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Found 1,239 results

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not loosing weight! Help!

    Ummm... This needs to be pinned! Like a, "come here when you hit the three week stall" post! Great explanation Babbs! This question is posted almost daily. I bet there are hundreds of threads on this very topic on this site, but a large number of people never read them, or must not think it applies to them. You will learn a lot if you read through this site. You can also use the search function to find posts related to specific issues.
  2. ambernoel

    12/7/16 gastric sleeve

    @@Dknal2 that's an amazing weight loss! My dr has me come weekly for the first six weeks post op and he said my weight loss was pretty rapid and he wanted to see it slow down because I'm loosing ppm and ffm a little to rapid:/ you are kicking butt tho! I was hopeful to see a one on the scale for the new year but I'm sitting steady at 207 and I've been warned of the three week stall- so I guess I'll get there eventually when I get there lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. I was sleeved on May 6/2010. Everything was fine until I star the third week when I stall, now this is my 5th week that means three weeks stall (and counting). I went to the nutritionist last week and we review what I'm eating but the only adjust was to replace the snacks for the protein shakes, I'm eating right, I'm drinking most of the time my liquids and I'm exercising. this is what I think I'm suppose to do but it is not working. Any suggestions? Somebody with a problem like this? Thanks.
  4. Lanette

    Here's Some Stall Info...

    Just what I needed.....starting my fourth week of my "three week stall". So ready to be losing again.
  5. Welcome to the site! Hang in there...i just came off an almost three week stall. They happen then they are gone and the weight begins to fall off again!!! Keep track of what you are eating to help stay the course and good luck!
  6. OilSooner

    Ok Question About Calories

    Honestly, I eat about 1500 calories per day, and am at 3 weeks two days. I try to eat all healthy foods, but have had a piece of chocolate or two. I am down nearly 30 lbs since surgery, and have yet to hit the three weeks stall. I cant imagine the people who eat only 5-600 calories per day, and I'm sure they are staggered that I eat 1500. Its a crazy world, and we are all different!
  7. It's completely normal and happens to most of us. Search for "Three Week Stall" on the site and you'll find tons of info. Personally, I stalled for almost 4 weeks during my 2nd month. It drove me CRAZY but I was relieved to know that it is just a part of the process.
  8. You've lost 24 pounds in just over three weeks! That is 100% incredible. Your averge is still over a pound a day! I know when you lose really fast, it is easy to develop the expectation that this is the way it will always be. In reality, most sleevers do stall from time to time. I had a three week stall just weeks after surgery. It was frustrating, for sure. Just keep following all the rules laid out for you, and trust that the scale will begin to move again. Trust me, it will! After losing so much weight so quickly, it isn't suprising that your body is taking a little break. Hang in there, you are doing fantastic!
  9. emily_0192010

    Stall? Only Two Weeks Out?

    Oh yes!! It is actually extremely normal... you hit the "three week stall". It sucks, but it happens. I believe it is just your body's way of dealing with the all the changes. You will break out of it! In the meantime, focus on your water, protein and vitamins and don't worry about the scale (well, try not to!)
  10. twistedkitten25

    Let Me Get This Straight...

    What's the three week stall? Im 3 weeks.
  11. Hi eveyone, I am 4 weeks post up. I am very grateful but still I have mixed emotions about my sleeve. Prior to being sleeved I would read where people would say that they were scared that they would be the person that the sleeve did not work for. I did not understand why they would think that. Well.... I'm afraid to say I feel the same way. Please know that I've read TONS of forum posts both here and on other sites, watched TONS of videos to know that I have to be patient and tha everyone's journey is not the same. Please know that I am not comparing. I am simply scared that perhaps this might not work. Here's my details: In late 2006 I weighed 284Ibs, I lost 77Ibs within a little over a year. I did this by mostly working out (almost everyday) and reduced my food intake. In the last year I stopped running and kickboxing due to osteoarthritis and a major flare up with my knees prompted to tone down my workouts. So within the last year I went up to 236Ibs. I never was able to go below 200Ibs. I decided it was time, I realized I needed the tool to help me. So I did my research I knew that I already know have working out down so that would not be a problem. I realized that I needed help with portion control. I lost 8Ibs pre op bring my surger day weight to 228Ibs. I've read that I would need to maximize the 1st 6 to 9 months for my wieght loss so I was prepared to do everything and beyond that was recommended of me. From day one I walked as I was told to. And days after that I made it a point to walk at least 30mins, I listened to my body and stopped when needed. I drank my water the 1st week even though that was hard. By almost week 3 I was drinking 60ounces of water. And now in week 4, I drink (not exagerating) 90-105 ounces. I have to say I really bounced back pretty good. I'm now back to working out at the gym on the elliptical and taking my spinning classes as well ast other cardio-weight training classes. So now 1st week post op I lost 11ibs... yay! but I knew I hardly ate anything as I was only on broth and popsicles. The second week I lost 1ibs, the third week I lost 1.8 and now at 4 weeks I lost 1ibs.... making it a total of about 14Ibs since surgery. Please don't get me wrong I know that it would have been hard to accomplish without VSG. BUT I trully never expected small losses at week 2 onwards. In all the reasearch I never knew that I would lose just about a pound a week after the 1st week. Now I know someone will say this is perhaps the dreaded 3 week stall but this is was on my second week! For some reason I thought after the 1st week that perhaps about 3 - 5Ibs lost on the average would be reasonable for at least 4 weeks. Believe me when I say I am really doing everything right, I forgot to mention that I am taking in at least 80gm of Protein. Am I missing something? Over a week ago my calorie intake was about 660cal a day. My NUT said I needed to increase the calories especially since I've been really working out, she would like to see me as close as possible to 100cal. I must admit, this scared me but I increased it to about avg 780cals this last week. I know everyone is different but I read where people about 4weeks out can hardly drink or eat and are no where near 800cals. I like to consider myself blessed to be almost back to normal but really wonder if my calorie intake of 780Ibs too high for 4weeks. Am I in the three week stall and then perhaps next week things will get going, perhaps my stall started a week earlier? who knows... I would hate to have gone through something I believed in so much as VSG and have it not work out for me. Really are there those that this does no work for. Most days I'm able to put the negative thoughts away and behind me but I can't help but wonder. I've analyzed my eating, water intake, vitamins, protien and workout. Where else or what else have I missed? I've got to lose right? My HRM reading says I've burned at least 400cals a day for the past 4days. Is there anyone out there that this has happend to but started to loss a little more by month two. When I 1st lost 77Ibs I worked out like crazy to keep it off. My hopes with the VSG was that I could still keep my workouts but not like crazy. These last three weeks I've worked hard for little loss and yet I'm not eating as much as I used to. I wondered if I did not workout if I would have lost anything. My goal is to lose about 60 to 70Ibs but I wonder if setting a goal is especially that low would be attainable. Sorry guys I'm just venting. PS: Sorry for any typos or incorrect spellings.
  12. I just broke a three week stall. I know it frustrating but everyone says it normal. I have lost 3 lbs in four days. I hope it continues for a while. I was sleeved on 9/18.. I lost 10 lbs before surgery and 23 lbs after. I started at 243. 210 this morning. I am still fighting fatigue.
  13. What suzthebrit said. Just about everyone's experience is normal. I had a three week stall that started at week three. Just keep following your doctor's food plan and the weight WILL come off. I know that, for me, it was hard to comprehend just how "easy" losing weight this way really is. Easy? Well, once you know what you can eat, it really isn't hard - at least compared to dieting alone.
  14. catwoman7

    My weights stalled for the past week+

    yes. Probably 99% of us. I just searched this site for you on "the three week stall". There are literally 15,701 posts on this right now. This question is asked probably twice a week. Just stick to your program and the weight loss WILL start up again. I stalled during weeks 2 and 3 and once I hit week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within two days . you'll experience occasional stalls throughout your whole journey - when you do, just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to... https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  15. But kids...no boot camp this early. Thats for folks out some months. In a quick nutshell, because I'm heading to the ballet with a hot date (my 7 year old LOL) Remember that diet you did to shrink your liver? Your liver shrank..and then you traumitazed your body with surgery and it went all gaddly goop. Then you started feeding it Clear Liquids and maybe even solid liquis or puree's but not your normal routine. At three weeks your body says....wooooo baby, what the hell is going on? It then sends fluids to the liver to fill it back up again, and tries to find balance. This is the "three week stall" which is common to 99% of patients. No need to panic Keep the course and you'll see a drop next week.
  16. Mr_Worm

    So Dissappointed

    Never fear. You've hit whats commonly known as the "3 week stall". During this week to two week period, you will see very little to no weightloss but you'll start seeing INCHES come off you. There are numerous posts on here about the three week stall you can search and read on. Just have to wait it out and keep doing what the doctor told you. I lost two pant sizes during my 3 week stall. So keep an eye on the inches!
  17. pwest

    Almost a month out..

    I can tell a difference for sure. Keep up the good work! I am on a three week stall. I just keep telling myself that it will pass but it's getting frustrating. I never eat above 750 calories. I am almost two months out and have only lost 26 pounds. Maybe I expect too much too soon but I feel like during this stall that my clothes are getting loser. You're pictures are encouraging because I can definitely tell a difference. Are these ictures taken during your stall period?
  18. lizrox

    the week 3 stall is no myth. ~sigh~

    I too am in the midst of the three week stall. But so many people have talked about it that I now consider it 'normal' and my weight loss past has never been normal. So I am taking it to mean that I too will continue to lose weight and reach my goals just as every other 'normal' person on here has. I take comfort in that
  19. Other than the dreaded three week stall I consistently lost for four months. Then from that point till today (7 months out) I have noticed that I consistently "stall" for 2-3 weeks--the scale barely moves yet I lose inches--and then have a nice weight drop for a week of two. This cycle lasts a month. My graph on my fitness pal bears it out. It's weird! Straight line and then big drop. Kind of like stair steps! Frustrated the heck out of me the first time...second time a little less...now I am used to it and don't stress out about it.
  20. @@boosh10 - I just got out of my three week stall. I don't want to do another one :/
  21. catwoman7

    Stalled Already!

    it's just the three-week stall. Almost all of us go through it. It's not ALWAYS the third week, but sometime within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery.
  22. (See graph below! You can click the picture to make it larger. I also added as an attachment as some people seem to have trouble viewing picture.) Oodles of people have asked what the weight loss is like before/after surgery. I've been keeping track on MyFitnessPal for over a year. Unfortunately, I can only show up to one full year back. My starting weight is Dec 13/Jan 14 was 315lbs. I began changing my eating/exercise even before my first weight loss surgery consultation. My weight on my surgery date (July 28, 2014) was about 245lbs. I had lost about 50lbs before surgery (about 20 during the pre-op!) The weight loss after being sleeved is pretty darn rapid. I've been eating about 1,000 calories per day and exercising 3-5 times per week and burning (according to heart rate monitor) between 400-700 calories per workout. As you can see...stalls happen, they're normal, and they do end. I typically weigh myself once per week. I hit the dreaded three-week stall right at three weeks post-op and it lasted about a month. It sucked, but ended. I am now around 165lbs. That's about 140 lbs since I started my healthier lifestyle in mid-January 2014 and about 7 months since being sleeved. Best of luck to everyone on their journey.
  23. Kaylamh

    Too few calories=stall?

    I've read that the three week stall has to do with glycogen, and to just focus on increasing protein and water
  24. Bryan Graeve

    Only lost 10lbs - WTF

    It's called the "dreaded three week stall". Most people go through it. Hang in there, the weight will come off soon!

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