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Found 1,208 results

  1. Anyone gain weight? Surgery Date 5/6/15 SW 275, height 5"11; LowestW 249; CW 251. I do some form of working out 6 days a week. Increased my ability to jog (and have gotten 8-10k steps many times). No fried foods, no soda, no juice, no pork, very low carbs. One cheat day I ate banana pudding while still remaining under 1000kcal that day. Typically eat 500kcal a day. WTH did I gain weight? I'd expect at the least 35lbs down thus far. Feeling like I did all of this for nothing.
  2. Pretty common sense stuff, but I thought this was a good distillation of a lot of common themes from threads across Bariatric Pal. http://www.everydayhealth.com/news/ways-avoid-weight-gain-after-bariatric-surgery/
  3. Did anyone have any issues with gaining weight during the process with the surgeon, nutritionist etc? I gained about 2Lbs since last nutritionist visit, hoping it doesn't cause a issue with insurance coverage. Any input would be great. Thanks, Joe
  4. I had my surgery Monday June 15 and I am on day three of full liquid diet. I weigh myself every Saturday morning and this morning my weight is 19 pounds higher than last Saturday. I have only eaten what I was supposed to eat. I have walked every day. When I was in the hospital they gave me a lot of fluid to get my urine output up so I could be discharged. I have had no pain but I am very down about this unexplained gain. My follow up appointment is Friday June 26. I am calling the office Monday but I am hoping someone can tell me they had the something like this happen to them. Thanks for listening.
  5. Hey y'all, I had my sleeve on the 5th of this month and everything was great. I lost 15lbs in the first week but now I've stepped on the scale and it says I'm up five pounds. I've been drinking the Protein shakes and having a few sips of Soup. I haven't tried to sneak any Cookies or cakes or anything but this is super disheartening. Is this a normal thing where it takes your body a little bit to get used to the fact that you only have a small portion of your stomach? My step-mom said it happened to her but it's still disappointing. My expectation are all out of whack because even if I did gain and my scale isn't wrong 10lbs is still great. Let me know if you've had a similar experience.
  6. I will be post op 3 weeks on tuesday, i lost about 16lbs the first week post op while on clears, a soon as i advanced my diet to puree, i gained like 3lbs and have been stuck at my +3lb weight for almost a week and a half! Im feeling really discouraged and starting to regret my gastric sleeve decision..
  7. So I know a lot people gain weight in the hospital like I did...my question is do you factor that weight in your weekly weight loss?? I gained a whopping 8 pounds while in the hospital but has since lost it of course. I'm 1 week out today and counting those 8 pounds I'm down a total of 16, and without those added pounds I'm down 8! I'm not a stickler for numbers at all, I do however want to track my weekly progress so wasn't sure if I just omit those 16 or what anywhoo...I'm pleased with the first week and hope to keep rockin this thing!!
  8. frumpy69

    Weight gain

    Anyone have weight gain ?? And have all your weight come back on but started back to basics and it all worked out ?
  9. I have never posted before. I had RNY on July 3rd 2014. Weighed 237 when discharged got down to 140 by January. Have maintained that weight I think I go by clothes size I fit into a size 5/7 from 18/20. The 7s do not fit anymore. I all of a sudden have went back to a 11 large muffin top has developed I look pregnant pregnant belly sticking out. 2 weeks ago I had a flat stomach. Going to try 5 day pouch test. I am severely sad. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  10. Hi I had my gastric bypass 2 years in nov and i lost 9 stone. Recently ive noticed that i put back on a stone. ???? In the last year ive had half my kidney removed due to cancer and then my hubby of 24 years leaves me for someone else. I sold the house and brought myself a little flat but i think i may have slipped back to my old ways of eating as im eating more and starting to eat the wrong food and not eat it probably. Please can you help. Debs x
  11. I've heard of the 3rd week stall! And guess how many weeks post op am I? Yep three weeks, but now my scale is saying am up a pound or two. And it's messing with my head! Is it because am on soft foods? Am feeling confused.
  12. I'm at the very beginning stages.... Had my first appt end of April! I see people saying that they didn't get approved because of a weight gain, but what are they referring to? Can you not gain any weight from first spot to surgery date? Or is it month by month? Or just on pre-op diet? I'm so confused.... I'm 3 lbs heavier than my spot last month... Will this be an issue?
  13. Here's what getting complacent gets you....a week of no exercise and a weight gain of 1lb. Time to recommit!

  14. Can anyone tell me how long this Water weight hangs around? Surgery was on Thursday May 7, just sent home today, Saturday May 9. I had heard of this dreaded weight gain, but frankly I didn't expect it to stick around so long. Can anyone share their experience? Of course I'm starting to feel as if I'll be the only person having undergone a Roux En Y gastric bypass and not able to lose weight. Certainly emotional fears not based in reality. Thanks for the support of this forum, I do not go through this experience alone.
  15. Has anyone else noticed weight gain after having a skin removal surgery? When I had my first surgery which was three procedures at once, a lower face/neck lift, a arm lift and a breast lift with implant, I was in such pain that I babied myself with food during recovery. Eating what sounded good and not really noticing fat or carbs, then after recovery I found myself up 10 lbs. rather than being down some weight which I was expecting. Then last year when I had my lower body lift, I told myself I wasn't going to let that happen again, but low and behold that 10 lbs. came back. I have heard there is swelling and that could be part of it. But shouldn't the removed skin take care of that weight? I have a good friend who has had a total body makeover and has had this same thing happen, so it makes me wonder if it's some part of self destruction that's deep inside of us??? I am currently getting in the best shape I can so I will be as fit as possible when I go in for my long thigh lift at the end of summer, and this time it's not going to happen...hopefully.
  16. Ok I know I shouldn't be stressing this right now but I need to know. The day I went in for surgery I weighed 311. The day I came home I weighed 316. Last night (day 6) I was down to 305. I weighed this morning and I weighed 309. I am averaging about 32 ounces a day right now. WHY AM I GAINING WEIGHT?????
  17. HAVE YOU GAINED WEIGHT AFTER YOUR SLEEVE. Hello everyone. I haven been on this forum for quite a while. I was sleeved back in June 2012. I had the lapband revision to sleeve. So far I've lost 45lbs give or take. My starting weight was 216. I lost my first 20 very quickly but from there on its was like pulling teeth.LOL. Anyhow a year to the day I had emergency gallbladder surgery and had to stop working out for a few month, gained a couple of pounds I was able to loose them again. For the past year and half I had endured Iron infusion for my low iron and hemoglobin. In December my OB/GYN decided I needed a total hysterectomy had the surgery done December 19 again had to stop working out and again gained roughly about 10 this lbs I haven't been able to loose it. I'm very worried and upset that I will be gaining more and more. I'm back working out and I'm very careful with what I eat and nothing scale won't move I know I haven't lost inches either because my clothes still fit tight. Everyone keeps telling it's because of the last surgery and that I look fine. It's sad because I don't like what I see in the mirror. And upsetting because I've put my body through so much and I don't want to be I vain.
  18. Big Cat

    Before my weight gain

    From the album: Transition

  19. I'm a little discouraged. I'm currently 14 days post op. I have had no issues and other than fatigue, I feel great. The weight has been falling off every day and all of the sudden on day 10 it just stops. I'm thinking ok no problem it's just a stall. It'll be over before I know it. Two days later I step on the scales and was shocked to see that it had suddenly went up 2.5lbs!! Obviously I'm still on liquids, calorie intake 400-500, since surgery I've lost 11lbs. & I was a lower bmi patient. Still how is this even possible?!
  20. The first week went great. Lost 13 pounds. Went from 311 to 299. Then the second week started and I was up a pound. I thought no big deal, probably Water retention or something. Then the next day I was up another. And the next, another. I am on day 12 and am at 303. Making it look like I've only lost 8 pounds. What in the world is going on? I have stuck to plan. 2 meals of 1-2 slimfast shakes, 1 meal of lean Protein and non starchy vegetables. I also get "free foods" of cucumber, pickle, sf Popsicles. I have been meeting goal of 64 oz of Fluid a day. I don't know what is wrong and it's making me sad and frustrated.
  21. I am 4 months out and down 75 pounds. I am very happy with my progress. I weigh myself every morning (even though I probably shouldn't) and I have had a few stalls but not bad. I weighed myself Monday and skipped Tuesday. On Wednesday I was up 4 pounds when I weighed myself! I'm so confused! I am eating 700-900 calories a day. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I usually go to the gym 3 times a week sometimes less though depending on work.
  22. Hey everybody, here is my situation....I started at 283 pounds, after struggling with my weight yo-yoing up and down all of 2013/14 I decided to go for weight loss surgery and got down to 262 pounds on November 11, 2014, by my next visit December 12, 2014 I was 252, getting through Thanksgiving and Christmas I still managed to lose 9 more pounds by January 29, 2015 which was my last required visit for insurance approval, In Feb I just maintained 243 and gained 1 pound on March 26, 2015 making me 244, by then I was approved and wasn't put on any strict dieting, or two week pre-op I hear every one talking about towards my date this Wednesday 22 Apr 2015, since my last visit I have gained weight due to a lot of back to back celebrations, my husband was promoted, and of course I was ecstatic about my approval.....I gained 4lbs then lost 2 of those lbs, then I look again and gained 5lbs, I don't know if its because I am a little anxious or I am checking too much, so today I just did liquids and I'm going to do so until my date and hope that I lose those 5lbs again, I would hate to have done so well to not be able to get it done because of 5lbs which I am hoping is due to my strength training I took on last week, I'm so mad, because I am so close, Has this happened to any one??
  23. I had my second follow up on 4/14, and my Dr. and Nut wanted to increase my calories 800-1000. I had been getting in about 4-600 calories a day, and hit the 3 week stall, so I've been stalled about 2 weeks now. This morning I was up 2.6 pounds. I'm trying hard not to freak out about it, but I am definitely having the feelings of this isn't going to work for me and wtf. So, did this happen to anyone else? I'm focusing on getting in my Protein and liquids. I've been getting at least 60-85 grams of protein a day, and mostly staying lower carbs. They want me to start getting in more veggies also. I'm still mostly soft foods right now. Any advice?
  24. It is my third day and everything went according to plan. Just got home from the hospital and weighed myself for the first time. I was shocked to see that i actually have gained 8 pounds since the day of surgery. How is that possible? Is it the gas, is it the fluids, or is there something else?
  25. Greetings everyone! I had my surger in 2009 and I dropped down to 176, size 12/14. I kept the weight off for a while, but this past year I've gained 20 pounds. In my mind I know what to do, how to eat, what exercise to do, but I just feel like the biggest failure. Believe me, I'm not one to have a pitty party for 1, but lately I've just been feeling so down. I know the VSG is a tool and I know, clearly, you can gain weight back, but I wanted to know if there was anyone else out there like that has been successful, but then gained weight. I haven't gained all of my weight back, THANK YOU JESUS and my size 14 clothes still fit (barely). Size 16 fits better and I DO NOT want to go back in the 200s. Anyone out there like me? I know its all a mental thing, but sometimes having someone to talk to helps. Thanks for reading. -Cyncha21-

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