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Found 1,239 results

  1. I've got a notoriously unreliable cycle (think "on 3 weeks, off 1 week, on 1 week, off 7 weeks, on 2 weeks, off one OH JUST KIDDING on five weeks..."), but it's been calming the hell down over the past few years. According to the app that desperately tries to keep up, I should've started two days ago. And yet... here we are. And I'm usually not one to scale-watch, but two pounds up after a three-week stall just feels mean. Cranky! Bored! God, I'm in quite the mood, aren't I?
  2. catwoman7

    5 weeks post op

    the two week thing is the infamous "three week stall". Almost everyone experiences it. Here are the 17,501 posts on it on this site (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall weird color poop isn't uncommon the first month or two after surgery. I think paleness usually indicates fat malabsorption, which isn't a huge surprise. I think mine was normal colored after about the first month. as for the pain thing, I'd run that by your clinic. I'm not sure what that is- could be a lot of things, I think. They might want to do a scope or something to see what's going on.
  3. Veronica Page

    January Sleevers ❄️

    @@Eurogirl10 Dreaded three week stall...FINALLY broke mine today. It is sooo brutal but just keep doing your thing. I was moaning and groaning all week long driving people insane. I hope you break yours soon. I had to go back to liquids only for a couple of days to break mine and really get my water intake going.
  4. Sherry73

    Valentine's Challenge

    Since this will be my first challenge I am not sure what to set a goal weight at. I lost over 30 lbs the first three weeks and then went into a three week stall. In the last two weeks since I have started losing again I have lost 13 lbs. Anyone have any idea of what kind of goal I should set? Very excited to do the challenge.
  5. Coachdk

    Valentine's Challenge

    CW 240.0....dreaded three week stall (but in my fourth week)
  6. I think this is the dreaded three week stall. I just try to remember that my body need this time to adjust, it helps me not to fixate on the scale. Trying to up my water, and I walk 40-60 mins a day. So far I had to loose 10lbs. pre-op, lost 15 on liquid pre-op, and 19 since surgery on 2/24. The scale has been stalled for a while now, but I have never lost 44lbs this quickly.
  7. sharkweek

    November sleevers here

    I lost a bunch of weight quickly for the first three weeks, then hit the three week stall everyone talks about on this forum. Stayed stalled for a week or two, then the weight loss started again. Now the weight loss is less dramatic if you look at it day by day (0.2 lbs here, 0.6 here, etc) but it helps to look at it week by week. For example I thought last week was pretty slow weight loss wise, but then I looked at my weekly view on MFP and realized I'd actually lost four and a half pounds in a week. I would have killed for that a few months ago!
  8. hepktty

    All of my December sleevers...

    @popsicle: I was sleeved dec. 27, surgery weight 242 now I'm 215. I just got off a three week stall. It comes off as needed. Once the body adjusts to the new eating habits the pounds drop. Don't be discouraged. Keep it up!
  9. blizair09

    Stall after a week...

    Your "three week stall" has probably just begun a little early. I'd recommend staying off the scale for the first month. Your body has been through a lot, is trying its best to heal and adjust, and will naturally have some weird fluctuations for a little while. Right now, you should be focusing on meeting your protein and water goals. Everything else will come in time. Good luck!
  10. terravue

    All of my December sleevers...

    I have been on a three week stall as well, could the folks who are getting out of it post how many calories and protein they are getting a day? I just upped mine a bit , program has me on 300 cal. And 30 grams of protein on average. Walk everyday. Not supposed to have shakes or snacks with my 1/4 cup meals 3x a day. Think it should be more.
  11. Greenstar

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    dont look at the scale every day, its really bad and can be discouraging. i learned this when i got my three week stall. i know i average about 1.5 pounds loss a day now. calories are nothing to worry about if you follow what you are supposed to eat. 3 oz worth of protein 4 times a day so i can meet the 60 grams of protein. main diet is skinless and boneless chicken breast, low fat lean ground turkey, and low sodium beans.
  12. Four years out. Keep trying different protein shakes until you find what works for you, because you will! I had to try like 15-20 varieties. Powders, pre mix, waters, etc. Nashua Nutrition online sells a sucker serve sample of anything they carry for $2. You trusted your surgical team to cut you open, trust their nutrition plan! It may be totally different than anyone else's but it's YOUR plan! Follow it for at least the first year, make the most of that window, then you can experiment after you've changed your whole relationship with food and broken all the habits. Know that early put acid can mimic hunger pangs. If you feel a gnawing sensation in your stomach that feels like hunger, try a proton pump inhibitor or another acid reducer. The three week stall is real. And it ends.
  13. yep - it's the infamous three-week stall that almost everyone goes through! It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan and it'll break. Always does...
  14. I have definitely been in a three week stall before. In June I tried to increase the intensity of my workouts and redesign my diet. It's been helping.
  15. Look up the "three week stall" You sound like you are in it. Most have this stall at around 3 weeks.
  16. sallie Lindsey

    March Bypass Buddies

    Hey peeps ,I’m curious and wondering about the whole process on how this also changes our metabolism has anyone studied tht ? Like I heard tht this sleeve also does metabolic changes in our bodies as well? So far so good I haven’t had a stall other then the three week stall, but I’m finding tht I still can only eat about five bites and I’m done and I guess this is what I’m supposed to be eating because I’m losing weight but since I have started eating I’m not getting near my water intake so stay thirsty ,and also I have never been a tea drinker and now I crave it I dk if it is cause I’m tired of water or if it is the caffeine ( I was a six pack of diet cokes or Pepsi before ) and I’m craving tacos like no other but I found tht I can do a taco salad and satisfy tht ,what are some of ur cravings and what do u try and eat instead ?
  17. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    My sleeve was March 9th and my weight loss has stalled as well. Several people on here say that the three week stall seems to be a common thing. We can hang in there together.
  18. Hello all, I was sleeved on 3/24/15 and what a journey it has been in just two short months. I went from the early stages of thinking "What the hell have I done to myself" to the dreaded three week stall, to testing out my pouch, finding out it is made of steel then falling off the wagon with sweets a few times. Another stall and now I am in kick ass mode and dropping weight like crazy! I read these pages like they are my bible and have only posted a couple of times. I wanted to post about sweets and sugar because they are DEFINITELY my weakness and I apparently have no aversion to them post surgery. Also, being sleeved in March, I hit my 6 week sold food phase right when my daughter's birthday came, Mother's Day, my wedding anniversary, hubby's birthday and now coming up....my birthday. So what have these events taught me.... 1) I am a full blown sugar/sweets addict. This is an important realization because pre surgery, I was insulin resistant and on diabetes medication. My blood sugar would drop all the time so I had sweets around when this happened. Post surgery, I'm no longer on medication and my hypoglycemia is gone. So all that's left is my head addiction to sugar! 2) I can "fall off the wagon" but also get back on as often as I want. It is in my control. I prefer to be on the wagon in terms of carbs ad sweets! 3) I have to come up with a plan for celebrations because having left over cake in my house is a DISASTER!!!! I did some research and found a bakery that makes gluten free AND sugar free cakes and the best part, they make bite size samplers (about 4-5 ounces). I went in and had a sample and it is really good! So for my upcoming birthday, everyone is getting a bite sized cake and the best thing, NO LEFT OVERS!!!!! Just thought I would share some of my experiences as I know reading others' posts helps me out tremendously!
  19. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    yes. Happens to almost everyone. Search this site for threads on the "three week stall". EDIT: oh wait - so this stall has been going on for over a month? That's unusually long. The three-week stall usually lasts a week or two. Are you weighing and measuring what you're eating? Are you sticking to your plan?
  20. Google "three week stall." Everyone goes through it. My advice is to stay off of the scale for at least the first month post-op. Your body is desperately trying to heal, and weight loss isn't the top priority. And get used to stalls. I have found that I am in a stall more often than a period of loss post-op. It's just part of the process. Good luck!
  21. catwoman7


    happens to the vast majority of us. If you do a search on "the three week stall" on this site, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it And no, I am NOT kidding. just stick to your program and stay off your scale for a few days. It'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again...
  22. I had my surgery in Feb and experienced about a three week stall where my weight loss was very slow and then it picked up again. Right now I've been at the same number on the scale for almost 2 weeks and it's very frustrating. Has anyone else experienced another stall 3-4 months after surgery? I'm still working out 5-6 days a week and getting all my Protein and everything it's just frustrating. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. The thing is that the scale isn't moving. I'm at 218 lbs. I'm aware that there's a stall. But isn't this rather early for the infamous three week stall? I will not despair, I will not despair. Boo!
  24. mz.newlife54

    Day 10 post op QUESTIONS

    Im two weeks three days after surgery. I've been the same weight the last two days. Ive been losing a pound a day since surgery. I was hoping to keep losing until exactly three weeks but i guess not lol. So the dreaded three week stall is here early. Hope it doesn't last long. How are the other November sleevers doing with the stall? li d
  25. onthefencejenny


    I wouldn't worry about it I think your experiencing the dreaded third week stall! I was sleeved July 25 and right around the third week i stopped losing and would go up a pound or two and then it would drop! I too seemed to be doing everything right! Eating like 600 calories, getting my water in, all my protein and nothing happened! I ended up actually upping my calories to 700-750 and with in a couple days it started dropping! Someone explained the three week stall on here that made me feel so much better! The first couple weeks your body loses cause of the lack if calories and by the third week your body kinda says whoa!! And holds on to everything, then it adjusts and realizes that the lack in calories is the new norm and starts losing again !! The other person explained it much better but that's my short version! Lol. Good luck just keep doing what your doing and it will work itself off! I'm now 38lbs down since my sleeve!!

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