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Found 2,865 results

  1. How is a 35 pound drop in two months ....including a 6 week stall... not F'n fantastic!!? That is as good as it gets girl, and don't you forget it! Congrats on getting through the infamous 3 week stall... mine lasted 4 weeks and was pretty demoralizing, but this weight is not supposed to ALL come off in two months.
  2. sprukop0924

    May 2022 surgery?

    So, did anyone else “stall” on week 2? I know about the 3 week stall, but I stalled when I switched to full liquid - even though I’m still under 500 cal per day. I actually gained a pound after the first day of full liquids. I am now day 13 post surgery and at same weight as day 7! I’m getting 60-70 G protein, struggling a little with water, but managing 50-64g and most days having around 420 - 450 cal/day. I am also doing 30 minutes on elliptical 4-5 days/week since Day 5 post-surgery.
  3. SasHappy

    May 2022 surgery?

    I've been taking miralax and within a couple of days I've been passing, it's a temporary solution but I think once we're on solids we'll be good. I heard of the 3 week stall, and Ive also heard that its normal and isn't something we should worry about. Stay strong!
  4. Wow!!! You are so inspiring. I am 3 weeks out and have been stalled the past 7 days. I have heard of this 3 week stall. I have lost quite a bit so far but sometimes it's hard to believe that I'm going to lose more. Especially when I eat something and feel so full!
  5. I just read somewhere about a 3 week stall. Is it possible to have this at 2 weeks? That's what seems to have happened to me......
  6. 7.14.14Sleever


    I need help... I am getting so very frustrated... My dreaded 3 week stall has lasted 31 days. This is getting ridiculous. The scale has been playing with 2 pounds for 31 days... Did I mention I have NOT LOST WEIGHT in 31 days!!! Here is my "typical Day" Breakfast- Protein shake Drink a large Crystal light. ( I add about 28 ounces of water with one of those tiny packets) Morning snack is Yogurt Lunch is a slice of roasted turkey with some mustard, or maybe a bit of cheese. (2-3 bites) afternoon snack is another protein shake DInner is sometimes caned chicken with cheese, or some refried beans with cheese Then evening snack is my Homemade pudding pops... (Sugar free pudding with double protein powder put in popscicle molds) What am I doingwrong!!???!!!
  7. itzpokie

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    I am hitting week 3 and only lost 10 lbs so I am also losing slowly. I have read a lot about the 3 week stall so not really sure what's going to happen now. We all have to make sure we are getting in protein and fluids and the rest will follow even if it's slower. Hang in there.
  8. kiwi63

    May sleevers results so far!

    Yay!! The scale finally moved. 3 week stall over and down another 2lbs. That's 34 down from my highest weight of 211.
  9. vanceheather5

    Pre op diet

    I had a 3 week stall. I lost 8 lbs last week and nothing this week.
  10. FluffyChix

    Weight Standstill

    Oh the infamous 3 week stall that hits anywhere between weeks 2 and 6. ((hugs)) It's awful. Hang in there!!
  11. I'm also in 3 week stall. I knew about it from reading so many posts on here. It's still discouraging to not see the scale move. We will get through it!
  12. hopefully all goes well with you pcp...let us know what happens. I meet with my Surgeon on Saturday for my post op. He orginally told me that in the first month he anticipates me to lose 30 pounds.....but so far I have lost 20 pounds at 2 weeks. Will I keep losing weight or will I go through the 3 week stall? Does everyone go through the weight stall?
  13. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I just broke a 3 week stall this morning I was up and down between 223-227 yes a 4 lbs up and down moment but for the last 3 Mondays in a row i weighed in at 224 then 223.8 then this past Monday at 225.6 smh it depressed the heck out of my so i lowered my carbs and increased my water and switched from chicken back to fish and as of today I am 222.2 yes! The stall is officially broken and the scale is moving again, I know we shouldn't weigh in every day but heck i was loosing it over here and i saw it go as high as 227 and then i lost it lol its all good though i made changes, However my calorie intake is very poor and could hurt me in the long run I will be more active as of this Monday the 11th so I will increase it back up to 600 to 800 and as much as I HATE protein shakes i will be adding those back in because my protein intake is very low its usually 42 a day the shake will brink it up another 25 so i will force it in me as much as i hate it it will also bring my calories to 616 a day because right now its only 412 and that's not good at all, However on most days all I do is lay in bed and do nothing so since I will be going back to a very active job as of this Monday I will need the increase in calories since my job burns so many calories with all the walking I do. I will also start exercising 3-4 days a week so the low calorie intak may only harm me instead of help me. I am happy for now though, This whole eating right thing is new to me i'm learning my body as I go through this lifestyle change and I pray that when I reach my goal i maintain it, I dont ever want to go through this again!
  14. Darianna75

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I just started having thicker foods and I'm having the 3 week stall ! Hope it passes quickly. I might try the beans this week mmmmm
  15. onlybroomegirl

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I will be 5 months Saturday. I've lost 87lbs. I have 2 or 3 week stalls... But I feel fabulous. I've been able to clean out most of my closet. Which is great, but also kinda sad. Weird right? I didn't expect to be distraught over my wardrobe? It is fun & a little exciting. But some of my clothes were really nice & I can't afford to replace them so fast. I have gone to consignment sales & I've got some cute things from our local Facebook yardsale site. I'm thrilled with each new size. I am happy with how I look & feel I've been a success. I'm off almost all my meds! I take 1/2 of a blood pressure pill. My hair has been falling out in handfuls! Luckily I had a lot of really thick hair.
  16. EJGood2013

    March Bypass Buddies

    I’m like 7 weeks out. I had my surgery March 20th and barely lost 20 lbs.... I been on a 3 week stall which I am desperately trying to break. Started at 252 and now been at 232.8 for 3 weeks in a row. Getting all my water and protein requirements in and walking everyday.
  17. Was sleeved 12/10 lost 16lbs the first week and a half. Haven't lost a thing since. Some days it goes up a pound or so then we'll come back down. But hasn't gone any lower than my initial lowest. I've been following my plan, I'm on purees now, should I be concerned or is this normal? I was thinking maybe I would call my nut on Monday just to check with them. Any thoughts? I hear about the 3 week stall how long does it last?
  18. shanda7182


    Yep stoongal, the 3 week stall is a mess! But we will get through this!!!!!! We must hang in there
  19. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    Hw: 236.8 Cw: 194.0 Finally broke my 3 week stall for the 3rd time since surgery. Yippie! ! Wanted to b in the 180's by end March, but stalled 3weeks of it, but today the scale has moved, wooohooo..gl all.
  20. vze4n4n8

    Any February Sleevers?

    Thats the 3 week stall my dr told me about Sent from my SM-G935F using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I did 2 weeks of protein shakes plus 1 healthy meal per day and then 2 weeks of just protein shakes (I waited until I had my surgery date to start). I lost 23 pounds. It was a nice jump start, particularly since I gained in the hospital from all the fluids and then hit the 3 week stall. Since then have been at about 10 lbs per mo average. had hoped for more but its all good. All good.
  22. devint

    Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers

    I had a 3 week stall that I just broke here late last week. I had lost 68 lbs and then i actually gained about 2 or 3 back (panic!), it was weird. And fluctuated within a 3 lb mark for 3 weeks. I wish there was a magic trick that I knew would work to tell you, but I wouldn't recommend doing what I did... catching a nasty head cold/flu that had me losing fluids! So I lost some just from being sick, but I took a day off work, rested and kept drinking over 100 oz of fluids a day (I wasn't eating anything solid except bananas per doc) and that "rebooted" me. Some veterans swear by the "sleeve test" which is to go back to through each stage of post op diet over a week. I still think it's way to early for anyone to have to resort to this in my personal opinion. I am encouraged by thinking 1) I still have lost more weight this way than ever before and I'm at my lowest adult weight of my life (sad that it's not even in onederland!) and 2) our bodies are losing weight so fast that it's literally traumatic to our overall system (thats why i'm going bald! but its ok) so cut your body a break and try to limit expectations and just enjoy the journey for what it is.
  23. sukik

    Calling All Sixties!

    I was sleeved in October 25, 2014. I've only lost 12 lb and have experienced the 3 week stall as well. I am 63 and am a low BMI (31). I'm doing everything right, getting in my Water and Protein, low carbs, and calories are between 500 and 700. I'm exercising too (walking). I guess I'm what you would call a slow loser!
  24. llali82

    January Sleevers ❄️

    From what I've been reading yall are going through the dreaded 2-3 week stall...but if u continue to stick to the plan the inches will continue to fall off...I'm only 8 days post otp so I know my time is coming ...stay motivated and focus on the finish line...best of luck
  25. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    @RNY-Fall-2017 You're in the famous 3 week stall. Hang in there and keep working your program. Everyone swears it will happen and you will start losing again! Glad you're getting in 60g of protein. My RD goal is ideally 74g/day, but she said she would take anything from 60-80g/day. So I think you're doing great! @Msdooloo Congrats on surgery and on eating a little bit now! Hope the B12 helps you feel more energy. Morning everyone! Woke up so sore from PT classes. Gosh I so do not want to go today, but I gotta. I've got to get them in early this week, cuz the end of the week is nuts. How are all our November RNY Buds doing? Anyone on pre-op liquids yet? Hello and welcome to all the new members! Haven't heard a peep out of my surgeon's office nor my insurance but I'm gonna wait until Thursday to bug em when I'm in the office. Have a great day everyone!

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