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  1. Hi Tynisha! I don’t focus much on carbs, but I try to not go overboard. I eat crackers or a tiny PB&J as a snack most days and may have some oven roasted potatoes with protein for dinner. And I drink whole milk. What has been really important for me is making sure to eat three balanced meals a day, hitting my protein goal (around 110-120 grams daily). I have to have a protein shake or two with milk to get there. If you find you are eating too many carbs, it’s probably because you are snacking too much. If you focus on balanced meals and up your protein goal, you won’t be hungry/want to snack. Veggies and milk aren’t a big impact on carb intake, and help you feel full. Another good way to sneak in more protein is Greek yogurt. I like Oikos mixed berry. Fairly low on carbs/sugars and 15 grams of protein. Basically make sure you are getting enough protein, focus on feeling full from good food, and try to limit snacking. Has worked for me, and I’m still slowly losing weight almost 9 months later. Oh, and work out with weights. Since working out 3 days a week, my body composition has changed quite a bit. Best of luck! Dave
  2. I just recovered from my first dumping syndrome reaction and hooo boy, for a while there I was seriously regretting having the surgery. I'm just over 9 weeks PO, and yes, I've had serious pain (and some vomiting or bad nausea) every time I stupidly re-try chicken breast. I thought that was bad enough. I. Was. Not. Prepared. So I had half a wrap yesterday for lunch. My boss bought our team lunch and he went out of his way to get me a plain wrap, no fatty sauces, with just chicken and lettuce. He bought me s gravy to dip it in so it'd be moist! I was so... touched and thankful that he'd thought so much about my restrictions that I decided to give the white meat one more try. I did NOT take into consideration the wrap (not whole wheat). I ate a little less than half of it yesterday. It went down fine, no issues. Dunked in gravy and delicious. Welllll today for lunch I ate the leftovers. Within 20 minutes of the last bite, I was forced to nap. (Looking back, felt just like an over-carbed/sugared diabetic nap.) Woke up an hour later to pre-period cramping. No big deal. Except by the time I got to the bathroom, the cramps became excruciating and I started vomiting bile. Then came the seemingly endless liquid diarrhea, fever and sweating so much I soaked my clothes like I'd been in the pouring rain. I wanted to die to make it stop. For a while, I thought maybe I was dying and this pain was a PO complication or my entire intestine rupturing, etc. (Yeah, I blame fever delerium for that). My mother tested my blood sugar while I was half out of it, and it wasn't crazy high but still much higher than my PO normal. I hope to ALL the gods that I learn my lesson from this and can avoid it ever ever ever happening again. I logically know that more mistakes are bound to happen on this journey, but oooof that hit hard.
  3. Good Morning: I am currently on day 9 since my revision surgery. For some really strange reason I am no longer having any issues like I did on day 1. No pain, no stomach spasms, very minimal nausea. I am now craving something with substance. Contacted my surgeon today and he advised that if I am tolerating liquids...move to the next stage-puree. If in a week I tolerate this well...move to soft foods, then the next stage and so on. It almost feels surreal. Every clinics website states two week for every stage. I wonder since I was a band patient previously that my stomach is accustomed to the sleeve diet. I was very fortunate to loose 150lbs total with that gastric band and good food choices. It seems revision patients have it a little different...we know what is going to happen.
  4. Rjelly Bean

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi All I hope you are all doing well. I had my bypass on the 16th. I had a few complications after surgery and ended up staying a bit longer in the hospital than planned. Feel I'm doing ok since I'm home, but a bit anxious. My hospital only does a liquid diet on the day of surgery and they start the puree diet on day one post-op. I'm planning on starting my soft diet in the next day or two. One thing I'm finding hard is trying to fit 3 meals, 2-3 snacks and required water into my waking day. I'm also really cold. Anyone else having these issues.
  5. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy and am now on HRT (literally the first time since I was 15 that I've had my hormones regulated at all). My uterus, 3 huge uterine fibroids, both ovaries, both fallopian tubes, and cervix combines weighed 4 pounds when they were removed. I weighed 212 on surgery day on May 7th. After I lost the water weight from 3 days of IVs, I was 208, which I expected. I was started on estrogen in the hospital. So here I am, 18 days post op, and I have lost 13 pounds. I walk 3-4 times every day, I eat normally, I rest a lot. I take my normal MS and Lupus meds and my normal supplements. The only difference is I had the hysterectomy and I'm on HRT. I'm noticing that I seem to be having a much easier time losing weight. It's almost like it was when I first had my bariatric surgery. I haven't lost weight like this in over a year. So here's what I'm wondering.... since pcos is known for causing weight gain and not allowing weight loss, and since my hormones are finally regulating with the HRT, and since I no longer have any issues with fibroids, cysts, horrible periods, etc... could the hysterectomy have maybe corrected a lot of the pcos issues and now the stuff slowing and stopping my weight loss is gone and I'm back to losing again? Did having the hysterectomy actually help with weight loss? I know a hysterectomy isn't a cure for pcos, but I'm really wondering if the combination of the HRT and hysterectomy are working together with my WLS to actually give me normal, proper results? Has anyone else experienced this, or know someone who has?
  6. Thanks @NickelChip @RonHall908 I know the stall is normal and expected but it’s not making it easier for me to deal with … ( scales still hadn’t budged this morning making it 10 days …). Im sorry to hear you guys are suffering sleep wize and hope you get things sorted soon, are your bedrooms cool enough ? - I’ve never been one for much sleep and suffer terribly from insomnia but still try to avoid sleeping pills like the devil. My usual Paris setting is up at 6.45 - coffee coffee coffee shower - out the door at 7.45 to get to the office until 19.30 - then out and about ( drinks and food or theatre or whatever) and then home round 10/11pm and then 1.30-2am I head to bed. So I’m usually on under 5 hours a night. I struggled against it for a while and finally just accepted it. If I get 4 hours I can function. If I try to go to bed earlier I just get really annoyed at the fact I’m not sleeping and end up all wound up and exhausted. But… since surgery I’m in bed at 11pm sometimes earlier and asleep by midnight so that’s a good in for me! @NickelChip maybe if your job/life allows it just try and go with the rhythm for a few days - just follow when your body says it’s tired and nap if you can? I’m on the train to London actually under the channel right now as I type! Always so amazed by it!
  7. ccast49

    weight stall

    Thanks guys my stall is actually has moved a bit iam now down to 194 but I think its due to the fact that everything has been making me nauseous lately. I know i have not been meeting any of my protein goals and my vitamin intake has sucked. That being said I am not doing so well energy wise but I am trying to switch up my meals to try and get more protein in other ways.
  8. Hello everyone, I’m 9 months out from my sleeve surgery. Had an easy post op without complications. However for the last 4 weeks or so I have moments where I get such bad gas (not flatulence, but painful, loud, trapped gas). I haven’t figured out exactly what causes it although the other night I ate some hummus and I immediately knew it didn’t go down well and felt full and like I had a rock in my tummy. After that happens it’s like 12 hours of pain and huge loud thumps and thuds. Then my insides feel like they’ve went through a war and they feel pain for a couple of days. I’ve now lost a little too much weight because I’m so scared to eat anything that will cause this. My hair is still falling out, I’m not eating enough and I’m usually in pain. I have an appointment with my surgeon but in the meantime I’m desperate. Anyone else have any experience with this?
  9. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I wake up at 3:30 am every morning. Work starts at 5 am. It's hard for me to go to bed at 9 pm. But I try anyway, only to toss and turn. I don't like taking meds to sleep. I may need a new sleep study just to see if I need the bipap. They did tell me that I may not need it after losing a lot of weight. They suggested that would be about a year out. As I mentioned in other posts, they warned me about exhaustion so that is definitely where I'm at. I hope it gets better soon. Being tired all the time isn't fun.
  10. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis I think the hardest part about this process is accepting that the weight loss happens over a full year, or sometimes even more! The stalls make it feel like it will never happen, even though it will. Just not as fast as we want. But you'll get where you want to be eventually if you keep doing the right things. I've been thinking about it and one of the things I think makes it hard for me right now is that part of my brain never really accepted or acknowledged the size I was when I reached my highest weight. I look at myself in the mirror now and even though I haven't been this weight in 25 years and the last time I was close to it was 7 years ago, in my head, this is what I looked like all along, so I don't see the difference. I'll admit, I saw a photo of myself from last summer and was shocked at my size. Did I really look like that? But I look at myself now and all I feel is the frustration I had in my mid-20s of "when will I lose this weight" because it feels like the last 50 lbs never even happened. I'm just back to a place where I recognize what I'm seeing in the mirror instead of pretending it's not there. @RonHall908 I'm also struggling with sleep. I started tracking with my Fitbit and I don't get what I thought I did. I go to bed around 10:30 and I don't have to be up until 7:00, so I always thought I was getting plenty, at least 7 hours and close to 8, but in reality, I wake up at 5:00 this time of year because of the sun coming up. In the past 3 weeks since I started tracking, I've averaged 6h7m and only hit 7h twice. For comparison, my tracker says I've had an average of 1h9m of REM and 1h13m deep sleep, with 45m awake and 3h44m light sleep. For the most part, I'm energetic. I get over an hour of walking in almost every day, with 38m in the moderate zone according to my tracker. I don't drink any caffeine. But I do have about 30 minutes between 2:30 and 3:00pm when I can barely keep my eyes open. After that, I tend to have a second wind and am wide awake by the time 9pm rolls around so going to bed earlier isn't a great option. I try to relax and read, but I still don't fall asleep until close to 11pm, and I can easily stay up until after midnight if I don't stop myself. Maybe this is just what my body wants?
  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The stalls aren't fun. But I've been reassured by the baritastic dietician and doctor that it is part of the process. It's just a tough thing to swallow when the number don't move. Sounds like you need a little rest from traveling. But, I understand work. The past month my sleeping habits have gone sideways. I'm constantly waking up at night. I wear a bipap for sleep apnea. Also have a smart watch that help tracks sleep. My REM sleep has been less than 45 mins a night.
  12. Roh! (this is French for discontentement) I've just got home from Athens and got on my home scale - I'm back up at 70.6kg (155.4lbs). I know from the Athens scales that my weight hasn't budged since the 15th - so 9 days. My brain knows that this was going to happen but my heart is upset (Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point ... The heart has its reasons that reason ignores.). This means that since I left home 15 days ago I've only lost 1.9kg (4.2lbs). Breaking back into the 60's is really important to me and I just can't make it. So I'm upset ( and tired and overworked right now I think, my flight was delayed - I left where I was staying in Athens at 3.45 am, my flight was slightly delayed, and luggage delivery took a whole hour so I had to go straight from the airport to a meeting with very very little sleep). I'm home now but just have time to do laundry and unpack and repack because I leave for the UK early tomorrow to see friends in London before a conference in the north next week. I just want it to be the summer and to be on holiday already. I want to spend more that 24 hours in my own home. And I want to see a number starting with a 6 on the scale. I'm doing the best I can with food. I'm walking and being as active as I can. I'm just so so disheartened. I think I just need a nap.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    3 years PO & Struggling!!

    Everything @NickelChip just said. This, this, this!!! Also, just be careful with the fruit cups and bananas. Other than that, looks good. I personally would incorporate a little more meat in there. I eat red meat once or twice a week. There's also keto bread, keto slim bagels, and keto blueberry muffin mix at WalMart (I use all of them and love them). Blueberries and strawberries are also fantastic, as are apples in moderation. Avocado is another go-to (personally, I love avocado toast in the morning). Smoothies made with almond milk, collagen powder, greens, and fruits of my choosing go a lot farther for me than a protein shake. Mostly because you want to get your protein from foods you're eating instead of drinks and snacks. I love Propel water, and I also love Gatorade Zero. I eat almonds (plain, smokehouse, hickory smoked, mesquite, all the things). Put a handful of almonds, some meat sticks or cubes, and cheese cubes in a container or baggie and you have a delicious, compliant, protein packed snack. I usually do that and also take mixed fruit (I'll slice a small apple and add a few strawberries and a handful or so of blueberries and that's my 2nd snack of the day) with me to work and it gets me through (I'm a clinical medical assistant so I'm on my feet a lot).
  14. cjbowers2005

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am scheduled in less than a week, May 28th for Sadie revision
  15. NickelChip

    3 years PO & Struggling!!

    So, let's say you aim for 80g protein, that's 320 calories. 50-60g carb gives you another 200 to 240 calories. If you set a goal of 1000 calories per day, that leaves you with about 53g of fat per day. But if you track carbs and protein, the fat falls into place because those are the only 3 sources of calories. Oh, dry roasted or raw nuts are a nice source of healthy fat. And you can play around with your ratios of macros a little bit to see what works for you to keep you satisfied and give you enough energy.
  16. NickelChip


    At 5 months post-op, 500 calories per day might signal your body to be in starvation mode. Most programs seem to recommend between 800-1000 calories as a benchmark until you reach maintenance. For example, my dietician told me 80g protein and that protein should be 40% of my calories, which works out to around 800 calories per day. Do you have any theories on why you can't eat real food after lunch? You should be able to eat most food by now. I'm only at 3 months post-op and the only foods I've been told to be careful with are asparagus (very fibrous) and steak (but ground beef is fine). Have you tried crockpot chili, or pulled chicken? Maybe navy bean soup with ham? Greek yogurt and fruit? I also like tuna salad or smoked salmon.
  17. NickelChip

    3 years PO & Struggling!!

    I would say prepackaged foods are fine for popping in your bag when you go out in case of emergency, but for work, you might want to figure out a better option because that's multiple days every week. Personally, I like baby carrots, red peppers, snow peas, and mini or English cucumbers. Mushrooms are good, but they make me feel ill right now (too dry). If you like ranch dressing, get the container of ranch powder from the dressing aisle and buy some low or non fat cottage cheese. Put the cottage cheese in a food processor or blender and blend it until it's totally smooth. It'll look like pudding, sort of. Add in about a Tbsp of ranch powder per 16oz container of cottage cheese. This makes a fantastic and really healthy dip. I bought a set of parfait cups from Amazon like these: https://www.amazon.com/CRYSTALIA-Breakfast-Container-Colorful-Set/dp/B09N8K6CZ5. I put the veg in the big section and the dip in the small section, and then I store them upside down so the dip doesn't get all over. You can make up 4 days' worth at one time for convenience. Instead of the protein shake, could you make a green smoothie? You could do a frozen fruit blend, a handful of baby spinach, and a serving of Greek yogurt (thin with water to your preference). I like to add a squeeze of minced ginger that comes in a bottle in the produce section. I get a blend of frozen peaches, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries that comes all in one bag and is so tasty.
  18. Brii K.

    3 years PO & Struggling!!

    Thank you for this. I plan to go food shopping this weekend. I’ve been away from the house for 7 weeks for training for work. So I’ve had minimal access to make meals and refrigerator for cold snacks so the processed right now has been my go to.
  19. Brii K.

    3 years PO & Struggling!!

    The up to 4-6oz is meals. Mainly it’s my dinner meal. My snacks are usually no more than 2oz of weighed portions and depending on the food of choice, it’s not a lot visually either. I just moved and don’t see a PA for potential new surgeon for post op care until the first week in June. My previous nutritionist through them was also not very helpful with guidance either. The first one I had for the first 2 years was helpful but the new one isn’t/wasnt.
  20. toodlerue

    3 years PO & Struggling!!

    Wow! That seems like a lot of food at once! I’m only able to eat 3-3.5 oz of food at once or I’m so full I’ll puke it up! So I have to eat 5 small meals a day. How much does your surgeon want you to eat? I’d stick to that if I were you.
  21. Ok I'm the QUEEN of stalls lol So here's what I can say. Take from it what you will. Cold hands and feet: I have that, and for me, it's due to weight loss AND low iron. I'm anemic, so I take a bariatric vitamin w/ iron and an additional iron supplement w/ vit c and it keeps my iron levels at the lowest part of normal. When it dips down, my hands and feet are like literal ice cubes. Breaking a long stall: So I tend to gain 3-5 pounds when a stall hits and then lose the same 1-3 pounds over and over until it breaks (and I lose like 6 or 7 pounds all at once). My stalls can last anywhere from several weeks to 3 months. It SUX. When I have a stall, I change up my work out routine to confuse my body. If you do the same things in the same order every day, your body gets used to it and gets complacent and the work out becomes less affective. So I add new things, take things out, add or take away reps, etc. I pay extra close attention to what I eat and when. On work out days, my fluids, protein, calories, and carbs MUST be higher because if not, my body thinks it's starving and holds on to everything. I prioritize fluids, protein, and low carb above all else, but I still make sure that I'm at a calorie deficit while getting in enough to prevent my body from thinking its starving. I also only weigh myself once per week and pay special attention to NSVs, because even when the scale isn't doing what you want, your body still is. Fat gets redistributed, you slim down, that's when you see you drop sizes in clothes, rings, etc... When I work out, I keep my calories at around 1300 - 1400 depending on what work outs I do. I drink an electrolyte drink (Propel or gatorade zero) and an additional 64oz of fluids at LEAST. I keep my protein at 80-90g, my carbs at 40-50g, and healthy fats at 40-50g. When I'm not working out, I keep my calories at around 1000 - 1150, my fluids at around 64oz, my protein between 60-70g, my carbs between 20-30g, and my healthy fats between 20-30g. We need less when we aren't working out. We need more when we are. Just keep at a deficit while still providing more when working out. And make sure you change up the work outs. Right now, your body is really confused. You have to be patient with it, but at the same time, show it who's boss and shake things up to get it going again. You still have time to get where you want to be. Make sure you're not grazing through the day, be mindful what you're eating, when, and how often. Go back to your bariatric diet basics if you need to. You got this.
  22. Hope4NewMe

    Daily calorie intake

    I agree that you may not need a calorie goal especially this early on. My office did not have a strict rule on calories but I was like you and wanted that structure so they told me that they recommended 600 calories by month 2 and 800 calories by month 3 and then 1000 by month 6. Not to go over 1000 until goal weight after that. Protein was always the most important but I was encouraged to eat some carbs too. You have to watch yourself later on though and set your own guidelines. Probably around month 3 you will start to see how you lose or not lose with the calories you take in. I found out that if I was under 800 I would stall and if I ate over 1200 I would stop losing. Other people can't eat over 800 and still lose and some, especially those that exercise a lot can't eat less that 1200 or stall. So your calorie needs may be different but I hope this helps. Good luck!
  23. Good morning! I had gastric bypass on 4/12/21. My highest ever was 293. I had surgery at 262. My lowest at my year mark was 135. Found out I was pregnant extremely fast after hitting my lowest and cannot budge out of the 150-155 range and I’m getting discouraged. I'm eating between 66 to 120 g of protein depending on the day. My fat intake I think is too high at around 70g, my net carbs range greatly between low 30’s to 100 g depending. My calories also vary between 800’s to 1200’s and I need to find the best range for losing weight while exercising now I started working out with the treadmill while concentrating on strength training and core workouts to help tummy skin shrinkage. I still have my restriction and often cannot even eat more than 4-6 oz a meal. I eat what I can of some fruit and veggies but mainly I’ll eat protein snacks like Catalina crunch, some small stuff from Atkins, Kodiak cake snacks sometimes. To name a few. I also drink a protein shake once a day which is either of the brand Ryze or Iso100 with 12oz of Fairlife low fat milk. Just to paint a picture. I work in corrections on night shift so there isn’t much moving around at night. But…I’m here to ask for advice and recommendations to help kickstart weight loss again. I’m miserable!!! please help if you can.
  24. I have been looking online and there are 3 so far that their work looks really good, one of them actually specialize in surgery for bariatric patients. So maybe I start at least visiting them and see if they also tell me I need to lose 20more pounds.
  25. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am also 2 weeks but gast bypass. I tolerate almost a cup 2-3x a day. But when i try adding in something new (i pureed som ground beef added to my cottage cheese) overnight i get an awful pit in my stomach and toss and turn all night. Then i have a few morning BMs and feel better. So the following day i do cottage cheese shakes pudding and i seem to do ok. Down 20lbs since surgery but have not lost any weight in 3 days.

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