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Found 8,836 results

  1. Okay so last night my hubby put a fire on in the wood stove and soon we could small this unfamiliar small. We then noticed that the chimney was on fire and my hubby then called the fire department to see if there was a way for him to get it out.... They sent 3 trucks, sirens and lights going all the way down our little street and woke all the noisy neighbors up. I grabbed one of my hubby's coats and went outside and leaned against the garage door as they started to come down the driveway. Hoses, extinguishers and ladders started showing up along with 10 firemen. They busily took care of business and the chief came over to me and told me all was okay and not to worry...I said that's good and I stayed in my place while they climbed onto the roof and sprayed Water and extinguishers down our chimney. While leaning on the garage door I reached into my husbands pocket and pulled out 4 Halloween chocolate bars.... I did not even give it a second thought and downed all 4 in about 2 seconds....I realized what I had done after as I started to feel sick as a dog...I looked at my hands and there was the empty wrappers as evidence of my crime.... So easy, so fast....I showed my husband and he laughed and said lucky you, you at least got chocolate....I once again stared in disbelief at the wrappers in my hands.... I can't believe how close to the surface my addiction to food is still here. I wonder if I will ever get a hold of it...Not using food as a comfort for troubles... As a side note!!!!!!! Firemen are so hot when they are in uniform.....That was the good part of all of it....dang!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Today I have managed to get in 40 grams of protein from my morning shake and the rest from food!!!!!!! I am thrilled and hopeful that I can keep it up so I don't have to suffer through 2 or 3 shakes a day. It was also easier to drink today. Hallelujah , there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Keep the faith!
  3. MizKelly

    Morning of surgery 1/18/10

    From the album: My Journey

  4. So I did all my foot work I was sitting around waiting and waiting for the office to get back to me so I started calling. I'm a teacher and have been since this whole thing started, wanting this surgery for the February break and it finally is going to happen. I have to start my liquid diet tomorrow but not really sure what I have to do. Can I have cooked veggies or they have to be raw? My NUTI is going to send my the list Monday. So as of tomorrow it's protein shakes for breakfast lunch and dinner YUM. My date is February 19. The last thing I need to do is go to the doc Wednesday for clearance. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. Any extra advice things to do? What should I have in the house before? Any tips? Thank you all. I have been reading what others have posted which has been lots of help as well.
  5. I had my surgery on 01/05/2016. I am 41 years old and have been battling weight problems most of my adult life. I am looking forward to this new journey.
  6. Hello, I am in the process of started my visits and i am wanting to know what is deemed medically necesssary per title 19? I called the customer care and I was informed only my provider can request that information? If anyone can help me I would appreciate it??
  7. I had surgery 8/15 and had been doing great until the last 2 days. I am on full liquids and I haven't eaten anything that I am not supposed to. I have been walking quite a bit and have pushed myself into walking 2 miles at once at least twice a day. I have been having this sharp pain on the left side of my abdomen which is no where near the incision. It is pretty sharp and I have had to take pain killers today, which I had stopped taking at 5 days post op. is this normal? Or did I pull or tear something with all the walking? I will be calling my surgeon tomorrow morning, but wanted to see if anyone here had any ideas. Thanks!
  8. Anyone have a 1/19/15 surgery date and would like to buddy up?
  9. my insurance says it pays 90% of surgery costs and 90% of anesthesia.. what am I lookin at approximately here?
  10. I haven't posted in a while. I used to find these kinds of videos really helpful, so I decided to chronicle my own journey through this process. Here's my 10 month update-- I've now lost over 100 pounds! I also included some before and after pics!
  11. Hi all! Have just found this site and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. I'm asking for a bit of encouragement. I'm 10 days post op from my gastric sleeve surgery. Doing well at getting in my Protein and my fluids but I am so craving something to eat!!! I am not craving a burger or pizza - just something with a little substance. I am scheduled to go back for my first post-op appt with the nurse practitioner on 1/6 but unless they change their usual post-op plan, I will still have another 2 weeks after that of just liquids before moving to "mushy" foods. I know I can do this but it's a challenge for sure! Any suggestions are welcome. I'm still using the protein supplements that I got from the doctor presurgery and do best with the Soups. I bought some whey powder from Walmart but really don't care for the taste of it. I'm thinking I'm going to try the premade shakes and see if I like them better. I have tried the Atkins shakes in the past and liked them ok but they are more expensive. But it will be worth it if it helps me stick to the liquid phase right?
  12. My sleeve is scheduled for 8/19/15 my nerves are really kicking in. I found this and I'm excited there's more people out there going thru what I'm going thru. I start my liquids for preop on 8/4 any recommendations on decent tasting proteins?
  13. Yesterday was 10 mons since my surgery. OMG, down from size 13/14 to size 4 pants & shirts from x-large to x-small. Unbelievable.
  14. My surgery is in 10 more days, it feels so surreal. I've been reading post after post trying to fill my mind with anything an everything. I saw a story a few days ago with someone getting the bypass with their highest weight being my lowest weight, same height and at this point in my life I thought I was thin. It just really makes me question everything I've ever done weight loss wise, and let me tell you I have done some really nutty things( think injecting myself with hcg). Why didn't I ever just think about this choice before? Maybe I just thought it was for those who were morbidly obese, with there own television shows. But I'm morbidly obese, I feel so hurt and ashamed of myself right now for letting it get this far. I took my kids to the park over the weekend and watched the other moms able to play with their kids while I sit in the car weeping. Idk maybe it's just everything getting so close, my desire for the last few years to have this done and the time has finally come. Maybe it's the attitude and arguments I'm getting from my once supportive partner. And all I can think is how can you look at me and not want me to get this done? Maybe it's the fear of being away from my kiddos for a couple days.
  15. I am 10 days post sleeve (June 26) and I am so thirsty but can not get any protein or for that matter any drink to feel comfortable in my belly. Advice please!!
  16. I felt terrible yesterday. Pain, nausea, and GERD. Called WLC and they guided me through the GERD. I stayed in bed all day. I'm a little better today, but very tender. Took one big nap. I feel like I've been set back from recovering. It almost feels like day 1. Anyone get sick this early?
  17. :thumbup::thumbdown:Hey guys, so three weeks ago, I went in for a unfill in my band. I was eating very little and knew that it was time to take some fluid out. So, I did....WELL since then, I have gained 10pds, I can eat more however, I am gaining weight and I don't know why! I charge my eating and I am eating around 1200-1400 cals. Can someone help me? Is this normal, to gain that much weight, if any? I don't want to gain!!! I have about 60 more pds to go and I am sooooo upset about this! PLEASE HELP Me!!!
  18. tizen33


    It is day three since being banded. Today I only took one pain pill when I got up and then just took one because I am getting ready for bed. I have still been a little tired throughout the day. I still have my butterfly type bandages on my bigger incision. The others have the band aids I put on them yesterday. I have drank a little over 700cals today. Sometimes I think I could eat but I am not starving. I am not near as hungry as I was on the pre-op diet. So I guess things are good. I finally had a bowel movement for the first time in over four days. It was a little odd looking. I won't go into any more detail I'm just glad to know things are moving again. Although I did get on the scale today I'm not going to pay very much attention to it accept for on Thursdays which will be my weigh day for my ticker. They might switch to Sundays after that because that's when I weigh in for another log that I keep. We'll see. I can feel something in my lower/mid chest at times. I guess it's the band. I don't think what I'm feeling is restriction. Maybe it is. It's hard to tell. I'm still trying to figure out this new part of me. But I'm very happy to be where I am right now. I'm very content and very excited at the same time. Well- Good luck All!!!
  19. tizen33


    I am so glad to have my baby back. Grandma and Grandpa brought her back a little after 4pm this afternoon. I miss her so much when she is gone even for just a day. She really is the light of my life. She has started walking everywhere... finally. She was a late walker. She's been cruising since right around 12 mos. but it has taken her until now 4 months later to start really walking independently. I wasn't in a real hurry for her to walk (she's getting harder to catch ):girl_hug: but I was gonna start worrying if it didn't happen in the next couple of months. Now I can relax and just enjoy her toddling around. Today was good. I've been really good at maintaining the house. I've used this time off from work and reorganized everything. I am at much more peace when my house is in order. Everything looks so nice. I rode my bike for 10 minutes and consumed 560 calories. Goodnight all!
  20. Hi guys, I have been mostly viewing this site and have joined a few moths ago. Have not done much talking. Now I am ready and need advice on my first fill. What iis it like and how much restriction do you really get out of it. I can basicly eat what I want now but I still feel some restriction. I have not lost what I expected thus far. It is 16 days and I have lost about 10 pounds. Is that good?
  21. tizen33


    Today was busy. I sold my older horse in preparation for two young mustangs we are getting tomorrow. They are beautiful but need a lot of training. Another challenge. I'm pretty much used to just liquids. It's day 21 of the pre-op diet. My tummy still complains every once in a while but after the first three days it did get better. I found a good list of things to get done and to purchase befor surgery. When I go to Boise for my last pre-op appointment next Tuesday I will be going shopping to make sure I'm all set up. I'm too tired today to be too excited or nervous. I rode my bike 30min. and consumed 1020 cals. http://tickers.tickerfactory.com/ezt/d/4;41;93/st/20071018/e/surgery/dt/-2/k/68c5%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Ca%20href=http://www.tickerfactory.com/weight-loss/wwNunKT/%20target=_blank%3E

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