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Non Scale Victory!
SageTracey replied to Kristen1969's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
You might need to fill us in with some more detail on why this is an it because your clothes are now all small enough to fit into a single load in the dryer? My laundry NSV was my teenage son commenting that I no longer wear the biggest shirts in the family, in fact, he had picked up one of mine because he mistook it for one of his! -
Not sure how this journal thing works...but going to see if it helps. I'm in a funk, first step is admiting it right? I admit I've been stressed lately. Immediatly after enduring the Mother in law....who no doubt is the most judgemental condecending woman alive, Karah, my 5 year old develops a cold. Oh great..and I suppouse to take my very first plane trip to San Fransico with hubby within the week. So turns out she has Pneumonia, but seems better so off I go to San Fransico...which was wonderful and one of the most freeing trips I think I have ever been on. Mostly, because I was on my own during the day to travel around a strange city using public transportation all on my very own. I've never done ANYTHING like that before. It was great to see, hey...I am capable. I know that sounds silly. Okay so get home, Karah is still sick, the dog has hurt his tail and had to go to the vet, and then I'm sick. I'm a little angry that all the work I've been doing to loose weight and nothing happens until I get sick. Then a friend points out I gotta look at I start trying to find some. Isn't it funny how you can't think of any when you are looking for them? So I'm pldeging to myself...I will start posting my nsv in this journal. And once I'm over this cold, I'll start posting my food journal too.
Fill, Full, Feel And Other F Words
newme2012 commented on morelgirl's blog entry in Magic Mini Mushroom
Sounds great!! That is one of the things I have been thinking about like will I get full off of 2 ounces of protein and 1 ounce of veggies. It gets scary sometimes because I do not want to fail at this.. failing is not an option at this point for me. Ready for my new life March 5th here I come.. CONGRATS ON UR NSV....YYYAAAYYYY -
That's a major NSV. The thing is, once you know you can handle temptation, the next time will be easier. Congrats.
It has been forever since I have been on here! I am so happy for all of you that are still continuing to melt away! :drool: I have lost 47 pounds and am soooo excited to hit that 5-0 mark! Some of my recent NSV's are: 1.) Airplane ride to Santa Barbara... NO problem sitting in the seats! I even had a little extra room! 2.) I bought my first pair of Seven jeans... size 14! Suuuuper excited! I was up to a size 20 b4 surgery! 3.) I no longer wear an XL just a L and let me tell you I lovvve every second of it! 4.) The guy I'm dating was like "WOW, you've lost a lot of weight!" 5.) I went shopping in this little boutique called Divaz and totally fit into their L size dresses.... again very excited bc I use to never be able to shop in those boutiques. 6.) Being called "Tiny," "Skinny Minny," "Little."
i started working at a new office about 6 weeks ago, so everyone there has never known me as the fat girl. and because i work for a magazine publisher, our floor of maybe 100 people is about 75% women (a good number of whom are very pretty, skinny and fashionable), so the guys that work there flirt, all day long. its not really a big deal, its mostly a younger group (in their mid-twenties) so its a fun atmosphere, but its weird to be included in that group of "hot girls" that these guys hit on. sooo i have a related NSV to this that i feel really horrible telling anyone else, i even feel a little weird telling you guys! but i know most of you (girls at least) completely agree with me that you've secretly wanted this one.... well: of all of the guys at our work, theres really only one that many of the girls actually flirt back with. i can see why, by normal standards, hes very attractive -- tall, athletic, confident --though this isnt really my type so i dont flirt with him. hes still a fun guy though, so i think of him as a nice work friend. but last night a big group of us went to a bar after work and in front of all these girls who were trying to get his attention, this one guy kept on talking to me -- and at the end of the night asked for my number in front of some of the other girls! (and-- stupid me, i actually gave it to him because i didnt believe that he was actually trying to pick up me and not these other gorgeous women that were so obviously flirting with him.... but i figured it out later that night when he sent me a booty text! HA!) soooooo yeah, sorry for this long story, but this is a big nsv for me-- I TURNED DOWN A "HOT GUY"! this is the biggest confidence booster! i feel so horrible saying this one out loud after all of those years of being rejected, but i dont feel so bad, because i assume this guy hasnt gotten turned down very often. and i am only saying it to you guys because otherwise its really embarrassing and i dont think other people would understand why its a big deal... that this guy chose to pick ME up and not the other gorgeous girls.... wow!
I love it, I got 3 awesome NSV's this past week: 1.) I went home to Vegas to visit family and my brother and his wife (who don't know I'm banded) both said I look awesome and like I've lost a lot of weight immediately when they saw me... and I believe they meant it because they kept mentioning it. 2.) My size 50 belt that I usually wear doesn't fit anymore. I had to punch a new hole into the belt for it to fit. 3.) I got home from my trip and my wife said '(I) looked so hot when (I) walked through the door' and then raped me...twice...wait that's probably TMI.
My NSV, I bought a pair of size 12 jeans for later...and I tried them on and they fit NOW!! Im 9 weeks post op and started off at a size 16. The size 12's are really snug, but I cant believe I can get them on (buttoned and zipped )!
Well, I've been really down on myself because I haven't lost much weight lately. Which in result makes me feel fat. But I still managed to have a NSV. When I was in Alaska, I went on several really intense hikes and was able to keep up with all the athletic people in our group, and wasn't the guy holding everyone up. Woohoo! Also, I went for a jog yesterday and was able to do 3 miles more or less non-stop. I had to walk to cross streets and stuff like that, but was able to run it. Now all I need is that number to start going down again.
My mind is free of Lane Bryant! My newest NSV, among many (they've become innumerable), is that my sense of style has changed. Or should I say evolved? IDK. I have always been a great modesty where that's concerned:cool2:...BUT I find myself gravitating towards different styles now. Variety! Variety! Variety! Its like Im learning to dress all over again! Fabulous! Kid+Candy Store=ME!
hahaha mr. rice guy, i never thought in my entire life that i would wish to be raped -- twice.... but thats always a great nsv! haha well i mean, i wouldnt want your wife to "rape" ME... i'd probably be more comfortable with a guy im dating. and yeah isnt it the best when people who don't know you are even trying to lose weight can't stop talking about it!? at first i thought i would be too embarrassed if that were to ever happen, but now i love love LOVE it!
Hey everyone! Your Ive been reading your NSV's and am so happy for everyone. Ive thought about posting my NSV's but until now I really didnt feel that they were important. I dont really like to toot my own horn, but sometimes we all deserve to pat ourselves on the back. Anywho! My latest and greatest NSV's are: My bestie and fellow bandster said that I now have "skinny girl" weight problems. My left over stomach just looks like a pudgy belly not a hugely fat monster gut. SCORE! People at my LB surgeon's office have asked me disbelievingly if I had surgery. My Dr refers to me as his "LapBand Allstar" and wants me to attend their LapBand support groups as an example of what hard work and the LB can do. He says that my weightloss is comparable to that of RNY patients. People refer to me as "the tall girl". Ive been asked how tall I am more now more than ever. I guess being skinnier makes me look all of my 73 inches. Best of all! I feel attractive! Whats funny is that I know that I am more attractive to men, but I never felt it inwardly (where it matters). BUT I DO NOW! Wow! Everyone you are doing great, keep the NSV's coming!
I had a great NSV over the weekend. A friend of my got me a gift care to Aeropostale. The first thing that went through my mind was this gift card is going to go to my husband because there is no way i am going to fit anything in that store. Well i decided to go on line to check out their stuff. I found a few things that i liked so i decided order i figured they would fit after i lost a few more pounds ( i was told that the xl fitt like a med). So they arrived over the weekend. I decided to see how they would fit and how much i would need to lose ( i orders and xl and 15/16 pant). Well they fit like the were made for me. My friend wheres a large from this place and i think she is very thin so for me to fit into a xl from here was such a suprise. I have been fitting into a size 16 and xl top from other places but never thought i would fit into cloths from here until i got thiner.
great NSV's everyone! Jane I'm so proud of you :w00t: I officially fit into a 36 and a large shirt! I never thought I would be smaller than a XL.
OK I have one! I went to my cousin's house with a bunch of other ladies in my family. and first they called me "Miss Skinny" which made me laugh. and then i had to take a call - so i walked away from the table- and they were laughing saying that my pants were going to fall at any second! it's soo nice to hear that! especially bc i've been feeling discouraged.....thank goodness for these nsv's
Well this is a minor Nsv but nonetheless I was excited. I hardly go out to eat anymore but decided to go out with my friend the other day. She chose the olive garden and I was bummed because I never could fit in the chairs, and I spent the whole time feeling like everyone knew it. Well the other night I went anyway and I actually fit in the chair and comfortably. I could sit and enjoy my time and it was one of those moments where you think this is why I did this. Keep up the good work guys!
@Laurr925: I'm sorry you gained +10lbs when you had that 1cc removed, but that was after a -17lbs loss from dehydration and such. It was probably just your body returning to its current homeostasis. Sounds like the ex(?)fling is able to see just how svelte you're getting, even if you yourself are not enjoying the numbers as much as you'd like. I'm excited for you! I can't wait to hit 220, but right now, my latest baby-goal is 240. My Own NSVs: 1. I pulled on my Lane Bryant Red-Triangle Size-5 jeans (idk what that translates to) and they were so friggin loose. I wore 'em anyway cos I'm bloated this week (TOM) and barely made it down the first aisle at the grocery store before I had to pull 'em back up so I didn't look like a white-girl-wannabe-thug, lol! 2. When I pulled up at the grocery store mentioned in #2, I looked over at the car next to me. Two guys were sitting in there, their window down, and they turned over and looked at me. And then continued to watch as I walked into the store. (Too bad I wasn't wearing my "daaaamn that's a nice ass" jeans, but whatevs!) I stood in the frozen foods section, texting a friend about a song playing on the radio, when those same two guys walked down my aisle, strolled past, and turned their heads as they walked by me. It was bizarre. They didn't even buy anything! O.o Idk, I refuse to believe they were checking me out, bc I looked like a bum, but maybe they were. Either way, it felt good to be noticed. :ohmy:
OMG! This is awesome! Enjoy every moment of it and remember, you can choose who you give your time too! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I love this NSV! Keep Rockin that Sleeve!
Drew, just I saw you B/A pics and you look great! Way to go! I love when people tell me I'm disappearing. To celebrate my 2 year Bandiversary I have a couple of NSVs: Last week I attended a local LB support group meeting and was completely ignored, including by the moderator who never asked me to introduce myself. I found out at the end that It wasn't until I started talking that people realized that I was banded and not someone else's support person. The lady to whom I sold my last "fat" piece of clothing, a size 3x winter coat, asked "How did you wear this coat? You are tiny." I have NEVER been called tiny, ever. That made my day, week, and month. This weekend I saw someone who hadn't seen me in a while. Her reaction was crazy, she just stared at me with her mouth gaping open for a full minute.
I had a great NSV this morning, I was getting ready for work and decided that my pants are getting very baggy so I tried on a pair of pants I haven't been able to fit into in about a year and they fit great, I am so happy cuz they were pretty pricey, I am so happy I get to enjoy them now. I also enjoy my tummy not rubbing up again the stearing wheel when I drive
Bah I'm sooo happy/jealous for/of you Jane! Keep it up :thumbdown: So yesterday I was hanging out with my future roommate who just moved to Austin. We went to the mall and had lunch and then she suggested that we go shopping for some clothes for me because it was starting to look like I was wearing sacks for clothes (NSV #1 Haha). Now, as a big guy I've never been able to shop in the mall for clothes. I told her that and she goes "ah well then I'll pick a store." So we head to Pacsun. I've always wanted to be able to shop there, but everything was tooo small. I went in there and tried on some shorts and a shirt, and they all fit! The shorts were 38's and the shirts were XL!! I never thought I would see this day. I love my band!
I can't wait to experience all the things you guys have. So far my NSVs are: -I have a collar bone! -Clothes that were tight are fitting now. -I have to wear belts more often with my pants. -My boyfriend says that I feel smaller when he hugs me. -Sex is easier. -I don't have much trouble anymore putting on my socks and shoes... but I don't know if that has as much to do with my weight as it does my bad back getting better from physical therapy. o.o -I can do the beginning step class at the gym. Never in a million years did I think I could have done that! I think there may be a few more, but I can't think of them at the moment. This is an awesome topic! All this stuff I forget about that is just as important if not more than just weighing less.
Here is my latest and probably one of the greatest NSVs. Today my new -60lb "shape" was called sexy! SEXY! OMG! I dont think I have ever been called sexy. SEXY my shape is sexy! Holy Moly! It may take my ego some time to recover from this.:tea:
HA, I havent had an NSV in a long long time...well who am I kidding I have had a SV in an even longer time..anyhow I started this journey wearing a 24 or so...I have been stuck at an 18-20 well today I went shopping with one of my gal pals and put on a 16-TOO BIG!!! YAY!!! I was so excited...unfortunately the next size lower that they had was a 12...I knew that wouldnt fit but I was totally excited that for once I wasnt able to buy an article of clothing bc IT WAS TOO BIG :thumbdown:
My first NSV is, today I am wearing a pair of Scrub pants that i couldnt wear cause they were so tight,when i would sit, i swear they cut my circulation off to my legs hehe.. Not anymore.. They are even a little loose..