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  1. So I had my surgery on September 30th and I'm happy to say that things went relatively well. I only had three things I struggled with after surgery. 1. Immediately waking up I was miserable. They gave me everything they legally could and I still thought I was going to die for like 4 hours. 2. My heart rate. At "resting" it was at 115. When I wasn't feeling good it would get over 140. So they watched my heart really close. I think a lot of it was hospital anxiety. They finally got it to calm down with Valium at like 3 in the morning but by calm I mean 110. 3. Peeing. I know tmi but honestly it was the hardest part. My sips were fine. Swallowing was easy. But when it came to going to the bathroom I couldn't go. On surgery day I had to have a catheter because my bladder reached 800cc (catheter requirement is 500cc). I had the catheter over night and when they took it out the next morning I couldn't go on my own. Eventually my bladder got over 500cc again so they used a straight catheter. I didn't go on my own until late that night. THEN I got to go home. I still struggle now. I have to have Water running and use a wet cloth to get me to go. It's weird but it works. In the hospital they tried peppermint oils, showers, everything. It was so frustrating. Now I'm home and I weighed myself. I've lost five pounds already which is odd. Not complaining but I was expecting a weight gain from fluids and swelling. I struggle with Protein. Yogurt feels good in my pouch. The hardest part about being home is my family honestly. All I hear is: walk faster, walk more, you don't need your pain pills, how's that baby food taste?, don't you wish you could have a pop tart. They actually went grocery shopping specifically for junk food because they know I can't eat it and then ordered pizza. When I said something about it "I wasn't being compassionate" and "I knew what I was getting into".... Mk so let's send an alcoholic to a 12 step program just for them to come home and be like "look at all the booze we bought". I literally just cried. This whole process they were supportive saying we "are all making changes together" and I come home to this. I feel alone. I feel like it's not fair. I've worked really hard to change my life and I feel like I'm being punished because I chose wls. can anyone else relate?
  2. BLERDgirl

    Need help.

    Not sure what type of motivation we can give you. You've identified your issues: you're socializing and making poor food & drink choices, and you're okay with how you look. I've not heard of any plans to cut back on the alcohol. Perhaps nursing a drink or doing without or any plans to change eating habits or exercise more. You know by now that this is just a tool, you have to put in the work. What's you plan to do that?
  3. Miss Mac

    Need help.

    Find some friends who go to the gym and spend your evenings with them instead of the drinkers. Then drink Water. Alcohol and socializing with people who have nothing better to do is not doing you any favors. You need better friends who care about your success, not aquaintances who bring you down. They will never come up to your level. They will always drag you down to theirs.
  4. Hi!:thumbup1: Wanted to let you know about my TJ, Mexico experience. Disclaimer a) I have no allegiance to anyone in this company or its representatives and I have not been coerced, cajoled or otherwise persuaded to write this chronology of events; :crying: I write this because I know what it's like to need the surgery but be prevented from having it, for one reason or another. Saturday- Jan. 23: I've not been surprised about the surroundings or the people here. From the airport the driver and I drove directly to the lab to get my bloodwork done, which took about 10 minutes. By 1.00 p.m. we got to the clinic that yes, is among retail stores in a mall-type setting. Across the parking lot is a "Love Boutique". The clinic is on two floors; not one. The top floor is for patients waiting and admin. The bottom has the surgery and recovery rooms. Every hallway and room I was in was clean and cleaning people cleaned all day long. I remember seeing that I was wearing white socks that stayed white. For me, things were a little tough because I had no 'real' water for more than 24 hours. I knew my surgery was to be the last one on the board but wasn't sure what time that would be on what I knew was a very busy surgery day. Because I'm pretty well an "all-in" type of person, I also had my eyes done (Dr. Lara). Sunday - Jan 24, 12.30 a.m.-3.30 a.m.ish: I was in surgery for 3 - 3.5 hours. While coming out of anaesthesia, I remember saying (or perhaps yelling?) "Silencio, por favor...Silencio"! I must have had a headache then...or at least I hope so When I came to, fully, my coordinator and Dr. Betancourt were looking over me and asking me how I was feeling. Yikes? Do you think I was telling them to be quiet? Ah, the things we say when we're partially under... Yes, my coordinator waited for me to get out of surgery to ensure I was doing well. Her name is Melissa Bracker. Yes, she is business minded but she is also a caring person who was there for me. Sunday - Jan 24, 3.31a.m. - to Monday, a.m.: The worst parts -- post-op acid reflux and severe headaches that were so bad I couldn't rest. I really needed to take a Prevacid a few hours before surgery. And I really needed that night nurse to make sure my IV was working properly so I could get acid reflux meds through it. On the headaches, they were from dehydration and the eye surgery and yes, stress. I really wished that night nurse would have remembered that I hadn't had anything to drink for more than 48 hours.:sad0: Monday, Jan 25, - 10-11.00 a.m. I had my blue barium swallow at the clinic. Since I couldn't get down more than that, I used it to get down a Prevacid. This was my "McGyver move" and is not sanctioned by any of the staff. Yep, teeth and lips turned blue from the dye.:biggrin0: The stuff was tricky to get down because it tasted 'metallic'; not because I was necessarily in any pain. Actually, the coolness made my esophagus feel better. Then we headed off to x-ray to make sure there were no leaks. I would have paid not to have to take the next swallow of some clear stuff that I first, had to hold in my mouth until the camera was ready and then gulp. As for taste, it was like, like, oh! like a weak version of the bitter apple you'd spray on something you didn't want your puppy to chew. I haven't figured out what that was yet, but we all had it, we all had various stages of nausea afterward, we all lived. Oh yes, if I wanted to, I could have paid $10.00 for the x-ray photo of my new tummy on a t-shirt....c'mon! I'm just kidding -- There is no such thing...But, I claim patent on the process and copyright on the idea! Then we were taken to one of two recovery houses. Everyone had their own bedroom but perhaps, not their own bath. This is unless you were able to negotiate the Master bedroom in your package, as I did. In my house, there was one cook and 1-2 caregivers every day from 5.30 - 5.00 p.m. Every night, 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. there is also a caregiver for you, who will also heat up food for your companions. Dr Betancourt saw me Monday afternoon, checked out my stitches and drain, told me I had a reaction to the tape, changed my dressings and made sure I was o.k. He offered to have my hair dried and/or to have my feet rubbed. Dr. Lara saw me and replaced tape with glue -- yep, glue -- on my upper and lower eyelids. Yesterday, Tuesday, Jan 26th: One of the caregivers removed my drain -- after the Dr found out if the reaction had stabilized, etc.-- and in moments, it was out. How does that feel? Well, I liken it to putting your thumb in very firm Jello and then pulling it out slowly. The feeling was one of suction rather than any pain. The caregiver then bandaged the 3/4" wound (no adhesive tape for me). Today, Wednesday, Jan 27th- Before I had a shower this morning, I removed the bandage, showered and then left everything to breathe. After about 5 hours, I saw a 'dime's diameter' of leakage, sprayed no-alcohol antiseptic on the wound and rebandaged. It feels fine but the incision needs cleaning and less of me sitting-up and walking 14 stairs, 10-12 times a day. Dr Lara saw me in a happenstance way and said my eyes were healing as they were supposed to. Dr Betancourt showed up and looked at my incisions again. Then he asked the caregiver to give the drain incision a 'good' rub with antiseptic. I've been ordered to do the same as many times in the day as I can. Improvements I would like to see a) Since I've been here, I've met only one person who was somewhat unmotivated and perhaps over her/his head. But s/he was not in a critical care giving position. However, s/he did work in the clinic. I am not giving out the name because I don't want to have her/him discharged. I have however, given the name to my coordinator so the person can get more training? more sleep? both? as I believe s/he is still a good asset to the team, who could become better. I talked to both my coordinator and Dr Betancourt about the situation. They listened attentively, and promised to address issues with that team member. Best Ofs a) one-hit IV excellent coordinator (Melissa Bracker) - she and Dr. Betancourt kept their promises c) the care in the recovery house, 24hrs/day d) the warming saltiness of chicken broth e) Actually, it's Dr Betancourt who sells the t-shirts across the street from x-ray! Suggestions a) do your research about the country and culture in which your surgery will take place - If you want to have done full research about having surgery done in Mexico, go to where you'll be having surgery, meet the people and understand the culture of the service industry, then find a coordinator who has the same understanding. Then make your decision. negotiate your package c) In all cases, Mexicans' first language is Spanish -- learn some Spanish or be patient with the various levels of English d) if you really want something you're not getting, then ask for it e) do not be afraid to leave tips Thankyous to Other Patients and their Families Because I came here alone, I thought I would be alone. This was very far from the truth. I would like to say a public thank you to those other Posters/patients and their families (I will not post their names) for checking in on me, for buying me sunglasses, for giving me a couple strips of gas-X and for being so very caring: Tyrza and Family Brett and Family Margie Cynthia and Family Kerri and Family Braden, The Rock Star Take care for now, Cheryl Emmanuel Jerusalem Clinic Tijuana, Mexico Dr Almanza: VSG Jan 24/10
  5. carlosOZ


    After the surgery u can eat like regular food and can u drink soda or alcohol
  6. ambershanee

    Cant Stop Crying Any Help?

    1st Thanks everyone for your replies! (History: I had a bad stay at the hospital, long story short, during my surgery my spleen was bruised causing me a great deal of pain, I complained of pain in the hospital and it fell on deaf ears, this was extremely tramatizing. After being discharged I went to another hospital through emergency and found out about my spleen. So this has damaged my relationship with my surgeon and I haven't been folowed by a specialist since that day. I have tried to find another surgery but this has been difficult I'm currently on a waiting list.) I wanted to say that in the first three months I followed every rule to the "T" when it was possible. I say this because alot of days I had NO appetite and found a day or two going by and I hadn't ate anything. It's been really hard to get in the required amount of liquids but 99% of the time I drink Water only! On the days when I did eat, I ate only what I was suppose to eat. meaning mostly Protein my diet was more lean and green than anything . What I ate: Lean ground turkey loaf with onions and green peppers, some sort of green veggie, if I used fat to cook it was a dash of olive oil never any breads no red meat or pork either baked or grilled chicken or turkey, no starch! Breakfast a egg and lean turkey sausage, very simple thinks low sugar fruits cantalope, honey dew. lots of fresh string Beans. On this diet I lost an average of 1 pound a week . three weeks after surgery I lost 11 pounds that was 4/2/12 since then I've been averaging about 1pound a week total weight lost is 22 pounds. Last month I have been off schedule feeling depressed and helpless I said F- this and I have ate a few lunchmeat sandwhiches had some choocolate, a few chips here and ther but honestly I can't even eat a a orange without feeling full so I figure even on my binge I hardly ate much due to my reduced stomach uhgggg!!! Oh another thing, I dont have any of those food trackers or fitness trackers mentioned in the or any online tools i'm just learning of these things. I hope this helps other when giving me advice with my issue. I never been a soda or juice girl or at least i havent been one in the last 10 years due to diabetes. I don't drink coffee or tea, I dont smoke nor drink alcohols. I only drink Crystal Light beverages outside of water. Please let me know if I left out any thing that would help you all to help me!
  7. Next weekend I have an annual girls weekend at the lake. Yes, this includes alcoholic beverages. Maybe a few. Before surgery the only thing I drank was beer. Has anyone had beer post surgery? I'm afraid of the carbonation. Any other beverage options? I'm not a wine drinker.
  8. Gone4Now

    Should Their be Laws/Requirments for Becomming Parents?

    I think if there were laws in place, then I'd never have been allowed to have my daughter. I was young, stupid, out of work, and a recent alcoholic and drug addict. Hey! Sign me up for motherhood! When I found out I was pregnant, I stopped all that stuff. I was also born into an abusive family - sexually abusive towards young girls, so I don't think I'd have been allowed to be born to my mother.... God knows what conditions my grandmother was born into! So, a whole line of us up-standing (and IMO WONDERFUL) people wouldn't have been born if there were "good parent" laws. Now, as for removing kids that are in an abusive situation - I'm all for it. But, look what happened in TX this past summer...the state took all kids (required to take all if ANY sexual abuse is suspect) and people got up in arms over it. So, even the laws that we have in place aren't perfect, or widely accepted. Let's get those cleared up before we make new ones.
  9. famouslastwords


    I have not been banded yet, but I was wondering can you still drink alcohol occasionally? Or is that not really allowed, I'm not saying like all the time, but at a party is it ok to have one drink?
  10. gadumplin

    Band erosion and Caffine...

    alcohol and caffeine do stimulate acid secretion in your stomach, as does decaffeinated coffee. Caffeine also blocks production of prostaglandins, weakening your stomach's cytoprotection........(what ever that means) ......probably why we shouldn't have caffeine
  11. I keep wondering about this too. Actually I know three people IRL who had gastric bypass, 2 have regained and the other one is now a severe alcoholic, so my stats skew to 100% fail, but obviously that is not true. Scares me some because this has been too easy for me. I hope I am learning better habits for when it gets harder....
  12. Good luck to everyone about to start their pre-op diet. I've lost 10 lbs within the last month just by cutting out carbs, alcohol and almost all caffeine. I am most surprised that I don't miss coffee! I'm starting 2 shakes a day and a light meal until two days prior to surgery when I go to all clear liquid. Jumping in with both feet now!
  13. trouble


    Mine said not until I hit my goal weight but I started having a drink here and there at about 3 to 4 weeks out. I love margaritas and can't drink them anymore because they make me nauseous as well as any sweet drinks. I can drink wine with diet 7 up and I drink bud chiladas or bloody mary's a lot. I've always had a high tolerance for alcohol and find that I still do just not as high as before. It probably wasn't smart to drink that close to surgery but I am 3 months out and am fine.
  14. doxieville

    Stupid Carb Question.

    Yes, I do Net Carbs. Total Carbs - Fiber + sugar alcohols = total I lost 40pounds in 3 months eating the Atkins way, and i don't eat red or processed meat. I really like eating this way bcs I don't eat fake or low fat either. It never agreed with me. I am tracking my calories on MFP. I've managed to keep my calories between 600-800 post surgery. Pre-surgery I have no idea. Honestly, I'm not sure what is going to work for me long term, but I like cheese too much to give it up. :-) But, I think I need more carbs for my workouts. So.....I'm a work in progress.
  15. In defense of the alcohol suggestion, I believe a cocktail can relax the band in the evening before dinner. But, each to their own? It did help me!
  16. HalloweenBaby24

    What made you choose?

    My decision was brought on by a few things... One I lost my father in November after a year long struggle with lung cancer, He never took care of himself and through the eye's of a child (myself) I watched him over the year's struggle with Sex, Alcohol and Depression. So after I lost him there was this feeling of mortality and the need to do something about my weight, turn thing's around and give myself a better quality of life for as long as I have left. The other going force in my journey is my family, I have a 4 year old daughter that desperately wants a sibling and despite our constant effort over the past 2 years no such luck..Found out I have PCOS. Other then all that I'll be turning 25yo Halloween, I've been obese most of my short life and I think it's time for me to start enjoying the body I've been given and quality of life.. One thing I look forward to post-op is not sweating like a pig all the time, doesn't matter if it's winter, spring, summer or fall I'm constantly hot or have the feeling of overheating.
  17. My doctor put no alcohol on the paper like that's going to happen. So what I want to know is how long does it take to leave your system?
  18. I have found that I react to alcohol the same way I did before I was sleeved. I was a big partyer when I was younger and now one or two drinks is plenty; as Indymom noted, alcohol is empty calories. I have no idea how long it takes to leave my system but I don't wake up with a hangover after one or two screwdrivers.
  19. Tiffykins


    I was cleared at 4ish months out, I think. My surgeon warned me to avoid red wines (there's actually a member here that explained the tannic acid/pH in red wine can irritate a newer sleeve), and to drink at home first to see how it would affect me. The first time I drank I was passed goal, and I had one glass of a light Riesling. It hit me hard and fast, then I sobered up pretty fast. Now that I'm almost 17 months out, I drink on a more than social occasion, I have a few drinks a month, one to two a week sometimes, in my social circle I'm known as the "afternoon cocktail girl". I lost my taste for red wine completely, drink rum/cokes when I go out to the bars, and for my afternoon cocktails, I prefer strawberry or raspberry mojitos or bellinis. Some people choose to drink sooner, but try to remember, it's just wasted calories for the day. If you're calorie/protein/carb focused, then make sure you track those calories and drink plenty of Water to avoid dehydration. One thing I can say is that my alcohol tolerance has returned to what it was pre-op. I'm not sure that's a great thing, but alcohol no longer hits me hard and fast, I'm able to catch and maintain a decent buzz, and have tied a few one on special occasions. Plus, I haven't had a real hangover since surgery which is a HUGE plus ! ! !
  20. Fleur de lis


    My surgeon suggests 6 months to 1 year before consuming alcohol. I'm only 4 weeks out so I won't be testing it out any time soon
  21. itscometothis

    No coffee?! No booze?

    I was a coffee drinker and like my bevies so I can relate! I had surgery in early August.. I tried a coffee a couple of days ago and it doesn't sit all that well with me. I was told that it wasn't about the caffeine but something else in the coffee itself, so it didn't matter if it was decaf or regular. When I spoke to my surgeon he said it was best to wait 3 months for coffee. I find that I no longer like it.. how strange is that? As for alcohol, I was told that at 6 weeks a small glass of wine or a drink was perfectly fine. I have had a couple of glasses of wine since surgery with no issue. You are going to find that everyone has a different protocol from their surgeon so you end up needing to just make a decision based on many responses. Hope this helps
  22. Brittanysiemens

    No coffee?! No booze?

    it's very encouraging to hear coffee may be ok fairly quickly! Coffee has been a part of my families life for a long time (were English, maybe it's ok to give kids coffee in England?! ) and I don't see being able to give it up entirely, my dad roasts his own Beans, my husband and I do too. Realistically, I only have 1-2 cups a day, but it's nice to know I can enjoy coffee again after. I tried a 100% alcohol free night at our night club (all the way until 4am!), and it was great! I never get genuinely "drunk" at our club, but its nice to know I am fine interacting with our drunk customers while completely sober. I agree that alcohol is not conducive to healing, so I'm gonna lay off that one as long as dr. Kelly recommends, perhaps longer.
  23. Hi April.. My name's April, too. Here's the deal with VSG: you won't care about food after this surgery, so there is NO slipping back into old habits. You will lose the HABIT after the surgery. However, it's always a good thing to be evaluated by a food shrink, aka nutritionist, so you won't cross-adict to something else, like for instance, alcohol or drugs. Because after this surgery, you really won't care about food anymore, so if food is your crutch now, you'll have to wean yourself off the crutch or find a more healthy crutch - like exercise - so you're doing something good for yourself, because food will become something you simply don't care about any longer. It won't taste the same and you'll lose the Ghrelin so you won't feel hungry basically at all. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is. If you're not sure what Ghrelin is, click on the word to know more.
  24. animallover1247

    Maybe I'm an alcoholic?

    I wouldn't schedule the surgery until you have gone through some counseling over the alcohol issue.I think drinking after surgery is a very,very slippery slope. One issue is your body doesn't process alcohol in the same way and you get drunk much quicker. I can't say if you are an addict now or not but if you start to drink after surgery, there is a huge likelihood you will become an addict based on the information you have given. I even discussed this same issue with my therapist...trading one addition for another. i don't drink at all now so the way for me to avoid not becoming an alcohol is to never pick up the first drink. However, you drink now and it sounds as if you still intend on drinking at some point after surgery. Please get some counseling, discuss this with your surgeon... do SOMETHING to address this before surgery is scheduled. I wish you all the best!
  25. Knaroz


    Very true Maxi, and if you are currently loosing weight it can stall weight loss as the simple sugars in alcohol actually will burn before body fat so it is a catch 22. Also watch you intake because of 2 reasons: A) You have less food in your stomach to help slow the alcohol's absorption and You are at a lower weight which causes the alcohol's effect to be increased.

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