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Found 17,501 results

  1. I’m 2 and a half weeks post op from my vsg and everything’s been going well. I didn’t have any pain or other complications but today is my 2nd day of purée. I only managed to get some eggs down but didn’t have any issues. A few hours later I started noticing tenderness around the right side of my stomach and now it’s actually starting to hurt even if I barely touch it. I also notice it’s starting to look swollen just on that side. I don’t want to panic but has anyone else had this or should I go to the ER if it continues?
  2. For some reason the last 2 days I have been super weak and shaking. I have been drinking water and protein shakes and taking vitamins. Idk why I'm so tired and feeling so shaky. I am going through some personal things so maybe it's just my depression kicking in? Idk but I didn't walk at all outside today or yesterday, and I was just getting good at doing it a few times a day too! my dr wants me to be walking 10 miles by the time I go for my 6week check up! I do notttt see how that's possible! I hurt everywhere and that's when I barely walk a whole mile! Let alone 10! Idk whats going on. Plus I have only lost 14lbs since surgery day so now I'm 277lbs but still feel so huge and bloated. I was feeling somewhat ok and somewhat energetic once the pain in my stomach started to go away but now I am so weak and don't want to move off the couch! Anyone else having any issues too.? Sent from my SM-G981U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Hello all I am 16 days post op from gastric sleeve. I lost 10 pounds quickly the first 5 days after surgery and have been at the same weight for 11 days now. 😥 I have been following my program: meeting water goals, starting supplements when I was supposed to and following the food plan. I know that stalls are to be expected, but darn it if it isn’t frustrating! When will it end? I am putting it out into the universe that I want to bust through this wall! How long did your stall last and was it right after surgery for you as well? On the positive side: I am already off of 3 of my 4 blood pressure meds, feel good, and have been sleeping great. I’m trying to focus on these great healthy wins and not the numbers on the scale. Thanks to all for the support an insights offered on this site. I appreciate it greatly!
  4. I know this may sound ridiculous but in the past two weeks I’m experiencing rapid loss of about a lb a day, and I feel like it should be slowing down. Is it possible I’m not getting enough protein? I didn’t go through all of this just to wreck my body further and I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to be as healthy as possible. Is this just normal? From weeks 3-5 my loss slowed down a bit so maybe this is the normal cycle? I had sleeve if that makes a difference. I do drink all my water and I’m measuring out my food. I walk 5 days a week. If not normal I’m ready to call my doc. Crazy how unpredictable the body is!
  5. Im kinda nervous about my surgery, i kind of know what to expect, but if anyone has some tips or anecdotes about the week after surgery i would apreciate it Sent from my M2007J17G using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I had my sleeve surgery on May 24th and I’m officially 6 weeks out. I’ve lost 30 lbs and I’m feeling really great. No real complications or any pain or discomfort. Here’s the thing: I worry I’m not losing enough in these beginning stages. The past few weeks have been small 1-2 lb losses and I feel myself starting to panic. Not to mention, some days my pouch feels like it is teeny tiny and other days I can eat a bowl of cereal or a few handfuls of popcorn and feel like I could eat MORE! I’m following my nutritionist and surgeon’s calorie, protein, and water guidelines (600-900, 65+, 64+), walking daily, taking vitamins, and talking to my counselor on a weekly basis. I haven’t started any serious activity yet, but I’m starting water aerobics this week. All in all, things are “fine” but I still feel like I should be doing better and want this process to HURRY UP!! Anyone else in the same boat?
  7. From the album: just over 5 months out

    before abd after

    © me

  8. Today is 3 weeks post surgery and I'm down 26lbs. Not eating much besides 1 or 2 protein shakes per day, some water.... what are you'll drinking on your full liquid diet? I'm not interested in food, but know I have to try to eat Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Got my surgery date of 7/19!!! I have to do 3 week liquid diet before hand. I am on day 4. Anyone else have that long of a liquid diet?
  10. Hi, I'm a Newby just found the forum, I'm so shocked. I had my gastric bypass last Wednesday and have only lost 2lb. I'm currently 262lb. I lost quite a bit on the pre opp diet went from 281 to 264. (In 2 weeks). So was surprised at the low weight loss this week. I've been really good with my protein and haven't had over 800 calories a day. I just don't understand it. Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
  11. Hello. My surgery was 5/18/21. Day of surgery weight was 305. Today I’m 285 which has been the same since week 3. I’m concerned because I should I feel like I should be losing more. I’m barely eating but when I do I feel nauseous for hours afterwards. Follow up with surgeon is on 7/1/21. Anyone experience this
  12. Back to basics this week! I can lose this 10lbs of regain after having Piper 15 months ago - I know I can!  :)

    1. Grandma cindy

      Grandma cindy

      Me too. I have 10 pounds to lose. It's been the same 10 pounds forever. I lose it then gain it because I get lazy and eat every single thing I want.

    2. canehdiangirl


      You can do it! I've seen the same ol' 5lbs come and go .... but now I want to see that and the extra 5 disappear! Hang in there - you'll lose it!

  13. Hello All, I wanted to know if anyone has experienced what I’m going through. If so can you please share. im 3 weeks post op and the last 4-5 days I’ve been nauseous and just feel horrible. 2 nights ago I went to the ER to receive fluids. From my blood work they told me my liver levels were elevated and they wanted to do an ultrasound to check my gallbladder. They said it was fine. So I got 3 bags of fluids and they sent me home. For the past two days I keep sipping my fluids and I’m still throwing up, I’m weak, I have stomach cramps. This doesn’t feel right at all. I’m miserable and it’s hard to continue sipping with the nausea and all the gagging and puking. Anyone have these issues?
  14. britknee_kay

    Three week stall?

    Just curious about everyone’s experience. I’ve heard there’s a week 3 stall that nearly everyone experiences. I’m just finishing our week 3 and my loss has stalled. Even gained a pound. I assume it’s because of soft foods being introduced.
  15. Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

    2 week No Loss 8 weeks out of surgery

    So I lost my first 45 lbs pretty fast. At 6 weeks I started working out. I’m 8 weeks out and I’ve been stuck between 233-239 every time I get on the scale it tells me a different number. I have lost inches though 5.5 inches last week and 5 inches the week before so 10 inches but no weightloss. Here’s what my weekly workout looks like m- swim Pilates t- water fitness w- HIIT class am yoga pm Thursday - swim Friday- yoga Saturday- yoga Sunday- off and here’s what I eat daily breakfast- 30 G protein shake Snack- light cheese stick lunch- 1 oz protein of choice and quest protein chips dinner- 2 oz chicken snack: protein shake 64-80 oz of water 90 g of protein daily as my medical team has advised. ok help what am I doing wrong here. I’m not snacking I’m not cheating I’m working out and feeling discouraged. This is why I always quit at diets because I do everything right and I feel like it’s not enough. many advice will help.
  16. On liquid diet first week or two post op, can you drink protein shakes or just broth and clear liquids?
  17. I have been stalled for about 6 weeks. So, from about the 5.5 month mark until almost 7 months out from bypass. I don't know what to do to break this stall and it's starting to feel like maybe this is just the end of the weight loss from surgery? I am down 73lbs which I know is a lot, but I still have a lot to go. At 5,2 I should be 110-130 and that's 80-100lbs away. Any suggestions? Encouragement? Also, I am loosing horrendous amounts of hair. Have been for almost 4 months! I thought that was supposed to end after 3 months or so of loosing hair.
  18. I have no energy today. How do I raise my vitamin d level Sent from my U693CL using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Hi- I am new here and hoping to find some “real world guidance”. I am almost 6 weeks post op from VSG and about a week and half ago my GERD became debilitating! Drinking flavored water, Gatorade zero hurts and often make GERD worse. I am doing small sips. Eating bland foods causes GERD TO WORSEN. Despite eating about 2 oz over 45 minutes. Sleeping elevated, has made a slight improvement. But trying to sleep is the worse. I am taking protonix twice a day. talked to my surgeon and she is concerned, but wants to wait a month before further investigating. was wondering if any of you have had a similar problem and if anything worked for you. At this point, I have not met my fluid goals for the same time period and I am starting to feel tired. mahalo in advance. n
  20. So the beginning of my 12th week I started having pain in my right side. It would not get better. Saturday morning I called my doctor and she said let's do a quick test and see what's going on. I show up at the hospital and they admitted me immediately. I was surprised by that. They did blood work a CAT scan and ultrasounds. The blood work came back immediately with my potassium at 3.0. I don't know a lot about that kind of stuff but I learned that anything 3.6 and under you are admitted for. Apparently you can have a heart attack. My kidneys were at stage 2 failure shutting down from dehydration low electrolytes and potassium. Hence the right side pain. So they started me on the drips and the potassium and kept me Saturday through to Sunday afternoon. By Sunday at 6:00 a.m. my kidneys looked better and my potassium was at 3.6. how did this happen That's the question. I was on blood pressure medication that also had a diuretic included in it. My doctor knew this, my doctor and I discussed this before surgery and immediately after surgery. She put me on a regular blood pressure med with no diuretic for one week after surgery and then told me to continue with the regular one with the diuretic. Why would she have done that. You're already struggling after this kind of surgery to get all your fluids in only to have a diuretic move all of them out of you quickly including all your electrolytes. So for 3 months I have been fighting a diuretic and my kidneys have been working overdrive to make up for it. I'm very angry. I live in the Central Valley in California and in this next week our temperatures will be upwards of 114°. In the hospital they told me if I hadn't come in I would have come in in an ambulance within a few days simply because of the heat and how low my potassium was. And who knows if I would have made it. I'm still tired it will take awhile for me to fully recover from this and it was completely avoidable.
  21. I had my endoscopic sleeve on 5/25. The only pain I felt was the day of and day after surgery. I felt literally no pain the next two weeks on liquids. I was switched to purée after the 2 weeks and my stomach has pain. It’s mostly when I move in certain ways but it was a little scary since I had felt great the first 2 weeks. Has anyone experienced this? I went back to liquids just in case my body was in shock from the switch to more solid foods but it hasn’t changed. Thoughts/advice? I’m new to the forum as well, it’s nice to “meet” you all and have a community of those going through the same thing.
  22. I am a week post op and I honestly feel like crap! I keep feeling so nauseous and I can’t get my self to drink a good amount of water. I honestly feel very regretful today. When does it get better? 

    1. adventuremomof4


      By the third week you will feel some relief. Don't push yourself too much with quantity that first week. I just made sure to keep sipping and walking which helped me feel better.

    2. Iluvbats


      I hear you. This has been the hardest day for me so far (2 days post-op).

  23. KiKiGordon

    One week before

    From the album: Before

    © KiKi Gordon

  24. As of last Tuesday, I was in a 2 week stall. Even knowing it was normal and inevitable, it felt terrible. I let myself feel down for a day and then I increased my protein intake and started resistance band training (I was exactly 8 weeks out). I also incorporated more potassium rich food to combat sodium bloat. Today I went in for my 2 month follow up and I’m down 12 pounds from last Tuesday, 32 since surgery, and 45 from my starting weight. I’m sure the stall would’ve broken on it’s own but I feel good about the adjustments and I’m enjoying short resistance workouts. Hoping anyone else in a stall right now feels hopeful after reading this!

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