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Found 1,239 results

  1. dewythecat

    What have I done to myself?

    The three week stall I think is normal. Even if you aren't losing on the scale I bet you are still losing inches. I am almost 4 weeks out and have been extremely dizzy as well. Possibly maybe related to low blood pressure or low blood sugar? I wish this phase would pass. You're not alone!
  2. Hop_Scotch

    14 days after WLS

    Don't have a lot of information about you, it would be helpful if you filled in your profile...hightest weight, surgery day weight, current weight, height...all this gives context to your post and helps us to tailor a response to you. So if I understand correctly its been about four days since you have lost scale weight, but in the 10 days before that you've lost 13lb??? That's great and above average for the stage you are at. There will be weight loss stalls along the way, one of the major ones is the three week stall (though for some this can happen before three weeks and for others well after). Please take the time to fill in your details.
  3. feedyoureye

    Remind me again...

    My doc said figure 10 pounds a month average. 3 a week is GREAT! Many people have the "three week stall" starting around the first 3 weeks, and you can have no weight loss for weeks... this is normal! Try not to compare yourself with others, your body will do what it needs to do in its own sweet time... just follow the rules, Water, move, Protein first and go through the stages.... you will be fine. If it makes you feel bad weighting more often, weigh every month or two weeks. I made a deal with myself that I would not let the numbers push me around emotionally if I weigh every day, and thats what I have always done.
  4. Stop panicking and weight in once a week. Too many reasons for minor fluctuations--Water retention, time of the month, too much salt, hot temperature, workouts--you will make yourself crazy. Also know that weight loss slows and there is an infamous three week stall that may or may not hit you anywhere from two to six weeks out.
  5. Hi Vivis, I am six weeks postop. I had a stall in weeks 2 and 3, but I started to lose again in week 4. It was tough. However, despite the stall, my total weight loss, as well as average weekly weight loss to date, is on track with statistics I have seen. So, please do not worry. The posts above are awesome and wish I had them a few weeks ago! I am writing to add that it was comforting to me during my stall to read as many prior posts as I could about the "three-week stall." Type "stall" into the search engine above and there are about 17,000 reassuring posts! Every post made such a difference to me.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Feeling frustrated-Not going to meet the goal

    You're welcome for sure! Hmmm....that's weird. I can't see Babb's post anymore either. @@Alex Brecher , where did Babb's posts go? SO STRANGE!!! This board has been wacky lately. I flagged her as a spammer in error and deleted all her posts. We are working on restoring them. Oh no! I hope you are able to restore her posts soon. She always has some great insight and I love her explanation of the three week stall.
  7. Fettchick83

    gaining weight on soft foods

    I'm headed for the three week stall as well. Stay strong! Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App
  8. catwoman7

    Gastric bypass surgery

    here - I just did the search for you (on the three week stall). 17,501 posts at the moment: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  9. Do you feel tired all the time? No, I have more energy now than I have ever had in my life. Being obese is what makes people tired, not getting healthy! Do you get sick a lot? No, I got a cold last month and had one around last Christmas, but that's it. That would have been normal for me before the surgery too. I don't ever get sick in terms of stomach sickness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or anything like that. Any surgery complications? Nope. Do you regret the surgery at all? Never. If I had to have this surgery again every year for the rest of my life in order to stay the way I am now, I would do it gladly. Thankfully I don't have to though! Any tips for those who haven't had the surgery yet?? Trust your surgeon and his/her team. Follow their directions and if their directions conflict with what strangers on the internet tell you -- follow YOUR surgeon, not someone else's! Get up and moving, and keep moving, as soon after the surgery as you can. Buy lots of Protein powder samples and an immersion blender before surgery (unless you are committed to RTD shakes) but don't stock up on tubs of protein flavors - your tastes will very likely change. And look into savory protein options such as unjury chicken Soup, HealthSmart Soups, stuff like that. Get a myfitnesspal.com account and learn how to use it to log your food, customize your goals, etc. Ask your team and the folks here lots of questions! And do a lot of reading on all the sleeve forums here -- not just the ones that apply to you right now. That way you'll know things like "what is the three week stall?" and "why don't I feel any restriction on full liquids?" and "why does my stomach keep making those weird noises?" -- information is power! Are you able to drink soda post surgery? I haven't tried soda, no reason to. But I did try champagne and I have to say the carbonation felt a little weird and uncomfortable.
  10. I am writing this because I've been complaining about my lack of weight loss and stall. I went to see my Dr yesterday for my 6 week follow-up. I have finally broken the dreaded three week stall that started the day I started on solid food which was the day of my two week check-up, it lasted for almost 4 weeks. According to her scale I have lost 4.5 lbs in just the last few days. I was still discouraged with the low loss, but she was not unhappy at all. They are aware of the three week stall, she also made me realize that the pounds I lost prior to surgery are and should be counted as surgical loss. Many people don't lose any weight prior to surgery and therefore enjoying a sudden drop. I have less weight to lose than many others, so my loss will be slower. She was so encouraged and made me realize that I am already over half way there to meet her requirements. Using her little calculator and making all these configurations, she said if I lose 50% of my excess body weight(average) I am over half way there, although the nutritionist and I have set a lower weight, she said if I lose a mere 20lbs, I will be what is considered a successful sleeve according to national averages. So my current 29lb loss is over half way??? I do not plan to stop at another 20lbs, but it was encouraging to know how well I am doing and will do since I am just 6 weeks out. Her visit was just what I needed. I love my Dr. :-) Thanks to all of you who gave me encouragement when I was feeling down. That's why I love this venue.
  11. Kiap82

    @ a weight loss stalll Help!

    Search the forum for the 3 week stall and you'll find hundreds of posts. Stick with your plan and don't freak out. It probly more normal to have the three week stall than to not have it. You'll be fine. This too shall pass.
  12. Nicey2u

    The relief of the revisit

    I haven't had anything bother me.. I must have a cast iron sleeve! Haha I can sit and eat watermelon for days! It's 90% water anyway! At least up to now I haven't come across anything that really bothers me. As long as I measure everything I have been lucky I guess! Down 57 pounds and only hit one three week stall!
  13. My surgery was July 13th and I have lost 42.5 pounds so far but 15 were pre-op. So I am a bit disappointed even though I know I shouldn't be. I had a three week stall that began at the three week mark.
  14. catwoman7

    Weight Gain

    ^^^ I can't believe I didn't catch that! I just re-read the OP's message and ...yep!...right on time for the infamous three-week stall!
  15. it's the three-week stall - you're just having it early. Pretty much everyone goes through that. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. My weight loss started up again during week four, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just stick to your program and it'll break - stay off the scale if you have to. if you search this state for "three-week stall', you'll find 17,501 postings on it (and no...I'm NOT kidding). Happens to almost everyone.
  16. blizair09

    Questions on weight loss

    Google three week stall. It happens to everyone.
  17. @@MargieW Expect a stall at around 3 week out. Don't panic! It happens to 99% of us and is completely normal. Google the Dreaded Three Week Stall to see why it happens.
  18. Clementine Sky

    Overwhelmed by Travel Arrangements - Mexico

    I think many people are nervous in the time leading up to WLS, and those emotions can then amplify the feelings of being overwhelmed with other tasks. Even if you were a frequent flyer, chances are you'd have a little more anxiety about this trip than other ones, simply because it's different than travel for business or pleasure. What you're feeling is totally valid, and common. I was also nervous about traveling to Mexico for the VSG, even though I wasn't flying since I live in SoCal a drivable distance away. I actually had a surprisingly pleasant experience there. My surgery went very smoothly, I had minimal pain and no complications, the clinic was very clean and comfortable, the staff were attentive, the hotel was nice and everyone working there was friendly and attentive, and the transportation across the border was easy. I was worried I'd be in pain on the ride home, but I actually felt well enough to spend a few hours shopping at the outlet mall on the California side of the border, and to make touristy stops on the way home. The only discomfort was from a mild allergic reaction to the surgical tape over the incisions. Once I replaced it, I was fine. I'm sorry your husband isn't supportive. Mine wasn't at first either, but he did eventually get on board after I showed him medical research about the long-term benefits of WLS. I'd make a list of things you want to get done before the surgery, in the order of their priority, and then try to focus on one task at a time so you're not as overwhelmed. You'll probably feel more at peace once the travel is finalized. I recommend doing a search of VSG packing suggestions and gathering what you want to bring with you well in advance, so that you can have that sorted. The most important items for me were - a heating pad, Gas-X strips, slippers, comfortable clothing, slip-on shoes, and entertainment. Though I ended up sleeping most of the time during recovery, I'd brought my laptop and a HDMI cable to hook up to the TV in my room so I could watch movies when I was awake and not doing laps around the hall. I've read that people who have flown for the surgery feel more comfortable on the return flight with a small pillow, to place between their lap and the seat belt so it's not right on top of the incisions. I arranged for a house cleaning service to come a couple of times in the weeks post-op when I was recovering and not able to lift things like the laundry hampers, because with my husband's schedule already being full I didn't want him to have to do all the chores I usually handle, in addition to the ones he does. I also recommend making yourself aware of common feelings and frustrations people have post-op, so that you're prepared, and you won't worry something is wrong with you when what you're experiencing is normal. For example, most people experience the "dreaded three week stall" so it's good to anticipate it and know it's temporary. This forum as well as YouTube videos were helpful to me because I could read about what others went through and have a better idea as to what expect. Having the VSG changed my life for the better, and I'm so grateful for it. I am down to a size 2 now, which I never thought possible, and I am living my life so much more fully than before. This surgery can immensely improve your health and your quality of life. I think it could do wonders for you, too.
  19. I was sleeved on 1/27/16. HW 215 surgery weight 205. Current 191. The three week stall got me but then I had a stomach bug early this week that kicked loss back into gear. I Need to get back to some exercise!
  20. NovaLuna

    Stall on weight loss

    Stalls are 100% normal and most usually have their first one between 2-4 weeks out (it's generally called the three week stall). Stalls can last anywhere from a week to three on average. Sometimes even longer than that (I should know since I've had a 23 day stall, a 26 day stall, AND a 27 day stall. My last stall was 26 days as from the last day I lost weight to the next time I lost weight there was 26 days in between [January 18-February 14]. ). My frequent stalls are due to having hypothroidism and having to have my meds adjusted every few months so I doubt you'll end up going through that same frustration. Also, weight loss depends on a lot of factors including, but not limited to, your starting weight/BMI, your age, how active you are, how closely you follow the nutrition plan, etc. Also, the bigger you start the more you'll tend to lose in pounds compared to others, so try not to compare yourself to someone who may have started off at a higher weight than you. For reference I lost 23 pounds that first month and my surgery weight was 321 pounds (but due to health issues, I'm not active). Despite my stalls, I've still lost 126 pound in the 13 months since my surgery. It may come off slow, but it DOES come off. Try not to stress about it and try and ride it out. Follow the plan and eventually your weight loss will pick back up again. Your body just has to adjust itself first. You're doing great, btw!
  21. I am about three weeks out and on the mushie stage with two protein shakes a day and one mushie. I was doing about 300 calories a day and felt light-headed and weak so I upped it to around 600. The problem is that my weight loss slowed and this morning I showed a gain of .2 lb. Is this the dreaded three week stall or I am messing up? My fat intake was a kind of high yesterday and I didn't exercise. Advice is really appreciated. TIA, Pennie
  22. I had the three week stall last week and then all of a sudden it started back again. Sometimes if you don't drink enough water it can cause you to hold excess water weight. It will start going down again just don't let it get to you!!!
  23. catwoman7

    Weight loss stalls

    yep - you're in the infamous three-week stall. Happens to the vast majority of us. If you do a search of this site on the "three week stall", you will find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding! just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a week or two. It'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again..
  24. I totally agree with this. Don't stress too much about how much you have lost and if you look different or not. Focus your energy on healing and following the post-op diet. People lose weight differently. For me, I lost most of the weight on my thighs and lower body at first and for the first few months my face almost looked the same. 3 weeks is too early to see any noticeable changes to be honest and your body is still healing. That is also when most of us got the infamous three-weeks stall. At least that was the case for me. Good luck
  25. blizair09

    Plateau during first month

    Google three week stall. In my experience, stalls are very common. In fact, during my loss phase (I got to goal at 1 year and 4 days post-op), the periods of stall vastly outnumbered the periods of loss. It is just part of the process. Hang in there. Stick to you plan and make the right decisions and the weight will come off. Good luck!

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