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  1. I am 22 pounds from goal weight and the only exercise I have done for the past year is walking 2-3 miles a day. Casually. To be honest, I joined Planet Fitness since everyone kept telling me I needed to lift weights to avoid too much muscle loss from the rapid weight loss. I went a few times then stopped during flu season and never went back. I had a few different stalls and of course the weight loss slows the closer we get to our goal weight. But on the average, I lost 1-2 pounds per week since RNY WLS in April 2023. I plan to amp up my workouts after I get below my goal weight with resistance training. I used to body build in my 20's so I'm counting on muscle memory to kick in for me. LOL I also knew that weightlifting would increase my appetite and eating more when our bodies can't build muscle during our honeymoon phase didn't seem logical. According to bariatric surgeon, Dr V, we are in a catabolic state for 1 -2 years after surgery. Meaning we cannot build muscle while our body is breaking it down. (losing weight) Makes perfect sense to me. I'm curious if you have gotten a bodyfat test that shows increased muscle mass 9 months after surgery coupled with weightlifting?
  2. catwoman7

    So...it's happening!

    I must be in the minority - I didn't mind the puree stage at all - especially after a few weeks (before and after surgery) of just drinking fluids! It was great to eat real food - even if it was pureed. I remember eating a lot of Greek yogurt, hummus, refried beans - I also pureed spanakopita (which I made without the phyllo) a couple of times, as I recall (I must have added something to get it going in the blender - some milk, maybe? Can't remember). I had surgery at age 55 (that was nine years ago) but fortunately, unlike summerseeker, I didn't deal with any hormone issues. I did have off and on "buyer's remorse" the first two or three weeks, though ("what in the hell did I just do?" "Why could have I tried dieting one last time?"). All that will pass and you'll be so glad you did it. p.s. I used my blender a lot during the puree stage. I already had a standard-sized one, but I ordered one that had both a standard-sized pitcher and a small pitcher, since I figured I'd use the small one a lot more (and I did). I think it's a lot easier nowadays to find small blenders. But like someone else said, you can always order one afterward, too.
  3. ShoppGirl

    One year later...

    I have logged my weight like that but never thought to add the big life stressors or events in between. I bet that would be helpful for a bariatric therapist if you see one. I am working on getting in to see one. I had gastric sleeve three years ago and gained all my weight back. I am contemplating a conversion surgery and I want to pull out all the stops this time around. Best of kick to you.
  4. Oh, I'm 3 weeks post op, almost 4 weeks
  5. I'm always cold too. I was cold before surgery and now it feels worse. Also i have a slow healing ulcer in my leg, which is going on three years everytime i get close to it healing somehow i manage to rip the dressing off it. Don't know if it's the extra walking I've been doing that has made it flare up again. On friday i had a fever and literally could not warm up (until i was too hot) that's gone now. Just called in sick for work to get some antibiotics for this leg. (Its Winter over here in Australia)
  6. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    This is Awesome!!!! I am hoping that things go this well for me too 🤞🏻. I am so happy to hear that you’re doing so well! I bought a cookbook that has full liquid protein recipes (it is a Bariatric cookbook) it walks through the first three week up a regular (general) diet. It has been helpful in getting ready for my post op.
  7. Three weeks from today I should be checked into the hotel with my mom and trying to get a good night's sleep before surgery! Crossing my fingers there are no further delays. The hospital is only an hour away, which would normally not be a big deal, but rush hour traffic is bad and I'm not sure how early I'll need to be there in the morning, so we decided to go the night before. My mom wanted to be able to stay and visit into the evening but doesn't like night driving, so she felt better about being in a hotel the night I'm in the hospital. Luckily, there's a Courtyard Marriott about 5 minutes from the hospital. Sadly, no hot tub
  8. NickelChip

    How much protein is too much?

    There's a very high likelihood your weight stall has nothing to do with what you are eating, and it would definitely not have anything to do with too much protein. This is your body's natural reaction to severe calorie restriction. In a nutshell, when you are on liquids only, you rapidly lose mostly water weight as your body burns stored glycogen for fuel. Once the glycogen runs low, your body turns to burning fat, which is what you want it to do. This takes a few weeks. However, when you start to introduce solid foods again, and especially carbs, your body is very keen to restore those glycogen stores. So it burns fat while also replenishing glycogen. Glycogen is bound to water, which means the water weight you lost in the pre-op diet and right after surgery are regained, which is fine. You need glycogen. It's what helps us get through short periods of lower food intake, like when you have a bad cold and lose your appetite for a week. Your body is still burning fat because you have a major daily calorie deficit. It will show up on the scales in a few weeks when everything else balances out. My advice is to just do what your doctors tell you, stop tinkering with your diet, and don't weigh yourself for a few weeks. Your doctors have advised hundreds if not thousands of patients just like you. They know what they're doing.
  9. newbegining2024

    How much protein is too much?

    Thank you so much for all these suggestions! Yes I feel hungry sometimes after 30-60mins of a meal. So I drink water or protein shake. I do take PPI, that could be a possibility of why I still feel hungry. Most of the time it’s my head hunger craving for certain food. Also my tummy does rumble but don’t really feel hungry. I’ve been able to tell what type of hunger I am feeling. when I drink liquid, I literally sit there and drink with small sips through out the hours….when my tummy feel full from it, I come back to it later. I can feel the liquid traveling down when I drink. Yesterday was my first day being able to reach 60oz of liquid, but at night I didn’t feel well. Had my dinner at 6pm, went to sleep 11pm. I woke up feeling something up my chest and when trying to get up, I vomited. Sorry if TMI. It’s was all slimy mucus. No food. I was shivering, chills, migraine. I vomited a few times then vomited foamy bubbles… well after that I felt so much better. In search to see what is going on with me, it seems many bariatric patients go through this, but usually right after eating if they didn’t chew well or had too much food. I have tofu last night tho. It’s soft and should be easy to break down. On the bright side, It seems I am breaking my stall. From 241.6, I am now 240.6 lbs. even it’s only a little bit I am happy, because I am on this stall since 2 weeks ago, only 1 week after surgery.
  10. March buddies, how're you all hanging in there? Is everyone nicely healed up? Are you coming across any difficult hurdles? Finding a love of new healthy foods? How's your hair lol? Me, I keep hurting myself, lol. First I tried recumbent biking too early -- even though it was on the most minimal setting, my care team scolded me good for that. But even as recently as last week, I bent/twisted sideways while sitting at my desk trying to reach my purse, but it was snagged on something and something about being in that position too long (or tugging a resistant object) aggravated something internally. The same area that took the longest to feel 'normal' and not tight after surgery. I feel like a dope. My hair has just started thinning in the last week or so. It was only a few strands from all over at first -- not concentrated anywhere -- so I got a new haircut hoping that the thinness would look purposeful. Two days after I found a little patch right at the front where my buzzcut ends and the bob-length hair begins. C'est la vie. I'm finding I'm craving sashimi on the regular. It was one of my first meals 'out' after surgery, so maybe there's something psychosomatic going on -- but when I eat it, it just feels like such a clean protein and is moist so I know it'll go down easily. It's my new comfort food, I guess. (Ironically, before WLS I could really only stand salmon or butterfish sashimi, everything else had to be in a roll, preferably with spicy mayo or unagi sauce -- and I hated tuna -- but now yellow tail and tuna seem to be my go-to.) I'm dealing with the cravings much better than I would've pre-OP, but I swear every three or four days something in my brain is trying to convince me that I should ignore my pre-packed lunch and go pick up some ice-cold fish instead.
  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I've been able to eat ground meat (ground chicken, turkey & some Bison) fairly easy. Three ounces of meat with a few bites of veggies and I start feeling full. I take 20-30 minutes to eat with a lot of chewing. I've been sick a hand full of times since I've started soft foods. Mostly from eating too fast or taking one bite to much. Good to hear that you were able to eat without getting sick.
  12. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Yeah. I have some that haven’t noticed but you know what, I didn’t do this for them. At my weight (315) I still look fat to people. I however I’m down from 412 (43 since surgery and the rest preop). What they don’t see is I have to wear smaller clothes, can fit back into my bra, and I can move and sleep better. I had my surgery about 10 days after you. I’m down 43 pounds over all. Sadly I am struggling to keep my losing on track. I tend to stall for a week or two and then drop like 5-7 pounds 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. 60 pounds sounds like you’re right on track. the important thing is how you feel now. As far as how the weight comes off it varies person by person. It depends on if you work out or walk a lot. So however you “burn fat” will affect where you lose faster.
  13. First, congrats on your weight loss. Wonderful! Second, is it a stall, a very normal & important part of your weight loss, or is it just your body slowly down the loss to seemingly nothing as you’re nearing or at your body’s new set point weight? If it is your new set point, you will constantly be fighting it to try to lose more. This is where your body is happiest. If your weight loss has slowed/stopped at this weight that means you will need to continue to eat the 1000 calories you are eating now to maintain it. Or less to lose more. Is that sustainable? Is it healthy in the long term? There’s the weight you want to see on the scales & the weight your body wants you to be & is compatible with your life & lifestyle. This alone can take time to accept & wrap your head around. Just some things to consider. Not everyone has a bounce back regain. I didn’t. I still weigh about what I weighed when I first stabilised with the same fluctuation range of about a kilogram/2 lbs at almost 5 years out. And I consume more calories now than I did when I first stabilised (1300 then & 1600 now). I don’t do any real exercise, am a little shorter than you & quite a few years older than you I expect. Also, look at increasing your fluid intake. You should be aiming for 2 litres a day & more on the days you’re more active. Your weight loss isn’t over until it’s over. A stall doesn’t mean it’s over. Just your body taking a break to reassess your current needs.
  14. OMG I'm so excited for you I teared up when I read your post!! I know how hard it has been and you've been so upbeat about it! I wonder if you were gaining muscle or maybe burning a bit too many calories with the exercise and now that you've slowed down on that your body feels it can let go of some of the weight?? My best friend loses more weight in the winter for some reason. Doesn't matter what she does, it seems to consistently come off better in the winter. Our bodies can be so mysterious sometimes... Whatever the reason is, I'm so happy the scale moved a bit towards your goal!! And I'm really glad you stayed consistent all summer, they say that's the best way to break a stall, even though it is so hard to keep the faith. I bet your body composition has changed a lot over the last 8 months even if the scale wasn't moving for a chunk of that time. Your experience is so encouraging because it shows that sometimes the scale can move months after you've thought it was done for good! You aren't the first person I've seen have a stall that has lasted for months instead of weeks...
  15. Hello long time no speak! I had my vsg 4 years ago . With the typical stalls of loosing weight. As I approached my goal weight . The scale keeps going down. To the point I’m now underweight . Was told not to loose any more. Blood test all come back great. She did order an upper GI . Why? I have no pain or heartburn. i can eat and eat and eat. Half cup or less at an time even wake up in my sleep to eat. I feel as if my body is starving . I’m sure I’ll get the back lash but I know I’m not the only one suffering. If you happen to see a form on here please let me know. I don’t want bad eating habits like chips . Pop . Candy . But I am to keep the scale from moving in the negative 😢
  16. ShooterInTheSix

    Calories and weight loss at 6 months Post OP

    I'm only four months post-op and have lost 65lbs as of this morning. I've been trying to maintain 900-1000 calories per day with a minimum 70g protein and trying to limit carbs to 50g or less and fat to 35g or less. At my three month post-op consult with my bariatric nutritionist, she was satisfied with those numbers and was happy with my weight loss progress to that point, which was 48lbs. I'm currently riding a plateau and have only lost 3lbs over the past couple of weeks, but it's my second one since surgery and while frustrating, I know it'll pass.
  17. What are safe foods at Mexican restaurants? 3 week post op
  18. Reini


    I feel you, three weeks out and I have lost that joie de vivre, nothing taste's good, I have sn awful taste in my mouth, can't stomach purees or protein drinks, when I eat something it's painful, water tastes horrible to me, but then again this is why we lose weight I can honestly say I am not having cravings more of a repulsion, hanging in there since everyone says it gets better.
  19. BlueParis

    Travel 6 months Post-op

    I was in Eygpt at 8 weeks post op for a couple of weeks and was totally fine!
  20. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Yea I am at week two going on week three i misunderstood my diet and was eating soft foods a week early lol but I do find it hard to swallow the most annoying part is not being able to drink water comfortably really anything ive tried hot drinks and for some reason its better for me to take warm drinks. I got sugar free hot cocoa bc its been cold so far so good also caffeine free spearmint tea has been great. I’m down 16 lbs so far im hoping for a good 10/12 lbs moving forward per month but we shall see! I’m going to start my walking routine tomorrow and im excited for that. Happy loosing 🥰
  21. ShoppGirl

    Protein Shakes

    I was going to suggest the protein waters as well. Or if it’s the flavors that you are not liking and you are allowed to have caffeine the caffe latte by premiere protein. It’s kinda like iced coffee if you like that. These two were my go To post sleeve. In fact I am three years post sleeve and I still have the cafe latte in the fridge for morning when I don’t have time to cook or I just wake up really hungry and don’t want to wait.
  22. I'm always cold too. I was cold before surgery and now it feels worse. Also i have a slow healing ulcer in my leg, which is going on three years everytime i get close to it healing somehow i manage to rip the dressing off it. Don't know if it's the extra walking I've been doing that has made it flare up again. On friday i had a fever and literally could not warm up (until i was too hot) that's gone now. Just called in sick for work to get some antibiotics for this leg. (Its Winter over here in Australia)
  23. Shanna NYC

    Weight loss SLOWING way down!

    Oh that is absolutely normal and actually still a great loss streak! The weight loss path is not a straight path down. It will slow and even stall as your body is adjusting. Weight training can add to it, but honestly your body will adjust throughout. And yes the smaller you get, the slower it gets. I lost about 30lbs in the first month and a half (including the pre-op diet) and yet it's taken me nearly 4 months to lose 12lbs. You are still early on since surgery and have done fantastic. We started about the same weight. We are in this for life so keep doing what you're doing and let everything else speak for itself - the way you feel, take pictures and measurements. The scale is just one factor.
  24. So I am better prepared now! I completed the list of suggested items, I got my protein shakes for my preop weeks, got my water flavoring, and I got myself a two week starters kit from celebrate vitamins. It is a protein powder with the vitamins already included so at least that first week I won’t have to worry about everything. Then for the following week I got a vitamin starter kit that has what I will need. I figure by week three I will be better about getting things I need. I am feeling a bit better going into this whole thing now.
  25. Hi Tynisha! I don’t focus much on carbs, but I try to not go overboard. I eat crackers or a tiny PB&J as a snack most days and may have some oven roasted potatoes with protein for dinner. And I drink whole milk. What has been really important for me is making sure to eat three balanced meals a day, hitting my protein goal (around 110-120 grams daily). I have to have a protein shake or two with milk to get there. If you find you are eating too many carbs, it’s probably because you are snacking too much. If you focus on balanced meals and up your protein goal, you won’t be hungry/want to snack. Veggies and milk aren’t a big impact on carb intake, and help you feel full. Another good way to sneak in more protein is Greek yogurt. I like Oikos mixed berry. Fairly low on carbs/sugars and 15 grams of protein. Basically make sure you are getting enough protein, focus on feeling full from good food, and try to limit snacking. Has worked for me, and I’m still slowly losing weight almost 9 months later. Oh, and work out with weights. Since working out 3 days a week, my body composition has changed quite a bit. Best of luck! Dave

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