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  1. I have heard many people hit a 3 week stall. They said to keep drinking water, get in lots of protein and continue walking and it should break on its own. Don't get discouraged, just stick with the plan. Sleeved 10/10/17 • HW 280 (3/1/17) • SW 259 (10/10) • GW 180 (TBD)
  2. I'm between 2-3 weeks post op and literally have not lost anything since surgery. I weigh exactly the same as I did the day of surgery. Granted I lost all the surgical fluids and IV fluids that were pumped into me the two days in the hospital. Those fluids came off within days though. The three people that were sleeved the same day as I was have all lost between 11 and 24 pounds. They did have substantially higher BMI's than I did however, I'm the only one of the 4 of us that walks daily and I follow the program diligently. Is this common, the no loss part? On a lighter not, at least I won't have to worry about the dreaded 3 week stall. Protein intake? I aim for 90 per day with ease. I have regular bowel movements, drink minimum of 70 ounces of fluids 75% is water. 50% of that is with lemon. Sleep well and feel no different now than I did pre op. I feel great. Your thoughts?
  3. Apple203

    Surgery didn’t work?

    Amburmist, you are doing great! YOu lost 12 pounds before surgery (pre-surgery liquid diet?) and then another 13 pounds -- that's 25 pounds in 4 weeks! You know about the 3 week stall as your body recovers from surgery, so please relax -- you've got this! :-)
  4. You look absolutely amazing! This is inspiring, as I hit a 3 week stall after surgery & can't seem to get past it.
  5. I had a stroke at 35 that took me down for 9 weeks. I've had another at 50 in addition to 3 TIA's. Was forced to close my restaurant business due to stress and no tolerance for heat. This was my dream and 35 years of my life, 23 of owning my own 200 seater steak/seafood restaurant. Started college and will graduate in Dec. with office degree, (hate it but, I started and I will finish) Weight went from 160-238--considered morbidly obese for my small 5'3 frame which was always small until all the meds. Drs couldn't control the blood pressure pushing 300, and suddenly diabetic pushing 300. Told me I would have to begin Insulin. I said HELL NO!!!!!! I refuse! Meds were only making health worse, and body was beginning to hurt,,,joints, muscles, leg cramps. Now granted, I didn't eat perfect but, I did and do eat fairly healthy. Recent pictures didn't help either but......INSULIN was the last straw. My insurance won't cover anything bariatric so I was a self-pay at $10,000. That hurt the pocketbook but, no Mexico chances for me.(Although I have read of great results....a friend did that and has nothing but bad health issues and no Dr. wants to do anything for her in the states. She's miserable and can't even work anymore and she's only 40. Since my day of surgery, no meds except thyroid,low dose heart, and anti-depression (1/2 pill) because they started me on those at 35 and they at a b***h to get off of. In my case I became suicidal (for no reason...happy life and young family at the time) BP and Blood Sugar has been fine since day after surgery. Aug 1 was surgery date, down 25lbs first month, only 8 since Sept 1--hit a 3 week stall, and in another from 7-9 weeks. Lost 1.2 today(won't count it until it lasts for 2 days.......I lack 2-3 lbs until I hit wonderland. My first goal...I plan a manicure (2nd in my life for a treat. Overall health with no INSULIN was my main cause, but now, I'm looking towards the weight loss. I'm still waiting for that ENERGY I'm supposed to feel but, maybe it will hit soon. At my age, I'm estimated to only losing to 175, but I'm going to hold out hope for about 150 since I was always 110-125 before all the meds took control. This has caused a complete life change, and large drain on finances (with lifetime bariatric supplements and probable gallbladder surgery) Gonna shoot for the best and take good care too prevent additional problems. I like my bones, and my teeth! SHORT ANSWER---Better quality health and future with my family and someday grandbabies. Best of luck to all of us!!!!!!
  6. I can't seem to get past the 3 week stall. [emoji20] I'm a month out from Lapband revision with Gastric bypass. At 3 weeks, when I went to the pureed stage, hit the stall. I've increased my walking, a bit frustrated and concerned. Any suggestions or insight welcomed! Thanks for the support!
  7. I didn't know about the dreaded "3 week stall" until seeing it on various posts. It happened to me when I went on pureed diet stage (for me that was at 3 weeks). Discouraging, but "This too shall pass". Stepping up my exercise hoping that helps. Also having to take Miralax, issues with not "going" without it. Open to suggestions Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. CONGRATULATIONS, you look amazing! Doing great on your journey, I'm 3 weeks out from surgery, Lapband revision with Gastric bypass - think I hit the 3 week stall I've read about, but this makes me hopeful! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Hi all, My surgery was on September 7th and I've lost 20 pounds since then ...woot woot! Well here it is....I'm moving into my 3rd week and BAM! it's been about 3 days and my weight has stayed the same if not 1 pound gain, lose, gain back. Ugh. I know....this is by far the most loss I've had in such a short amount of time, but still can't help put have that little panic happen even though I've heard of the 3 week stall before. I guess my questions are....what did you do? Did you just wait things out? Did you change things up at all? What helped you get over the dreaded 3 week stall?
  10. Could someone give me an idea of the recommended calorie, fat, protein count I should be getting. Everyone seems to have gotten that information from a Dr. (in a book or pamphlet) I didn't, not from nutritionist either and she is no longer available. I started at 235 on August 1(I am 8 wks out today). I have been able to tolerate everything I've tried-no major bread or sugars or fried foods except maybe a tiny pinch. I've never felt that "full" feeling yet. I would love to have some basics from others about the same stage. I'm getting between 800-950 cals, at least 60 Protein, and 64 ozs. water. I hit a 3 week stall at week 4 and stayed at a 25lb loss, it finally broke and now I am at 32# down. I'm good with that......I just want to know if I'm in the right area. This sight crashes on me so, if anyone can help, feel free to send me an email mshydeaway@gmail.com . I would very much appreciate it and good luck to all!
  11. It's called the "3 week stall". Almost everyone sees the scale stop moving for about a week or two around 2-4 weeks postop. There is no way to prevent it.. just part of the program.
  12. Mine is still going strong. This week, I finally put the scale away and have not been weighing myself everyday as I foolishly had been doing. I really expected to see some sort of drop this morning, but nothing. I'm honestly devastated. I'm walking everyday, keeping calories around 800 or less, drinking water. I started out with a quick 17 pound drop after being sleeved on 8/3 (SW 275, CW 252). I know the 3-week stall is real--how long did it last for you until you started dropping? I'm losing my mind here.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    Breaking a stall with MORE calories?

    Almost everyone has a 3 week stall. Your body is just resting there is no reason to try and break it. However, yes upping your calories can shock your body and get it back to losing. When I upped my calories at month 4 I think, I had my biggest loss.
  14. TammyA

    Weight not going down

    I don't think it's the pureed foods although I had the exact same eperience. It lasted for about 8 days for me. I didn't lose anything and poof!..It just started again. I think many people experience it and I think it's just your body catching up and going into "sarvation" mode. Don't stop eating! Just stay on the plan your doctor gave you and when your body is ready it'll start losing again. And try not to panic. I know...easier said than done I was freaking out when it happened to me. Everyone says it's the 3 week stall and it won't be the last one. Just part of the process we need to get used to.
  15. tabula

    Weight not going down

    I can't tell you how many times I felt just like you. You'll see a lot of responses about a 3 week stall, which I guess is pretty common. I didn't experience it at week 3 but I can tell you I have on many other weeks. It is super discouraging but just know the weight will come off and sometimes it's inches not just weight. So easy to say so hard to live through. I'd eat less and stall, i'd work out and stall, I'd eat more and lose I wouldn't work out and lose. I'm sure there is a bunch of science and explanations but understand weight loss is not linear. I'm 20 weeks out and have had a ton of ups and downs but down a good amount of weight, slowly losing but clothes fit so much better, tempted to go shopping but still have 40lbs to lose. Hang in there, don't get discourage, keep following your plan and you'll lose a gain, I promise. BTW - losing 32lbs is awesome! Congrats!
  16. HI all, I am approaching the 6 month mark and have been in a 3 week stall. I am wondering if I am eating what I should be. I average about 800 calories a day and I am not sure if I am eating too much. Average Day: Breakfast: 3 oz greek yogurt Snack: reduce fat cheese stick 1 or 2 Lunch: Turkey and reduce fat cheese roll up (4 oz) Dinner: Ground turkey meat (4 oz) Snack/ meal: spinach and cheese (3- 4 oz) Just looking for some direction or what other people at this stage are doing?
  17. Oh man, you are going to be sooo bummed when that 3 week stall comes your way! Yes, you're a guy, and guys tend to lose a pound a day at first, but it'll slow down soon enough... just know it's coming so you don't pull your hair out...
  18. Jeaniered

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    I stalled at three weeks, then all of a sudden it started to move again, when I started to increase my calories. I'm at 5 weeks, and have lost a further 7lb since the 3 week stall. Somedays I lost 2lb and then the next day I put it back on!! Frustrating but getting there - it's like a game your body plays with you. I feel much better now but still hate meal times, couple of mouth fulls and food gets stuck. i struggle with protein and water and get depressed, but today I walked into a normal size dress shop and was able to try on clothes that fitted me! Also I've bough a Fitbit which is great as a food journal, exercise tracker etc., love it. Good luck everyone we will get there. Dont let yourself get demotivated. Fight back, and think positively xx
  19. sleevedshereen

    How are people losing 10lbs/month?!

    I've lost 32 lbs since surgery. The 14th makes 2 months post op. I think i'm doing pretty well. I was super frustrated and stuck in a 3 week stall at the time I wrote that. It's slowly coming off. I don't have a nutritionist but I do know I need to be better about getting more protein in and drinking more fluids and walking. @cuzzy623
  20. Introversion

    Possibly a stall? Help please

    You aren't doing anything wrong, except perhaps having unrealistic expectations about the rate and pattern of your projected weight loss. Sleeved weight loss doesn't happen in a perfectly linear manner. We lose pounds, then stall/plateau on occasion, then may even gain a couple of pounds of fluid before dropping more weight. You've lost 13 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Nothing is wrong. When is the last time you lost 13 pounds in less than 2 weeks with plain old diet/exercise? I assume the answer is "Never." Also, look up the terms "3 week stall" and "third week stall." The notorious phenomenon is so common it has a name. Most sleevers stall sometime between weeks 2 and 4, with the third week being the most common. Like me, your stall started a week early. The scale will move again. However, daily weigh-ins seem to be creating unwarranted anxiety, so I gently suggest you reduce the frequency and weigh yourself only once weekly. Good luck to you.
  21. HethBo

    Honest about the struggle

    This is definitely an emotional ride. Now that I've vented, I am hearing more about the 3 week stall. If nothing happens this week, I'm trying a wild weekend . Thanks for sharing your experience!!
  22. Berry78

    Hiw many ounces

    It sounds like you are doing everything perfectly. Just keep on keeping on.. 3 week stall is a thing, and there will be more stalls to come. Don't let it get you down! If you are comfortably eating 4oz, that's ok. Just don't force it, and you'll want to keep to the 4oz portion sizes long term. (So even if you CAN eat 5-6 oz, don't do it... unless it's soup.. .. 8oz of soup is about right).
  23. pumpedandready

    Hiw many ounces

    I am almost 4 weeks post op and am curious about how many ounces everyone is eating at this stage. I have no problems eating or drinking and eat 4 to 5 small meals at 2-4 ounces a day plus at least 1 protein shake. Drink my water and find the crystal lite squirt flavoring helps. I don't concern myself with calories right now and just focus on my protein and water intake. But I feel hungry quite often and am in the 3 week stall, now I wonder if I am taking in to many ounces or not enough. I have lost 25 #'s from pre op to date and am on soft foods. Sent from my SM-G935P using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. On the board we see 3 week stalls break ON THEIR OWN all the time. It's when things are staying the same (scale and tape measure) for over a month that I start getting concerned. My personal preference is to call it a stall if it lasts for a month or less and breaks on its own.. more than a month, and it usually needs intervention.. that's a plateau. Keep in mind, if someone only eats 400 calories a day, long term, it's anorexia, and they WILL lose weight. Doesn't mean it is a good idea, but it means that there is no true end to weight loss. (Think of concentration camp victims). The "end" that we talk about is when the new set point is reached and the caloric intake/expenditure aligns. We can control intake, but the body has lots of tricks up its sleeve to modify expenditure. That's why calories in doesn't always seem to equal calories out.
  25. Apple1

    Back to Shakes?

    For those of you that are early out (less than 2 months) your stall will break without resorting to this type of reset. Stalls are very normal especially the 3 week stall. I didn't do anything to break mine except make sure I was on point with my plan and they all broke eventually within 2-3 weeks. Just saying, but I am sure it doesn't hurt to try to hurry them along.

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