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  1. Hi all I had my gastric bypass on 22nd January and I have had a few complications along the way one being I have a blood clot in my new stomach which I am on injections for and lots of medication. I just want to know from you lovely people when you had your op did you ever feel the need to eat? Did you get hunger pains? How many teaspoons/tablespoons did you eat per meal and when can you properly excersise? Thanks All X
  2. I wa so nervous and there was nothing to it. I had lost 22lbs since surgery/ The NA met me at office b/c I live 2 hours away and she was about to go in to work at ER. She had me lay down and numb port are and then gave 3 ccs She pushed a little hard but found port very easily/ She said usually the 1st fill is not as much restriction. I go back on 12-12 for next fill. I hoper everyone had a nice holiday. On now to better things.:cursing: Kathy
  3. I was sleeved on March 5th at approx 0800. My journey started a few years ago. I started tossing the idea of bariatric surgery around when I kept gaining and gaining weight. My dr kept doing test to see if there was a reason, and adding meds to my regimen because I was being diagnosed with different things. I talked to my dr about it and went through the initial seminar that the local bariatric surgeon has. That's as far as I went that time. I met my wife and realized that I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to be around for her and my children. Her and I talked and she pushed me to go back to the dr and start the process again. I am a paramedic for the city we live in and she is an EMT. A nurse at one of the ER's had recently had gastric bypass. My wife spent about an hour one night talking with her and her experience. She recommeneded the surgeon she used. He had practiced at the local trauma hospital and done the gastric surgeries there. Our friend had had great success and had nothing but great things to say about Dr. Allen. I did some research into the different types of surgeries that were being performed and decided that I really wanted the sleeve. I contacted Dr. Allen's office and scheduled to go through the seminar again. By this time I had almost completed the 6 month weight loss study with my primary dr. After the seminar I submitted the appropriate paperwork and was pre-approved. I met with Dr. Allen and informed that at that time he was not doing the sleeve. He suggested the bypass for me. I decided it was the next best thing; I was NOT having the band done. lol Dr. Allen wanted a few approvals from my primary physician before surgery. I had to have a EKG, and Pulminary Function Test. The PFT came back obstructed at the dr's office so I was sent to a pulmonologist. I was very discouraged. I met with the pulmonologist he sent me to and was told there was a chance I had COPD. Again, more discouragement. The pulmonologist was not about to sign off on letting me have surgery since the intubation could be bad for me. He wanted me to use an inhaler and CPAP at night for 6 weeks and come back for a follow up PFT. 6 Weeks later I was back. The PFT was enormously better, and I felt ENORMOUSLY better. Best of all, he APPROVED ME FOR SURGERY. My primary physician signed off ok'ing it as well. It was time for the waiting game with the insurance company for approval. A few weeks later on Feburary 5th at 1300, I recieved a phone call from the surgeon's office that I had been approved and my surgery date was March 5th. They gave me the date and time for the pre-op meeting and test. And the best of all, the information on the 1500 calorie diet I was to follow for 2 weeks prior to my surgery. 2-weeks prior to surgery my wife went to the store, stocked up on slim-fast shakes and frozen lean cusines and I started this crazy 1500 calorie diet. I was approx 390-400 lbs. It wasn't as bad as I expected. The day before surgery a few of my friends from work and my wife took me out for my "last meal". I went to the local BBQ shack and had a full rack of ribs. Normally, before the diet I could clean them off and still be hungry, however, I ended up sending almost half of them home with a co-worker! We then had a small desert and sat and talked for about an hour. It was the last time I really ate "real" food. The next morning my wife and I were up at 0430 getting showers and packing bags for my hospital stay. I was told to be prepared for a 3 day hospital stay. Surgery began at around 0900 and I was out and in recovery by 1030. No problems with sedation or intubation. However, I was slightly oversedated and sent to the ICU for the night because they were worried about the sedation and my sleep apnea becoming a problem. I don't remember much of this. The most I remember is having a cathader that I kept asking to be taken out and waking up with the CPAP mask on at one point. The next day at around 0800 I was taken for a swollow study (worse tasting stuff in my life). Everything looked great! Cathader was taken out and I was released to drink clear liquids! A few hours later I was moved out of ICU up to a regular floor bed. My wife spent hours with me at the hospital, encouraging me to get up out of bed to walk and get the gas off my stomach. She made sure that I was getting adequate nutrition as well as enough Water to drink. She even brought me fat free milk! On the Friday after surgery I called her to come get me. They removed my JP drain and got me ready to go. I was able to go home and get a FULL NAP!!! I actually felt good enough when I woke up to go to the grocery with her to get some broth, Soups, and yogurts. Since then, I am down to only 1 pain pill a day if I go out for a long period of time. I haven't gone back to work, but don't have a follow up until Monday. I'm hoping to get the staples taken out of the incisions on Monday as well. They itch like crazy. And I'm super excited to start the mushy stage of my diet. I'm ready to get back to the gym and start walking and riding the bike and lose some of this weight a little quicker. I'm amazed at the little amout that I'm eating and it's keeping me satisfied. I already have more energy than I did before the surgery and I am able to stay awake longer during the day. I did cheat yesterday and had 1 lean hotdog. I ate it very slowly and didn't drink anything with it or afterwards. I didn't get sick, but I felt 100x's better afterwards. Guess, we're not all perfect lol Hope everyone else that has been sleeved is doing well also, and everyone getting ready to be sleeved is excited!
  4. carol1951

    Sunday, 6-10-07

    DH is gone till Wednesday nite, I'm alone with all my food thoughts, Oh my what will I do.:help: I'm going to go to the movies with a friend this afternoon. Tomorrow I will watch my grandson for awhile and take a walk I hope. Tuesday my sister wants me to come up and see a couple of our cousins. Then its Wed. and my DH will be home in the evening. I never get a chance to be bored or alone very often, always something going on. I weight this morning and was done a couple of pounds hope it stay down. I seem to like to play around with a couple of pounds before they are really gone. It was been raining again and talk that it will rain off and on all week long. Hope it nice in the mornings so Dana and I can walk. I really don't mind going if I have some one to go with me. We don't even walk together, she is much faster than me. Shes also twenty years younger than me. I'm thinking some of clothes are beginning to be to big, but I hate tight clothes so will wait for a few more pounds to come off before I go down a size. They were way to tight before I started this journey, so I must be patient with myself. It is going to be a great week. Hoping to get some more scrapebooking done. Not feeling so hungry today, hope that stay with me for a long long time. Have to work on drinking more water or crystal light. Just have a problem getting fluids down. Never have figured out why I don't drink like other people do, but sometime I figure out that it has been serveral hours and I haven't drank a thing, I don't really feel thristy most of the time. I think its a problem and I need to get in tune with my thrist. Almost time to go to the movies, that will be two movies and two play within one month.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
  5. carol1951


    Leaving in 2 days, wish I was more excited about it. I really dread the drive. I will be long, driving from Missouri to Florida. I don't know why I dread the vacation, I know I will have a good time once I'm there. I don't know why I'm this way, but this is the way I always feel before we go somewhere. I worry about the house, cats, and of course my children and grandchildren. I just love being home. I don't every go anywhere except the to store and church. I really need to get involved in something else. I need to make more friends. I don't even go scrapbook anymore. I gave up the stamp club also. It worrys me that my husband is the same way. He never wants go anywhere, of course I blame myself for being so fat. He problem doesn't want to be seen with someone so big. At least he will go on vacation of course no one will know us. Oh well, just have fun. Diet is going better, except today I could eat a horse if it were in front of me. I just have to keep busy and drink my water. I know I can do this. It is just going to take time. Everyday is a new day and a new beginning.
  6. carol1951


    Why? Oh Why? can't I lose like everyone else with the lapband. I just don't seem to lose. I have played with the same five pounds since Feb. I do try and I know I'm not eating nearly as much as I did before the band. I must just make bad choices. Yesterday I had weight control oatmeal for breakfast, lunch I had a panni forzen sandwich the light kind, supper I had meatloaf and corn. I had for a snack yesterday small cup of rice pudding, 90 calories. That's not that much. I didn't excerise yesterday, but I did do laundry. Today I'm soooo tired. I did to water aroebic, I really like that. My joints have been so bad the past couple of days. I'm not sleeping very good right now, knee hurt even when sleeping. I have woke myself up moaning in my sleep. I know I would probably lose faster if I could do more, but guess I need to find something else to do for excerise. Walking is just hard. I always have walked a lot in the past, but every since my knee got really bad two years ago I just can't do as much. Oh well, guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself today. So far today I have had my oatmeal and a half order of nachoes. So guess I will drink some more ice tea and get busy with house work.
  7. Hello Everyone, This is my first post I am being banded for the second time on 02/01 first time my gall bladder had a big problem with my band. I am very nervous just wondering if any one else had had their ban removed. Glad to find this site and some support.
  8. Hi, Im going alone for my surgery and hoped to find someone else who is to Tijuana, MX the same day.
  9. frazzledmomof2

    Day 10 Liquid Diet

    I'm almost half way there and I thought this was going to be the hardest part of my journey. I was so excited today when I discovered the Vitamin Shoppe and all the new flavors of protein drinks they had. At least now I have variety. Just a few more days of being able to enjoy my dinner salads then only protein drinks for me until my surgery day. I'm proud of myself and even happier to see the scale drop a little. Can't wait to see what my end weight pre-surgery will be.
  10. Hello I'm Mimi 25, TX. I had my sleeve done on 10/09/2015. So far im down 45 pounds. I was looking for a support group or friends who are in process of getting the sleeve or have had the sleeve. Hopefully that will help with my process as well as others!!! Instagram/Twitter: @MimiDaBeauty
  11. Lizandrk

    03 17 10 222 lbs

    From the album: Throughout Weightloss

  12. [ATTACH]27671[/ATTACH] So today is my 1 month Post op. I have decided to collage a few photos and weight ins. It's a work in progress. Monday I get a fill, & I can start working out. Hope all my July Banders are taking pics. I was surprised to even see the difference. Sent from my SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 using LapBandTalk
  13. mendypoo


    So, yesterday started good then went bad. I get home very hungry after having a very good eating day and then husband Kevin wants to go and try the new Alfy's Pizza in our area. Hey, it's pizza, of course I said yes. We get there and ordered a couple of pizzas; but I did start with salad bar. But still ate the pizza. Why do I do this? I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that I was really hungry and I didn't have to cook it. Then we get home and I eat some carmel popcorn from the boyscouts....damn boyscouts...and I ate some of the banna cream pie that my son made the other night. I got up this morning in a foul mood took it out on my kids and got them on the bus then came in and did a walking video that I have from Jenny Craig...it really kicked my but, I haven't done any type of excercise in awhile..But, I felt better after having done the video. I did my measurements this morning: Neck: 14 1/2 Breast: 50 Under Breast: 42 Waist: 42 1/2 Belly: 57 Butt: 55 1/2 R. Thigh: 34 R. Upper Arm: 18 weight 270
  14. Dumping syndrome and gas any advice?
  15. I'm 10 months out and I've noticed an increase in what I believe is gas pain for the last month. I have severe cramping and abdominal pain. Get boated to the point that pushing on my stomach hurts. This happens after I eat and is miserable. I can't seem to find a food that seems to be the cause. Anyone else have this issue?? It is such a miserable pain- just like I felt post op. gas relief chews don't cut it
  16. Hello all! I was banded back on 9/1 after a decent struggle with my insurance. I am now 3 weeks from surgery and am feeling great. I weighed in at 409lbs in early June and I was 388lbs on the day of my surgery. Since surgery, I'm down to 367lbs after having lost 22lbs in the first week (eek!) and 2lbs in the 2nd week. However, after stepping on the scale this morning, I noticed I gained 3lbs. I know that my body is going through some major changes and I also know that I've just begun in week 3 to add some pureed and even some soft-solid foods into my diet. I'm a little discouraged, but again, I know my body is going through some major changes. Having type-2 diabetes and taking insulin, I also am very familiar with the harder struggle people have with losing/gaining weight. I guess in the end, I'm just venting but I am determined to keep at it and get myself healthier. Has anyone else had the same struggle so early on? I was reading into the 'bander's hell' before their first fill, but it's not even that I'm hungry all the time. I've been eating small meals (3-4 a day) and have been drinking my clear Protein and Protein shakes. I know this post is all over the place - I'm just a bit confused and concerned and just needing to vent. Any suggestions?
  17. I was banded May 19 at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. I am finally getting back to my old self (minus a few pounds :party:) but am so sleepy all of the time. I'm guessing that this comes with the territory, but thought I'd check and see if any of you were feeling the same way. I just found this forum and love it! The information and support that is offered here is just great. Anyone else banded on the 19th? Nice to "meet" you all!
  18. sadie640

    Surgery 10/10/07

    I am one day out from having surgery on 10/10/07. I just had my pre-op this morning and all went good. When I got weighed today, I am 10# down from 9/11/07, last time I was weighed. So that is a good start before surgery, but I am still nervous, anxious and excited. Will keep in touch..... take care!
  19. ldswims

    10/30/09: Yay!

    My husband and I finally received the information on his insurance options for next year today. His options are staying the same - which means we can switch to his plan and still have something deductible and out-of-pocket-max free. Add to that it will save us $8 a payperiod of my own plan that's going away. So we will be switching to Aetna. From things I read around here, seems Aetna is good about this. But I don't know what my specific case will be. Right now I am on Cigna. Cigna required a six month supervised weight loss program which I am one month into. Cigna required a pysch consult which I have done the testing for. I go back on Monday to get the results. Yes, I'm nuts. Not sure why anyone has to pay for that info. :smile: Cigna required letters of medical necessity from any practictioners with ongoing care. In my case that's my PCP and my OB/GYN. I got one from my PCP. I see my OB/GYN next Thurs but don't expect an issue here as he has mentioned this in the past. The good news about Aetna is all of my doc's - the pcp, the ob/gyn, even the surgeon, are still in-network. So there will be no change of care. Cigna required a nutritionist consult. I will have that on Thurs when I go in for my weigh in. When I go in for that weigh in, I'll see what they might be able to say about this switch. Seems that some with Aetna only have to do three months of supervised weightloss. So maybe this is happening sooner? But in perusing Aetna's website, I found a document that says I have to have documented severe obesity issues for two years or more. I have not been over a BMI of 40 for a year, let alone two. I've been at 40 (and counting) since the start of this year. Last year I hovered around 37-38. Got off BC at the beginning of the year and that threw everything out of whack. Problem is that while I have history of a BMI over 35, I do not have any comorbidities.... I feel so much better about the insurance. There may have to be a delay in getting the insurance requirements sorted out after that insurance plan goes into effect (Jan 1 2010) but in the meantime I can keep plugging away on all this other stuff. I do know that I will still have to have the psych consult and a nutritionist consult. I do know there is a supervised weightloss time period - may be 6 months may be 3. But I can keep all this going. And the motivation is back. I no longer feel like there's a potential hurdle to overcome. YAY!:crying::thumbup::thumbup:
  20. I had gastric bypass surgery 19 days ago and all was going great until today! I woke up with pulsating sharp pains in my lower left side under my ribs but above my hip bone. It's not a blockage, I'm still able to pass gas, which is a relief! The only things I did different in the last 2 days was start to take the meds that prevent gallstones and I started to take the calcium chewable as well. It could be a side effect of one of those or maybe just constipation. Anyone else experiencing this?
  21. Just talked to the doctor this morning and we decided the RNY is the best option for me. Surgery date is 12/19 and I am ready to go!
  22. Florida Pete

    Week 19 Post Op

    Another week down and another pound lost. Not as much as I would have liked but still a pound is a pound. I have been struggling a little this week with eating. Not in the amount that I can eat but in what I can eat. I have had a few things come right back up after eating. I am not sure if it's been the food itself, maybe not chewing enough, taking to big of bites, or eating to fast. Probably some of all. LOL Still it's been taking getting some used to with the tightness of the band but I am getting there. On another note my wife and I have gotten to the point with our walking that we both feel it's not a weight loss tool for us. We are still walking and will continue to walk largely because we really have grown to enjoy our evening walks as a family and it's a solid part of our daily routine. But now we both feel we have to add in additional exercise into our daily routine. What we're looking at now and trying is that right after our walk we put our son down for the night and then she heads over to the gym and I do my DVD workout. We are making sure to get all of our workout in before settling down for the night. Additionally I am thinking about trying to get up earlier in the morning to get another workout in. The hardest part right now is getting my bum out of bed early enough. So we will see. So totals for the week are.... This week 1 pound lost Current Weight - 381 lbs Loss Since Surgery - 61 lbs (19 weeks) Total Weight Loss - 104 lbs

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