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Found 1,239 results

  1. Introversion

    Struggling to lose

    Look up the "three week stall." It is so common that it has a name. This stall happens to the majority of newly sleeved people sometime between the second and fourth postoperative weeks. It appears your stall came one week early. So did mine. Also...stay off the scale for a few weeks. These frequent weigh-ins will only create more anxiety. You did not become obese overnight and will not lose it overnight, either. Only a small minority of people lose at the rate of 1 pound per day. For the rest, the weight comes off in a nonlinear, unpredictable pattern. For instance, I lost at the rate of about 3 to 6 pounds per month, but still attained my goal. I also agree with previous respondents to lay off the exercise for the next few weeks since you are not consuming enough calories to fuel your activities properly. You'll potentially throw your body into starvation mode.
  2. Lola4rmKona


    Hi Splat, No worries. I totally get it. I was just there last week (three week stall). I saw my surgeon yesterday for my one month postop and to advance to soft foods and finally saw the scale moving again. I was starting to freak out that I hadn't lost anything in two weeks. Saw my specialist doctor for the bariatrics and nutrition info today and learned that since my water intake was still below 60 oz, my body was holding onto water to preserve it. Another interesting thing I learned was that even though I was getting in all my protein usually through shakes and a bit of my pureed stage at the time, it did not amount to enough calories. With two 30 grams of protein each in the premier shakes I was using, calorie count was only at 160 calories each! She told me I actually at three weeks to one month post op need to be around 800-1000 calories and protein should be increased from 60 g to 80 g or more. I am now diligently watching my meal preps and making sure I eat even when I am not "hungry". She told me it is not about tastes or when I want to, it's about supplementing my body so it can function. I left with the promise of trying harder on both water and protein intake. Suffice it to say I stepped on scale today as I had stopped 3 days ago from discouragement and was pleasantly surprised stall had broken and I am down 3 lbs in 3 days! Hang in there and I hope this helps you. Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N920P using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. teacupnosaucer


    I was frustrated at the time with all the work I had to do and waiting I had to do and hoops I had to jump through pre-op, but I feel very thankful for them now. Not saying I'm never ever gonna be frustrated by my perceived (lack of) progress but being mentally prepared for the journey has helped a lot so far. I didn't sweat my three week stall at all. I bet it helps for me to have had a five year journey of trying desperately to lose weight and working REALLY hard and only losing minimal amounts of weight even with a lot of concerted effort. Two pounds a week to me feels like a miracle!
  4. Introversion

    Probably neurotic but

    Look up the "three week stall." It is a very real phenomenon that happens to the majority of bariatric surgery patients sometime between the second and fourth post-op week. Since it usually takes place during week three, it is called the three week stall. For now, it would be wise to stay off the scale. The stall will break. You didn't become obese overnight and you will not become a normal-weight person overnight, either. Patience is king. Weight loss after the sleeve is your personal marathon, not some sprint in which we compare our progress to other sleevers. You lost 16 pounds in less than three weeks. You are doing wonderfully. With my sleeve I lost an average of 3 to 6 pounds per month, so I was the definition of a slow loser, yet I made it to goal. Keep in mind that the weight loss phase is unimportant in the bigger picture. Instead, your ability to maintain the weight loss for life is what really matters since the majority of bariatric surgery patients regain some or all of their weight. Good luck to you!
  5. Joann454

    No, I don't want no SCALE

    I can see myself getting hung up on the numbers. I will weigh myself anyway but I will also take my measurements as well and try not to become obsessed as to it becoming counter productive. I don't wanna be the person freaking out over the three week stall or three month stall. This is about health for me and not just vanity. I'll need to remind myself of that no doubt.
  6. I'm so glad to hear there's a "three-week stall" because I think I'm there. I think part of mine is constipation, too. I've started taking Miralax in hopes of turning that around. I'm down 22 since starting pre-op liquids, but nothing the past week. So frustrating, even though I seem to be losing inches still. Here's hoping we all see a big WHOOSH soon!
  7. blizair09

    4wks post- gained 2?!?

    You are just in the "three week stall." Google it and you'll find lots of information. Your body is healing right now, and you won't likely get an accurate weight in the first month. You just need to keep meeting your protein and water goals each day, and stay off the scale if it is going to upset you. The weight will start to come off again soon, but it won't be linear, and will often be quite erratic. Good luck!
  8. First off, you are not healed. It takes months for your stomach to completely heal, not 17 days. Healing is your body's top priority in these first few weeks. Nothing about your weight is going to be accurate for at least a month post-op. Second, as far as your weight loss goes, you are just in the "three week stall" that almost all WLS patients go through. Google it. You'll see plenty of anecdotal information out there. That being said, you need to make meeting your protein and water goals your full time job right now, and stay off of the scale. If you stick to your plan, the weight will start to come off in its own time. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and the weight isn't going to come off rapidly in a linear fashion. Wishing you the best!
  9. Deactivatedfatgal

    March sleevers hows everyone doing??

    Absolutely! My biggest loss was first 14 days, I was struggling to get in liquids & then I stopped seeing scale move. I could feel that I was smaller, like I was shedding inches. THe three week stall broke and I'm 3 pds away from onederland. 😂 I'm six weeks out now
  10. catwoman7

    Ugh....a stall?

    nope. Do a search on this site for "three week stall". Almost everyone has it.
  11. you're in the "three week stall". Almost everyone has it - do a search for it on this site
  12. blizair09

    Early stall? Is this common?

    Search "three week stall." You appear to be right in the middle of it. My advice is to stick to your plan, make meeting your protein and water goals your full-time job, and stay off of the scale for a while. Good luck!
  13. Clementine Sky

    14 Weeks Post Op - Multiple Stalls

    The vast majority of people experience the "dreaded three week stall" after having WLS, though sometimes it comes a bit sooner or later. That is most likely what you're going through right now. If you do a keyword search about the stall you'll find heaps of threads here about it with tips. You haven't done anything wrong. Your body just needs some time to adjust. It's been through a major surgery, radical eating changes, and weight loss all in a rush. You will start losing again. Just persevere. My stall broke when I increased my calories. Basically I'd been consuming far too calories, so my body thought it was starving and was holding onto to everything I took in to help protect me. It relaxed when I started having more calories.
  14. Introversion

    I'm stuck 😕

    You are not doing anything wrong. Look up the 'three week stall.' It happens to most sleeved people. You lost 24 pounds in less than three weeks. You lost more in 2.5 weeks than most gastric sleeve patients lose in a month. I would be walking on sunshine if I ever lost 24 pounds that fast. It is seriously time to adjust your expectations. You did not gain the weight overnight and will not lose it overnight. With my sleeve, I lost an average of 5 to 6 pounds per month (yes, very slow loser), yet I made it to my goal weight. It took me 18 months to lose 100 pounds. The rate of weight loss does not matter. What matters in the long run is your ability to keep it off for life. There's no point in being a lightning-fast Speedy Gonzales loser if you end up in the majority of sleevers who regain significant weight. Good luck to you. And stay off that scale for several weeks. Hide it!
  15. CQ209

    3 months update

    I'm almost 3 months too (I'm 11 weeks), and I am down 57 pounds since the start of this, and 40 pounds since my surgery date. I just came out of a pretty rough three week stall, but I appear to have come out of it. I was stuck at 202 for so long, and I'm finally in ONEderland. I haven't been at this weight since middle school! 40 more pounds to go to reach my goal! Starting Weight: 250 Surgery Weight: 233 Current Weight: 193
  16. Mickie0130

    3 weeks out and weight gain

    Could definitely have hit the three week stall. But I'm curious how much protein are you eating a day? Should be between 60-90 grams. Your fluid intake isn't bad. My nut said you have to work up to the 64 ounces a day and she was right. Also how many calories are you eating a day? Do you journal? I HIGHLY recommend it! I do soooo much better hitting my goals when I journal. I suggest you stay away from the scale for two weeks, concentrate on getting your protein and fluids in and see how you do. I stalled at three weeks for two weeks and then i started dropping weight off rapidly. Best of luck to you! [emoji4]
  17. blizair09

    Quick question to guys about stalling

    You're just experiencing the "three week stall" that almost everyone experiences. This will be the first of many stalls you will go through in your journey. During my six month pre-op diet program, my weight loss was linear (3 pounds a week like clockwork for six months). During my seven months post-op, it has been more like a step function. I lose 10 pounds in 10 days or so, and then I stall for a week to 10 days. Then the cycle repeats. My advice is to stay off of the scale for the first month, and then to only get on the scale with a frequency that won't cause you mental anguish. Some people can weigh every day and contextualize what it is saying without causing distress. Others can't do that. You'll do yourself a big favor to figure out which camp you are in and weigh accordingly. Good luck!
  18. show1980

    1 Year Sleevaversary

    How many times have you stalled and how long were they? I'm five months in and I'm in a three week stall, it 's the third or fourth time the scale hasn't moved but for one to two pounds. I've lost 55 pounds since surgery and I'm supposed to lose 17-20 pounds by my doc appointment next month and I'm freaking out.
  19. blizair09

    Stall after a week...

    Your "three week stall" has probably just begun a little early. I'd recommend staying off the scale for the first month. Your body has been through a lot, is trying its best to heal and adjust, and will naturally have some weird fluctuations for a little while. Right now, you should be focusing on meeting your protein and water goals. Everything else will come in time. Good luck!
  20. Deactivatedfatgal

    Best decision I've ever made

    I'm one month post op tommorow and I am so happy I did this! I went through stage of regret but it passed, I've experienced my three week stall but looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my scars heal, seeing my stomach shrink tremendously, I know this was my destiny. The amount of confidence I feel at only 27 pds down, is AMAZING. Not eating the way I did prior, is a blessing. No diets would help me stop the binge eating and slow death I was headed for. This surgery has given me my strength and confidence that I had lost for 6 years. Thank god for Dr. Clark!
  21. Deactivatedfatgal

    African American vsgers!

    I'm one month out tommorow and have lost 27 pds, went through a three week stall but hopefully I break it soon! 9 more pds and I will too be in 1-Derlandd
  22. catwoman7

    Want to give up

    do a search on "three week stall". It happens to almost everyone. There should be millions of threads on it in here...
  23. SeattleSleever

    Just curious..

    Yes, I am losing handfuls of hair every time I shampoo. I really hope it stops soon...it's a little un-nerving! I also wanted to report that after my three week stall I'm suddenly losing again, currently at 204. I haven't changed much - maybe a little more stringent on carbs, and I have been tracking again. Good to know that stalls DO pass and it doesn't mean weight loss phase is over!
  24. Deactivatedfatgal

    VA sleevers!?

    Yes it's amazing . I remember being two days post op and barely able to sip & now I can drink more and it's the little things. I've also been going to the gym as I hit the dreaded three week stall lol
  25. You are sabotaging yourself by reverting back to liquids and lowering your calories. You're putting your body into starvation mode and teaching it how to survive on less and less calories. This is unhealthy and certainly not conducive to weightloss and especially long term maintenance. Not sure what kind of expectations you had, but 9 pounds in one month is a good rate of loss. Plus you are right about where most people experience the infamous "three week stall". Do a search and you will find hundreds of posts on it. Totally normal and part of the process, as is gaining a few pounds along the way. You say you drink water till you're nauseous. How much are you drinking? It should be 1/2 your body weight in ounces. If you are having a hard time with water (I couldn't drink plain water for over 6 months), you can try herbal tea, sports drinks, water flavor drops, infused water, milk, or any other non carbonated, low cal beverage. How about protein? Every program is different, but 80+ g/day works for me. just stick with the program and stay off the scale for a month if you need to. Gauge your progress with NSVs and how your clothes fit.

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