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Found 2,865 results

  1. Kalimomof3

    African American Sleevers

    It is probably the 3 week stall it is quite common don't worry you didn't mess this up:) I am over 5 months out and almost 60lbs down since surgery and the stalls come and go just keep on keepin on.
  2. sungbyrd

    African American Sleevers

    I was sleeved June 27, 2011, I have lost 20lbs, but have went from a sixe 2x in tops to a large. It is crazy. I also had a black surgeon in Dallas. I have seen people with the lap band and it does not seem to work well. My hair is natural, so ihave not had any hair loss as of yet. So I am doing pretty well. I went through a depression on July 4th and didn't come out the house(haha) I was thinking about all the bar b que I was missing, but i was on liquids then. So things are better now. I am at that 3 week stall, but hopefully things will pick up. My bllod pressure has been normal and i am getting weaned off of insulin. Only 77lbs to go!
  3. LaGueriTaChuLa13

    Who is in March?

    Im glad im not alone!!. Ive heard of the 3 week stall but not the 10 day post op stall . Depressing!!
  4. Oh sooooo many stalls. It's hard. They suck. They will continue to suck all the way through the journey. Search for 3 week stall.
  5. tonicim

    Post op march sleevers

    Type " 3 week stall" in the search and read about so many people having them
  6. I was sleeved July 10 my highest weight 264 day of surgery 258 and now I'm juggling between 225-229 I'm super depressed that I'm not losing. I'm at a 3 week stall. I don't know what to do
  7. TheStruggleIsReal

    Calling all February 1st Sleevers!

    I was sleeved Feb 1. I started at 263 and today hit 213, so 50 lbs gone. I focus on proteins, and don't care about counting fat, carbs, or calories (yet). I have had slip ups (a tiny piece of cake, some fritos) and drink a small glass of wine 3 ish days a week. Other than the 3 week stall I have been losing. So if you have a bad meal/day, you can't give up. One bad meal/day won't make you fat, like one salad won't make you skinny! I also do cardio 3-4 days a week and weights once a week. My goal in May is to up the weights to 2-3 days a week and add in a day of yoga.
  8. Missfreespeech

    July 2022 peeps!

    Hi everyone! My VSG was done on July 28. I would love to stay connected to people on a similar timeline as well. Is anyone else experiencing hunger? I felt it immediately in recovery in the hospital and it is real stomach growling hunger. I am taking my PPI. I think I’m weighing myself too much (daily) and am at the 3 week stall. Wish you all good luck.
  9. DivaK

    July Sleevers

    Hello...I was sleeved on July 2nd and I am doing great. I think I have hit the dreaded 3 week stall but it is o.k. I know this will pass and hopefully sooner than later. I still have some slight incision pain from time to time but not anything that I need meds for. I weighed 210 and lost 4 pounds before surgery and now I weigh 192-193 depending on what my body wants to weigh in the morning...
  10. Chin up and eye on the prize! I haven't had my surgery yet but yes, I see from the forum that the 3-week stall is quite common. I plan to treat it as a tiny hurdle along a lengthy journey - I'm sure the human body is still going through changes even though they may not be reflected on the scale. People report they're still losing inches but the scale doesn't move. Keep looking far into the future at the new you and try not to worry about what the scale says today. We're not embarking on this journey to be a slave to the scale. We're doing this to get a healthier body. That's the ultimate reward!
  11. Yes, the 3 week stall is real. The scale doesn't move but the inches keep going. Mine lasted 9 days. some last longer and some shorter. Just hang in there, your body has been through a major change and has to catch up. It seems to happen to everyone.
  12. kcuster83

    23 Days After Sleeve

    Your body is adjusting, just follow your plan and it will pass. There is an iconic "3 week stall" which you seem to be right around there. Around 3 weeks post-op a lot of people hit a stall. Basically staying at the same weight for a little bit, just still to your plan and it will pass.
  13. She's_Sleeved

    So i have the 3 week stall ugh

    I also am experiencing a stall. Last week was week 3 for me and my scale did not move. I am 2 days into week 4 an have gained a pound. How I couldn't tell you since I am staying at a 700 calorie diet and I walk 30 min 2x's a day. I am heartbroken and my husband is not very understanding at this moment since he just shelled out $17,000 for me to have this surgery and here I am not losing weight. There are so may threads on here about the dreaded 3 week stall I really hope it doesn't last any longer.
  14. Taoz

    May 2018 losers bench

    Hi All. I had my gastric sleeve back on the 2nd May, so I'm just over 4 weeks post op. I had a pretty good recovery post op. I was so sleepy from the medications I pretty much slept the rest of the operation day. I got sick of being woken constantly overnight be either buzzers from other rooms or staff coming in to check my vitals or give me medications. I was roaming the halls a lot from day 2 to help shift remaining gas, and made a few friends around the ward in my travels, including a lovely lady who had been sleeved 18 months prior and was recovering from her tummy tuck. I had the unpleasant experience of vomiting up my endone tablets twice in the second day, until I realised it was because of all the gas bubbles coming up when I went from laying down in bed for a while to sitting up and immediately taking the endone tablets (being a controlled substance the staff have to watch you swallow them). Once I had that figured out I made the staff come back 10 minutes later after I'd been up for a while any time they wanted me to swallow something when I was laying down. By the second day I was able to drink about 400ml total. By day 3 it was close to a litre over the day (including a fair bit of diluted protein water) and by the 4th day I was getting close to a 1.5L (57oz). I couldn't have any optifast that the hospital supplies (intolerant to aspartame and MSG/hidden MSG) and though I mixed up a bit of my aspartame-free formulite shake I found I couldn't stand it. I made the mistake of eating some of the soups they sent me on the third day, and was hit with a nasty MSG headache-bordering-on-migraine from the next morning. I was also in a lot of pain on day 3 because my IV slipped out of my vein overnight and pumped a tonne of fluid into my arm, making it very swollen and painful for the rest of the day. Because I'd vomited on day 2 my surgeon wanted me to stay in 5 days/4 nights, but by day 4 with the MSG headache I just wanted to be home where I could sleep without constant buzzers and eat/drink my REAL soups made with REAL gelatinous home chicken stock which wouldn't give me headaches. After initially asking staff mid-morning to request permission from my surgeon to release me that afternoon, I then elected to self-discharge "against surgeons advice" at 4pm when my husband was able to collect me. Best decision ever (sometimes you just have to rebel!) I've been doing really well at home until the past few days. I was getting at least 60g protein within a few days, had full liquids for the first 2 weeks post op, then both purees and soft solids in weeks 3-4. I am now onto the period of "integrating regular foods" however I've been feeling really nauseous the past few days (despite not changing anything I'm eating yet) so only made it to about 500 calories yesterday, slept really bad overnight waking with a crappy headache today, and then slept much of today while the kids were in school. It's now 5pm and I've only had 150 calories and 500ml (16oz) liquids. I've skipped my multivitamins yesterday and today to avoid worsening the nausea but will try hard to at least get some protein water and other fluids in this evening. The nausea could even be a lead up to my next impending "period from hell". I've been taking my reflux PPI medication from day dot so I don't think it's a reflux issue. I might even be dealing with fallout from post-nasal drip having only just gotten over a particularly bad cold my husband brought home and gave to the kids and I. Fingers crossed that I sleep well tonight (will be taking an over-the-counter sleep aid) and tomorrow I get back to my regular cruisy post-op experience. I was 121kg (about 265lb) when I decided in February to pursue the sleeve operation, 111kg on day of surgery after 3 weeks of pre-op VLCD and currently at 102.3kg after spending my 3 week stall at 104kg.
  15. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    Had my 2 week follow up, everything is going great. I have to start my gall bladder medicine today and in 2 weeks my B12 injections. Everything I have had to eat has settled good, and I'm consistently drinking 50-55oz which he said was good. I have not been doing much activity, I figured I will start when the dreaded 3-week stall comes around and that will trick it lol, let's see if that works lol
  16. tntransplant06

    January sleevers how are you doing?

    I'm at 3 weeks and HAVE hit the 3 week stall. That being said, I've lost 24 lbs in 2 weeks so I can't complain. If I don't lose next week, I will say I will be PI**ED! I am not hungry, but I do feel like I'm obsessing about food. I think about eating every hour and find myself nibbling here and there. I have to reign that in. I don't like eating a bite every 90 min. It literally is a1-3 bites of food every 90 min. I'd much rather eat 6-10 bites every 3-4 hours. I think I'm eating too many carbs but I like them and I can't eat just protein. That being said, I never eat a carb w/out a protein. (that goes back to my diabetic diet) Eating carbs alone means I want more to eat and want to eat more often. I may eat 4 TBS Tuna Fish and then eat 2 ritz crackers with it. I think that's a good balance. Same with soup, maybe 1/2 cup soup w/ 4 crackers. I haven't had bread yet as I cant' try that for 2 more weeks. I don't know that I will eat it again. Although, a turkey sandwich sounds really good.
  17. Scorpio77

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Ugh, the 3 week stall is now extending well into week 4! I've gaining and losing the same 2 pounds since last Thursday 😭 Trying hard to trust the process... Hope everyone is doing well!
  18. I just got off the dreaded 3 week stall that started after week one. I had to go to phoenix on business and lost it during that time. I eat my protein from real foods and try to cram in water but for me thats harder than it looks. I lost just under 3 pounds in 2 days so it is dropping again... you will see it drop.
  19. Tony B - NJ

    Weight stall at 9 months

    I am 8 months post op and just went through a 3 week stall. Increased exercise and really concentrated on recording my food intake as well as increased walking. I am back to losing. I am not stopping until at my ideal body weight. For years I thought it was impossible to be at ideal weight. After 105 pounds and 14 inches off my waste, 5 inches on my neck and countless other successes, I am going to push through stalls and refuse to settle at a weight my body tries to settle at. I am getting to less than a 25 BMI.
  20. Kimmey16

    Memphis, TN

    Hello, I am better. I am almost finish with the antibiotics and I am able to get my food, Protein shakes and Vitamins. I have switch to the Multivitamin patch from this website store because I have taking pills, I hate the taste of them. Although, I am at the "3 week stall" I have lost 40 lbs since I first started the program. He is amazing. Keep me updated. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G750A using the BariatricPal App
  21. preetyfatchic

    Anyone From India?

    hey so nice to hear from some one from India with experience...so how was your journey so far?? are u at goal yet?? im 1.5 months out and lost 13kgs so far....its slowww...but i had a bad 3 week stall... i have tons of questions if u dont mind Sent from my GT-I9100 using VST
  22. IrishGermanRN


    Hows February going for everyone? I had the dreaded 3 week stall. Its like our bodies go in hibernation. I'm good with it though. after a week.. lost a pound. I"m a low BMI'er so slooooowww weight loss is what I"ve heard
  23. I want to have a realistic picture of what this surgery will mean. I am trying to tally up the worst case scenarios, and maybe they are just the "likely" or "eh...could happen" scenarios. From what I've learned on vst, here's what I can expect, in stages: (Although everyone is different!) -Excitement and counting down the days -Hatred of pre-op diet -Nervous, scared, possibly terrified -Sore, nauseous, tired, puking, thirsty -Low energy,trouble drinking, buyer's remorse -Dehydration, weeks of nausea -Sick of Protein shakes, miss chewing -Difficult adjustment, missing food as comfort mechanism, depression -3 week stall, fits and starts, disappointment in slow loss -Judgment from people who know -Trial and error of foods, vomiting when intolerant or too much -Trouble eating in restaurants, missing old life -hair loss, sagging skin, face looking older -Encouraging weight gain, adjustment to new life -Happiness, feeling of accomplishment as getting close to goal -Realization that battle isn't won, won't ever be "over" -Dedication and diligence -Hunger, capacity to eat increases -Rededication after small regain -Acceptance that the fight is eternal I'm the type of person who feels more comfortable having a complete picture of what can happen. I don't want to go into this with rose colored glasses. Any additions? Subtractions? Thoughts? I know that NOT ALL people have all or even some of these. Again -trying to look at possible downsides so I don't get caught up in thinking this is the solution to all life's problems.
  24. Jeanniebug

    Is this a stall?

    My "3-week stall" started at week 2 and lasted a month. Just keep doing what you're doing and trust the process. This is the first of MANY stalls that you will have. If the scale drives you crazy, you're on it too much.
  25. stacyamanda32

    november sleevers.

    @@Aranks, it's good to hear that you are doing fairly well, i had my surgery on Nov 6 th, I've lost about 34 lbs, but now I'm at a 3 week stall so that's a bummer.anyways i go back to work on Monday,let's see how that goes. I'm feeling pretty good lots of energy.

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