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Found 1,239 results

  1. blizair09

    Zero weight lost

    A lot of people don't lose at all in the first week or so as the body is adjusting and trying to heal. And then, at week 3 or so, you'll encounter the "three week stall." That happens to almost everyone, too. If you follow your plan and meet your protein and water goals every day, the weight will start to come off. I had to accept early on that post-op weight loss was never going to be linear.
  2. Sassy Pants1

    Stall this early?

    Most everyone stalls at 3 weeks. It's been dubbed the dreaded three-week stall. It's completely normal. Brace yourself for the stalls. They happen. And it sucks. You just have to push through it.
  3. 1) you're in the infamous three-week stall that almost all of us go through. To get through this, you just have to stay on your plan and stay off the scale if you need to, and your weight loss WILL start up again. Usually takes 1-3 weeks, and it'll likely be the first stall of many 2) on top of that, you may be dehydrated
  4. Browneyedgirl41


    Yep. I'm in the same boat. I've heard of the "three week stall" before. I'm trying not to worry too much about it.
  5. emily_0192010

    Vsg & Hiatal Hernia Repair

    Hello I'm glad to hear you are doing well!! I also had a hiatal hernia repaired during my operation and didn't find out until my follow-up visit! I'm not sure if it made my recovery harder or not. Apparently it is very, very common! I also agree that wearing something tight actually helps in some ways. Once my incisions weren't sore themselves (just general soreness) I wore a spanx-like thing all the time. I still wear it! Immediately after surgery I wore one that was technically a size or two too big, that way it held me in but didn't add pressure. Good luck on not stepping on the scale! It is very tempting at first! Also, be prepared just in case you hit the "three week stall". Totally normal, but it can still hurt to see it. If you do hit it, just remember "Water, Protein, vitamin" and try not to dwell on the number!
  6. blizair09

    Just need some encouragement

    It will pick back up. Your body is doing all sorts of internal healing and adjustments in the beginning. And with you breastfeeding, I would imagine that just adds to the adjustments. Give it a little time, and stay off of the scale if it is going to upset you. I hit the three week stall right on schedule. It lasted 2 weeks and I've lost 1-1.5 pounds every day since then. (Today is Day 39 post-op for me.) Good luck!
  7. Decembersleever

    3 weeks po stall

    Ahhhh. The dreaded three week stall. Hang in there. Your body is playing catch up Don't change a thing . You will be losing again real soon
  8. I lost 90lbs during the year before my VSG by being on a 1500 Cal diet and lots of walking. Since my VSG on August 20th I have lost an additional 25 lbs but I hit the dreaded "three week stall" for the past week. I hope I start losing again soon. I am averaging only 500 Cals a day and run out of energy by mid afternoon. Unfortunately, I have to go back to work next week. I hope my energy holds out.
  9. Hi All, So for months I have been reading all of the posts on this board, rolling my eyes at the many three-week stall posts. I am 3 weeks tomorrow and I only lost about 1lb since last tuesday. I am anticipating that I won't lose much this week after being about 19lbs down since surgery! I just wanted to put out there that I am sympathetic to the stall thing. It is really hard especially the first time - you fear the weight loss will never pick up again. Funny, I don't remember this happening with the lap band for me in 2007...
  10. Sreeves

    Firt mini goal reached!

    I am now 7 weeks 2 days postop. Before surgery I had a mini goal in mind: I wanted to lose the weight of my granddaughter. At the time she weighed 45 pounds (she's 6). I did not give myself a time limit because,, frankly, I was not sure how fast or slow the weight would come off this time. After the dreaded "three week stall," which, appropriately, lasted almost 3 weeks, I was not sure I would EVER reach this goal. I was wrong. I am now 45 pounds down. WOOT! Unfortunately, my granddaughter hit a growth spurt these past few months and she now weighs 49 pounds. Still, MY goal has been reached. I expect to lose another 4 pounds in the next week or 2 so then I will feel another small victory. Next actual mini goal: I want to weigh less than my husband, who is 220 pounds. I am within 5 pounds of what I weighed when we got married 10 years ago, so YAY! All these NSVs are what is keeping me motivated right now, and that is a wonderful feeling. Success is not always measured by the scale but for those times that it is, I am a happy loser!
  11. I had a three week stall. It was super frustrating. I cried. I was super b*&$thy and then it suddenly I started losing steadily. Be patient.
  12. I never had the three week stall. Instead I had a three MONTH stall where when I hit the third month after my surgery I didn't lose any weight for almost three weeks. Then I lost two pounds and stalled for another week and a half. Then lost five pounds. I've had two other stalls that lasted a week and two respectively. It's soooooo irritating, but I was told it's just your body processing the huge changes rapid weight loss causes. If you're anything like me, there will be weeks when the stalls will annoy you so much you'll be tempted to throw your scale lol. Just try not to stress about it too much.
  13. I am 3 weeks postop VSG. I lost 40 pounds before surgery and about 6 pounds first week after surgery. So frustrated that I weight just goes up and and down by about a pound but not lost anything in last two weeks. I am religiously logging all food and water. I am supposed to be on pureed food but have gone back to just three protein shakes a day (150 cal each) and nothing else but water. I am walking my dog 30 minutes every day which I couldn't do before due to low back pain. With increased activity and low intake of calories why am I not losing any weight? Mystery to me. There is no food in house except protein shakes so I am obviously not cheating. I heard of "three week stall" but this started one week postop. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. catwoman7

    Anyone else stalling?

    almost everyone goes through the infamous "three week stall". If you do a search on this site for you, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...) just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to. The stall WILL break.
  15. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall of 10 days

    almost everyone has stalls along the way. The first one is typically within the first month or so after surgery. We call it the "three week stall" because it's usually the third week post-op, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. During week 4, my weight loss started up again, and I lost something like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. you don't need to change anything up at this point because this is just the typical three week stall when people are eating very few calories. It'll break. If you need to stay off the scale for a few days, do it - but your weight loss WILL start up again.
  16. You likely hit the three week stall. It's incredibly common and can last 1-3 weeks on average. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss so try not to get discouraged (basically impossible, I know). Your body is just adjusting to rapid weight loss and is just needing a bit of time to process the change. Stalls will happen throughout your journey and it will alternately irritate you and make you question every little thing you do because you'll feel like you must be doing SOMETHING wrong. But it's normal. Just ride it out and continue to eat like you're supposed to and the weight loss will start back up again.
  17. you're in the "three week stall". Almost everyone has it - do a search for it on this site
  18. Mini_me007

    How can I be a failure already?

    I know what the three week stall is. The weight loss of 2 pounds in a week happened from day 7 to day 14. I didn't realize something like this could happen this early.
  19. 4ALongerLife


    Go to the search bar and input "three week stall"... if you are at four, consider yourself lucky. The "three week stall" is one of the most common ones almost all sleevers experience. Hang in there and do what you are supposed to and it will subside. More stalls to come eventually, but be patient!
  20. Bryan Graeve

    3 weeks out!

    Congrats, nice work! I'm about 3.5 weeks out and have lost around 40 lbs myself. Most of the weight came off at the beginning during the Protein shake diet, it's been slow losing the last week. I attribute it to the dreaded three week stall I've read about in other posts.
  21. GreenTealael


    No I just came off a three week stall... I tried very hard to bump up protein , vitamins and water. I asked my NUT about this on Tuesday and she recommended increasing things not decreasing (excluding carbs fat sugars etc) Her options for me were more fiber, water exercise, sleep, protein etc. Hope this helps...
  22. HW: 270 DOS: 232 CW: 215 I have gone from 3x to 2x scrubs and 26W to 22W jeans. So far I can tolerate almost all foods except for milk straight up. I have accepted that I am a slow loser weight wise but the inches seem to be coming off. I have had 2 three week stalls and I am only almost 2 months out which is frustrating and a reason I don't post very much. I still have many regrets and am not sure if I had the choice that I would do this again.
  23. hollirrose

    No Loss

    Almost everyone experiences the "three week stall". Search for it and you will see. Just keep eating on plan and the weight will come off!
  24. sweettea

    Two weeks out and not losing

    There's something called the three week stall. Heard about it on other forums. Keep doing what your doing and it will happen.
  25. Joolzabug

    One month out today

    I had never heard of the three-week stall, but I was so relieved to read about it....that is exactly what I am going through now....I love this board!

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