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  1. For some reason I want a list of the liquid diet allowed foods for my 2 week pre surgery diet. I think I want to test different flavors, etc, and know what's allowed and what isn't. To prepare myself. My "coach" says Ill get it at my nutrition meeting, which isn't for a month. Anybody?
  2. Wanted to know what are people feelings about getting this surgery, I got it on sept 15, but kind of on the fence with it.
  3. So am one week post op and when I drink water in a gulp I feel it going down my esophagus and I feel pain till it finally hits my stomach,is that normal ? And will it ever go away ?
  4. I Had my 2 week post op appointment today and got clearance for soft food phase! I had a cheese stick mid afternoon and then for dinner had a scrambled egg with some cheese. The cheese took me half an hour to eat. I scrambled 3 eggs but I got in about 4 bites of eggs before I was full but I tolerated both with no problems!! Guess I’ll have to cut down my quantities! I’m so excited, and shocked at how little it takes to be full!
  5. I had my surgery one week ago today. Here's what I've noticed: 1) I'm down 7.2 lbs 2) The pain was not so bad in the hospital but pretty bad the first few days at home, especially when trying to get up from lying down or when sitting up. Only minimal pain when changing positions now. 3) I took 3 total narcotic pills once I came home 4) The constipation is real. I did not have a BM from two days before my surgery until 5 days after. This was despite two kinds of laxatives prescribed by the hospital. I ended up needing a laxative suppository and Miralax. The suppository helped me go in like 30 minutes. I'm now adding miralax and magnesium citrate on a daily basis. Drinking my 64 oz of water has been helpful, too 5) Drinking water or anything was really hard the first few days. No matter how small I made the sips, I still had pain in my chest, and then it felt and sounded like a demon was in there, growling, angry because he had been evicted from my stomach 6) By day 7 (today), I can drink a full mouthfull of water or protein shake. It's easier to take my pills at night than it was, but it's still harder than before surgery. 7) I do have hunger, but I'm eating less than 500 calories a day, so that's not surprising. I only need to eat a small amount like 2/3 of a yogurt or half a protein drink to feel full, although I need to eat every few hours 8. Walking is hard. It makes my incision hurt a lot. I have walked around the block a few times, but I'm tired by the time I get home, and it's a short block. I can walk up the ten steps to the front door, but hills are hard 9) I tried to do a bit of work today, just going through emails and responding to them, but after about a half hour, my head was swimming. I'm glad I took two weeks off! 10) My parents were here for a week helping me out. They stayed in a hotel nearby. I didn't need them that much, but it was really helpful for things like laundry and the dishwasher and trash. And for company. But it was hard seeing them eat tasty food when I was just eating yogurt or protein shakes. I am still glad them came, because now I am bored and lonely
  6. Help. So depressed been in a stall since week 3 non Monday will enter week 6. Also I think I am a slow loser. What has anyone here done to break the stall and to break the depression?
  7. Hi Everyone, My name is Emma, I'm new to the forums and I'm hoping to find some answers. I'm 7 weeks post op and have never had a pain free day since my surgery. Any time I eat anything at all I have debilitating abdominal pain after around 5 minutes, and often times I vomit all of what I consume. When I say consume, I'm not talking a vast amount of food, I mean around 2-3 spoonfuls of mashed food. I do manage to drink water (I don't drink much else, I never really have) and that stays down, but 9 times out of 10 I get a very painful and bloated abdomen once I have drank. Again, I'm not drinking in large quantities or rushing what I do consume, so I just don't understand why I'm having such issues post op. I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience to what I am having or if there's someone out there who could shed some light on what's going on with me. I'm honestly getting to the point where I'm regretting the decision to go ahead with the surgery; its making my life a complete misery! Thanks to anyone who's read this far, I hope you can offer me some advice. Emma
  8. I’m a week away from surgery and this liquid diet is rough!!!
  9. Has anyone here tested positive for Covid after surgery and suddenly stopped losing weight? I’m 5.5 months out and started having symptoms a little over a week ago, tested positive yesterday. I haven’t dropped any weight since and am actually gaining. I’m not on any medications since I am vaccinated and my symptoms aren’t severe. I’ve been consistently dropping weight up until the last week and a half. Not sure if it’s possibly inflammation from Covid that’s causing this?
  10. Hi, I had my RNY on the first of September, I think I can start pureed good but not sure like what.
  11. On vacation for two weeks since yesterday. The weather? Ok, let's not talk about the weather... 

  12. Tiffany2021

    6 week PO Food

    What soft foods did you first add to your diet at 6 week PO? Which vegetables did you start with that were cooked down?
  13. Hi everyone! I had surgery 8/30 so I’m almost two weeks post-op. I am currently in PMSing, but for lunch I was able to get down 3 oz of soup and a 4 oz Two Good yogurt before I decided to stop eating. Is this normal? I’ve been so hungry lately but am trying to stick to my soft foods phase and make good choices, but I don’t feel “full” very fast on soup/yogurt. Am I eating too much?
  14. Getting close - 196 lbs as of this week.  Goal is 195.  Actually, I'm thinking of adjusting my goal.  I'd like to get down to 185 to get rid of this scraggly belly jiggle, then try to build back up to 200 with muscle instead. 

  15. Sarahgirl10

    Month 2 Stall

    Hello, So tomorrow I'll be 2 months post op. So far this journey has been great! I'm down 25 lbs since surgery, 36 since starting the pre op diet. The last 8 days I haven't lost or gained anything. I've been stuck at this weight. I average 850-900 calories, 85g of protein, 50g of carbs (total, not net), 40g of fat, and 80 oz of water. & I workout about 4 days a week. Can anyone offer advice to help break this stall? It has me starting to freak out a little about how long it'll be and I'm only halfway to my goal.
  16. I had VSG 8/31/21. So far so good, except I started feeling hunger yesterday. The surgeons said that VSG surgery removes the portion of the stomach that triggers hunger, so I’m very disappointed/worried. I’m hoping this “hunger” is actually just recovery pain that my brain is misreading as hunger. Anyone else feeling hungry one week post-VSG?
  17. GottaLearnToSlowDown

    3 weeks po - how many steps?

    Hi all! Just wondering for those who have step counts, how many steps do you try and get in a day? I'm 3 weeks post op and looking for a rough measure so I can work towards goals. I lost 4kg of muscle over my surgery and my dietician was not happy about that so much, so definitely gotta gain that back!
  18. I had RNY in 2007, went from 325 to 170 and kept if off for 11 years, which felt awesome. When I had my baby (225 lbs) I just never took the baby weight off, got lax and gained a 50 lbs of weight on top of that. I had a revision to the bypass to reduce my stomach size and really want to get below 200lbs again. So far am down to 255 from 275 day of surgery but am struggling with weakness. Eating soft foods now and hovering below 600 calories a day with 30 minutes of walking. Should I be eating less? Exercising more? I forget everything I did in 2007 to be successful and am still in shock that I’m back here again. Thank you.
  19. Hi, I am 4 weeks port op, I am finding myself lost in what to eat and how many times I should eat. My recovery hasn’t been so well. My blood pressure keeps dropping to the point I past out. I eat three meals a day, but I am sure I am not meeting the protein goal. I am feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Please help me in menu ideas. I will highly appreciate it!
  20. Today I had my second of three required office visits; have completed initial blood work, EKG, nutritionist and fitness evaluation. Scheduled Appt with therapist later this month. Have started Protein Shakes and NoCal vitamin water and cutting back big time on Diet Coke. EGD on hold due to Covid elective procedure restrictions. Hoping things settle down and I can proceed on schedule to surgery in the early November timeframe. Really looking forward to taking advantage of the kickstart this surgery will give me to reclaim control of my weight and increase my mobility. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  21. I am almost 6 weeks post gastric sleeve. I am starting to slowly introduce ‘normal’ foods. I have managed to eat spaghetti and noodles fine but tonight I tried penne pasta and sauce. I only have about 2 tablespoons of pasta and a tomato sauce, I didn’t even manage to eat all of this. I have vomited shortly after. This is the second time to happen in the last week. Does anyone know why this could be? I don’t want to get scared of trying to introduce new foods but it’s putting me off eating!
  22. jpnalls776@outlook.com

    Weight loss week 2


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