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  1. agreed! i started shopping around for a surgeon the month i reached goal (7 months post in May 2019) with the intention of having it done immediately. i saw 4 surgeons. 3 of them had availabilities within 2-3 months. the 4th one (the one i wanted) had his first opening almost a year later in april 2020 ! i was disappointed but booked him anyway cuz i liked him best. but as luck would have it, he decided to open up a day over his xmas holidays to get me in. i'd like to think it was my sunny personality that moved him lol. so i ended up getting it all done in December 2019. looking back it was really good he did me a solid because the original date of April 2020 would've been the start of covid when all elective surgeries were suspended around here. i probably wouldn't have had my plastics until 2021 or later. phew! dodged a bullet there. anyway...long story short it hurts nothing to start looking around and getting an idea of whats out there and available to you. good luck! ❤️
  2. SandyT

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Just over 2 weeks since my sleeve surgery. On pureed diet now. Things seem to be going really well. My energy levels are building back up and I have no pain at all, except for my normal joint pain. Incisions almost totally healed. I am tolerating 1/2 cup food at each meal. Loving cream of wheat and refried beans. Also love my popsicles. Is everyone who has had their surgery doing well with diet advancing? Good luck to those of you still awaiting surgery. It will be over before you know it and you will be on your way to a new and healthy life.
  3. After waiting an eternity for my therapist office to fax over my notes, my psych eval was cleared they sent my file to my insurance. It was approved within 24 hours. I honestly think it’s because I’m on year 3 of monthly visits to the weight management place here in town and I’ve been on medication to help with my weight loss for about 1.5 years. My next step is pre-op testing.
  4. I have my referral from my PCM here in Texas and my consultation with my surgeon is next week. I need a hernia repair, I have GERD with esophagitis, and mild sleep apnea. My last EDG was two months ago. Will I be required to redo all these tests? Or will the surgeon’s office just request my medical files from my other docs? thank you!
  5. RonHall908

    Down 127 lbs. since October 2023

    Thank you! It feels like it has been longer, but when I look at the July picture it just doesn't seem like it has only been 10 months. Scales wins are better, but inches are pretty good too. I see you just had gastric bypass in March. I hope all is well. Seems like I've had a lot of stalls. But losing 48 lbs. Since my surgery Feb 7th. Seems odd to say I had any stalls.
  6. That's an amazing amount of weight loss in such a short time (even if it may feel like longer, lol). You look incredible. I'm so happy for you! (re: lbs vs inches, I've always cared more about the size measurements rather than the weight. I only care what the scale says because it's easier to track how I'm doing on a given week -- but I'm much happier when my clothes start to feel too loose compared to anything I see when I look at the numbers between my toes)
  7. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    My doctor got back my 3 month post op blood test yesterday and said I had high B-12. So I only need to take one B-50 complex per day. Zinc is low, so I have to take over the counter 3 times a week. Two other tests showed some kind of malnutrition, which is common they said. Seems weird since I have no issues eating enough. Im.sure that's something that will be taken care of down the road. I think the bariatric center i use has a youtube channel that shows how to use the resistance bands. Look up Baileys bariatrics on YouTube. But I'm certain there's plenty of videos showing how to use and what exercises are best.
  8. Ahhh @NickelChip Sorry to hear you are still stalled! This too will pass. I hope your blood tests show good results. And I also have resistance bands collecting dust so let me know how you get along with them! Thanks @Noelle74 you are so right, the weight dosent just drop off. And you're right, progress not perfection is the way to go. Would you consider adding a ticker to your profile? It's a really easy way for me to understand how people are getting along! I walked part of the way of Saint James last summer through the northern route (camino del norte) with my parnter and a group of friends and although I tried to keep a smile on my face it was truly three miserable weeks for me, I was in pain, sweating, out of breath and honetsly wanted to cry each time I saw another hill... but last weekend although it wasn't as steep I walked 26km all on my own and had a lovely day! So yes, progress!!
  9. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis Still stalled I had my 3-month appointment yesterday. It seems I'm on track based on the numbers my doctor wants to see, which is losing at least 10% of your day-of-surgery weight at the 3-month mark. For me, that would be 22.3 lbs, and I've lost 22.4 lbs. So, I just have to trust the process, I guess. I have to go in Friday morning to have blood drawn for iron and B-12 check, and I need to redo my TSH (thyroid) from my physical earlier this week because Biotin messes up the results! So I have to stop my multivitamin and my biotin supplement for 72 hours before retesting. And @Noelle74it's so true that the weight does not just "fall off." Maybe the first few weeks, but after that? It's a struggle. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of frustration. I think a lot of trial and error, too, until you find what works for you. My plan is to just keep tracking protein and water, as directed by my dietician, for the next month. I have a vacation at the end of June. If I get back from that and don't like my progress, I will try limiting carbs to under 50g per day until my 6-month check-up at the end of August. If I'm worried at that point, I will talk to doctor about adding GLP-1. But hopefully there will be no cause for concern. My next thing is to learn how to use my resistance bands! That's my goal for the coming week.
  10. This is not as easy as people think the weight really does not just fall off. I have been having to work for every tiny scale victory lately and if I don’t eat and drink right it creeps up the wrong direction just a bit. I‘’m sorry you’re at a stall too. I know how frustrating it can be. All I can say is that you have made so much progress in the last few months and you look amazing!! You are out there climbing cliffs!! No way would you have been doing that last year. This time next year all this stalls will be a memory and we will all have made it through it. Just keep doing what you’re doing and the scale will move again soon. ❤️
  11. Hi all! So I've been stalled for a week. I know it's normal but it's none the less soul crushing. @NickelChip Did you break through yet ?
  12. Thanks for the response! Yeah I feel your frustration. When I last saw my doc I was a month into the stall and she said she wasn't worried about it at the time. It's another month or so before I have my next check-in. I was just going to tell them then, but maybe I will get in touch sooner.
  13. Thanks for the response! We did full bloodwork (my surgeon orders labs every 3 months). My iron was low but not to the point of anemia, everything else was in normal ranges. I guess I may have misunderstood what to expect here. i was told that you'd *feel* colder in general with the reduced insulation, but I didn't hear or understand that your extremities would actually get cold. I was over here worried it was a circulation problem.
  14. Congratulations. You’re doing so well. Your weight loss is certainly noticeable. Sometimes the scales don’t move but the numbers on the tape measure gets smaller or our clothes get bigger. I think our body makes small adjustments to the location of our fat as we lose. It certainly goes through a noticeable resettling after maintenance begins & our weight loss stops - we look less gaunt, our body shape changes, etc. It’s why those of us who’ve been here a little while often suggest taking body measurements instead of weighing yourself during a stall. Looking forward to seeing what their next months bring you.
  15. Arabesque


    It’s how we measure total cholesterol & is measured in millimoles per litre. Healthy is considered 3.9 - 5.5. 5.5 - 6.5 is considered borderline. So I’m in the lower end of the borderline range now @GreenTealael. When it first went back to 5 I thought the same thing @catwoman7, my body just settling back into its norm. But now… Thinking it maybe the dairy I eat now which is way more than I had before surgery (before 3 or 4 serves a week now 2 or 3 a day a day). Meat is a little less. Butter is less. Cook more in air fryer or bake in the oven. May be I’m missing something, Or it could be the creons I take to aid my absorption of protein. They maybe changing my fat absorption??? Or it could be not having a gall bladder??? I seem to have more questions now.
  16. I started my bariatric journey in October 2023. In the picture I'll post is a recent picture @ 236 lbs. the other is me last July at 363+ lbs. From October to my surgery date Feb 7th 2024 I lost 79 lbs. Around 15 of that was after the two week liquid diet leading up to surgery day. I've lost 48 lbs. since surgery. Which doesn't seem like it, since I have had stalls. Despite having a torn meniscus since last June. I workout nearly everyday. Walking when tolerable, but usually on a stationary bike along with lifting light weights. Nothing crazy. I feel like I lose inches far better than I lose pounds. For the first time since 2003-04 I can wear a large shirt without all the XXXX's on it. This was definitely worth it. But, I also feel lucky. I've not had any big issues.
  17. GreenTealael


    Am I your brother? joking My levels have remained the same (low-normal but I don’t have a lot of fat in my daily diet except 1-2 weeks per year) I not sure of the metrics used to measure in Australia? Is 5.7 very elevated? What would be optimal?
  18. ms.sss

    Is this true?

    *raises hand* im a sleeve. while i can't really comment if/how much my stomach "grew" or stretched, as ive never actually SEEN any before and after pics of it, i can say that while i can't eat IN ONE SITTING the vast amounts i could pack in BEFORE surgery, i can definitely eat more now IN ONE SITTING than i could IMMEDIATELY AFTER surgery (im 5+ years out now) for example: (note im talking like a regular, delivery type pizza below, NOT neapolitan/thin style nor deep dish nor pan pizzas, etc): pre-sleeve: 5-6 slices of pizza 2 months post: no pizza lol 3-5 months post: 3-4 bites of pizza 1 yr post to now: 1 regular pizza slice (like a 4x6 inch triangle) . i have been known to eat up to 2 in one sitting, but that's pushing it for me and not really comfortable. however, i could definitely eat an entire regular pizza over the course of a day. or a neapolitan style one in much less time if i really wanted to. but i dont want to, so yeah. background: 5'2" female: 235 lbs two weeks before surgery. 127 lbs goal at 7 months post. 115 lbs at one year post. 117 lbs this morning (am 5 years, 7 months out)
  19. RonHall908

    Daily calorie intake

    My dietician only gave me protein and carb guidelines. She told.me not to worry about calories. She has me at 100 grams of protein and 59 grams of carbs per day. I also workout everyday. Even if its as simple as walking. So I always go over the guidelines But it's not enough to say im over doing it. 100-130 is where I normally stay 50-65 carbs. Depending on what food I eat the calories range from.1200-1400. Again, calories aren't the important issue. Getting your protein and carb goals in is what you need. Along with staying hydrated. I'm 3 1/2 months post op.
  20. I’m a believer in slowly incorporating better eating habits & food choices back into your day. Aim to work towards how & what you were eating in those first few years after your surgery. To begin may be start tracking your food to see what may need to be adjusted. Then work on hitting those protein & fluid goals & portion sizes. After a couple of weeks change something else like reducing your snacks or change up a cooking style. Work through what ‘rules’ you have become complacent about making a change or two every couple of weeks. Making changes this way is much easier to adopt and adapt to.Also don’t think of them as ‘rules’. That sounds restrictive, inflexible and limiting. How you eat should complement your lifestyle, be sustainable & flexible. Maybe get in touch with a therapist to talk through what may be happening that may be influencing some of your food choices & habits. Maybe get in touch with a dietician too just to check your on the right track again. All the best.
  21. Arabesque

    Daily calorie intake

    Not everyone is given calorie goals. I wasn’t. There are some discussions about calories & a push to concentrate more on the quality of food you are eating. 500 calories is 500 calories regardless of wherever it’s a meal of steamed fish & vegetables or a burger & fries. However the nutrient difference is significant. However, if you would feel more comfortable with some caloric guidelines for as you progress, you have every right to ask for them. Beware though you may not be able to meet the caloric goals for a while & that’s okay. As long as you’re hitting those protein & fluid goals & slowly incorporating some vegetables you’ll be fine. I was given portion size guidelines: 1/4 - 1/3 of a cup from purée slowly increasing to a cup at 6 months slowly increasing again to be about accepted recommended portion sizes. So for example 3-4ozs of protein & a cup of vegetables which is where you likely will be around maintenance. Your advice may be different but our needs are likely different too. But it may be a starting point until you get a more definitive response from your dietician. PS Congratulations on your surgery.
  22. Hi all, I am 3 weeks post-op, and I don’t have any calorie guides from my nutritionist. She only focuses on protein intake and low carb options. In the past I have used calories as my main indicator and am struggling a little with diet conceptions now and after the transition periods without them. I have a goal of 60 g of protein a day and 1-1.5 l of liquids for hydration. I was just wondering if anyone has daily calorie guidelines that they can share?? Tia!
  23. CarolineLittle

    Let's Collect Some Data!

    1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT Female, 50, 5 feet 0 inches 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 6.4 kilos or 14 pounds 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 148.6 kilos or 327 pounds 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 137.6 kilos or 302 pounds 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 127.8 kilograms or 281 pounds 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery 117 kilograms or 257.4 pounds 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery 105.7 kilograms or 232.5 pounds
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Belly fat problems after surgery

    Have you checked to see if you have any uterine fibroids? I'm asking because I ended up having an abdominal total hysterectomy because I had 3 extremely large ones and they couldn't do anything laparoscopically. My stomach was the size of someone who was 5 1/2 months pregnant. We never noticed it when I was over 400 pounds because EVERYTHING was fat on me. But once I lost a ton of weight, I finally agreed to a pap and they found the enlarged uterus. 1 ultrasound and abdominal ct later, and it was confirmed. I had the hysterectomy and my stomach is a lot flatter. Looks like it's supposed to.
  25. cutlass6521

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Day 3 post-op from band removal to gastric sleeve. Yikes, this was way worse than what I thought. They took longer to get that band out-appears previous surgeon was making sure that bugger wasn't moving. 2 days of sleeping and sipping water. Can't even think about food. I hope this gets easier as the week goes by.

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