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Found 2,865 results

  1. Mattymatt

    Not losing weight

    Yeah, google bariatric surgery and the 3 week stall and you'll see you're not alone. :-D
  2. KCgirl061

    Not losing weight

    You haven’t “officially” stopped losing weight! Sounds like you’re hitting the 3 week stall everyone talks about. Keep doing what you’re supposed to be doing and don’t let the scale stress you!
  3. Day 13 Post Surgery - 215.6lbs (-6.8lbs) Holy cow!!! I slept great AGAIN!!! And woke up full of energy and joyful intentions toward the morning!! I can NOT explain the boost and motivation that it gives a person to see quick weight loss success on the scale! LOL. And I know I will ride that muthah truckin' wave til it ends! And there will be an end cuz all magic has a price. Doesn't it, deary? Hehe. I know sometime between now and the next couple of weeks the awful, terrible, very bad, 3 week stall shall descend upon me and my house. And there will be a pox and a scar upon the land complete with wailing, pissing and moaning, and gnashing of teeth! Ha! I will step on a non-responsive scale multiple times during the day just to confirm it's bitchi-ness. I was so ready for the scale to start moving, though. I KNOW my body. And my body HATES whey protein isolate in large amounts. It can take having 1 protein drink a day, or some supplementation with it, but not for all meals every meal! It's too insulinogenic for me. But give me low fat protein and low fat veggies? And BAM baby. Just like that, my body will start to tap into its fat stores!!! And that is exactly what's happening. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that I'm only taking an occasional 20ml of liquid sf tylenol for transient pain rather than taking gabapentin, tramadol, or worse, narcotics and muscle relaxants! I'm walking as much as I can. Yesterday I hit 40 minutes for the day--almost back to pre-op. I am so limited by the hip bursitis. My hips are back to hurting like a little b***h. But I'm still walking on them at 10 and 20 minute intervals. I think this is really important! Two things concern me right now. I am not getting a sense of fullness. I can easily eat 1/4c of food and could probably eat more than that, but I'm trying to be very conscientious about following my doc's orders. Until last night. One of my diet forms says at Phase 3 soft foods I can have 1-2oz dense protein + 1/4c soft veggies. So I am taking them at their word. Last night I had 1.75oz of grilled tilapia + 1tsp low fat nut-less pesto, 1oz frozen broccoli, 1/2oz avocado, 1/2oz heirloom tomato (skinless/seedless). I wasn't full, but my spidey senses were on alert to tell me I should not eat any more. But and it's a big butt...I did NOT feel full. And I WANTED more food! LOL. That was me all day yesterday! But I still ate my 1/4c of egg scramble, my 3tbsp egg salad + 1/2slice of low carb CheezeItz crackers, 1/2c of yogurt/cottage cheese+apple sauce and cinnamon, plus my 9oz Premier Protein in decaf coffee for a grand total of: 512cals; 61g protein; 18g fat; 15g carbs; 1g fiber; 14g net carbs; 7g sugar naturally occurring. I hope the lack of satiety is because I have little inflammation and because my nerves are not yet firing on all cylinders? OK, more later. Will come back to share my Guiltless Nut-Free Pesto later.
  4. Day 10 Post Op - 219lbs (-3.4lbs Post Surgery) I slept really well again. And woke up full of energy, calm, and very happy! The pure act of chewing and eating savory food yesterday really calmed me down and made me content with my post op experience. I explained to my surgeon that although I would be content with my current liquid diet and not complain, I'd probably gladly sacrifice small rodents for the opportunity to advance to savory Stage 3-Soft Foods. She laughed and said, how do you feel about eggs? I told her that I'm pro-egg and then smiled and admitted that I'd been dreaming of a perfect 6.5 minute soft boiled egg with a spoonful of avocado floating on it! She said, go for it! Well, it felt like I won the weight loss surgery lottery!!! So this morning I fully intend to have my soft boiled egg and tablespoon of avocado! Score baby!!! I'll give a full report! Lunch will be my leftover cheesy soft scrambled egg from last night, and I think dinner will either be another soft boiled egg, or perhaps my dijon egg salad on a low carb cracker. I use low carb tortillas and cut one into squares the size of wheat thins. Then you place the squares on a paper towel and nuke at 20 second intervals, turning them onto the flip side every now and then until perfectly crispy and just beginning to brown. That's about 1 minute total in my microwave. Then store in an airtight container and use 1 or 2 for cracker subs. They're perfect for egg or chicken salad, perfectly low carb, and not too fiberous--melting in your mouth quite as easily as saltines, only without all the carbiness! I love an egg fast and even wrote a crap ton about Egg Fast Diets on my old blog. So many great egg recipes, but some of them are a bit advanced for my early Stage 3 Bariatric Diet, so I will just be content with playing by my doc's rules! Maybe I will revisit them and revise them for the low fat bariatric diet approach one day. I hope I will continue to lose and not begin the 3 week stall early on account of beginning the real food phases early! But if I do, I'm emotionally prepared and have my big girl panties standing by!
  5. Sosewsue61

    3 weeks out , scale not moving

    Lol, oh if i had a nickel every time someone asked this question I could buy prime Super Bowl tickets!!! 'The Dreaded 3 Week Stall'...yep happens to nearly everyone. Your body just had major surgery, has inflammation and healing to do, and adjustments to low calorie consumption, etc. Be patient.
  6. What really counts is your measurements in my opinion, I bet they’re moving. Don’t worry about it, it’ll drop and remember you’re fresh out of surgery, your body is healing too. Classic 3 week stall....don’t stress.
  7. I weighed like you did...and was just as freaked out, but I went back and read in other forums that folks who have lost a good amount of weight prior to surgery often do not lose in the beginning.... like an early 3 week stall? I don't know but I'm holding onto that theory for dear life! and told my husband to hide the scale from me! You are doing great! You've got this!
  8. RNY-Fall-2017

    Not losing weight after bypass! Help!

    Hi! Congratulations, so happy for you! YOUR DOING AMAZING!!!! Sista, lemme tell ya! Your at the ever so common 3 week stall which is lasting a few weeks for you. I stalled at 3 weeks too after I only lost 13 lbs! Yep I only lost 13 lbs (in the 3 weeks after my gastric bypass, which was on 10/17/17). It just took my body time to trust the process as yours is doing to you. It’s ok. Just please relax. Relax. Relax. You’ll lose again! Really! My HW-142, SW-127, CW-189.6 lbs. So as you can see, I’ve had a few stalls & still managed to lose 53lbs in 4 months. It’s part of the process to stall & level out. Some people lose quickly & some just a bit slower, but we all lose good amounts of weight. I am pretty tall & was just over the 35 BMI, so I was told that Ide lose slower than someone with a higher BMI. Those are all individual things we have to remember and take into consideration when looking at our overall weight loss picture. And it’s why we should not ever compare our loss to someone else’s weight loss. I know it’s easier said than done, right?! I know. But it’s true. With that being said, what I did, was I typed into google search “gastric bypass at high weight of 142” and a few ther people popped up with the same or similar stats. I then followed them to see how they were losing. That is the closest thing to a real comparison I’ve found for me, and I say all that because again, comparing yourself to someone else with different stats will be unproductive to you. It may hinder your progres and it will only depress you. Others may be losing faster or slower than you AS THEY SHOULD BE if they be a different BMI than you. As a matter of fact, even people with exactly the same BMI as you starting out will lose weight at varying paces, due biological factors in each person that differ slightly: such as their own liver function (LFT’s or Liver Function Tests are drawn prior to surg to tell the health of liver cells. As we lose, it puts much strain on the liver cells, and if strained with too much the weight loss at once, the weight loss process may become stalled or our body may respond in other ways to signal issues are occurring in thats dept.). Other individual biological factors that we need take into consideration are things likes our own metabolism vs someone else’s (if we have slower metabolisms we may not excercise as much as another which may slow our weight loss slightly compared to another person), also our own water intake regime is a key to our weight loss too (that’s why you will be good to watch your Creatatinine level in your kidneys-this level elevates with insufficient water intake and the kidney can become strained with quick weight loss if not assisted with the water & hydration it needs to allow fat to pass as we lose), also other health ailments we have or the medications we or another person is on may also slow down to quicken weight loss results. There’s so much to consider. Many factors play into the weight loss of our bodies. We need to allow ourselves reasonable and sufficient time to lose. You’ve lost a tremendous amount of weight! From 232 to 210 in about 4 wks is just truly amazing!!!! Seriously, step back and look at those results and ask yourself ‘when was the last time I lost 22 pounds in a month’?. LIKELY NEVER! So relax and try to enjoy the process. Seriously, we will all lose after this surgery, even those with crappy eating habits, crappy exercise habits and crappy water & protein habits. That’s actually a fact. Seriously-because 1) the very fact that our tummy’s are drastically reduced in size and 2) because we literally just cannot absorb most of what we eat puts demand on our bodies to keep losing. Now, through the process we will all stall at times to level out and to adjust, but that’s a good thing!! We want it to stop to readjust now & then! And then eventually our bodies will find a new “set point”. But that’s not typically until after the 12 or 18 month mark. So try to be happy as you sit back to watch your new “tool” do its job & the pounds will melt away! You should be stepping on a scale only once to twice a week according to research after these surgeries. Did you know that? I DIDN’T. My surgeon told me, then my nutritionist told me too. Then I started seeing it & read it everywhere. Yep. We don’t want to teach our new selves that a scale is the know all, by which to guage whether we are losing timely or not. A scale cannot tell us if it’s “water weight”, or “period time”, or “hi, thank you for stepping on me again today, I hate to inform you but your body will be taking the next 3 weeks to level out & readjust”. Your body is doing great, reward it with protein, water walking. HUGS!! Congrats again on doing so well!🌷Jen💕🌷
  9. Seahawks Fan

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    There’s really no such thing as a 3 week stall. My dietitian told me I shouldn’t even look at the scale until 3 months out. I don’t own a scale & never have so that makes it easy. I was sleeved on January 18th.
  10. Gotalose

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    Yes, I've hit the dreaded 3 week stall. Not only that but I'm miserable when I put anything in my mouth to eat. It all hurts so bad but I can tell I need to eat. Lost 20 lbs the first 2 weeks and ready to start losing again. I'm not sure anymore what I'm supposed to be eating or how much. I want to go back to the safety of the liquid stage!!! Everything else scares me. I find that I need to take zofran which I didn't start until about a week ago which helps when I do eat but I would love some help on food ideas. My doctor isn't worried about anything until I go in for my 5 week checkup and then that's when it gets serious. I think right now he just wants me to eat what I can and to heal. He's not concerned about protein or vitamins at this point and is okay if I don't lose another lb until I go in on 3/5. Anyone else going through the same thing and with a relaxed doctor the first month?
  11. kakatlady612

    Questions on weight loss

    It's called a stall, there are stories about that all over Bariatric Pal. Are you following your surgeon's advice on post surgery , getting in your fluids etc? Your body may be regrouping and realigning itself, trying to get all balanced. Remember your body was happy ---happy when you were heavier, it could bebop along,laying down additional fat cells. It may have even been singing "Blumpie Blumpier Blumpie." All the sudden your surgery has said "Halt--- we are now going to live off of and utilize the energy in her fat cells" Body is a little peeved over this term of affairs, says" I don't like this. Can't things be like before? "So it stalls out, but you're going to make it behave and suddenly you start losing again. The 3 week stall one is famous but it can happen other times , weight loss isn't always smooth but if you stay the course IT WILL HAPPEN. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. nevermore71

    Need some reassurances

    Did you lose a good amount of weight before surgery. If so my guess is you hit the 3 week stall right after surgery. There Is no way the body can sustain you on 600 calories long term without hitting the fat. Just hang in there the weight loss will come. You aren't giving your body any other option. It's just kicking up a fuss about it.
  13. Sleeved on 1/8. Lost 14 pds the first week. and only 3 pds since then... so frustrated! I'm getting all of my water and protein in, keeping calories and carbs low. -- not hard considering the little amount we can consume. Tell me this is happening to others too, and that it will end!
  14. Search "3-week stall" on this site...
  15. vrm2bfit

    Feeling deflated

    My surgery was 12 .26.17 I too have ran into a 3 week stall. Our body's are adjusting to our new tiny tummy. I found myself feeling down lately, but I think my hormone levels need to level out. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. FluffyChix

    Feeling deflated

    ((hugs)). Stay the course. Don't get discouraged! You know about the dreaded 3 week stall/slow down, right? Congrats on 17lbs in 1 month and a half (damn, new math). Remind me, do you normally lose 17lbs in a month? Hang in there sweetie. It's gonna go.
  17. mylighthouse

    Worried I'm not going to lose any more!

    Hello, You have lost about 42 lbs since your surgery date, correct? So, you have lost that much in about 4 months. That is not terrible. However, you still have quite a bit to lose. Personally, I do not think that you have reached your final weight. You have been at a 3 week stall, and many times, a 2-4 week stall is followed by some good weight loss. Keep doing what you are doing by logging your food. Check those CARBS. You didn't mention what your carb intake is, and they can really sneak in there if we let them, and they will prevent weight loss. Most people around here seem to get good results with low carb. For myself, I did 20-30 grams a day of carbs right out of the gate until I increased to 40-50 a day at the 10 month mark. If you are already low carb, or ultra low carb, then change it up and go up on carbs a little. I think you're doing great with the exercise. Good for you with 2-3 miles a day. I think if you follow the rules with your food, then you don't really need to up the mileage right now.
  18. Brittanyblue

    Late December Sleevers?

    Hey guys! Had surgery on 12/28 and i've hit the 3 week stall. But i'm happy still because i can see my body moving. My tummy isnt as big!
  19. ssflbelle

    Weight loss stall 3 weeks post- OP

    This was a life saver when I hit the 3 weeks stall. I do not know if Inner Surfer Girl is still on BP but her posting is worth reading. I am so glad she posted it and thought it was time to let the newbies know about it as I have been seeing a lot of posting about 3 week stalls.
  20. sowinning

    Phase 4 weight loss stopped/

    Oh yes!! That 3 week stall that no one told us about. It will pass my lasted 3 weeks[emoji21]. But the inches didn't and now the pounds are moving again. Keep doing what you're doing and try as best to get those fluids in. Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. Sosewsue61

    Phase 4 weight loss stopped/

    Calm down...it's the '3 week stall' - just put that in the search box. I have been stalled for a month with no scale movement - losing inches and clothing sizes - but not #s. I admit to being pissed about it, but figure it is part of the process. You digestion is adjusting, as well as your body, and you are still in the early stages of healing internally too. 6-8 ounces of protein at one sitting? Or the whole day?
  22. FluffyChix

    Feeling frustrated

    The infamous 3 week stall. Keep on keepin' on! Sucks, but happens.
  23. greygoosecytosis

    3 weeks post-op, no weight loss for 2 weeks.

    Thank you for replying! I have also read about the infamous "3-week stall". The only thing is, I haven't lost anything at 2 weeks post-op in addition to week 3 : / Best of luck on your upcoming surgery!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    4 weeks post VSG update with photos

    You're beautiful! Remember, there's a very well-documented 3 week stall that can happen anywhere between 2-4 weeks. Hang in there. It will come off! Congrats on the surgery and losses!
  25. KGM

    Buddies Group - Surgery Dec 4 to 15, 2017

    I'm 23 days out and I've lost 24 pounds since surgery day. There is a "3 Week Stall" they spoke of at my dr's office and then another drop after that. I'd just encourage you to keep with it.

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