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  1. Nan CC

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I need to rant a little! I have always struggled with excess weight in my adult life. Over the years I tried Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, my own thing, you name it. For the past 8 years I have been struggling to lose 50-60 lbs. It was extremely difficult for me to lose anything at all unless I severely limited calories - like 800, 900 per day - which I could only do with the help of prescription medicines. When I'd stop taking them the weight would come back despite that fact that I was rarely overeating, usually around 1500 calories per day. Over the years I gained and lost the same weight this way. I took Contrave, but it hyped me up so badly I couldn't stand it. I took Belviq, which worked well - I didn't care if I ate or not so it was easy to consume so few calories, but it was taken off the market. I used Qysmia, which also worked the same way. I lost 30 lbs, but I was paying out of pocket and couldn't afford it any more. One of my issues is that I lose weight VERY slowly, and it was frustrating to work so hard and lose a pound or 2 a month. After gaining all the weight back plus 10 more pounds in 2 years, I knew I could lose it again by getting back on Qysmia but I couldn't bear the thought of the "yoyo" again. I'm 67 and have diabetes and heart disease in my family, which I was afraid of developing if I didn't take and keep the weight off. I'm on blood pressure and cholesteroI meds already. I can't play with a yoyo any longer at this point in my life and so I began to consider sleeve gastrectomy. I researched and thought about it for a long time before finally having surgery 1/24/24. Yesterday it was 4 weeks since surgery. In the 1st 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs. While I hoped to lose more, this was a good result because before surgery it would have taken me about 6 months to lose 10 lbs. Victory!! Or so I thought. Since then, however, I haven't lost any weight. I've read about the 3 week stall, which I guess is what I am experiencing. I think I get it. And at the same time I am enormously frustrated and sometimes find myself thinking that I made this drastic and permanent change in my life only to have the same result - consuming very little calorically and the weight just not coming off. Except now I'm consuming even fewer calories (still on purees). And on top of that, I am hungry almost all day. After breakfast, I wait 15 minutes and start on water/fluids again. Fifteen minutes after that, I am hungry again. And yes, it's genuine hunger - with growling and an empty feeling. Eating 1/4 cup of food is not filling me up. I am getting usually around 70g of protein each day in what I'm eating and drinking, so it's not that. I had some wild expectations, I'll admit. My doctor gave me a goal weight that requires me to lose 50 lbs. (60 for a "stretch" goal). I (crazily) thought that it would take about 2 months to lose that much. I've since realized that with relatively little to lose it will go slower, but geez! For who knows what reason, I also thought I would hardly ever be hungry. Five days post op, natural hunger returned. I was mad! And surprised, but I relied on this forum and learned that hunger was still normal. I thought once I could actually eat something it would be more like "normal" hunger - like before surgery - when it was about time to eat. Instead I find that I am often just hungry all day (usually worse at night) and the amount I'm eating isn't enough. I eat the recommended 2 oz of food and I never feel full, but I stop because that is the recommended amount. The instructions I've been given have implied that this should be more than enough to fill me at this point and that I might not even be able to finish that much, but it hasn't been the case for me. In 30 minutes or so, it's like I didn't eat anything and I'm hungry again. Of course I realize that a lot of my problem is my unrealistic expectations. But sometimes I do feel frustrated that I did this drastic thing only to have nothing change - I still can't lost weight. Mostly, reason prevails and I know that sooner or later the weight has got to come off. Reason is reassuring for the mental issue I have here, but reason does nothing to help the hunger. Ok, rant over. Does anyone have experience like this? Very slow loss and constant hunger? Does the weight loss pick up? How long does the 3 week stall last? Does the hunger ever return to normal? Help!!
  2. Arabesque

    VSG stall

    It takes more calories to run your body at a higher weight & fewer to run your body at a lower weight. So yes being able to lose at a similar calorie intake at a higher weight but then being unable to lose still eating the same at a lower weight is to be expected. It’s like reaching maintenance. Remember too,1800 calories is 1800 calories regardless if it comes from a burger & fries or three nutrient dense healthy meals. The quality of the food matters for the health benefits & ensuring your body functions most effectively. I’d hammer your surgeon & dietician for help & answers. Maybe GLP 1 meds may be of help or a revision. If my maths is correct, you’ve lost 8 stone in total? That’s great! Don’t forget to celebrate that.
  3. SeattleLady

    Progress 7 Weeks Out

    I don't know how much this will help. My highest weight presleeve was 283 pounds(p) in 2014. When I got to the table, my weight was 243p. My lowest weight postsleeve was 181p. 2017 started gaining weight and really bad GERD. It took until 09/25/2023 to have revision. I am now GERD free and losing weight. I have no regrets. Fight for your health like your life depends on it, and that's what I did. Yes, sleeve to bypass. Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Jalapeño

    No forum for SADI patients?

    I totally agree with the part about those patients who have had bariatric surgery, but ended up losing much more weight than they anticipated, looking emaciated. I had the mini gastric bypass procedure and ended up looking like a prisoner from a concentration camp.
  5. Have you had any answers about why you’re not losing weight? I have a similar start weight and haven’t lost since two weeks post op as well. I’m nearly two months in so not as far along but I feel like I can eat more than I should be able to so I make sure to count calories but still not losing any weight
  6. Hello everyone - I need advice. The 16th anniversary of my surgery was yesterday. It's been a wild and wonderful sixteen years. I have lost 90 pounds. Many changes during these years. Mostly all good. I turned 60 years old in April. I have noticed in the past few months that I feel hungry more often, and I've seen my weight go up. It's not going up by much but just the fact that it seems to be increasing is concerning to me. All these years I've been able to literally eat ANYTHING I want with no gain at all. I don't know if my insides have changed or it's the fact that I turned 60, but I want to put a stop to whatever this is RIGHT NOW. For those of you out there to whom this has happened, what did you do? I would appreciate any and all suggestions and tips you might have... Thank you, Lisa in Scranton PA
  7. Arabesque

    belly size still big?

    I’ll add to @SleeveToBypass2023 response. We all carry our weight in different places. If you carried it in your tummy, this will take the longest to go simply because it has the densest volume of fat. For some it might be their thighs or their butts. Even when you get to your goal you may still carry some weight there. But yes as @SleeveToBypass2023 said, this will also likely be where you have the most loose skin after too. Out of curiosity, have you had children? There could have diastasis recti where the abdominal muscles that separate during pregnancy don’t rejoin after. It can cause your tummy to protrude. Congrats on your weight loss so far. Wonderful.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Not losing weight

    My first (of MANY stalls) was at 2 1/2 weeks. Every time I have a stall, I gain 3-4 pounds. Then I gain and lose the same 2-3 pounds throughout the stall. Once it finally breaks, I lose like 5 pounds in 1shot, then go back to losing my normal 2-4 pounds a week until another stall hits. That's why paying close attention to Non Scale Victories (NSVs) is so so important.
  9. LosingGravity

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Just had sleeve on January 22 and doing well so far. Still learning how to navigate this new way of life. I’ve gained so much from all of your posts and want to thank you. Happy healing as we begin this journey…
  10. NickelChip

    Struggling to stop losing

    Dang. That eliminates what I would say. I will say this, though. Did these same people tell you to your face you were "too fat" when you were obese and your weight was actively trying to shorten your lifespan? Or is it just your skinniness that worries them? Because you are right in the middle of a healthy weight range right now. You could drop to 125 lbs and STILL be 100% healthy and normal weight. So, if these people weren't telling you every day when you were 262 lbs how worried they were about your weight, I don't think I'd trust their judgement where weight is concerned. I'm not saying the comments don't come from a place of love, but they do seem to come from a place of ignorance.
  11. Hi everyone! So I've been scouring the internet (and the forums lol) for information on menstruation complications post WLS. I've seen plenty of 'scientific' and medical journals talk about how menstrual cycles are better regulated after Gastric Bypass & Sleeve surgeries, and even more comments from WLS patients about how their cycles went haywire, flows became excessive, pain levels increased, etc. Myself, (prior to my WLS) I've always had fairly regular cycles, always heavy flow -- other than at certain points of severe weight gain where I would start skipping (once for 6 months!) or just get trickles of a flow. Other than in my early teens, I never experienced spotting -- whether pre-cycle or between cycles. Now, 2 months post-op I've been getting ... spotting. I think. Again, I've barely ever experienced spotting before but for the past 4 days I've had red/brown discharge on liners & when I wipe. Today one of my ovaries feels sore and my lower back is acting up in a suspiciously pre-period way. I sent a message to my care team -- but they never reply on Fridays to begin with and it's a long weekend here so I doubt I'll hear back from them until Tues/Wed. Would love to get more input on people's personal experiences, whether it's recent post-op or years down the line. Commiserate, complain, let me know this is an (unfortunately) normal thing.
  12. Arabesque

    April Surgery

    That’s pretty much what to expect in the first month (around 15-25lbs). Those who lose those large amounts of 30, 40 or so pounds the first month usually start of at a weight much higher than your’s like on My 600lb Life. And 100% of what @summerseeker said. Never compare yourself to others. It will mess with your head bad! Congrats on your surgery & your weight loss so far. Wonderful!
  13. Hello! My surgery is scheduled for 7/10. I am having the gastric bypass. I'm on the pre-op diet right now. Doing well but am so weak from this diet. Last night I could barely finish my evening meal - got nauseated and just felt terrible. This is a revision surgery. I had the VSG 2914, lost 100. Foot surgery and the covid lockdown started my regain of 80 lbs. The surgery is to fix my hernia and hopefully get rid of my acid reflux. I am hoping to lose but more importantly to maintain my weight loss. I'm currently on 3 hbp meds and 3 acid reflux meds. How do I complete the settings about my surgery, weight, etc.?
  14. Hi, I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am. Any advice or help would be appreciated.
  15. Arabesque

    Hair loss!

    Temporary hair loss is very common after surgery. Your body is going through a lot is stress: the surgery, reduced food intake, weight loss, anaesthetic, hormonal flushes & changes, etc. The result is a temporary acceleration of your natural hair loss cycle. It actually can occur after child birth, periods of extreme stress, other more major surgeries, etc. The hair you are losing is dead & you were going to lose it anyway just not as quickly. You can’t stop it. Or slow it down. Some people will suggest adding additional supplements but this period of hair loss still lasts about 4 month -/+ regardless of taking the additional supplements or not. Those supplements won’t help hair that is already dead. As long as you’re taking the vitamins your team recommends & are meeting your protein & other nutritional goals, you don’t need to do anything else. Your new hair is still growing just at its usual rate & it is only this new growth that may benefit from the supplements. How much you’ll lose is very individual & you can’t predict it. You may lose more if it’s summer (when we usually shed more hair) or if you are in your 7 year hair shedding cycle (just went through mine again & was losing a lot more than usual). Try cutting off some of your length if you have longer hair. Many of us do this so the new growth reaches the length of the old growth more quickly. And shorter hair is always bouncier & looks fuller than long. I decided some temporary hair loss is a small price to pay for the benefits of your weight loss. Oh, and try not to stress too much - it only adds to the stress your body is already under which influences the hair loss. PS: You can update your weight by scrolling to near the bottom of this page. You’ll see a section titled Together we have lost… Add your current weight & click Update Your Weight. It will display the next time you start a thread or respond to a post.
  16. I am in the looking stage, I JUST had my appt with my surgeon and he was like HOLY **** (not really his words) but he said I am above the curve, but told me he wouldn't sign off on the surgery until at least a year. he said any weight that I lose right now is bonus weight loss. That I could really work on maintaining if I wanted but If I lost more it would help with the regain if there is some. He told me to wait the year, plus the plastic surgeon said she would need my WLS surgeon and primary to sign off. So I already got the NO LOL *LE SIGH*
  17. As the weeks & months pass we slowly but surely increase our intake so I wouldn’t think the low calories we consume is truely sustained as it’s continuously increasing. And it affects our metabolism in the way you’re thinking either. The recognised benefits of weight loss surgery include resetting your body’s set point, digestive hormones & metabolism. Of course the resetting is different for everyone but there is improvement fir everyone & I so love & appreciate how it did that for me. I spent years & years eating one meal a day or skipping lunch & only eating two meals a day. That is sustained low calorie in my thinking ( years not months) & yes it did wreck my metabolism. I could barely lose anything even following those 500 calorie a day diets (talking a couple of kilograms over 6 or more weeks). Similarity to @ms.sss, in the first weeks after surgery I was eating around 200 then 300 calories. By 6 months, at my goal I was barely consuming 900. My weight finally stabilised at 18 months when I was consuming around 1300. Now at 5 years post surgery, I eat about 1600 calories yet am still the same weight I was when I stabilised. And unlike @ms.sss, I’m not what anyone would describe as active. Just do a series of exercises using residence bands & stretches at varying times through out the day. I wouldn’t burn 30 calories. BMR calculators do give you an idea of what your caloric needs might be but as @ms.sss said the results are based on averages much like BMI & the calculators that suggest how much weight you may lose after surgery are. The averages only take into account some basic factors & don’t consuder your individual needs, medical & weight loss history, genetics, activity levels, muscle density, etc., etc. Actually, have you considered doing a dexa scan just to see where you are in regards to muscle & fat density now & repeating it in the future to see your progress? Weight loss can continue for 18 months to 2 years after surgery so don’t give up yet and you won’t actually know what your caloric needs are until your weight has stabilises for some time - months or a year. PS - My surgeon & dietician also didn’t advise to count calories. I just did it randomly out of my own interest & curiosity. Quality of the food I was consuming was more important.
  18. Arabesque

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    Your weight loss is not over until it’s over. Losing for 18 months to 2 years isn’t that uncommon. Your weight loss will naturally slow as you’re able to eat more (this is supposed to happen) & you get closer to your final weight (your new set point) & closer to consuming the number of calories your body needs to function effectively. When it happens to you depends upon those things & some other factors. I reached my goal at 6 months. Like @ms.sss, I too took a while to work out what my maintenance calories were & to be able to eat that much so also did not intentionally mean to lose more. I continued to lose for another 11 or so months. Definitely noticed slowing down at about 5 months (maybe a little before & it got slower & slower. I lost another 11kgs over those last 11 months & in the last of those months I was losing grams in a week and maybe half a kilo a month. So I lost for about 18 months in total but it was obviously where my body wanted me to be (my new set point). I ate a bare 900 calories at 6 months. Got to around 1300 at 18 months. I eat about 1600 calories a day now yet I still weigh the same as I did when my weight stabilised at 18 months.
  19. Bypass2Freedom


    Heya! My surgery is next week, but my birthday is about 3 and a bit weeks after that, so I have been asking myself the same question! My plan is to make everything as non-centered around food as possible. I am hoping to go to an animal experience so I can pet some capybaras, and then just see my family and watch some movies or something! Don't get me wrong, it feels weird that this will be the first birthday in like 28 years where I haven't had cake, but at least I should be feeling happier for the first time in many years! Where I have lost something, I will also gain! Happy belated birthday ❤️
  20. hills&valleys

    Let's Collect Some Data!

    Today marks my one year anniversary of my VSG. This was the best gift I could have given myself. As promised, I am back to give my 12 month update. I hope all will follow up with status updates so the results can be tabulated. 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE (at time of surgery) , HEIGHT - F, 62, 5'5" 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) - 6.5 LBS 3.Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. - 202.5 LBS 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery - 187.4 LBS 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery - 170.8 LBS 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery - 149.2 LBS 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery - 134.2 LBS
  21. Like weight loss before and after photos but of your new diet ! I'm especially interested in before and after meal photos (take a pic at the point you feel restriction) but it can be of recipe substitutions, your refrigerator/pantry/shopping cart/etc VSG2017 HW 249 SW 238 CW 167
  22. Here are some vegetarian recipes that are not only delicious but also great for weight loss: 1. Quinoa Salad with Roasted Vegetables: Packed with protein and fiber, this colorful salad is both satisfying and nutritious. 2. Lentil Soup: High in protein and low in fat, lentil soup is filling and comforting, perfect for keeping you full without excess calories. 3. Veggie Stir-Fry: Loaded with colorful veggies and tofu or tempeh, stir-fries are quick, easy, and customizable for weight loss goals. 4. Zucchini Noodles with Pesto: Replace traditional pasta with zucchini noodles for a lighter option, topped with homemade pesto for flavor without excess calories. 5. Chickpea Salad: Chickpeas are rich in protein and fiber, making them a great base for salads. Combine with veggies and a light dressing for a satisfying meal. These recipes focus on whole, plant-based ingredients that are low in calories but high in nutrients, making them ideal for supporting weight loss goals. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors and ingredients to find what works best for you!
  23. NickelChip

    What about all those clothes?

    I have a local consignment shop where I may take a few things if they're still decent, but I have to confess, my wardrobe lately has been absolute crap. I had bought some cute stuff in a 1x back around 2018, but I gained weight and was wearing 2x and 3x when I moved in 2020, so I got rid of everything. I didn't want to buy an expensive new wardrobe at a higher weight, so everything I have now is cheap Walmart stuff that I'm happy to donate. Thinking about the future, though, I am embracing the idea of a capsule wardrobe, where you buy maybe 10 pieces of clothing that can all be worn mix-and-match, and you change up the look with accessories. When I think about how much clothing I will be getting rid of, it sickens me a little to contemplate buying all of it again. Especially since I only really wear a handful of things regularly. If I had two pairs of leggings, a skirt, a dress, 5 tops, and a lightweight sweater, that would pretty much cover me for 99% of my clothing needs each season. Now to remind myself of this when temptation rears its head the minute I can shop off the rack in all those stores that have nothing in my size right now.
  24. K Ramirez

    Needing some encouragement

    Though I appreciate the comment, I am listening to my team. Like stated in the post, my nutritionist doesn't seem to care so I had to find a new nutritionist and I'm following her instructions. This comment is not encouraging at all. Not once did I say I was disappointed I couldn't force myself to lose weight and I didn't say at all I was expecting a healthy weight 1 month post surgery. Have a good day.
  25. BlondePatriotInCDA

    For those having doubts...

    I want to address those who might be struggling with the big decision on if they should go through with bariatric surgery, let me say this; 1. I have lost 33% of my weight so far. Even like you, I struggled with it having tried every diet known to human kind - I'd lose and gain..you know the routine. 2. I have officially been taken off all my meds; pre-diabetes and hypertension meds, this alone should convince you that having the surgery is a healthy choice and will help extend your life and reduce the drag on your wallets having to purchase meds for the rest of your life with the possibility of more being added. 3. You've probably tried everything else, what do you have to lose other than your weight? Its one of the most successful safe surgeries out there. 4. You'll have so much to look forward too in your life, I'm sure you have a mental image of how you'd like to see yourself if you were healthy and thinner. Having the surgery IF recommended by your bariatric surgeon will bring about that change. Let you be the thinner person you know is in there deep..waiting for you to bring the healthier you out! 5. Lastly, you will find the welcoming, understanding and empathy on these forums to help you when and if you reach out. There are years of experience here by people who at one time have been standing in your shoes and can help you, who want to help. I bring all this up because I know the doubts you're facing, but you'll never know the great outcomes available to you, unless you take the leap of faith that this life altering surgery will give you. I had a friend who self doubted and unfortunately she is no longer with us because she listened to those doubts and "taking the easy way out" nay sayers. Please take the leap and live the life you want to live before its to late. - End preach 🤗

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