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Found 2,865 results

  1. hrhlaurie

    Labor day Challenge

    I was on vacation so missed a week but on Labor Day I weighed 208, which is 11 pounds over goal. I didn't anticipate my 3 week stall but have started losing again and losing inches so looking forward to the next challenge!
  2. I had a stroke at 35 that took me down for 9 weeks. I've had another at 50 in addition to 3 TIA's. Was forced to close my restaurant business due to stress and no tolerance for heat. This was my dream and 35 years of my life, 23 of owning my own 200 seater steak/seafood restaurant. Started college and will graduate in Dec. with office degree, (hate it but, I started and I will finish) Weight went from 160-238--considered morbidly obese for my small 5'3 frame which was always small until all the meds. Drs couldn't control the blood pressure pushing 300, and suddenly diabetic pushing 300. Told me I would have to begin Insulin. I said HELL NO!!!!!! I refuse! Meds were only making health worse, and body was beginning to hurt,,,joints, muscles, leg cramps. Now granted, I didn't eat perfect but, I did and do eat fairly healthy. Recent pictures didn't help either but......INSULIN was the last straw. My insurance won't cover anything bariatric so I was a self-pay at $10,000. That hurt the pocketbook but, no Mexico chances for me.(Although I have read of great results....a friend did that and has nothing but bad health issues and no Dr. wants to do anything for her in the states. She's miserable and can't even work anymore and she's only 40. Since my day of surgery, no meds except thyroid,low dose heart, and anti-depression (1/2 pill) because they started me on those at 35 and they at a b***h to get off of. In my case I became suicidal (for no reason...happy life and young family at the time) BP and Blood Sugar has been fine since day after surgery. Aug 1 was surgery date, down 25lbs first month, only 8 since Sept 1--hit a 3 week stall, and in another from 7-9 weeks. Lost 1.2 today(won't count it until it lasts for 2 days.......I lack 2-3 lbs until I hit wonderland. My first goal...I plan a manicure (2nd in my life for a treat. Overall health with no INSULIN was my main cause, but now, I'm looking towards the weight loss. I'm still waiting for that ENERGY I'm supposed to feel but, maybe it will hit soon. At my age, I'm estimated to only losing to 175, but I'm going to hold out hope for about 150 since I was always 110-125 before all the meds took control. This has caused a complete life change, and large drain on finances (with lifetime bariatric supplements and probable gallbladder surgery) Gonna shoot for the best and take good care too prevent additional problems. I like my bones, and my teeth! SHORT ANSWER---Better quality health and future with my family and someday grandbabies. Best of luck to all of us!!!!!!
  3. vze4n4n8

    Any February Sleevers?

    Thats the 3 week stall my dr told me about Sent from my SM-G935F using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. TaiDyed

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I cannot believe that it's been 23 days since I had my surgery! I honestly do not know where the time has gone. I am down 26.5 lbs since starting the pre op diet. I am in the midst of the 3 week stall, but know that after nearly 6 weeks of being at 500-800 calories/day, my body has some serious readjusting to do. I've been back at the gym for 2 weeks and every day feel a little stronger. I'm looking forward to going back to kettlebell classes next month. I know that is going to be a huge help in dropping weight and reshaping the body. So many of us starting this journey together! We are amazing!!
  5. Jeanniebug

    Is this a stall?

    My "3-week stall" started at week 2 and lasted a month. Just keep doing what you're doing and trust the process. This is the first of MANY stalls that you will have. If the scale drives you crazy, you're on it too much.
  6. llali82

    January Sleevers ❄️

    From what I've been reading yall are going through the dreaded 2-3 week stall...but if u continue to stick to the plan the inches will continue to fall off...I'm only 8 days post otp so I know my time is coming ...stay motivated and focus on the finish line...best of luck
  7. Lila21

    Beginning week 3

    Right there with you on the 3 week stall... we just need to ride it out
  8. Totally can relate! When I first stalled, I told myself, “The three week stall is totally normal and happens to nearly everyone!” Then a week passed and I repeated the above to myself... then week two passed, and I started researching, but not finding definitive answers, how long the three week stall typically lasts. Then week three passed and I started to get really frustrated and debated calling my surgeons office. The truth is there is no set time for how long the 3 weeks stall will last. Some it only lasts a week for... others stalled for a month... but it does break eventually. Just remember that there is likely no possible way you could be consuming enough calories to be gaining weight or not losing at this point... so whatever is causing it is not your fault.
  9. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I just broke a 3 week stall this morning I was up and down between 223-227 yes a 4 lbs up and down moment but for the last 3 Mondays in a row i weighed in at 224 then 223.8 then this past Monday at 225.6 smh it depressed the heck out of my so i lowered my carbs and increased my water and switched from chicken back to fish and as of today I am 222.2 yes! The stall is officially broken and the scale is moving again, I know we shouldn't weigh in every day but heck i was loosing it over here and i saw it go as high as 227 and then i lost it lol its all good though i made changes, However my calorie intake is very poor and could hurt me in the long run I will be more active as of this Monday the 11th so I will increase it back up to 600 to 800 and as much as I HATE protein shakes i will be adding those back in because my protein intake is very low its usually 42 a day the shake will brink it up another 25 so i will force it in me as much as i hate it it will also bring my calories to 616 a day because right now its only 412 and that's not good at all, However on most days all I do is lay in bed and do nothing so since I will be going back to a very active job as of this Monday I will need the increase in calories since my job burns so many calories with all the walking I do. I will also start exercising 3-4 days a week so the low calorie intak may only harm me instead of help me. I am happy for now though, This whole eating right thing is new to me i'm learning my body as I go through this lifestyle change and I pray that when I reach my goal i maintain it, I dont ever want to go through this again!
  10. Less of Leslie

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Weighed in and the 3 week stall is OVER!! I lost 2 lbs this week! I will NOT be fat forever
  11. Tif 2.0

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Well I'm still weighing in here for Saturday, but then I'll weigh in on Monday for the Labor Day Challenge. Hopefully I'll keep myself honest over the weekend. I lost 2.6 lbs this week! Yay, I may have finally broken my 3 week stall.
  12. I was sleeved September 27th. Down 40 lbs as of today. I am just starting to lose again after a 3 week stall.....finally!!!!
  13. lexi6510


    Yes...its very normal to stall. Search the dreaded 3 week stall and see for yourself. I was depressed when the scale stopped moving so early. But I had never heard of stalls. Keep reading...you're not alone. Sleeved May 15th SW 205 CW 174 IVE been at 174 for almost a week. I think my body is in starvation mode. I had a virus and haven't been able to eat hardly anything.
  14. jensjoy28

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    Sleeved May 8...surgery weight 310...down 25 pounds...18 pounds the first week and then 7 over last 2 weeks...will see if I have the dreaded 3-week stall :-)
  15. Hello. I was just wondering what is the 3 week stall. I am 16 days out.
  16. Surgery was 11/25/16. Lost 53 lbs before and after combined. I had a 3 week stall and seem to be in another one now.
  17. Jenn31MA

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I Did it!!! I weighed in this morning at 229.6 (a number i havent seen since my Junior year of college) and am down 50 lbs!!!! I have never been able to lose more than 20 lbs at a time and now I am down 50. Only 26 of that is after surgery (I had a 3 week stall) but I am still happy and I have no regrets. I only got sick once at the beginning but i can eat everything with no issues. I dont need to drink protein drinks becuase i get enough protein from food. I dont even feel like I had surgery except for the fact that I can now only eat a third or maybe fourth of what i used to! I am down to a solid size 18 and some large but mostly xl tops (used to be a 22 and xxl top) and the only annoying thing is all the shopping i have to do haha i am trying to limit myself to a few things here and there but for work i need business casual so its not super cheap. I hope everyone else feels the same and from the posts i see everyone is doing great with their loss! Now to get my butt to the gym :wub:
  18. YURiiMii

    Not losing weight

    I went through that 3 weeks stall as well but it seems I hit another stall. I was sleeved on 11/15/12 I weighed in at 311 and I got down to 288 but it seems that I gain 4lbs then lose those same 4lbs. I asked my doctor about it but he said it happens and I will get passed it but boy is it discouraging.
  19. High/Surgery weight: 227 (July-3-12) Current weight: 174 Spring goal: 157 End Goal: 137 Height: 5'2" I am in a 3 week stall ugh... So I hope I'm not shooting for too high of a goal.
  20. Justine13

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Yep- 3 week stall. I only lost the first week and stalled for another week. It'll kick back in gear. Make sure you're drinking 64 ounces and getting your protein in.
  21. I am so relieved after a 3 week stall the scale is finally moving. A little over 5 weeks out and I am now down 40 pounds... I still have A LONG ways to go, but after having a stall for 3 weeks and gaining a pound I was stressing out. I did have to see my Dr. Friday and they had to give me Water pills for the swelling in my ankles, but since I started taking them the scale is moving again. Thankfully. I did not want to go in for my 2nd month follow up and have gained weight. Stalls are frustrating and I know they are part of the process. Patience is very much needed during them. After talking with my nurse and getting some answers I felt a lot better. Sometimes I think the stress we put on ourselves during a stall can cause us to stall longer.... I hope that makes sense So I just had to share my excitement and for others that are going through it, you will get out of that first stall, even though at the time it seems like it may be never ending! Whew.. what a relief Also, today a few people at work have told me it looks like I am losing weight, only one of the people who said something to me knew I had surgery. So that made me feel good as well What a good start to a Monday!!
  22. Ginger6367

    July 2013 Sleevers

    Please tell me this 3 week stall will not stay. Is there anything different one can do to help with this stall. My surgery was July 29, and I'm lucky to get on 500-600 calories/ day. I can get 60-65g of protein and 50-60 oz fluid. Not sure what else I can do different.
  23. My surgery was February 19 2014 and I have been at a 3 week stall, before that always losing. How do you break a stall?
  24. SassyNanny

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    CW 284.6 Hallelujah! My 3 week stall is over. Yay!!
  25. Some of my family members think I'm losing too much too fast. I've been pretty fortunate in that the weight has steadily come off (except for the traditional 2-3 week stall). Does the loss eventually pretty much stop or plateau? What do you do if it keeps coming off and you can't keep up with your calorie intake? I'm 3 months out, down 42 lbs, (74 since my highest weight). I struggle with sliming, so some days I don't get a good amount of calories. Other days I do fine. Worrying for nothing??

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