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Found 17,501 results

  1. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Life has been nuts the past couple months but I do periodically stalk the pages to get ideas. This was last night’s dinner- espresso bbq roasted chicken thighs, coleslaw, broccoli watermelon, and loaded mashed potatoes. (Chicken thighs marinated in buttermilk, KC bbq rub and espresso rub then topped with more of each and baked at 450F for 35ish minutes)- I’m not currently counting calories as I’m doing cardiac rehab 3 days a week and have lost 25lbs since I’ve had heart surgery that I had gained beforehand (stupid fatigue). Also, went to the museum with my youngest on a field trip today and we grabbed ice cream to share. This is the after from both of us eating it.
  2. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The sashimi was great! Very easy to eat. I had just a few bites of my miso soup and then gave that and the salad to my daughters (both items come with the order). I think I ate 4 or 5 pieces over the span of an hour, no rice, and half of one green tea mochi ice cream for dessert. I ordered a miso soup to take home because it was so delicious. I had half yesterday and will finish it today. Congratulations on your stall breaking! Mine is still hanging on, but I'm just trying to ignore it. I've lost 21 lbs but a lot of that happened during the liquid diet pre-op. When I told my dietician I'd lost 15lbs in two weeks pre-op, she said that was way more than expected and might be why my post-op loss has been slower. It'll all work out in the end, I guess.
  3. xKirstenx

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    I should add that I'm in England, UK and I think the guidelines differ from the USA ones. I think in the UK there are brackets for each BMI and 60+ is 4 weeks. The others include 3 weeks, 2 weeks, and 1 week depending on which BMI bracket you fall into. They stated it's because the higher your BMI the more fatty your liver and harder to move during surgery (especially with a keyhole) and thus could cause the surgeon to abandon and I still get charged. I suppose it ensures that the chance of that happening is minimal as long as I stick to it. I do feel like it's harsh though. I feel like I could have gotten away with 2 weeks since I eat fairly well with my partner anyway.
  4. ChunkCat


    If you lost a bunch of weight pre-surgery your loss post surgery may be slower for a little while. This is because the body has to recalibrate and reassure itself it isn't starving to death. It also has to replenish glycogen and rebalance your fluids and on and on. It's a lot of hard work for it!! And slow to one person is not slow to another person. I'm 6 weeks post op a DS and have lost 20 lbs. I did not lose much pre-op. I have been stalled for several weeks because that's the classic 3 week stall where the body does its thing to recalibrate to lose more weight. I'm not stressing about it, I just had a very major surgery! My body has been working hard! It takes time to recover. You feel like you are starving because you aren't getting your fluids in by mouth. Trust me, once you are getting all your fluids in it becomes a challenge to find times to eat and drink everything you need in a day. Getting fluids by IV will keep making the scale jump by 10 lbs because they fluid load you to last a few days. You are probably losing fat, it just isn't showing on the scales because of the IV fluids. Make sure you take measurements too, those often change when the scale doesn't. I wish you much luck in getting off the IVs!
  5. Congratulations. You’re doing so well. Your weight loss is certainly noticeable. Sometimes the scales don’t move but the numbers on the tape measure gets smaller or our clothes get bigger. I think our body makes small adjustments to the location of our fat as we lose. It certainly goes through a noticeable resettling after maintenance begins & our weight loss stops - we look less gaunt, our body shape changes, etc. It’s why those of us who’ve been here a little while often suggest taking body measurements instead of weighing yourself during a stall. Looking forward to seeing what their next months bring you.
  6. HI my lovelies ❤️ I am just about 3 months post op (surgery was 12/6/24) and 1 lb shy of being down a total of 40lbs. While this is great I feel like I should be down more, or wish I was down more. I can't help but see others with close to 60+lbs down within the same time frame. I know we're not supposed to compare ourselves, it's literally the worst thing to do, but I can't help it. I was apart of the Tuesday Talks meeting last week which there were 2 women there that assured me that they lost at a similar pace, losing about 10lbs a month every month after the surgery. One of the nice ladies explained that 10lbs/month = to 120lbs down in 1 year. When I thought of it like that, I did feel better and more assured however I am still struggling with self depleting thoughts. Also, the last 2 weeks I been struggling with eating the wrong foods and snacking on foods I shouldn't be eating which I'll beat myself up even more mentally. My biggest struggles are iced coffee with sugary syrups and pizza/chips. I will have these about 1 x a week the last 2 weeks. How the day goes is it's usually a Sunday, I'll get a sugary coffee for breakfast and then end the day with 1 of those single serving bag of chips and 1 slice of pizza. I've done this now the last 2 Sundays. While it may not seem like a lot Im worried that I will start sliding down the wrong path and give into my old ways even more. The luxury of this surgery is Im incapable of overeating now and these foods still stay within a "normal" caloric range for the day (about 1400cals) but still, I know I shouldn't be eating them at all. I also workout 5 days a week now and have been consistent with this since late December. I do about 1.5 miles on the treadmill at the gym 3xs a week and then do a step ups aerobic type of exercise 2 days a week at home. I always leave my workout super sweaty with a high calorie burn on my Apple Watch. So with all this being said, I feel like I eat perfectly 6 days a week w 1 day where I'm "off", workout 5 days a week every single week taking off 2 days usually Wed and Sunday to let my body rest. Is there anything else I could do to speed up my weight loss? Or do you think this is "normal" and I'm on a good path? I also do these week to 2 week challenges with my bf that help me stay on track too. For example we did one from 2/12 - 3/1 and the rules were no junk food, fried foods or sugar and workout 5 days a week. I completed the challenge and lost 6 lbs total. But it was the day after the challenge where I ate pizza and iced coffee w mocha. We started a new challenge today which ends on Saturday 3/9. After that I'll be partaking in Ramadan beginning Monday 3/11 this year which will also help to keep me disciplined. Please do share your thoughts and how you combated your bad food habits? Also, please be kind ❤️ Thanks for reading! xoxo
  7. Michelle 07V

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Wow I’m 3 weeks out and got entirely exhausted today after a shower , and 2 loads of laundry ( wash dry and fold) I didn’t even put it all away. Then ended up taking a 3 1/2 hour nap
  8. Had an appt with my Dietician and I am so irritated, like so bothered! I told her that I weight train 6x a week on top of cardio 6x a week. Went over how much I ate and what type of foods and she told me I am eating too much protein, and I need to stop drinking my proffee in the morning only have decaf coffee. She said I need to eat under 100g of protein even though I am weight training. I could not respond, I am not trying to be thin my goal is to get fit and shapely which is why I weight train. My multivitamins I have to adjust which I knew I needed to. I feel so discouraged by what she said, she told me that the 1000 cal is "ok". I asked what that meant, she said I am on the higher scale of what I should eat at 5months post op, I told her but I workout for an hour plus a day? If I ate less I would pass out from exhaustion. My post surgeon team completely left me to figure this all out on my own. I was supposed to have a 6 week and 3 month group appt which she asked why I didn't attend....I told her because your team never called me to set them up and I didn't know that was even a thing. So I have been on my own since week 2. I thought I was kicking ass and taking names, now I am so bummed. Just venting
  9. Here are some herbs and supplements for nausea. 1. Ginger 2. Grape Seed 3. Pepperment 4. Roman chamomile 5. Vitamin B6
  10. lily06

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    I found it hard the first 3 -5 days but once the internal swelling calmed down i kind of focused on feeling drinks or food going down. I’d spend 30 minutes mentally following the mouthful and trying to identify what i felt. In the end i’ve notice a sort of tension in the stomach as the first sign of being full. Then there were other random signs : hiccupping is the strangest one, and for the first week i’d get a runny nose if i’d eaten too much It’s all so new but we’ll work it out - good luck 😊
  11. Does every doctor interpret this treatment process differently? I've been reading so many different timelines that everyone is being given, and I'm confused as to whether there is actually a "norm" and then doctors deviate accordingly, or if each doctor/medical group sets their ideal SOP? For instance, my surgeon required 2 full weeks of liquid only diet for pre-op and at least one night in the hospital after surgery. My first in-person check-in was at one week. I have video/phone appointments until my next in-person at 6 months. Pureed/soft foods don't start until week 3. Solid foods will start week 7. Red meat/shrimp at 6 months. I have Kaiser in the DMV, so the food part is proscribed by the bariatric department, but even the overnight requirement was different with other people having surgery the same day as me. A nurse said my surgeon makes it a standard while others are out in hours. Obviously, it looks like my doctor is moving out of an abundance of caution, which I appreciate, but is anyone not in the Kaiser system getting the same guidance?
  12. summerseeker


    Hello and welcome. The time will fly by, I promise you, Don't over prepare. Do not buy in loads of foods and drinks. After this surgery your tastes could change, mine did. Don't go and read scare stories of others having this surgery. Even on this site most people come and ask questions when they are having problems. They rarely come back when they are doing better. Its scary when its just so one sided. Expect a 3 week stall and many more of them as you go along. The first one is scary as you always imagine you are doing something wrong or messing up. Be careful who you tell about this surgery. Lots of people do not take the news as you would imagine. I, like others on here only told my husband and son. Clean your home. Just in case you are sore on your return from hospital
  13. Frustrating I know but remember a stall when your body shuts down to reassess your new needs. It’s when it resets things like your digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. to support the changes you’ve made & weight you’ve lost so far. Stalls last as long as your body needs to do this & the stall will break when it’s ready to move forward again. Let your body do what it needs to do. Don’t stress it more (you’ve already been putting it through a lot) by making changes to your activity or calorie intake or food choices except for the accepted changes required by your plan. I used to describe stalls as when your body needs to take a breath. It closes the door, climbs into bed & pulls the covers over its head saying I’ve had enough & I can’t deal with this at the moment. The day always comes when your body gets up & says yep I’m ready to face the world & you start losing again. Most tend to have their first stall around the three week mark but it can happen before or after then. They tend to last 1-3 weeks but for some it’s longer & for some it’s only a few days. Mine were the few days type.
  14. Arabesque

    I think i’m over doing it

    I used to describe my tummy as a fussy, petulant temper throwing 2 year old. Likes this, not that. Liked this yesterday but not today. Ate this much yesterday barely can eat half today. Your digestive system has gone through a lot in the surgery and it’s going to take some 8 weeks to heal. There’s something up to 12 inches of sutures & staples holding your tummy together. It’s going to be sensitive to certain flavours, textures (& smells for some). Think of that wound being on your arm & how it would be sensitive to different temperatures, different pressures, it may sting, cramp, spasm, etc. as you move about. Same with your tummy you just can’t see the wound. And sometimes your tummy simply isn’t ready to eat some foods yet even if your program says you can. Go slowly. If your tummy doesn’t tolerate something it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to eat it in the future. Your tummy may not like mayo now (too rich or acidic or sweet 🤷🏻‍♀️) but in a couple of weeks it may be fine. It sometimes is challenging to find foods your tummy will tolerate at first. You may find you’re eating the same 2 or 3 things for a couple of weeks at a time. I ate a lot of yoghurt, runny instant rolled oats & runny scrambled eggs in the puree stage. Even had baby food twice to break the monotony. By solid food I was able to eat a lot of things.
  15. Today marks 1 month since my surgery. Little back history for me, my start weight in March during diet for surgery: 280#. My surgery day: 269#. Today, I'm at 256#. I started and am currently still at at class 3 obesity. Posting before and after pictures. I read and hear so many positive stories on how others lost 30+ pounds their first month. I should be happy with the fact I am losing weight but super slowly. I'm considered a "slow loser" apparently. I'm down 13 pounds in 1 month. I go 5-6 days plateaued same weight before I drop another pound. It's quite annoying. I've been drinking/drinking protein shakes, yogurt, cottage cheese and when I'm not working, I drink between 64-96 oz of water. When I'm working (I work as a warehouse worker and does get to heavy lifting at times), I can hardly down 16 oz of water. When I work, I get excited thinking, "I'm burning so many calories, I'm bound to finally lose that pound!" Just to be disappointed. I weigh daily, I have a separate nutritionist outside of the place I got my surgery as the nutritionist there hasn't helped much, doesn't respond or pay much attention when I try talking to them. So, I found a different one. I tried not weighing in each day, went a week, only to still be disappointed with the same weight. I do occasionally lick unhealthy items or chew and spit out just to get some flavor again. It's not often. Something different about me is I have a lot of muscle naturally. I also have PCOS. I've read PCOS can stall weight loss. I do for sure see changes in my stomach, not so much in my face or my arms...but why can't I be happy about this? Is this like a depression thing others have gone through? I'd love some others opinions, stories, how you're feeling right now.
  16. I went 2 weeks after the surgery, then 3 months, then 6 months, then 1 year, then once every year after that. My surgeon said I'll do a 1 year follow up until I hit 5 years out, then it's more of on an as needed basis, like if something is wrong or whatever.
  17. Please don’t apologize! I’m so sorry to hear your insurance are being dicks. I hope it gets sorted soon. As a European I can’t imagine the stress that must cause. I personally find that the US health insurance system is evil incarnated and will pray that whoever is responsible for temporarily refusing your claim has ingrown toenails forever more. As a smoker I feel you. I haven’t given up because I don’t feel strong enough yet, I just avoided smoking 3 weeks prior to surgery. But hold strong, it’s worth it. Take care and be kind to yourself and keep on posting here! I’d read a novel!
  18. Kri-star

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Had my surgery on 1/25 and I’ve been off work for a full 3 weeks. Tomorrow is my first day back and I’m DREADING it. My energy levels have been low. Since I’ve been off, I’ve been waking up around 8am after a good 10 hours of sleep and I’ll do a few things around the house. Nothing strenuous. I don’t work a desk job and am constantly on my feet from 7am to 7pm. All this week I’ve been trying to wake up at 4am which is when I would normally get up for work, but I just end up napping. I work the next 3 days in a row. It’s gonna be rough!!! Wish me luck!
  19. Char V

    November 2023 buddies

    Hi all. When I was on round one journey this came From the dietician when I had my stall. The stalls are normal. A lot of you are getting active and building muscle. You’ll notice more in the measurements then the scales. Spoke with the Dr this morning and he said I can try soft soft diet. So I got off the phone and went straight for the scrambled eggs( haven’t been able to stomach them in the last 17 months) oh they were a delight and how I missed them.
  20. Rokunoha

    Hair loss

    like already Said, it is normal after 3-6 Month to get more hairloss for a while, i also loose a bunch, Balance diet and Vitamins are Key!
  21. MrsFitz

    So Frustrating

    Re hospital meds - apparently a change in brand name caused the whole system to grind to a halt for my delivery. How ridiculous in this day and age?? These meds can only be delivered via whichever service the hospital uses due to the nature of them (injections) so it’s not as though I can have a say in that. It just means a lot of chasing when it goes wrong. The rules around the NHS dispensing meds in the UK changed some time ago for some reason. I think it was to stop stockpiling and for patients to only request meds they will use instead of just getting them automatically and then wasting then potentially 🙄 It doesn’t seem to matter what repeat medication I request, the pharmacist at the Drs makes the decision when he authorises the script. For example, a couple of weeks ago I requested 2 months of Ibuprofen 400mg as it was difficult to source to buy over the counter - I got 2 weeks. My HRT gel I get 3 bottles at a time (1 bottle a month) but the tablets I get are only issued as 2 monthly scripts so they never marry up. It’s just so annoying when you need to order repeat prescriptions! Sorry, I know I’m whinging but it’s things like this that drives me insane 🤯
  22. Michelle 07V

    December Surgery Buddies!

    At one week post op the only I was told to track is my fluids intake. In fact the first 3 weeks I was only told to make sure I get my water and protein shakes.
  23. BabySpoons

    Weight loss stall

    To be honest, early on I had lots of problems with nausea and vomiting eating normal solid foods when it was allowed for me. I stayed on liquids and soft foods maybe longer than most. But it was easier for me. I figured my tummy just needed more time to heal and really had no reason to force it just because I could have it. So, I prioritized getting my protein and liquids in first in the form of shakes, milk, yogurt, soups etc. I've said it here before, that you are better off staying hydrated if eating solid foods is keeping you from that, timewise. (30-minute rule) I simply preferred that to feeling nauseous and figured I had the rest of my life to eat solid foods. Becoming dehydrated can cause stalls and constipation. I also have trouble drinking plain water but found if I add Crystal Light I tend to drink more in a day., I also take a stool softener twice a day since WLS, recommended by my surgeon. Of course, like everyone else here said, periodic stalls are normal. Long term you have to question what you are doing. Now at almost a year post op, I can pretty much eat and drink as needed. I just came off a stall and since I'm nearing goal weight, those last few pounds are coming off slower. I don't weigh myself as often so as not to get discouraged. But I'm pretty damn happy with where I am. Try to get those liquids in... it's important. GL
  24. Mrs217

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    My dr said if it’s more than 3 days then to do a triple dose of milk of magnesium and stay home, it should work within an hour. My surgery was on the 10th but luckily only had a week on liquids..
  25. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    How is everyone doing now?? I'll be officially 12 weeks out tomorrow! I'll post my stats then and update you guys. I can't believe we are all getting to the 3 month mark...

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