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Found 1,239 results

  1. three-week stall for sure. Happens to probably 90% of us. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll eventually break (usually takes 1-3 weeks) and you'll be on your merry way again...
  2. Totally the three-week stall. It lasted a bit over a week for me and then WHOOOOOOOOSH the weight came flying off. I'm averaging a bit over 4 lbs. a week now (hooray for the honeymoon period!) and 59 lbs. from goal. I know it'll slow down as I get closer to equilibrium, but for right now I love it. No te rajes!!
  3. There are several thousand posts about something called the 'three week stall'. It happens usually within the first month post op to the majority of people who have the surgery. Your body is simply taking time to adjust itself. Most of the time there really isn't anything you can do, but to ride it out. Stalls happen. Often times, you can change the way you eat to try and start it back up or add in exercise and nothing will change. They, on average last 1-3 weeks. It'll end when it ends. Just stick to your plan and you'll be fine. I've had multiple stalls throughout my journey, including several (3) that went into the 40-odd day range. They are incredibly frustrating and disheartening, especially when you're no where near your goal weight. You don't get used to them, even if you're like me and get them a LOT. In fact, I just got out of my longest stall yet! I thought, 'this is it, I'm in maintenance' and yet after being in a stall for 46 days I lost a pound. Then 4 days later I lost another pound. So my body just wants to lose at it's own pace. You're still in the beginning of your journey and your weight loss WILL pick up again as this stall is extremely common! Just keep to your plan and it'll break eventually!
  4. mz.newlife54

    Day 10 post op QUESTIONS

    Im two weeks three days after surgery. I've been the same weight the last two days. Ive been losing a pound a day since surgery. I was hoping to keep losing until exactly three weeks but i guess not lol. So the dreaded three week stall is here early. Hope it doesn't last long. How are the other November sleevers doing with the stall? li d
  5. onthefencejenny


    I wouldn't worry about it I think your experiencing the dreaded third week stall! I was sleeved July 25 and right around the third week i stopped losing and would go up a pound or two and then it would drop! I too seemed to be doing everything right! Eating like 600 calories, getting my water in, all my protein and nothing happened! I ended up actually upping my calories to 700-750 and with in a couple days it started dropping! Someone explained the three week stall on here that made me feel so much better! The first couple weeks your body loses cause of the lack if calories and by the third week your body kinda says whoa!! And holds on to everything, then it adjusts and realizes that the lack in calories is the new norm and starts losing again !! The other person explained it much better but that's my short version! Lol. Good luck just keep doing what your doing and it will work itself off! I'm now 38lbs down since my sleeve!!
  6. Hopeful2017

    Feeling deflated

    I am also at a three week stall. Very discouraging. I am definitely not eating enough to gain. Please keep me posted on your journey. I would love to hear about it.
  7. catwoman7

    Weight loss STOPPED!!!!

    look up the "three week stall". Almost everyone gets that. Yours just arrived a little ahead of schedule. Stick to your plan and it will break.
  8. It's better than normal, most people lose zero pounds the third week after surgery (seriously, search "three week stall" or "third week stall" and you will see). For most people, weight loss will pick up again after about a two week stall. However, also for most people, they don't see the kind of rapid 4-6 lbs per week after the first month. I would say that 2 - 3 lbs per week is much more in the normal range after the first month. And, as you say, there really is no normal. Focus on following your program as best you can and don't place so much focus on exactly how much you lose within a given time. It will only stress you out and make you miserable (because it never feels fast enough) when you should be experiencing an incredibly happy time in your life.
  9. Hop_Scotch

    Post Sleeve Question

    You are doing great so far. Stalls are very normal, google weight loss surgery three week stall, though yours is four weeks (the three week stall can become four or five week stall). Your body is taking time to adjust to the varous food stages plus the recent 'big' losses. You are doing great, keep doing what you are doing. Some stalls can last a few weeks, some are longer, some stalls are shorter. If yours lasts beyond a few weeks (and assuming you are following your post op guidelines), you may want to check in with your surgeon or dietician.
  10. catwoman7

    Dreaded STALL

    yep - it's the infamous three-week stall, right on time! It'll last 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your program, stay off the scale if you have to, and rest assured that it will break. This is likely to be your first of several..
  11. Bufflehead

    Stalled for 2 weeks!

    the only thing you did wrong is to not learn about the three week stall and how normal it is BEFORE having surgery. Use the search box here and look for "three week stall" "third week stall" or something like that. Or you can even Google "three week stall vsg" and you'll learn all about it. Stop stressing, keep following your plan, and stay off the scale for a while. Everything will be fine.
  12. Bufflehead

    No weight loss !

    virtually everyone stalls at the third week out. Do a search on these forums for "three week stall" or "third week stall." Keep following your program and you'll start losing again -- but be patient. And get ready because there will be more stalls in your future. The only way you can avoid them is to stop weighing yourself so frequently -- that way you won't know when they happen! If you plot out your weight loss as a graph, it will not look like a smooth slope downwards. It is going to look like a bunch of randomly sized stair steps.
  13. hawkihoops


    In week two of the three week stall.
  14. My "three week stall" has gone on for a month. I've lost 5 pounds in the last four weeks, averaging 650 calories per day, walking 4 to six miles per day. I haven't the energy to run, jog or swim. Meeting with nutritionist today with a lot of questions.
  15. Thanks so much for the advice everyone. I googled "three week stall gastric sleeve" and was so reassured to see it is a very common issue to do with liver and glycogen stores. Have decided to not weight myself until my check up appointment in two weeks time. Thanks again everyone! Sent from my moto g(6) using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. amandastearns

    Weight loss stall

    My three week stall lasted forever (almost 3 weeks lol). Stay focused on the program and it'll break. During my stall the scale did not move but my body was chafing. I lost inches but no weight. Stay hydrated and meet all your goals. Increasing my protein intake is what broke mine. Best of luck!
  17. When you say weight is creeping back on, how much weight are you talking about? If it is just a pound or two, you're likely experiencing the "three week stall" that almost everyone experiences. If this is the case, you should stay concentrate on meeting your protein and water goals, and the weight will start to come off again. If you have gained a significant amount of weight, I would talk it over with your team.
  18. ndavis1991

    3 weeks post op and stall

    I'm 3 weeks out and haven't lost any weight since after the first week. I knew of the three week stall, but wasn't expecting it after one week. Trying to stay upbeat and positive. Doc wasn't concerned at two week checkup. I have this fear of losing no more because my metabolism sucked prior to surgery. Common fear, I'm sure. We will all get through these stalls. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Had surgery on 1/15/16. Lost 17 lbs in the first two weeks. Like clockwork, the day after my two week post-op appointment, the scale went up 2 lbs and I've been trying to get that weight off for the past ten days. I haven't lost a single ounce since that point. It's super discouraging and frustrating, but reading that this three-week stall is common definitely helps! ALSO, measure yourself! I've lost four inches in my waist in the past 10 days while the scale hasn't budged!
  20. feedyoureye

    Addict over the edge

    Have you looked up "Three week stall"? Many people have a stretch of time where they do not lose weight. It does not mean they are doing anything wrong. The body needs time to catch up, and the three week stall is part of that. Are you writing down everything you eat? Do that, even if you are not eating on plan. This at least keeps you accountable for what is going down the hatch. You may not be eating too many calories... but pleas be careful about eating rough foods, foods that swell up, foods that over extend the tiny tummy. You don't want to bust a stitch. I have trouble with water too.. I tell myself whats up with that! How hard is it to get in enough water...still I struggle. Congratulations on your weight loss, I think you are doing great. 22 pounds in a month? When is the last time you did that!? Its takes time to lose the weight. The part of this sleeve process that is the hardest is the maintenance part after a year or three... keep working on getting strategies in place that you can take with you into the future. Exercise that you LIKE. Snack strategies, keep a log of what you eat even if you are off plan....Maintain consciousness. drink your water. I'm there with you on that one...
  21. catwoman7


    almost everyone has that early stall soon after surgery (it's usually the third week, thus we call it "the three week stall", but for some it comes earlier or later). Just stick to your plan, stay off the scale for a few days, and know that it will break and you'll be on your way again. It'll last 1-3 weeks. Mine was weeks 2 & 3 after surgery. During week 4, it broke and I dropped like 6-8 lbs almost overnight. P.S. if you do a search on this site of the three week stall, you will find something like 17,500 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding.
  22. RickM


    You will likely soon hit the "three week stall" (do a search for it here) where your loss will slow or stop and possibly even increase a bit. This is entirely normal and totally unrelated to what food phase you are in (people who are still on liquids as well as those who have been on soft foods since the start go through it.) It has to do with the matter that initially you are losing a big chunk of water weight associated with your glycogen stores (basically stored carbohydrate) being depleted due to your low calorie intake. Once that is depleted, your body shifts gears to burn your stored fat, which burns more slowly, so the weight loss slows a bit, too. Entirely normal. In our program they specifically tell us that their patients tend to do better as they move into real food - not strictly from a loss rate perspective, but for the sake of feeling better and more energetic, which leads to being more active and helping to maintain a more sustainable loss over the long haul. I was starting to nibble at the gym again after a couple of weeks, not for the sake of boosting loss rate (it didn't need it...) but for maintaining the habit (and not allowing my wife to use me as an excuse for not going!) I was certainly not burning any more calories there than at home, but more just starting to get a bit more variety in activities.
  23. Pandemonium


    One important piece of advice/knowledge that it seems nearly no bariatric program gives out is that stalls do happen, very commonly around the 3 week mark. If you use the search box on here and search "three week stall", you will find THOUSANDS of posts from people who had surgery and then suddenly hit a period of time (anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks) where the weight just won't come off. It is something that is very common but is almost always a temporary situation. If it happens to you, keep calm and keep to your doctor's diet plan. One of the easiest adjustments to make to help get out of that stall is to increase your physical activity a little. Stalls/plateaus are likely to happen but they do not signal the end of your weight loss. It's only temporary. Also, start exploring protein shakes/drinks/powders now, if you haven't already done so. This will be where the lion's share of your protein is going to come from post-op and you will want to find one (or two or three) options that you like before you have surgery. Otherwise, it's a miserable experience to try and find what you like immediately after surgery. If you slip up on your diet, that does not mean it is the end of the world, but it IS something to be concerned about. It is something you will want to take corrective action on right away. The surgery is only a tool and if you don't make use of that tool, then you won't see the results that you want. If you have a slip-up, communicate with your doctor right away. Seek advice and assistance from your medical team (doctor, nutritionist, counselor, etc.) so that you can stay on track. Communication is key especially in this difficult time where in-person appointments are not always easy to come by. Don't compare your weight loss to anyone else's. Every single person's physiology is unique. Your metabolism is different from mine and from everyone else on this site. As long as the numbers on the scale are going down, you are succeeding. Never forget that. Lastly, this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. It is, quite literally, a lifelong journey. Use every pillar of support that you have to achieve success. Congrats on completing your pre-op program and I hope that you get your surgery date soon!
  24. There are a GAZILLION posts on the three week stall. (20 days is 3 weeks, right?). Nothing is failing... you are just healing and your body is getting reordered. This WILL fix itself! Have patience, and if you can, don't weigh every day... just makes you crazy!
  25. I know some of you post very helpful information about stalls. And it has really helped me but at the moment I'm feeling somewhat desperate and worried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After over 30 years of trying to lose weight now that I have had surgery, I am 24 days post surgery and of those 24 days I have only gone down on the scale for six of those days in the beginning. I am so worried that this is not going to work or that I will not lose. I am following everything perfectly. I have read a lot about the three-week stall. My stall started on day 12 and has continued now until day 24. Mostly, when people lose weight they lose mostly in the beginning and then start tapering off. Is this really because of the surgery and how many of you have had such a long stall so early in the process? (I have tried to not get on the scale every day but I just can't keep away from it and it is really worrying having a two-week stall so early in the process. I am almost one months post surgery and have only lost 12 pounds eating tiny amounts of food every day. SORRY to bring up this subject again but for those of us going through it for the first time it is very daunting and depressing!!!

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