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Found 2,865 results

  1. thenewme13

    Help i have stopped losing weight

    I'm in the same boat :-( its 6 weeks out lost 27lbs but have gained 2 urrrggggg! Its frustrating! I measure my waist,thigh,breast, belly and nothing has changed. I eat 60-90g of Protein and try to stay below 30g of Carbs drink my water 64oz but nothing happens!!! I've heard if the 3 week stall but not to be stalled for 3 weeks. I know its a process but still gets frustrating not to see results. Can ya'll tell me what your eating if you are 6 weeks postop ? I'm eating soft foods like fish tuna and soft water crackers protein shakes
  2. VSGLiz, I feel your pain. I was sleeved on 09/10. I lost 25lbs in a blink of an eye...for the past 2 weeks, NOTHING! so frustrating. I know there is the 3 week stall, but i think my stall is going to last 3 weeks! its insane!! Have you talked to your surgon about it? Im almost afraid to ask mine, I don't want him to think i'm sitting around eating chocolate all day or something, but if I don't get out of this stall, i'll go crazy!
  3. Wow @alliesjourney you have done great! My friend just got sleeved and lost 20lbs post op then went right into a 3 week stall. She just broke it. My appt is at 7:30am. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. LaGueriTaChuLa13

    Who is in March?

    Im glad im not alone!!. Ive heard of the 3 week stall but not the 10 day post op stall . Depressing!!
  5. SW 344 5 10= BMI of 49.4 CW 227.4 BMI of 32.6 I just came out of a 3 week stall that almost caused a nervous break down. Seriously I lost it. I was sure I was done losing. I was heart broken! In the last few days I have dropped 3 pounds so I feel a little better. My goal is 190 which is still overweight according to the BMI chart. My surgery was on August 20. I think I might have just been really lucky the first 7 months the rest might be slow going! And not all men skin tightens my man boobs are now where my belly button should be and my belly button is almost to my......... Well uh....... Sorry ladies it is low lets just put it that way!!!!!!
  6. puttingme1st

    Holiday Challenge!

    295. Stupid 3 week stall. :-(
  7. sungbyrd

    African American Sleevers

    I was sleeved June 27, 2011, I have lost 20lbs, but have went from a sixe 2x in tops to a large. It is crazy. I also had a black surgeon in Dallas. I have seen people with the lap band and it does not seem to work well. My hair is natural, so ihave not had any hair loss as of yet. So I am doing pretty well. I went through a depression on July 4th and didn't come out the house(haha) I was thinking about all the bar b que I was missing, but i was on liquids then. So things are better now. I am at that 3 week stall, but hopefully things will pick up. My bllod pressure has been normal and i am getting weaned off of insulin. Only 77lbs to go!
  8. Missfreespeech

    July 2022 peeps!

    Hi everyone! My VSG was done on July 28. I would love to stay connected to people on a similar timeline as well. Is anyone else experiencing hunger? I felt it immediately in recovery in the hospital and it is real stomach growling hunger. I am taking my PPI. I think I’m weighing myself too much (daily) and am at the 3 week stall. Wish you all good luck.
  9. hrhlaurie

    Labor day Challenge

    I was on vacation so missed a week but on Labor Day I weighed 208, which is 11 pounds over goal. I didn't anticipate my 3 week stall but have started losing again and losing inches so looking forward to the next challenge!
  10. I had a stroke at 35 that took me down for 9 weeks. I've had another at 50 in addition to 3 TIA's. Was forced to close my restaurant business due to stress and no tolerance for heat. This was my dream and 35 years of my life, 23 of owning my own 200 seater steak/seafood restaurant. Started college and will graduate in Dec. with office degree, (hate it but, I started and I will finish) Weight went from 160-238--considered morbidly obese for my small 5'3 frame which was always small until all the meds. Drs couldn't control the blood pressure pushing 300, and suddenly diabetic pushing 300. Told me I would have to begin Insulin. I said HELL NO!!!!!! I refuse! Meds were only making health worse, and body was beginning to hurt,,,joints, muscles, leg cramps. Now granted, I didn't eat perfect but, I did and do eat fairly healthy. Recent pictures didn't help either but......INSULIN was the last straw. My insurance won't cover anything bariatric so I was a self-pay at $10,000. That hurt the pocketbook but, no Mexico chances for me.(Although I have read of great results....a friend did that and has nothing but bad health issues and no Dr. wants to do anything for her in the states. She's miserable and can't even work anymore and she's only 40. Since my day of surgery, no meds except thyroid,low dose heart, and anti-depression (1/2 pill) because they started me on those at 35 and they at a b***h to get off of. In my case I became suicidal (for no reason...happy life and young family at the time) BP and Blood Sugar has been fine since day after surgery. Aug 1 was surgery date, down 25lbs first month, only 8 since Sept 1--hit a 3 week stall, and in another from 7-9 weeks. Lost 1.2 today(won't count it until it lasts for 2 days.......I lack 2-3 lbs until I hit wonderland. My first goal...I plan a manicure (2nd in my life for a treat. Overall health with no INSULIN was my main cause, but now, I'm looking towards the weight loss. I'm still waiting for that ENERGY I'm supposed to feel but, maybe it will hit soon. At my age, I'm estimated to only losing to 175, but I'm going to hold out hope for about 150 since I was always 110-125 before all the meds took control. This has caused a complete life change, and large drain on finances (with lifetime bariatric supplements and probable gallbladder surgery) Gonna shoot for the best and take good care too prevent additional problems. I like my bones, and my teeth! SHORT ANSWER---Better quality health and future with my family and someday grandbabies. Best of luck to all of us!!!!!!
  11. vze4n4n8

    Any February Sleevers?

    Thats the 3 week stall my dr told me about Sent from my SM-G935F using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. TaiDyed

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I cannot believe that it's been 23 days since I had my surgery! I honestly do not know where the time has gone. I am down 26.5 lbs since starting the pre op diet. I am in the midst of the 3 week stall, but know that after nearly 6 weeks of being at 500-800 calories/day, my body has some serious readjusting to do. I've been back at the gym for 2 weeks and every day feel a little stronger. I'm looking forward to going back to kettlebell classes next month. I know that is going to be a huge help in dropping weight and reshaping the body. So many of us starting this journey together! We are amazing!!
  13. Jeanniebug

    Is this a stall?

    My "3-week stall" started at week 2 and lasted a month. Just keep doing what you're doing and trust the process. This is the first of MANY stalls that you will have. If the scale drives you crazy, you're on it too much.
  14. KGM

    Buddies Group - Surgery Dec 4 to 15, 2017

    I'm 23 days out and I've lost 24 pounds since surgery day. There is a "3 Week Stall" they spoke of at my dr's office and then another drop after that. I'd just encourage you to keep with it.
  15. Everyone stalls no matter what, but it will all work out in the end. Keep believing in your success. It will happen. I had a huge 3 week stall starting at week 5. You may see a stall that will last 1-2 months as you get past month 6. No need to worry. That too shall pass. Keep up the good work!
  16. Kalimomof3

    African American Sleevers

    It is probably the 3 week stall it is quite common don't worry you didn't mess this up:) I am over 5 months out and almost 60lbs down since surgery and the stalls come and go just keep on keepin on.
  17. Tristenhilpert97

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Just checking in... I am currrently also in my 3 week stall since Monday. Surgery was 11-8. I have lost around 25 pounds to this point since surgery. Just trying to keep my head up and focus on protein first and liquids!
  18. No judgement from me. I was in a 3 week stall most of Nov/Dec. I was very upset and frustrated so I totally get it. continue doing the right things and it will get better. Wishing you only the best. Take good care of you. Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. lexi6510


    Yes...its very normal to stall. Search the dreaded 3 week stall and see for yourself. I was depressed when the scale stopped moving so early. But I had never heard of stalls. Keep reading...you're not alone. Sleeved May 15th SW 205 CW 174 IVE been at 174 for almost a week. I think my body is in starvation mode. I had a virus and haven't been able to eat hardly anything.
  20. tonicim

    Post op march sleevers

    Type " 3 week stall" in the search and read about so many people having them
  21. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I just broke a 3 week stall this morning I was up and down between 223-227 yes a 4 lbs up and down moment but for the last 3 Mondays in a row i weighed in at 224 then 223.8 then this past Monday at 225.6 smh it depressed the heck out of my so i lowered my carbs and increased my water and switched from chicken back to fish and as of today I am 222.2 yes! The stall is officially broken and the scale is moving again, I know we shouldn't weigh in every day but heck i was loosing it over here and i saw it go as high as 227 and then i lost it lol its all good though i made changes, However my calorie intake is very poor and could hurt me in the long run I will be more active as of this Monday the 11th so I will increase it back up to 600 to 800 and as much as I HATE protein shakes i will be adding those back in because my protein intake is very low its usually 42 a day the shake will brink it up another 25 so i will force it in me as much as i hate it it will also bring my calories to 616 a day because right now its only 412 and that's not good at all, However on most days all I do is lay in bed and do nothing so since I will be going back to a very active job as of this Monday I will need the increase in calories since my job burns so many calories with all the walking I do. I will also start exercising 3-4 days a week so the low calorie intak may only harm me instead of help me. I am happy for now though, This whole eating right thing is new to me i'm learning my body as I go through this lifestyle change and I pray that when I reach my goal i maintain it, I dont ever want to go through this again!
  22. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    Had my 2 week follow up, everything is going great. I have to start my gall bladder medicine today and in 2 weeks my B12 injections. Everything I have had to eat has settled good, and I'm consistently drinking 50-55oz which he said was good. I have not been doing much activity, I figured I will start when the dreaded 3-week stall comes around and that will trick it lol, let's see if that works lol
  23. Justine13

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Yep- 3 week stall. I only lost the first week and stalled for another week. It'll kick back in gear. Make sure you're drinking 64 ounces and getting your protein in.
  24. I just read somewhere about a 3 week stall. Is it possible to have this at 2 weeks? That's what seems to have happened to me......
  25. Yep, I do believe that I'm officially in the dreaded 3 WEEK STALL!!! I've been the same weight since Friday. Thank God for this wonderful site, because if I didn't know about the 3 week stall, I would be totally freaking out. I'm cool, it's all part of the process...but. .. WHEN IS IT GOING TO END?????? :-D

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