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  1. every week or so, i do the "fridge clean up", and toss the foods that are no longer edible and make attempts to salvage the foods that are on the brink of inedible. this morning i tossed a bunch of leftover chinese food, ½ a wheel of brie, an almost full tub of sour cream, and an unopened box mixed greens (this made me sad ) BUT here are some items i was able to save/repurpose/extend shelf life of: 1. leftover fresh parsley and super ripe lemon into...PESTO! 2. uncut cumber bought over a week ago into...SWEET AND SOUR PICKLED CUCUMBERS! 3. almost dried out baby carrots and the remnants of a tub of spreadable cream cheese and 2 old apples that i made into applesauce into...CARROT CARE WITH CREAM CHEESE ICING (Mr. ate like 2/3 of the cake before i got to take a pic of it) and finally: 4: ½ a head of cabbage that i shredded to include in the filling of these EGG ROLLS! that i prepped to freeze and cook another day. phew. i feel very accomplished with my very productive morning...now im gonna go veg on the couch and watch tv!
  2. Hi all, New here. I had gastric sleeve surgery Nov 2016, got pregnant a month later. Initial lost 76 lbs. Gained about 20 lbs back at the time of Covid until now. I have GERD and a hitial hernia so I have opted to get a revision to bypass in hopes of forever getting rid of GERD. I never got to my goal weight which was 150 lbs. I was about 16 lbs shy of that. I am about 189 lbs on a heavy day. My concern is that I wont lose as much weight because my BMI is not extreme. Anyone else out there lose more than 20 lbs getting revised being at such a low starting weight? The Dr's office of course says I may not lose any weight at all which I just can believe.
  3. Lilia_90

    Food Before and After Photos

    Some of my eats the past few days: Strawberry summer salad. I have an obsession with salads!! This one has baby spinach, strawberries, pomegranate seeds, cucumbers, walnuts, feta cheese, topped with crispy shallots and crispy garlic, with a pomegranate molasses dressing. My bowl below which I ate over the course of 3 hours. Chocolate basil seed protein pudding. 2/3 cups of basil seeds, 1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop chocolate whey, 2 tbsp melted peanut butter, stir and leave overnight. Top with berries and pumpkin seeds. I ate 3/4 of one.
  4. AMJ2598

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I'm 3 days into my 2 week LRD, and to be honest I didn't do anything similar to this, as much as I wish I did! But I was so worried about putting weight back on and not getting to the number I needed to be at, as I have my surgery through the NHS, so I started my liquid diet about 3 days early, and before that for the 2 weeks I knew of my surgery, I was super strict with what I ate. There are definitely a couple of things I really really crave, but I've waited way too long for this to be ruined by myself. I really love Halo Top ice cream as it's lower in calorie than the usual pint of Ben & Jerrys, so I'll be excited to eat this when I finally can. Also, just a very nice sunday roast. Yorkshire puddings. Can't wait.
  5. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy on May 7th. I was in the hospital for 3 days and 2 nights. The initial surgery took 3 hours because not only did they remove my uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, but they also had to call in general surgery to detach my intestines from my uterus (was attached with lesions in 3 places). My heart actually did really well and there were no complications.....with that. But it wouldn't be me if there wasn't something wrong somewhere. Ok, so I get back to recovery and seem to be doing well. Blood pressure is a little low, but all in all, not too bad. About an hour into my recovery, the nurse notices a lot of blood. She checks me and apparently I was hemorrhaging blood and clots. I went through 3 big pads in 25 minutes. Just as I came to, I was told I would have to go back into surgery on an emergency basis. My surgeon was with me and actually held my hand the whole way back to the OR and while I was being prepped. The 2nd surgery took almost 2 hours but they got the 2 places that popped internal stitches on the vaginal cuff re-stitched. I was in recovery again for another 2 hours and then was FINALLY allowed to go to my room. My husband was extremely panicked and white as a ghost. He made all the necessary calls and told me he was scared. I felt awful for him. I had to get 2 units of blood because I lost so much. I'm normally on the low side of normal because I'm chronically anemic. My blood pressure was also extremely low for over a day. They gave me a 1/2 liter saline bolus while I was getting the blood transfusion because my blood pressure was staying around 82/39 and thereabouts. It was around 4pm on day 3 that my blood pressure stabilized enough to go home (it stayed around about 93/55 for 4-5 hours). Since I've been home, I sleep a lot, I walk 3-5 times per day, I just finally got off my pain meds and can get by with tylenol. I'm not cleared to drive or exercise, but I walk the apartment complex a couple times a day and that seems to do well. Still have some pain at the incision (it's about 6-7 inches long at the bikini line) and the muscles and nerves under the incision ache sometimes. I can only sit at the computer for about 15 minutes at a time, so this is the first chance I've had to type this out. I had to go to my doctor yesterday because 2 stitches on the right side of my incision popped and I had to be re-stitched. That really sucked, but it is what it is. I'm on leave from work for 6 weeks (well, 5 now). I normally heal well, but this one is really slow going. I'm already on estrogen patches (Climera) but I was told it takes anywhere from a couple of weeks to 2 months for the estrogen to fully kick in and get my hormones regulated. Lemme tell ya, I've been riding the crazy train, complete with night sweats, hot flashes and flushes, and insane mood swings. Can't wait to feel normal. Initially, I gained 13 pounds of water weight in the hospital, but it's slowly working it's way off. Once all the water is gone, I can't wait to see how much weight has actually dropped since my lady parts were removed (everything together, including the huge fibroids, weighed 3 pounds) so I'll start weighing myself again in about a week. That's about it!! So glad to finally be done with everything. Once I'm fully healed and on the other side of this, WATCH OUT!!! lol
  6. I cheated on my post op diet at my graduation party. I’m on stage 3 going on stage 4 in 3 days. I ate 2 chicken wings backed and a few bite of an empanada ( it was fried). I didn’t feel full or have a weird feeling. Maybe because I’m going to start regular food in 3 days without red meat or carbs. I’m so scared to tell my doctor and I’m scared that I might have problems. I don’t feel weird and I feel fine. I don’t know, when I hear stories about people after vsg they say like the worst thing to eat real food for the first time.
  7. Hello all! Newbie here! I had gastric bypass surgery on August 8. Since then, I have not been able to meet my fluid or protein requirements, or even get close honestly. My Dr and dietitian just say "well, you have to." I'm still feeling weak and tired and just want to feel better! Does anyone have any tips, tricks, recipes (I'm on stage 3) that might help?
  8. JennyBeez

    Struggling to eat!

    I had some similar phases -- I'm in one right now, I just have no appetite and I've yet to feel hunger post-op so it's been a struggle. Part of it is mindset. Try to remind yourself that you're eating for nutrition now, and to recalibrate your body into accepting food again. You don't have to eat any full meal -- even if you just get a few bites down and then follow up with a shake half an hour later to make sure you're getting your protein in. I'm 3 months in and there are days where breakfast is a soft protein bar, lunch is a protein shake (and dinner is one of the thousands of frozen cups of pureed sweet potato with bone broth powder that I made back in week 3, LOL) . Or whatever I manage to convince myself to eat for the sake of it. Dp whatever you have to do to get through. Keep in mind, your body is still healing. You may be free of pain, but your innards can take 6-8 months to heal, move back into place, etc. Your hormones and body chemicals are all over the place right now. Cut yourself lots of slack. Survive this until it gets better for you.
  9. I totally understand how you feel. I started 2 week liquid diet (3 protein shakes and jello) on Dec 13th. Had my surgery on Dec 27th, then 3 days clear broth, and am now back on 2 week liquid diet (4 protein shakes and jello). I can not wait til the 14th when I move to softs.
  10. I know I shouldn't complain because I'm feeling great and hitting my protein and water goals every day since I got home from the hospital, even tolerating soft proteins really well. If it weren't for the incisions and the lack of hunger, I'd almost forget I had anything done. But man, I would check my scale for bad batteries if I hadn't just changed them. My preop diet was a very exciting time as I was dropping weight like crazy. 15 lbs in 14 days! I was 238.8 on February 7, and the day before I went to the hospital, February 20, I weighed in at 223.4. I stayed off the scale after getting home because I knew I had IV fluids and all of that to flush out of my system. But I weighed myself today, 10 days post-op, and I'm down exactly 1 pound at 222.4. Color me underwhelmed. I know it's probably just an early appearance of the "3 week stall." Logically, I understand all the reasons for it to happen. But it doesn't stop me from wanting to kick something, specifically, my scale. My body will never miss an opportunity to mess with my head. Anybody else have a slower start after surgery than you were expecting? How long did it take to pick up the pace?
  11. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis you're looking great! I'm impressed you can stand in those shoes. I think I would end up in the hospital if I tried. And congrats on finally getting below that magical 70kg marker. I'm happy to report that after 7 weeks of very pokey weight loss in which I only lost 4 lbs total and stalled out completely for 2 of those weeks, I have now dropped 4 lbs in 4 days. I cannot begin to express how relieved I am. I know it will slow again soon enough as a pound a day isn't sustainable, but I plan to enjoy it as long as it lasts. NSV for me this week! So, I had gotten down to around 205 lbs back in 2017 through my hospital's nutrition program. Naturally, I bought some clothing back then, though unfortunately I regained steadily over the years. Because I had moved house 4 years ago, I purged most everything in my closet. This included almost all the smaller clothing, plus the remnants of my old "professional" wardrobe that was also in smaller sizes from a good 20 years ago. (I should say, I don't regret that too much as the clothing was way out of style and I never have cause to wear suits these days anyway.) But I did happen to hold onto one springy sort of dress that I guess I must have thought was too nice to get rid of, just in case it ever fit again. Well, I pulled it out of the closet the other day to wear to my daughter's special event at school and not only did it fit, it was loose. I honestly struggle to see the difference when I look at myself in the mirror sometimes, but there's no denying how clothing fits, and I know this dress never fit me loose back then like it does now.
  12. Dawn Gant

    How much protein is too much?

    Do you all buy any of bariatric pal foods? I’m about 3 days away from my 4 month post op. The bariatric foods hep me a lot to stick to my 60+ mg of protein a day still drink one shake a day because I get about 40mg protein in one shake. I usually drink around 4-6 pm so with my meals and snacks. I get the rest or more of protein through out. I too have sm stalls depending on if my right leg is swollen or I need to have a good bowel movement sorry TMI but I’m on pain management with chronic constipation. But I’m losing steady not as fast as first surgery but since I’m more sedentary then prior it’s expected but losing. Day of surgery was 304 now 272
  13. Nabih_bawazir

    Post OP pain in ankles and knees

    I have similar case but at lower back, I got MRI and I have inflammation in facet joints, the doctor give me 8000 IU a day of vitamin D for 3 months and 15 pain killers pills (I take every 2 days in first month, and one a week in second month), my pain is gone since 3th month after surgery, l still have multiple prescription to buy painkillers, if one year pain is not gone, she suggest to retake MRI, since my pain is not comeback after my BMI below 33, so I stop take painkillers, but I will continue take 3000 IU vitamin D (basically once daily bariatric vitamin)
  14. NickelChip

    Sleeve to bypass question

    They will create a small stomach pouch, same as in a regular bypass. But be aware that even with bypass, the ability to eat more returns over time. If it helps for comparison, though, I can tell you that at 3 months out with gastric bypass, I can eat about 3/4 c yogurt with a little bit of fruit, or 2-3 oz chicken with maybe 1/4 cup cooked veg in one sitting. In both cases, this would take me about 15 minutes to eat.
  15. One of my favorite resources is Dr. Weiner's videos (as well as his book The Pound of Cure and his weekly podcast). He talks about the type of food we eat being more important than the number of calories we eat. Here is one video that I watch probably once a month just to get it into my head. But he has hundreds of videos, so I encourage you to check out all of the playlists on his channel. Having said that, there's a good chance you're in a stall as opposed to being done. Your BMI is low enough now that you're approaching "normal weight" and weight loss at that point gets really slow and difficult. But it doesn't mean you can't do it!
  16. summerseeker

    4 months post-op

    Yes exactly this. This is so very tiring. Your brain is going a mile a minute and must be burning so many calories. I get B12 shots every 3 months at my doctors. If you have bariatric surgery here it seems to be the norm. These are like liquid energy and I don't need to check my calendar when they are due for renewal. The last two weeks are hell, I drag myself around. I had similar issues to you in my first year. I really struggled to eat and my calories were so low. I tired easily too. My team and I decided that it would be best for me to eat tiny meals, 6 times a day. My menu would be, meal 1, protein yogurt 2, homemade lentil and veg soup 3, scrambled egg 4, Fish in a sauce 5, Some jerky or cheese 6, a latte or some watermelon. This, in my mind gave me everything, I nutritionally needed but my calories were about 500 a day. I started to do full fat everything and upped my calories to 800 slowly. You will feel regret, its a lot to deal with. Every week gets easier. Once you master drinking enough you will leap forward.
  17. ynotiniowa

    Down Time

    I took off 6 weeks but I'm a nurse who has a pretty physical job at moments. I also had my second granddaughter due during my 5th week off so I chose to take 6 weeks so I could enjoy a week of baby cuddles ❤️ Honestly, I had zero complications and very minimal pain with my bypass. Was driving and doing most things without trouble, albeit a bit slower, within the first 3 days. I would suggest take as much time as you can and elect to go back sooner based with how you feel. If you can afford and allow yourself the extra time, just enjoy it and get super familiar with your new you and your new routines. Good luck!!
  18. Shotputqueen

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi there. It sounds like you're doing well. As for me, I'm 60, 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed 223 at time of surgery. I have only lost 12 pounds so far and am at the dreaded 3 week stall. I just have to be more patient.
  19. KathyLev

    April 2023 GSV updates?

    I had mine in May of 2023. I'm doing great , thanks for asking ! I've been eating low carb ,very small portions and except for a months long stall, everything is going a-ok I haven't had any carbonated drinks or alcohol so far, but I don't miss it. My stomach handles everything good with no problems. I'm down 2 sizes and couldn't be happier ! All my lab work have been perfect and I'm off 3 meds that I took for a long time. Diabetes is no longer in my future ! How have you been since your surgery ? You lost a ton !!!!!
  20. Hi everyone, just wondering how those that had the sleeve in April 2023 are doing? How is your journey going so far? any setbacks? Stalls? New successes?
  21. this sounds fanstastic!! I am eating around 1000-1100 calories. I cannot seem to cut anywhere without getting really fatigued and dizzy. I walk 5x a week nothing crazy a little bit of terrain but havent found time to work out outside of my lunch break yet. So I am accepting that I need those calories. I have been doing the same thing for dinner as you, eating what everyone eats just taking out the carb element. We both had similar starting stats. Do you remember what worked for you at this stage? How long did it take for you lose the weight? Stalls? Any advice would be amazing! I never in a million years can imagine myself at 140! I am in disbelief I am at 226!
  22. Hi all! Me again! Wednesday I am 3 weeks post op! I think I have the food down and just trying to figure out when I can do more than just walk my dog lol
  23. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I do tend to weigh myself twice a week. I'm sure that doesn't help. But, it would if the scale would move. I just expected a faster response from the surgery. From October up to the two weeks before my surgery, I had lost nearly 70 lbs. Just from changing my diet and exercise. I'm still doing the same thing, but I'm eating less. May 8th I see the Doctor at the bariatric hospital I go to. That will be my 3 month post op appointment. I'll have another blood work-up then to see if there's any issues with nutrition and vitamin deficiency. I've lost over 100 lbs. since October, so that's definitely a big plus.
  24. GoAskAlice19

    Let's Collect Some Data!

    1- F/51/5’1 2- 12 lb 3- 230 4- 1 month post 212 5- 3 month post 180
  25. Muslima_michy

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Anyone here for n the 24th of June? I'm on preop full liquids and yesterday was rough. Today is day 3 and I'm feeling better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
