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Found 17,501 results

  1. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    How is everyone doing now?? I'll be officially 12 weeks out tomorrow! I'll post my stats then and update you guys. I can't believe we are all getting to the 3 month mark...
  2. The Greater Fool

    running or walking?

    I did a lot of walking from a couple weeks after surgery until I was down to about 100 pounds overweight. By then I was walking 6-8 miles 3 days a week, along with non-planned outings. At about 100 pounds overweight I challenged myself to complete a C25K (Couch to 5K) program that gets you running 5k in 30 minutes in a month. Having completed this, I continued running, increasing distance until I was up to about 90 miles a week. I ultimately ran 5 marathons. Of the two, I enjoyed running more. I did my running first thing in the mornings, when I could contemplate the day and listen to audio books. Very enjoyable stuff. Walking and running burns about the same number of calories per mile. I would recommend doing what you enjoy and can sustain. It's hard to sustain something you dislike. Good luck, Tek
  3. Arabesque

    Weight loss stall

    Yep, stalls are a very normal & common part of weight loss. In fact they’re important. Your body shuts down to reassess your needs based on your changing weight & alters digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. It will take the time it needs. Don’t stress it more by making more changes to your diet or activity above your plan. They can be frustrating but you really just have to ride it out. Yes, to only waiting 30 minutes before & after eating to drink too. Check with your team about collagen. While it does contain protein it is not a complete protein as it doesn’t include all the necessary amino acids so usually can’t be counted towards your goal. I believe there is a collagen powder which has added the missing amino acids but I can’t recall the brand. Use unflavoured protein powder instead to add to soups, shakes, porridge, etc. All the best.
  4. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis I think the hardest part about this process is accepting that the weight loss happens over a full year, or sometimes even more! The stalls make it feel like it will never happen, even though it will. Just not as fast as we want. But you'll get where you want to be eventually if you keep doing the right things. I've been thinking about it and one of the things I think makes it hard for me right now is that part of my brain never really accepted or acknowledged the size I was when I reached my highest weight. I look at myself in the mirror now and even though I haven't been this weight in 25 years and the last time I was close to it was 7 years ago, in my head, this is what I looked like all along, so I don't see the difference. I'll admit, I saw a photo of myself from last summer and was shocked at my size. Did I really look like that? But I look at myself now and all I feel is the frustration I had in my mid-20s of "when will I lose this weight" because it feels like the last 50 lbs never even happened. I'm just back to a place where I recognize what I'm seeing in the mirror instead of pretending it's not there. @RonHall908 I'm also struggling with sleep. I started tracking with my Fitbit and I don't get what I thought I did. I go to bed around 10:30 and I don't have to be up until 7:00, so I always thought I was getting plenty, at least 7 hours and close to 8, but in reality, I wake up at 5:00 this time of year because of the sun coming up. In the past 3 weeks since I started tracking, I've averaged 6h7m and only hit 7h twice. For comparison, my tracker says I've had an average of 1h9m of REM and 1h13m deep sleep, with 45m awake and 3h44m light sleep. For the most part, I'm energetic. I get over an hour of walking in almost every day, with 38m in the moderate zone according to my tracker. I don't drink any caffeine. But I do have about 30 minutes between 2:30 and 3:00pm when I can barely keep my eyes open. After that, I tend to have a second wind and am wide awake by the time 9pm rolls around so going to bed earlier isn't a great option. I try to relax and read, but I still don't fall asleep until close to 11pm, and I can easily stay up until after midnight if I don't stop myself. Maybe this is just what my body wants?
  5. RonHall908

    Struggling to stop losing

    I lost 70+ lbs. before I had my surgery. I've been eating healthy for a while now. But, it starting going into overdrive back in October. As of my weight today I've lost 25 pounds since my surgery. I had a 10 day stall and started to worry a bit because it was the time between my surgery and when I started soft foods. My surgeon and Dietician told me that would happen. I expected it, but it still had me second guessing at the time. One thing I've taken from all of the stories everyone has, nobody loses the same. I keep that in mind and then realize I'm only 7 weeks post op. I try to walk a 1-2 miles at least two days a week or more. I would like to walk more, but I have a torn meniscus that's going to require a full knee replacement (bone on bone). So, I'm limited without being in a lot of pain. On the days I don't walk, I use my rowing machine or I do some resistance training with a band or light weights. Thanks for your advice and story of what you've been through. I hope you're able to get where you want to be and I wish you the best!
  6. My Dr was different and said to work towards eating 1 cup by 6 months and up to a cup and a half per meal with 3 meals per day at maintenance. While in the losing phase I found out that if I was under 800 calories per day I would stall and if I went over 1200 I would stop losing. So for me personally I had to sit pretty strictly right around 1000 calories per day. I was told to have the protein goal at 60-80 and they did not want me limiting carbs too much and said to aim for 100 per day. They felt that a low carb lifestyle was not something that they saw people able to maintain so they want people to practice eating a sustainable diet and still able to lose. So many different ways to do things that its very confusing. I hope you are able to find something that works for you, good luck!
  7. invisiblyhappy

    Are these okay?

    Thank you all! I've been doing one for breakfast typically as I was under in calorie goal and it had been stalling me. I've actually finally started dropping weight again. I'm typically hitting 1100-1300 now and am doing one protein shake and one to two meals consisting of a protein (steak, chicken, or eggs) and vegetables and sometimes more carbs (1/2 bagel).
  8. I was so disappointed that my stall lasted so long, I took out the tape measure one day and decided to measure myself. In all I lost 15 inches !!!! That made me happy again PS.... I'm still KathyLev ...I got a new computer,but I couldn't sign in ...so I had to start over with a new acct. *sigh*
  9. catwoman7

    Will I plateau right after surgery?

    I lost 57 lbs before surgery. I went on to lose about 180 more lbs after surgery. So no, losing weight before surgery won't keep you from losing after surgery. You may not see as big of a drop the first month as some people do, but that's because much of that is water weight, and you've already lost that (you'll still lose weight that first month, though) Stalls are normal and you're likely to experience several of them along the way. Most of us experience the first major one about the third week post-op - so don't freak if your weight loss stops for a couple of weeks around that time.
  10. @LisaCaryl How's your knee? Did you see a doc at the clinic? Re wardrobe, I had a clear out and gave a lot of things to my cleaning lady and have just been going down to my cellar to get old clothes out. I have bought a few new dresses, but I but far too many clothes anyway... I'm a french size 38/40 now and hope to be a 36 by the end of the summer which will allow me to fit into most of my old clothes .... but unfortunately not my fave dress which is a 34.... that still seems like pipe dream right now. My posture is getting better and I have less pain in my legs which is nice. 2 days until I'm back home and can weight myself to see if I've broken my stall.
  11. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks since surgery. Yesterday i found that I was able to finally drink more than a sip at a time. I am SO grateful! I have always loved drinking water and it has been my primary beverage for most of my life; losing the ability to drink a lot of it was my first post-surgical regret. Being able to drink more than a tiny sip at a time makes me feel so much more normal.

    I'm eating around 500-700 calories a day, and have hit my second stall. I have begun to only weigh myself once a week. I've made to the gym twice since surgery, but I've been walking my pup and walking at work up to 3 miles a day on average.

    I've also been using resistance bands and stretching. I'm not quite ready for twisty yoga stuff yet. Or jogging. I did do a 10+ mile bicycle ride last weekend with a friend to a coffee shop where I had a cold decaf coffee with half and half. That was another activity that made me feel kinda normal.

    I'm still drinking one protein drink a day, trying to hit my goal of at least 60 grams a day. Today I got 72 in thanks to a cold G Zero with 10 grams.

    My abdomen is still a bit sore in general. The way I understand it, the inside is not fully healed until 3 months after surgery. That means sometime around November 1st. This is when I will go on the forever way of eating according to my provider's plan. I look forward to that day.

    Oh! And I should mention that I learned about a chain restaurant that is in about 30 or so states. It is called Clean Eatz, and they have a menu that is friendly to we bariatric patients. My support group last night talked about getting pizza and flatbreads from there. I checked it out and it looks like it's both eat-in and takeaway. This is the first place I'm going when I feel ready to eat out again :)

  12. It's similar to most WLS, I believe. I was advised to take 2 to 3 weeks off but I was up and about in no time (the next day) but I was tired a lot due to much lower calorie intake, after effects of the surgery, healing.... Etc. Depending upon the type of job you have, you can't lift anything heavy the first 6 weeks since your stomach will still be healing. Congrats on your recent approval!
  13. SomeBigGuy

    November 2023 buddies

    @brandycsiz - I think its pretty common. I've deifinitely gone off track, mostly due to other health issues and stress outside of the surgery itself. I was able to walk several miles without stopping in December, then after getting Covid (and I'm assuming long-Covid now), if I go more than 3 miles in a day or try lifting weights in the gym, I get physically ill for 2-3 days afterwards. I keep walking 1-2 miles in the evenings after work, but the lack of progress and regain of weight is very discouraging. I tended to stress eat before, and to be honest, the surgery was a success because at least it limits the amount I tend to binge on when having a bad time. I still have those cravings, but at least now I can drink 8-12oz of water and delay eating. I'm probably on track with my diet 3-4 days per week, but have been overdoing it or eating too many calorie/carb-dense foods when I have an off day or when I see family, who aren't the most supportive. My mom likes to drop off Little Debbie cakes and other snacks on my porch twice a week as she's driving by, and it's straining our relationship because I throw them away immediately, and she sees that as me being ungrateful and disrespectful. I am 6lbs heavier than I was around 8 weeks post-op, so its really getting me down. After covid, I developed some issues with my heart rate. It drops down in the upper 20's to low 30s in my sleep and my blood pressure drops too low, but if it get it past 100bpm, my blood pressure spikes, and I get dizzy and almost faint. I'm trying to get in to see specialists, but I can't get in with a specialist for 5+ months just for initial consult. I have to drive 3+ hours to another area to try to get in sooner, but I burned all my leave time for the year with Covid in January, so I can't take the days off to travel.
  14. NP_WIP

    Poor loss after surgery!

    Most people hit a stall 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. There is also retention after surgery because of the IV. Just keep working your program and the weight will come off. Also note you started at a low weight to begin with, so it may be slower but do speak to your team if you are concern. I like this post I saw on Pinterest once, if you keep working at it you will see the results, good luck!
  15. Oscar88

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hi sorry I’m new here I had my surgery December 19 so it’s been like 2 weeks and 3 days so the first 7 days i lost 17 pounds but right now I’m loosing weight very slow like a pound each day its that normal or mybe I’m doing something wrong right now I lost 27 pounds total 2 weeks and 3 days
  16. catwoman7

    5 weeks pose op and 3 week stall

    normal. Wait it out. Make sure you're sticking to your program and stay off the scale - maybe just weigh yourself once a week until the thing breaks. And it WILL break. This will likely be the first among several stalls, just so you know. You just have to wait 'em out and just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing...
  17. ukkodiak

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well. My journey is still a bit confusing. So overall, I’m doing great. Down 65 pounds since my surgery on Oct 9th. Thing is, I was down 55 pounds after the first six weeks. And only lost 10 pounds this past six weeks. Keep hitting frequent stalls every couple weeks. Trying to keep getting my protein in. Biggest thing that puzzles me is the amount I can eat. Unless I strictly measure my portions, I’m able to eat a lot more than I feel I should be able to. For example, I can eat 10 grilled chicken nuggets in about 15 minutes. Also can drink about 10 ounces of water at a time. I had RNY surgery btw. My surgeon looked puzzled when I told him this, but then just blew it off. He told me I should be eating 4-5 bites per meal. Yeah right. More like 15-20 bites unless I strictly measure it out. But let’s face it, that’s not always possible when I work 50+ hours a week. Oh and my hair is starting to fall out. Apparently it’s normal for RNY patients around 3 months. They have assured me it will grow back later. Sure hope so. But otherwise I feel great, moving much better and no more plantar fasciitis or knee pain. How is everyone else doing?
  18. pamelacoa@yahoo.com


    So we’re all about 4 months out give or take. How’s everyone doing? I’m in week 4 of a stall and it’s starting to get to me
  19. My surgery went well. I also had hiatal hernia repair. I was an outpatient and had little pain after coming out of anesthesia, was able to keep water down and walked....gas pains were mostly non existent. Currently having mild pain, due to soreness from hernia repair. Liquids going down well, ready for pureed foods. I have my two week post op on Wednesday 3/20. I lost 19 lbs in my two week full liquid pre op diet and 6lbs down from surgery, so a total of 25 lbs.
  20. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @gracesmommy2 Oh my gosh, I even have all the ingredients for the brownies in my pantry! If I get my house cleaned tomorrow, I may have to make these as my reward. Thanks for the other recipes, too! They both sound excellent and I'll try one out next week for sure. My daughters are 12 and 15, and I swear they barely have a single food they both like that I can also eat. They love pasta and tons of carbs and cheese. They hate meat, except ground meat sometimes. They dislike fish, although the older one is coming around to salmon. One won't eat sauce. The other doesn't like potatoes in any shape or form. Up until surgery started messing with my preferences, I could count on one hand the foods I didn't care for. I don't know where all this pickiness came from. @Noelle74 Being sick from food is the worst. I also find going liquids only the next day can help soothe things. Hang in there! @LisaCaryl So sorry you've joined the stall club! At least you have good company here. @BlueParis What a pain to have the scale stay stuck for this long! I hope you can see some progress soon. Don't lose hope! @RonHall908you stay so active, I imagine your body requires a lot of fuel. And you're right, being able to do something doesn't mean you should!
  21. KathyLev

    5 weeks pose op and 3 week stall

    I've been on a stall for 4 months now !!! It sure is disappointing to have that happen. It's like doing all that work and not one acknowledgement from the scale ! I put the scale away and focused on other things - like being able to walk without gasping for air I also measured myself - and even though I'm not losing weight , I lost 15" ! So there's that ! I also talked to my doc about it , and she told me to go back on my presurgery liquid diet for a week or two. She also suggested changing up my proteins to see if that helps. I'm still experimenting with her advice . Don't let the stall get you down ! Good luck with everything
  22. Bypass2Freedom

    Is there a standard guideline?

    @NovelTee Of course It is definitely interesting to see how other people's Drs advise! I'll admit, it is a bit of strange one that you are on the liquid stage for 3 weeks, but then again they may just be over-cautious! Either way, I am sure they have their reasons haha. It seems like they are keeping up good communication though, which is always a plus I was looking to maybe try protein water for to hit those protein goals during my liquid phase...but we shall see! Thank you so much! How are you recovering?
  23. AmberFL


    Hiya! I think you and I are around the same post op. I had my surgery 1/24, the macros and calories are all over the place. The main thing is to get at least 80g of protein, and 64oz of water/liquids. My plan says 60-80g of Protein, Less than 130g of Carbs, Max 40g of Fat. 3-6months is about 800 cal/day, I have not followed that to a T. I have been at about 1000 calories a day, My carbs I keep less than 50g, Fat is usually under 20g. I work out 5days a week. If your losing then I am sure your going great!
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Daily calorie intake

    I agree with your statement and probably why I've been in a holding pattern at the same weight now for 2+ months and I'm not happy about it. As far as macros: Protein: 80 grams was 70 until 3 months post op Carbs: 50 or less - H2O: min of 45oz but prefer 80+- JennyBeez: "It sort of makes sense? A nutritionist I saw years back (not program related) told me that she often starts people on higher calorie counts and then as the weight loss slows down, that's when she restricts them further to keep the momentum going. These days, I take it all with a grain (or seven) of salt because everyone reacts differently to foods / calories / etc. Different strokes. " These are what they've had me at since I went to solids about 8 weeks post op. I've had no change oin calories since then..your idea makes sense tho!
  25. summerseeker

    My pre op

    Hello Irene, Welcome in here and congratulations on your surgery date. You will find a March 2024 group on here that you can join. Don't read anything on the net. Scare stories are not needed. This surgery is very safe. This forum is a safe place. Stick to your teams advice, There is not a single person on here who has the same regime as you, pre or post op. Don't buy loads of things you think you may need. Our tastes buds change after surgery because of Ketosis. Just buy a few of a selection of protein shakes. You may want to buy pain meds if you are not in the UK. You will not need much at the hospital. Go in clothes that you can go home in. Take a Chapstick and some Biotin. Some people take a phone charger with a long lead. You might want to use a recliner chair for sleeping, if you have one. I didn't and had to sleep upright in bed for a while and a recliner would have been easier. I had a bed wedge and lots of pillows. If you have a pre op diet they are tough for the first 4 or 5 days but its worth it in the end. You will have a weight loss stall at 2-3 weeks. You have not done anything wrong. You may get over emotional and / or get the regrets at this time. Our hormones are in the fat cells and releasing them in such a hurry makes our hormones go on a wild ride.

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