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Found 17,501 results

  1. Any tips on what I should have on hand the first week post op? 

    2 days away!!!!!


    1. Lorita


      you should have protein drinks 30g. premiere , sugar free popsicles, sugar free fudge pops , crystal light any flavor to add to your water, unflavored isopure protein get from gnc , chicken broth , water with protein already in it. these are the things you will have to choose from for the first 2 weeks of your surgery.

  2. im 5 weeks post op and just found out im pregnant, i dont know what to do, has anyone experienced this before so early after surgery?
  3. From the album: Post Op Progress - Sleeved 10/13/21

    I'm 270.1 here, 13 full weeks done and tomorrow is my three month calendar sleeveaversary. Good stuff!
  4. roadman1122

    3 months post op

    well I'm three months post op, i lost 50 pounds and fast, then it slowed to a crawl, I still can't eat much, and I watch what i eat. and now I finally got my metabolism back to normal, as of a week ago, and now feel great. and i know that will help with the weight loss too, and yes I have loss a lost of hair, oh well
  5. What I've learned this last 2 weeks is consistent. That's I've been able to lose a pound here and there. This morning sucked it was 48 degrees but I am working on being consistent and sticking to it. Am perfectly sticking to it? Hell no but I'm working my ass off!

  6. pintsizedmallrat

    No period for 3 months...

    Is this normal? I got a period (a pretty heavy one) about a week after my surgery in September and since then, nothing. I'm 39, I'm not on any kind of hormonal birth control (and not sexually active so I'm NOT pregnant). I've never been formally diagnosed with PCOS but it's been suspected. My mother went through menopause really young (early 40s). I don't have any children. For the first few months following my surgery, between some new food sensitivities and just general adjustment, I had problems getting enough food in my system (I was running on maybe 200 calories a day because it was all I could comfortably ingest). I wonder if that has something to do with it but now that issue has been largely resolved and I'm up toward 600 a day and hitting my protein goals most of the time (and able to get all my vitamins down too!) so I thought this would have been resolved by now but nope! I wouldn't be heartbroken if I found out I was going through menopause already, but I just wanted to ask the brain trust if anyone else had this experience or not?
  7. I had my gastric bypass surgery on January 4th and I’ve just transitioned to full liquids. I’m sitting here sipping my soup, and my NUT said that I would only be able to handle 4oz or so of any food, but I’m not feeling full at all. I’m super worried about like, popping my staples or something! EDIT: I made myself stop just because I was concerned, but what is normal?
  8. Hi, im 13 weeks post op and having severe back,coccyx and stomach pain. I’ve tried meds etc and checking what I’m eating but it won’t go. The stomach pain is uncomfortable and painful where I can’t even stand. Has anyone else had this at all? a
  9. JulieAnn718

    Jan 3, 2021

    From the album: JulieAnn

    Jan 3, 2021

    © None

  10. dointhis08

    4 weeks post op

    Hi guys I’m 4 weeks post op. The day of surgery I was 286lbs I think about a week from that I was 264lbs, but since then I’ve been stalled for 2 weeks(maybe some days). Currently 259. I have pain still as if it were the first day all over again. I literally eat nothing as everything disgusts me. I do try to drink my protein shakes, but only get 1 in per day. I drink maybe 30oz of water daily. Is this anyone else’s experience? Does anyone have any advice ?
  11. Im 5 weeks and 2 days out. I am tolerating all the allowed foods easily. Any one have experience with potatoes at this stage? Sent from my SM-G986U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. I'm so worried and frustrated.. I am really starting to feel more hungry. I workout 2 times a day 25 minutes each round. I put a pound back on. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong! Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. So this past year has been HELL for me. Not only am I now almost done with a divorce from my middle school sweetheart xs 3 kids, because he was cheating with the 17 year old babysitter. Yep walked in and caught them in our bed. He said he loved me still not in love with me I wasn't young and pretty anymore. I also lost 2 of my beloved pups. Had to start travel nursing to make ends meet, leaving my youngest daughter with him mostly. Being a nurse during this time is trying enough. Then got caught up in the middle of a shoot out at a gas station. All this stress and I started eating bad again. Gained 40 lbs of the 110lbs lost. I absolutely hate me now. I don't even know where to start to get back on track. How do you eat right living out of a hotel room. How do I handle all these sweet cravings I have from the stress. Please help me with any advice. I have been so depressed that I thought of ending it at times. Feeling like a failure. Ps. I start counseling soon.
  14. My surgery was December 28 . So today I noticed after I ate I got a stomach pain . And had to use the rest room right after . Is this dumping ??? I tend to over think or stress so I’m trying not to do that about everything.
  15. Hello All, Happy New Year! I need help from those experienced sleeve folks What are your biggest recommendations to prep for a successful surgical day and what's really important (to you) two weeks after. I'm fighting a diet coke addiction, no joke.
  16. I had mini bypass on November 25th. So I’m 5 weeks post op. SW 237, CW 217. I’m around 600-700 calories a day and only losing 2 pounds a week for the last 3 weeks. Is this normal?
  17. Well, 3 months have gone by since my surgery and I wanted to throw a little bit of what's been happening out there. At surgery I weighed 292 lbs, this morning I weighed 230 lbs. Happy New Year to me!! In July I was 317 lbs, most I will ever weigh. I haven't had alot of issues so far. I'm hoping that trend continues into the New Year and beyond! I look forward to reading posts on this site. It has really helped me through all of this! I stalk more than I talk so, with that in mind, Happy New Year everyone and congratulations on your personal victories! This site is full of amazing people.
  18. Any advice would be great as they only gave me one nutrition visit and noting post because $300 out of a pocket a session is too much for my budget right now. I ma 5 weeks post gastric sleeve and struggling with water intake I hate water I have drank sparkling water for the past 10 years. All the crystal lights and Mio I have tried are to sweet. Also my protein intake is awful since the surgery any shake I have tried makes me vomit along with everything else lately. And my weight has stayed the same I have lost nothing. So discouraged right now. Starting the gym Monday
  19. 3 days post op. I feel nauseated and week most of the time. I don't want to drink or eat anything, I feel I want to throw up. When did you start feeling better?
  20. I’m only a week out from surgery and I just can’t stand my protein she’s. Help

  21. So far have lost 55 lbs been stalled at 170 for 3 weeks now, it’s my first stall since the surgery. Had my surgery august 4, so I guess I’m 5 months out, not sure will I continue to lose weight?

    1. Jessica1024


      I’m pre sleeve and at the same starting weight you were. This is my fear… not meeting the weight loss number(80lbs or more) the surgeon told I should lose. Did your doctor give you a predicted number of pounds he expects you to loose? I’m going to follow your journey if you don’t mind. I’m new to the sight and looking for insight guidance and expectations. I wish you all the best !!!!! Good Luck and God Bless !!!!!

    2. SleeverSk


      I stalled around that mark and Finally started loosing again after 6 weeks of stalling

    3. Jessica1024


      😃 Great to hear you restarted the loss ! 6 weeks seems like it would have been so frustrating and disappointing.

  22. Officially 6 weeks post op!

  23. I'm feeling worried,. I'm not getting all my protein in or water. I'm getting like 50 ounces of water in and 50 to 60 protein in. And not losing weight. I can't walk much I need a new hip and back surgery. I feel like I am failing.. sad for me Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. So as expected I lost about 12 pounds in my clear liquid phase which was for a week post-Op. But ever since I started full liquids (Day 6 of full liquids), I haven't lost anything instead put on a pound 😂 So question is how long do these stalls last? Is it different for different folks? Or there's an average most expect to move beyond the stalls? How long did you stall for?
  25. Hi everyone. I was sleeved on November 30th and am in the pureed phase. Ever since the surgery, I have been hungry. The surgeon and dietitian want me eating 3 "meals" a day. Naturally I get full on very little. The problem is that in between the meals, I am starving. Hangry. Weak. I go back to a classroom full of hormonal preteens excited about winter break next week and I simply will not have the stamina on so little calories. I am drinking about 50 ounces of water a day. I wish that in between breakfast and lunch I could have a tiny bit of cottage cheese and in between lunch a dinner maybe a bite of hummus. Would this really stall weight loss or interfere with my stomach healing? Is anyone on 6 meals vs. 3 during this phase? On the subject of stomach healing, yesterday I was so so hungry that I ate my dinner too fast, had the foamies and heartburn, and finally threw up. Misery. Will this damage, or stretch, the stomach (I feel irrational asking this, but I am a worry wort)? Thank you.

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