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Found 17,501 results

  1. Just trying to maintain for the next 2 weeks...holidays are tough!!

    1. Forsythia


      So. Much. Food. You can do it!

  2. Day three on the pre op diet and I am hungry all day long.

    1. blondebomb


      how you doing? hang in there..I was hungry all the time also but looking back I think mine was all nerves..I was like that an I am 5 months post and still go days where my belly growls all the time! I am having to make sure what I eat an drink is acceptable...I deal with it all the time but you hang in there! your almost there!!

    2. mommietam


      Thank you @blodebomb. Today was much better. I feel like I had a lot more energy and food wasn't on my mind all day long. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words.

    3. *****


      Big day tomorrow! Good luck!

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  3. Stall broken, two 5 Ks ran in two days and I just got my Up24 in the mail. It's starting to look at lot like Christmas!!

  4. 1 year and 1 week post op.. 229lbs gone forever.

  5. One week from today I'll be sleeved and relieved!

  6. 2 weeks post op, doing great!

    1. ProudGrammy


      thats wonderful - may you feel as good today tomorrow etc

      as you do today

      keep up the good work

    2. Mojo56
  7. Little over 3 months, couple of stalls but 68 lbs gone!

    1. Packerfan61964


      That is awesome!!! I've been on a 3 week stall with 77 gone total!!!

    2. JerzyTomato74


      That's great! How are you feeling? These stalls are terrible! LOL I lost another 2 lbs for a total of 70! That's where I had hoped to be at the end of January.

    3. Packerfan61964


      Yes, they are Jerzy!! But I am glad its 70+ lbs gone and not gained for the both of us. Im feeling good for the most part. All of my issues are mental and not physical.......fighting the old demons that made me fat...ya know?!?!?

  8. Dreaded 3 wk stall is brutal!

    1. Luvin_Life125


      Hang in there and keep following your program! This too shall pass


    2. alwaysvegas


      Don't get discouraged! Your weight loss will continue. Just remember you're in a MUCH better place than you were pre-op! Take care!

    3. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      Yea I'm trying to hang in there just a bummer.

  9. Stalls, ugh :(

    1. Laydee_G


      This too shall pass...

    2. ImOnMyWay61


      These happen. Dont beat yourself up, we all get them. I am in one myself. You got this!

    3. BobbieVSG


      Thank you both! :)

  10. ANOTHER stall...... :-( seriously!!!

    1. HalloweenBaby24


      I've only been averaging 5-8lb loses a month!, So consider yourself lucky.

      I'm finishing up 2 weeks at the gym tomorrow and I've been going 4 times a week for 1-2hrs at a time and really have seen no significant weight loss. And I've been low carb and watching what I eat *eye roll*. I don't get it.

    2. built2livenotexist


      I count every sinking pound I lost from my highest current. In the midst of a wicked steal that's going on 3 weeks now. Grrr.

    3. Packerfan61964


      Weight loss is a tricky monster HalloweenBaby. I know people who dont eat right or exercise and they lose quite a bit rather quickly others don't. I've noticed for me anyways that make caloric intake needs to be around the 1000-1200 range and I need at least 48 oz of water and 80-100 grams of protein. Try to keep your chin up and not get discouraged......I know that's not an easy task cuz I fight with that every single day. Any loss is better than any gain is what I keep telling myself. I didn't get fat overnight and I won't get skinny overnight.

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  11. less than a week to go

  12. Getting verry excited! Only waiting on labs now! Hopefully, surgery next week! Fingers crossed!!!

  13. 3 weeks till First fill and already feeling anxious

    1. amponder


      Feels like a bee sting and it's over, the worst thing about mine is he makes you raise your legs off the table a few inches I'm not in that great of shape yet.

  14. I am 12 weeks out this week, I feel amazing and can not belive I am 77 pounds lighter. I just now posted before and after pictures on here and I can stop looking at them!! wow

    1. pupichupi


      I just checked out your before and afters, you look great!!! Great Job!!! Keep it up!!!

    2. PinkPolkadot619


      Thank you!! you have been so inspiring to read during your journey :-)

    3. pupichupi


      Thanks Pink, this has been a very interesting and difficult at times journey, but I wouldn't change doing this for anything, and I still have a little way to go, but I am just going to keep plugging along like I have been, and then maintain!! Your doing great, keep up the good work!!!

  15. T-5 weeks until vacation. Need to lose 5lbs..I got this

  16. trish78

    2 weeks pre-op

  17. We're home again! Luckily I have another week of vacation left.

  18. Turns out that I'm normal....how disappointing 😔 

    Today is 3 weeks since my VSG and my scales showed a loss of 100g for last week. 

    So I thanked my body for doing a great job of losing 10kg in the past 34 days and I understand it needs to make some internal adjustments to my physiology. 

    However, I can now fit my first goal pants comfortably, so no real complaints from me. 

  19. hello! This is my first week researching gastric bypass/sleeve. Can y’all please tell me everything you wish you knew from the start? I have read a lot but I feel like there is going to be some surprising disadvantages and I would like to know now. I think right now I am more interested in the sleeve. Can you please tell me why you chose which one you did? With either procedure are you ever allowed to eat rice again like even after a year? Can you drink alcohol ever again? Thank you in advance

    1. Sabs211


      I wish i knew about the gas pain! The surgery itself didn't hurt but omg, the gas! 😣 still absolutely no regrets though! X

  20. 6 Weeks Post Op!

    My world is drastically different! I now walk 3 to 4 miles a day and I’m constantly getting up to move my body! .

    I close my Apple Watch rings daily and about 4 to 6 days a week I double or triple them!

    I have been released to have all foods. When I reintroduce some I need to start at 1 ounce to see how “Tiny Tummy” likes it!

    I am not reintroducing sugars, coffee or junk! I did not pay close to $13,000 to fail! .

    I went to get follow up bloodwork done this week and my numbers are all in the perfect range! .

    This is my new world and I am happy it!

    26 pounds.png

    1. Arabesque


      Congratulations. It’s a great feeling when the weight disappears & you can start to do so much more. 😁

    2. Slownstedy


      ….and this is only the beginning :)

  21. Mr. at a client site, the Kid at school.  FINALLY!  After 2+ weeks I finally have the house to myself! #yay

  22. 2 Weeks post op and I've had absolutely no pain nor problems!!

    1. GerardoNot



    2. GerardoNot



  23. This photo is morning of surgery and a photo I took a couple weeks back.


  24. Well, long time no see. 

    It's been a rough couple of weeks. I should have been expecting the other shoe to drop after having it so easy for the first three weeks post op. I was getting my water and protein easily, had no pain, nausea, or vomiting.

    But as soon as the soft foods really started in earnest I started having problems. Pain, foamies, slimeys, vomiting galore. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. Something that I ate easily yesterday causes pain and vomiting after the first bite today. Sometimes it's my pills, other times they go down easy. I just don't get it. 

    I'm trying to stay positive. I know this is a season in my life, and things will eventually even out. I'm just so tired of being afraid to eat, not knowing what kind of response my body will have. I'm mostly hitting my protein target, thanks in large part to protein shakes (which I hate, but look at as medicine). I missed my water targets by a lot over the weekend, due mostly to feeling awful, which I know is a terrible cycle... throw up, don't feel like drinking anything, get dehydrated, get constipated, feel like crap, repeat. 

    The three-week stall is also still here. I thought I had busted through it, but I've been bouncing between 216-219 for the last two and a half weeks, which is a contributing factor to my mood and frustration level. And add in wee-lings who are going crazy with end of the school year insanity, friends with busy schedules who I haven't been able to see in weeks, and I'm an unhappy girl. 

    Things will turn around. I know they will. Just not feeling it at this moment. 

    1. MrsGamgee


      Thanks @FluffyChix! I know the stall will break, it has to eventually given I'm only consuming 700ish calories a day and I am trying to be active every day. I confess it's hard to be motivated to go for a walk though when I feel like crap.

      Cold water seems to be better for me right now... icy anything makes my tummy happy. It's when my water gets to room temp that it is harder to get down. But I am committed to getting my water in. It's so funny, before surgery I never had a problem with water. Today I decided that I won't count my 'other fluids' as part of my water total... they have to be over and above my target.

      I'm looking forward to lowering my reliance on the shakes. I really don't like them. I got clearance with my RD to cut back on them, provided I can hit at least 80g of protein without them. But I haven't been able to manage that just yet. I'm hoping in the next few weeks, provided I can get real foods to go down and stay down.

      Thanks for the encouragement!

    2. FluffyChix


      80 grams without protein shakes at your stage feels very ambitious IMHO? Are you sure she didn't mean 80g including protein drinks and food sources?

      We all heal so uniquely! :( Don't rush advancing. I know it's hard not to, but your tum will heal easier if you just listen to it and what it will and won't allow for the day.

      Gosh I so get the motivation of the scale!!! ((hugs)) With one reading I can determine my mood for the day. LOL. Then I wait a bit and have a nice poop. ;) haha Mood restored. ;) I'm ever just one solid poop away from a good mood. hehe

    3. MrsGamgee


      She was pretty clear... I asked about cutting back on them last week and I'm guessing she wanted to encourage me to continue with the protein shakes without actually saying so. Making it my decision. I have 2 shakes a day, plus some protein powder in my breakfast, so I'm hoping to maybe drop one shake a day in a couple of weeks. I'm really not into the lack of satisfaction they provide for the calories they take up in my daily totals.

      I *know* that this is just a step on the road. I need to put on my big girl undies and deal with it. And I need to really learn to listen to my body and not push too far too fast.

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  25. One week post-revision, down 5 lbs since surgery day.....which puts me back under 300. VICTORY!!! Still a ways to go but I'll take every little win I can get. Feeling great other than minor abdominal discomfort.

    1. ARMoma45


      That's awesome....keep up the great work :)

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