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Found 2,865 results

  1. Embrace the stalls! The 3 week stall might be your 1st but it definitely won't be your last. It's part of the process in becoming your new self. So don't get discourage, embrace them. Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. There are a lot of threads on here that talk about the 3 week stall. It is a thing and sounds like almost everyone has encountered it.
  3. It's called the 3 week stall. It usually starts around 21 days postop (anywhere from day 14-28ish), and can last for a week or two. Any day now you should start seeing things move again.
  4. Me too! Sleeved on 7/21, had the 3 week stall! HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG
  5. mytime4me

    JULY SLEEVERS- How are you doing?

    Anyone have their 3 week stall earlier? I was sleeved 7/28 and the second week post op lost only .1 lbs... I've been getting in close to 10,000 steps a day and meeting my protein and water goals...still eating puréed food and getting frustrated [emoji30]
  6. I am with ya'll...in the 3rd week now and scale hasn't moved. Glad I heard about the 3 week stall cuz I was freaking out....lol Not going to stress, just staying focused. I am happy with my 14lbs loss since surgery 7-21. I wish I would have taken body measurements because the inches are definitely falling off.!! HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG
  7. I hit the 3 week stall and didn't lose anything for 8 days. very frustrating, but it started again thank goodness. No myth for me
  8. 3 week stall is very, very real. Can happen at 2 weeks, or 4, but most people see the scale stop moving for a week or two around that time. AND, it's the first of many!
  9. Conduct a search of the terms "three-week stall," "third week stall" and "3 week stall." Yes, this phenomenon is so common it has a name. Most sleevers stall sometime between the second and fourth week post-op. Now, here's the hard part: stay off the scale for a few weeks and allow your body to sort out the trauma it's been through. Always expecting a daily or weekly loss is unrealistic. Post-sleeve weight loss happens in a non-linear, unpredictable manner: we lose a few pounds, hold onto some, then stall and plateau and even gain water weight at times before losing again. Be patient with the process. Good luck to you.
  10. sylvia2017

    So what does everyone eat?

    I'm almost 6 weeks out and I'm getting burnt out on yogurt and protein shakes too. They were my main source of protein for 4 weeks and I lost 50lbs. Now that I can eat real food I haven't lost a single lb in 2 weeks. I've heard about the 3 week stall. I hope I'll start back soon. I think I've got to lay off fruit and oj. I buy the trop 50 oj it's less sugar less fat but I love it. I want a salad so bad but I haven't tried raw veggies yet. Kinda afraid to try. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. I had VSG July 10th and had a one week stall (actually a small gain of 0.8) this past week. I finally broke the stall yesterday and dropped 3.9 over the past two days! I'm totally thrilled. There is so much excellent advice from experienced sleevers on this site about staying off the scale and expecting stalls, especially in the early weeks. All that good advice really helped me to keep a calm head during my dreaded 3 weeks stall. So, I want to pay it forward and reassure the newly sleeved that stalls are normal and nothing to freak out about! So many of us are emotional eaters and worrying about a stall can really lead to getting off track. Don't let the stall derail you! Stick to your program and you will drop the weight eventually!
  12. Wow that is huge progress!! 26 pounds post op is a lot! My dates and weights are similar but I'm only down 16 post op so far and I think I've just hit the 3 week stall.... It's so hard to eat "protein first" in this purée stage when there are hardly any protein options at this point. My carb grams each day are higher than I want them to be in the long run (50-60gs) but there just isn't much protein to eat besides the shakes. I still drink two shakes a day but really want to chew for the rest of my intake. Anyway, I hope I'm not stalling myself but having too many carbs. Keeping my daily calories under 700, usually closer to 500. It's all a head game isn't it!!!!
  13. I was sleeved July 10. Feeling great, but I'm in the dreaded 3 week stall. I haven't lost an ounce in a week. I'm trying not to let it get me down because a lot of people experience this. *I will not complain. *I will not complain. *I will not complain.
  14. CalgaryWoman

    Full now starving?!

    Hi Folks, I was wondering if someone could share some insight..... I'm 4 weeks post op and right in the middle of the "3 week stall". I was super full after any and all liquids. Now I'm am eating food and even thought I find I mainly eat protein I'm starving. I can only eat maybe 2oz of protein at a time but then about 1hr later I'm starving, my stomach is talking, it's empty. Any ideas as to what is going on and how to deal with this? Terrified I'm eating to much or stretching my sleeve.
  15. My 3 week stall lasted 5 weeks, and finally broke with a loss of 3 pounds. Following week lost 1 pound. Very frustrating. I did lose 4 inches during the stall however. I just never expected to be losing this slowly. 9 weeks out and only down 18 pounds.
  16. You're in the "3 week stall", just a smidge late No worries, it will break in a week or two. Get out of the habit of only eating when you're hungry. That could be until Christmas. Try to get on a schedule of 5-6 small meals a day. You need to keep your blood sugar levels (I.E. Strength) up. Liquid protein sources are the easiest this early out. Protein shakes, milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, refried beans...
  17. NikkiPen

    Three Weeks Post Op Stall

    Very typical. 3 week stall (Google it) But if you take some measurements, you're likely shifting, losing inches during this time, so pat yourself on the back for a job well done!!! HW 370, SW 350, SD 6/20/17
  18. Introversion

    Stalled after week two

    Yes, it's totally normal. Look up the "3 week stall," also known as the "third week stall." This phenomenon is so common it even has a name. NOTE: the third-week stall can start anytime during the 2nd and 4th postoperative week, but usually starts at week 3. You are probably entering your stall / plateau slightly early. Just keep doing what you're doing and try to stay off the scale...the stall will bust. Also, unless you were super morbidly obese (BMI greater than 50) at surgery, it's unlikely you'll be a 30-pound-a-month loser. Good luck to you.
  19. I have been in the dreaded "3 week stall" for about a week now, which corresponds to the time I started introducing the standard "real" foods (cottage cheese, tuna, yogurt, etc.). Are the two related? Just curious about others' experience.
  20. Berry78

    Best protein shakes and why

    By "tolerate", I actually didn't mean physically sick.. just a taste revolt. I tried only about 5 different brands of the low carb ones. So is there one that I could possibly take and be happy about it? Sure.. probably. But I wasn't willing to go through the time and expense to figure it out. I already had to throw out $70 worth of ones I couldn't use. So, yes.. I was drinking 40g of carbs with 40g of protein. My carbs during weeks 2-4 were between 60g and 90g per day... which may seem high compared to many post op peeps.. but I don't mind. I lost 17lbs the first month, which was good enough for me.. and more importantly, I didn't lose my MIND! lol! We have the 3 week stall.. we should have the "6 week psycho".. and I think it's cuz people try TOO hard, too early out.
  21. melty29

    Pureed diet

    I started my liquid pre op on June 6 and since then I have lost 23 pounds. I hit the expected and much talked about 3 week stall . Thankfully I read enough posts to not get upset when the scale didn't move much. I haven't weighed this week yet. It's that time of the month and I don't want to get discouraged.
  22. YeaMe

    Losing weight! STALL

    There is the dreaded 3 week stall, 6 week stall, and pretty much stalls through the entire journey. It WILL happen, it WILL pass. Just keep yourself on track and probably off the scale.
  23. Apple1

    Weight Stand Still

    research the 3 week stall. It is very common, and it wont be the last stall either. Your body needs time to catch up and even when the scale is not dropping you are most likely losing inches. Did your doc or nut talk about stalls at all? I am curious because this questions pops up everyday and a bunch of us were wondering if doctors weren't telling their patients.
  24. Sparklequeen

    April 2017 sleevers how's it going?

    Update, currently at 231 when I weighed last Saturday. I hit a 3 week stall in June as well. I'm trying to hit 221 by the end of July. I go on vacation on august 18th to vegas and I'm realllllly hoping to be at least 215 by then[emoji3] Start W-263 Currently-231 Surgery date-4/19/17

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