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Question for the Ladies
MeltsIntoWonder replied to MeltsIntoWonder's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Some days are easier than others. The first few days were certainly the worst, though I am struggling today for some reason. I find myself going to bed a little earlier than usual, partly due to fatigue, but mostly because nighttime is when I usually snack. On Saturday, I attended a soccer (sorry - football) match, where there was an open bar and free food, and I somehow managed to get through it, but it's not an experience I'd like to have again until I am much further along in this process. Seeing the weight start to come off quickly has been a big motivator as well. For me, at least, the key has been making sure I am constantly sipping on something, so I stay relatively full. That being said, it's certainly not the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but I am very much looking forward to having this part done and over with. -
I'm at the early stages of my VSG adventure. When I joined this forum I set up a ticker and was deciding on my goal weight. How did others here choose a goal weight? Is it a weight you'd be happy with? Is it your ideal (based on BMI) weight? Is it your high school weight? What's realistic? In high school I was 150 and would be thrilled to hit that. I chose 160 as I'd be very happy there. According to the standard BMI charts I should be 140 - I don't think I was ever that thin in high school.
With my first apt.they did height, weight. Then into another room with NUT and RN, they talked about what I ate and habits I needed to break. Onto my medication lists and problems I have, sleep apnea, copd ect... Saw the surgeon I was terrified! lol. But he talked nice explained what we were doing and asked if I had questions. I also got the 6 month PCP nut appointments and what I have to go through like psychiatrist and cardio and more. Really wasn't bad but I was there good 2 hours. Go be happy and learn all you can.
Please Be Respectful – Reminder of Terms of Service We started to help the Gastric Bypass community. The site is dedicated to you whether you are a veteran Bypass patient, a new Gastric Bypass patient or someone who’s considering the Gastric Bypass as a weight loss surgery option. We are proud of the wealth of information and resources available on the site 24/7. Our greatest asset is our members. You keep the site active and provide member-to-member advice and encouragement. To promote a welcome atmosphere and recognize your value in’s success, membership is free for everyone. Your free membership grants access to all site resources and also gives you full abilities to post on the boards. From the conversations on the boards and feedback we receive from members, we know has been successful in reaching out to thousands of members and making a positive difference regardless of where you are in your weight loss journey. The welcoming, respectful atmosphere of sets it apart from many other online, public communities. All members should feel comfortable expressing their viewpoints, whether or not they agree with the majority. Please Review the Terms of Service! However, due to some recent incidents that have come to our attention, we at would like to remind members of some of the board guidelines. These guidelines are within the Alex Brecher, founder of, if you have any concerns or if you feel that another member is violating the terms of service. We depend on members to keep positive and welcoming so that all members can feel comfortable participating. What Can You Do to Help? Thankfully, the vast majority of our members are phenomenal community members! These are some of the ways that you can help maintain the integrity of our boards. If you see a post that violates the terms of service, report it by clicking on “Report Post.” We do our best to moderate the forums, but can’t possibly read each post. Be courteous, regardless of whether your post is in agreement or disagreement of other posts. Reread your post before posting. Is it really saying what you intend, or could another member accidentally read it differently and find it offensive? Reread others’ posts before taking offense. Maybe the post is badly worded and the member isn’t being as aggressive as it appears. Don’t respond to rudeness – remember that it takes two to have an argument! Thank you to all of our members for your continued support of Each day, thousands of you contribute in positive and meaningful ways. Your participation and adherence to the terms of service let remain at the forefront of weight loss surgery support groups.
CRAP! Have I made a mistake before surgery?
MyKidsMom89 replied to MyKidsMom89's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
You;re right, McButterpants! (love that name, by the way!) I don't think this would be sustainable in the long term. I think I am just super-driven at this point,and want to get the weight off while I wait for my surgery date. Thanks so much for easing my mind! -
Hey everyone!!! After almost 6 months of tests and a 3 month program that is required through my insurance I finally have a surgery date for June 26!!! woot woot!! Im super duper exited!!! I cant wait to lose weight and my chances of being a mother can increase!!
Surgery Date! *july 11*
Ellie_Grace replied to Sandy09's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Congrats this week will just fly by yet drag at the same time. LOL enjoy your last week and be ready for this life changing event. Before you know it you'll be a one month post op bragging about your weight loss! -
Surgical Center Vs. Hospital
LouiseC replied to ThinkThin78's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Your recovery will be smoother if you lose weight prior to surgery. The risks will decrease if you have a BMI of less than 50. Also, it is good to get your body used to the changes in diet, to reduce the size of your liver and to have a clean system prior to the surgery. Sent from my iPad using VST -
I have to ask, how tall are you? 200 is not a bad weight for many
Weight Management (Weight Loss/gain)
DaniG replied to sharoncarrie's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I gained 6 lbs on my final weigh in and my insurance company ok'ed my surgery. They know why we need the surgery. I kinda went crazy and ate everything I wanted bc I knew I wouldn't be able to eat my faves again. Now I'm 2 weeks out and 21 lbs lighter. So happy. Good luck to you on your journey. -
Lapband issues-converting to sleeve
paireyes posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I had lapband surgery approximately 5 years ago. I did very, very well. I started off at 289 pounds after years of hormone therapy and poor eating habits. 5 months before my surgery, I started eating as if I had already had lapband surgery. I lost 60 pounds. I lost so much weight my insurance company almost refused to pay for the surgery. I made a quick decision to have it within a few weeks. I was so concerned that I would yoyo and not be able to maintain. I believe the most I ever had in my band was about 4 cc, which is not a lot as compared to some of my friends and acquaintances. . And I've had no Fluid in my band for a very, very long time. My lowest weight was 118, which was my original weight in my early twenties. Although I felt OK, I feel my best and even look healthier when I'm maintaining 140 to 150 pounds. Without any fluid in my band, I'm pretty much able to maintain that. However, I started having problems swallowing. That then moved to dehydration. Long story short, at this point it is probable I have scar tissue wrapped around my lap band because all these symptoms point towards it. It has to be removed and will be on July the 7th. I MUST EMPHASIZE THAT THE LAPBAND WAS GOOD FOR ME EVEN IF NOT FOR OTHERS. MY PROBLEM APPEARS TO BE UNAVOIDABLE SCAR TISSUE. I am basically on high Protein and high calorie liquids although I am able to eat some slider foods. Funny enough, all the bad stuff goes down relatively easy as long as I'm drinking. meats are out of the question, especially chicken and pork. Even milkshakes have become my friend. In just a few weeks I've gained about 23 pounds. The edema is back in my ankles and calves. Blood pressures are up. Cholesterol is already up. All of these things were absolutely perfect after I lost the weight. I know I've been able to maintain, but I think I am panicking again. I am worried about putting on weight. It's not about appearance. Is it about my health. My family saw me lose the weight before my lap band surgery and saw me pretty much maintain without a lot of band influence for a few years. Therefore, no one is very on board with me considering the gastric sleeve. They feel it is drastic, but having attended the class and spoken to a sleeve patient, I am moving forward with the surgery and I'm excited. I am looking for any tidbits of advice that anyone may have for preoperative and immediate postoperative at this time. I feel I have a little knowledge advantage because I've been there before. But, especially if you have converted, I would love to know your thoughts... -
I have MS and self-paid, but that was because I had a BMI of 35 and no co-morbidities. The MS didn't seem to be affected by surgery or my weight loss. I didn't relapse and I feel great.
Worried About Pre-Op Weight Loss
Half~of~Bri posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
My surgery is 2 weeks from tomorrow. My surgeon doesn't do the liquid diet so I'm just on a really restricted low cal/low fat/low EVERYTHING tasty diet I've lost 15 lbs. so far. My fear is this won't be enough to make a significant difference in my liver size before surgery. I'm hoping to lose more before surgery but my weight loss slowed down a lot once I hit about 14 lbs. How will I know if I've done enough? I have a pre-op appointment with my surgeon and the hospital tomorrow and I'm not sure what to expect from that or if I'll have to do liquids in the last few days before surgery either. -
Why Do I Have To Lose Weight For Lapband?
Cazzy replied to patient's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I weighed 400 lbs when i first started but had to lose 30lbs pre-op its not just about losing weight its about making sure your liver has shrunk and that u dont have too much fat around the stomach so the band will actually fit , and ofc standing a better chance of recovering well from surgery .. this is the time when your resolve and determination of getting a band will indicate for you whether u can make it work for you post surgery .. good luck ! -
Bikram, westgate glendale AZ, bow pulling pose weight 235
goddessblaze posted a gallery image in Member Photo Gallery
From the album: nothing under 200lbs
Thank you! Yup that's me not only am I fighting the weight battle.. This has also been a battle.. I know worth it but every step of the way has been something... Good luck everyone
Congratulations on your weight loss and I'm sorry to hear that you've got a slip. Have you discussed replacing the band with your surgeon? Staying on a liquid diet for 30 days and "hoping" the slip does not progress would not be my idea of an ideal solution.
I Got A Surgery Date, September 18Th!
chunkypudding replied to chunkypudding's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Thanks! It has already started to blur together- sleep study, weight checks, psych visits, etc... Will be nice to get to go a few weeks with no doctors at all. After all, life keeps going on around me. Isn't that why I'm doing this? If all goes well, I should lose most of my weight by spring next year. I can't wait for swimming, fishing, hiking, and camping again! -
Oh cowgirlJane, any advice for me. I'd like to be just as successful as you. The reason I wanted the gastric is because after reading about others experience post revision , I didn't think one could lose all if the weight. But you've inspired me. Can you give me the date in which you has the revision , how long it took. Etc. thank you
Scared that they won't approve my surgery
BlackBerryJuice replied to sarahh1828's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
If she doesn't approve you, you should not-so-gently suggest she stick to her area of expertise (mental issues) rather than issues that a physician should be dealing with (slow metabolism hindering your weightloss). There could be a myriad reasons why you haven't lost weight, and they have nothing to do with how "ready" you are for surgery. -
Scared that they won't approve my surgery
sarahh1828 replied to sarahh1828's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I told her I've kept at the calorie count recommended. I no longer eat fast food. I don't even allow chips or chocolate in my home. I've made HUGE changes, but my weight just isn't coming off. I've lost a few inches, but no difference on the scale. -
Scared that they won't approve my surgery
sarahh1828 posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
So, I had my psych consult last Wednesday, and it didn't go so well. She implied that I am definately not serious enough about this surgery since I haven't lost weight on my "diet." I am serious, I just have a really hard time losing (weight unless I'm at like 900 calories), while I'm on birth control pills. I've also had to switch pills at least twice during the 12 weeks I've been on my diet. I really hope that this doesn't mean that I can't have the surgery. -
Well, the doc and I finally decided on the bypass over the sleeve. My surgery date is this coming Thursday. It’s unbelievable to me that less than 45 days ago I had my first consultation about weight loss surgery and now BAM!! Here we go…. I start the bowel prep tomorrow, and man…I so am not looking forward to it. I don’t have the luxury of taking the day off from work (as I’m taking almost all my vacation time for the recovery), so I’ve got to suck it up and down that stuff between 10am – Noon. An entire gallon of it!! And of course making sure I have a beeline to the crapper. That and the fact I’m done eating solid food for...well, I guess 3 week after the surgery. It’s funny the relationship I have with food. I’m having real remorse about not eating. Not that I’m hungry, just, not being able to eat with my family. I can deal with not eating, but I think I’ll have a tuff time watching my family eat “real food” while I have my bowl of Jell-O…sigh Anyway, it’s what we have to go thru though. It’s what’s required…damnit I hope I can get through tomorrow without any bathroom accidents….YIKES. -Jason
Liver Not Small Enough
mybella replied to KristinsMommy's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I am on my 14th day of my liquid diet and I am on the 3rd of the 14th day of clear liquid diet. I had to do only 3 shakes of 27gram of whey protein and water. I became constipated half way through it and too a laxative before I got to my second week and the dr told me to eat a few cups of brocolli or something with no or low carb fiber also I could use very low sodium broth so I I did and I was better but I was worried about being binded still. I was surprised that I was not that hungry, and when I did feel hungry on the diet, drinking flavored water did help. I like the crystal light lemon and tea flavor and I would heat that up when I wanted to drink. I stayed away from caffine as well. I did drink decaf herbal tea. I am hungry now and I am allowed clear juices no surger not diet, but I have to drink diet cranberry juice. The juice have a lot of suger and calories and carbs, but they want that because your body needs those things. I have been tired on the and have not exercised on the 3 day liquid diet. No energy. the juices are 1/2 cup to 1/4 an I probably have had closer to 1/2 to a 1 cup and I am hoping that is not too much sugar. I only lose 9 pounds in 14 days probably because of the constipation. I will be measuring to see if I loss inches. Remember my liquid diet was very strick. I have loss 25 pounds since May 22, so I think my liver has sprunk by now. So if you have been losing weight during this process and you stick to your liquid diet you should be fine. Good luch. -
My Journey Has Begun. First Steps Taken. Feeling Motivated
Rovobay posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
May 22nd I found a PCP and met with her. We had a good appointment where we discussed my weight and goals. At the end of the appointment she has made the decision to refer me to a local weight loss center which is covered by my insurance. The next day I went to get blood work. I am so happy to get the ball rolling and wage war against the bulging belly! The following are requirements for approval for insurance coverage. Benefits for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity, performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis, are subject to the pre-surgical requirements listed below. The member must meet all requirements. − Diagnosis of morbid obesity (as defined on page 63) for a period of 2 years prior to surgery − Participation in a medically supervised weight loss program, including nutritional counseling, for at least 3 months prior to the date of surgery. (Note: Benefits are not available for commercial weight loss programs; see page 42 for our coverage of nutritional counseling services.) − Pre-operative nutritional assessment and nutritional counseling about pre- and post-operative nutrition, eating, and exercise − Evidence that attempts at weight loss in the 1 year period prior to surgery have been ineffective − Psychological clearance of the member’s ability to understand and adhere to the pre- and post-operative program, based on a psychological assessment performed by a licensed professional mental health practitioner (see page 95 for our payment levels for mental health services) − Member has not smoked in the 6 months prior to surgery − Member has not been treated for substance abuse for 1 year prior to surgery and there is no evidence of substance abuse during the 1-year period prior to surgery I will be having my surgery at Legacy Weight and Diabetes Institute. I still have no idea what surgery will be best for me, but from as much as I have read and heard, my personal choice would be gastric sleeve. Time will tell! just happy to start my journey and it truly began on this site. your support and information has been amazing. Thank you