Increased susceptibility to infections, including: Cold Sores: Post-surgery imbalance in lysine and arginine levels resulted in frequent cold sores. Daily lysine supplements were recommended to manage this issue. This is one additional supplement I need to take daily. Fungal Infections: Significant weight loss altered skin physiology, leading to recurrent fungal infections in skin folds. Preventive measures include having antifungal prescriptions on standby. Nutritional Imbalances: Vitamins and Minerals: Maintaining a balance of essential nutrients is a constant challenge, truly a daily full time job. Taking vitamins, minerals and being able to change the amount based on blood test results is a life long commitment. Anemia: Despite taking supplements, anemia can still occur, this is a constant struggle for me. Mineral Toxicity: Excess minerals like phosphorus can lead to osteoporosis, indicating the fine line between deficiency and toxicity in nutrient management. This has been a challenge for me, my blood tests have consistently showed high phosphorous levels and nobody has an answer to this. I consulted several physicians including endocrinologist, nephrologist and my family doctor, with no answers thus far. Severe Hunger: Increased Hunger: Somewhere between 6 months and a year post-surgery, hunger pains became more intense than pre-surgery. The luxury of not being hungry all the time went away. Nobody talks extensively about this but lack of hunger goes away for all gastric surgery patients, hunger comes back and it is up to the individual to eat properly and not gain the weight back, which is very easy to do. Inability to Fast: Unlike before the surgery, fasting for even a day can cause severe physical reactions including shaking and an overwhelming feeling of malaise. I was unable to resolve the Atrial Fibrillation. This was the main reason for which I had this surgery since Australian studies were showing promising results curing AFib with weight loss. While the episodes are less frequent my AFib is still there. Conclusion: Gastric surgery offers weight loss benefits but comes with lifelong challenges that require constant vigilance and management. Thorough consideration and consultation with healthcare professionals are essential before proceeding with any gastric surgery.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Help !

    I second seeing a weight loss surgeon. I would ask ahead of time for them to send you the release to sign so the dr will have the images during your appt
  17. Meisha

    November 2023 buddies

    GBrown, Hang in there, honey. I had mine on the 28th as well. I had a 3 pound weight gain over the last 2 days. Hello 3-week stall. *sigh* It stinks, but it will pass. If you're following your doctor/dietician's plans, it'll happen. Also, my surgeon told me they pumped me up with about 10 pounds of fluid when I was in the hospital - they probably did that for you, too. Just breathe and trust that your body will do what its supposed to do.
  18. ShoppGirl

    1300 calorie pre-surgery diet

    This situation is a catch 22 because no one knows exactly what the insurance requirements are and no one will tell us. The dieticians job is to help you lose weight, period. Whether that’s in your best interest or not is where it gets tricky. On one hand If you are in a supervised weight loss program (the six month requirement by a lot of insurances) they are trying to see if you can lose the weight on your own before they approve it. So in theory if you lose too much they could deem you not a good candidate for surgery. On the other hand, every pound you lose the heathy way should make you that much more fit for the operation (not if you malnourished though). Plus, if you really can lose it without surgery obviously not putting your body through surgery would be ideal. if the dieticians way is something you have never tried before and when you try it you feel like you can do it, losing weight without surgery is obviously preferred. BUT, just because the insurance company sees progress and decides that you should be able to lose it based on the trend doesn’t mean they are right (they are not doctors and should not be making these decisions IMO). I know myself I have probably lost 1000 pounds in my life but that’s because I have always lost a few and gained them back but never got near a healthy weight. Whether you have tried everything, including the dieticians way, only you know. I had sleeve three years ago and my high weight was 235 and I’m taller than you. So I was lower BMI as well. On surgery day I was 220ish and I was fine but I did not start losing until my pre op diet began. During my 6 month supervised diet I did follow the diet they set out for me to the best of my ability BUT the cheat days basically offset my progress so I didn’t really lose anything. Now I am considering revision and there is not any weight requirements as far as I know but I started at like 245 this time anyways so I’m not as afraid to lose a little. I asked him what I should do and he said to keep my Carbs below 40 for now (I am most likely having the SADI so carbs are gonna be most important post surgery). Well I am losing but less than a pound a week so no one is raising any eyebrows at my loss. Anyways If I was in your position I would reduce my calories by like 100 at a time and see how I felt after a week adjusting to that. (Mayne you can get to 1200 with the dieticians help and maybe you decide that you want to try it once the dieticians way before you decide). On days like you four hour swim I would ask the doctor their opinion because 1200 calories does not seem enough for that level of activity. I think if it was me, I would stick to eating healthy choices for now. Try out new, healthy recipes and get used to the food you will need to eat post surgery. I would try to get to the 1200 because they are the dietician but portion wise I would cut my calories slowly to get there and see how my body reacted at each stage. (Just be honest with yourself about whether you really need or just want the calories) if I was really losing more than ever before and it seemed like something I could sustain, I would then re-evaluate whether I should be jumping into major surgery just yet. But if I decided that i couldn’t do it on my own and for sure wanted surgery i would talk to my doctor about how much they would like to see me lose to be fit for surgery.
  19. That's an amazing amount of weight loss in such a short time (even if it may feel like longer, lol). You look incredible. I'm so happy for you! (re: lbs vs inches, I've always cared more about the size measurements rather than the weight. I only care what the scale says because it's easier to track how I'm doing on a given week -- but I'm much happier when my clothes start to feel too loose compared to anything I see when I look at the numbers between my toes)
  20. If you had a DS you are thought to absorb about 20% of the fat you eat, 60% of the protein you eat, and 100% of the carbs you eat. Your doctor should have explained this to you... The intestines can adapt some to the surgery over time, but most studies have shown DS patients continue to have malabsorption. That's the whole point of the surgery! In rare cases, there is a small number of patients who will lose more weight than they intend, or have excessive muscle wasting. The muscle wasting is normally due to not eating enough protein post surgery. A DS patient needs around 120 grams of protein a day, more if they workout trying to gain muscle. Are you taking your vitamins? Have you had your labs checked recently? In the case of someone who has lost more weight than they intended to with a DS, certain enzymes can be given to help them absorb more of the food they eat, or a surgical revision can be done to lengthen their common channel, giving them more length of small intestines to absorb calories from. Of the two, I'd try the enzymes first. If you gained up to 240 with the enzymes, clearly they were effective for you! So why not consider taking them on an alternating schedule, titrating the dose to slowly gain what you need, and then taper off of them and see if you can maintain?? If you want to do this with food you are probably looking at over 4,000 calories a day. That is going to be tough. You can only eat so much food in a day! DS patients usually don't count calories at all, we count macros because it is the macros that help us stay in our target range, since no one really knows exactly how many calories an individual with a DS surgery is going to absorb, we can only ballpark it. But you should be getting a LOT of protein and around 120-150 grams of fat, according to vets who have lived with this surgery for decades. To bulk, most people I know load up on carbs, which is not easy for a DS person unless you want to spend a lot of time in the bathroom, or you are lucky enough to actually tolerate a decent amount of carbs. But carbs will usually put weight on. If you want more people with DS to talk to, check the bariatricfacts.org forums. We are mostly DS people over there and most of the regular posters are vets. But be prepared, they are fans of straight talk and not everyone likes that!
  21. There's no shame in postponing or calling off the surgery if you're feeling uncertain about it. It's a big step to take, and there's no un-doing it. It can change your life for the better, but there's also lots of changes that become necessary that are difficult. Not to mention, any surgery carries risks associated. Maybe take this weekend to think about why you decided to get the surgery to begin with. Everyone's reasons are different, but for the most part I think a lot of us have had the up-down fluctuations, the diets that works and then the weight came back, the diets that never worked to begin with, etc. Is the weight loss your only goal, or do you have other obesity related health conditions that this would improve? Do the benefits to your life outweigh (hehe) the potential drawbacks? Also, question your uncertainty now. Is it because you think you haven't given other weight loss attempts a fair shot, and feel like you now can? Is it because you think the pre-op weight loss will continue at a similar rate, or do you feel like this jumpstart of weight loss has given you a better starting point to continue with other diet/exercise methods to lose the rest? Or is it because the surgery itself / risks / post-op side effects / etc are giving you reason to doubt? Like @SleeveToBypass2023 said, the pre-op diet isn't meant to last long term. It's basically a cleanse / crash diet to reduce complications prior to surgery. I don't know what your specific program had you on during this stage, but I had two weeks of 'medical shakes' that basically amounted to a starvation diet in terms of calories. My pre-op diet program definitely would not have been healthy to continue long term -- and honestly, it reminded me of other diets I tried in the past (looking at you 1990's slim fast) that would help you shed some quick initial pounds but came back ridiculously easily just trying to stay in 'maintenance'. There's no right or wrong answer here. No matter what choice you make, you'll be making in your own best interest.
  22. morgan rich

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    kindly check here for more Weight loss products that will help you. https://sites.google.com/view/weight-los3/home
  23. I've had this happen! My body seems to have some set points it is familiar with and I have noticed myself stalling at them or at least holding there for a week or two. My first stall post-op lasted 6 weeks and was at around the same weight I got to when I took Saxenda. I hope your stall is gone and over WAY before then!! It is interesting that your body picked that spot to stall at. I really wonder if the body has a variety of set points within it as opposed to just one. The way I understand it is that stalls mean our body has reached the point that we've lost enough it needs to reassure itself we aren't starving to death. So it stops weight loss, recalibrates, and assesses things before moving forward. It makes sense to me that for some of us this may happen at previous points of stalling or previous weights we stayed at for a while...
  24. Does anyone have preferences when it comes to summer or winter?, do you feel less or more motivated in a particular time or type of weather? does it impact aspects of your weight loss journeys??
  25. I wanted the best surgeon I could find that wasn't too far from where I live (within two or three hours). Although I would have been open to traveling if I couldn't find anyone in the region. I don't think he had the best bedside manner of those I did my consults with, but he specialized in plastic surgery for massive weight loss patients and had been doing this particular type of surgery for years...and years. He had excellent reviews. Of course, it's great if you really connect with the person, too - but you'll only be seeing this person a handful of times - if that - but you'll be living with the results of your surgery for the rest of your life. You might want to schedule a couple more consults before deciding. I found realself.com to be somewhat helpful when I was coming up with my list of potential surgeons. you're in California - Dr. Katzen is nationally known and specializes in massive weight loss patients, I believe. EDITED to add - looks like he does all kinds of plastic surgery, he doesn't specialize in massive weight loss patients. However, he's very well known in the bariatric community.

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