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  1. Hi Team! I realize that stalls are inevitable, but I am having some trouble determining if I am in a stall that I need to just wait out, or if I need to change something up. Background: I just hit 8 months post-op. Stats are in my info box. I have been sitting at 174 pounds for three weeks. I had been losing a pound or more per week at around 900 calories per day, Protein at 100G and carbs under 100 g. That is around the time I hired a personal trainer, upped my weight training (free weights now and four days a week), my steps, and my calories (1200 or so per day). The increase in calories was at the recommendation of the trainer, who also recommended increasing carbs to 138 (most days I don't get above 110). I know the level weight is not due to increase in muscle mass---too soon. So....what are your thoughts? Stick with calories or go back down to 900-1000? Thank you in advance for any reassurance or guidance. (And I emailed my surgery team three days ago...waiting to hear back).
  2. I am waking at night with naseau or reflux (kind of trying to figure out which it is). Has ANYONE experienced this? I’m praying that it’s nothing serious because the whole reason I had the revision surgery was for bad erosions that wouldn’t heal from acid reflux (after the sleeve). had an endoscopy two weeks ago and have another scheduled In May THANK U FOR SHARING/your time
  3. Tomorrow marks two weeks since surgery day and while I'm feeling remarkably well and going about just about every normal activity, I did wind up with a surface abscess on on of my incision sights and was put on an antibiotic that made me so impacted that it took me more than two hours to eliminate yesterday and scared the hell out of me. Now there's Miralax in all my beverages that aren't Smooth Move tea. I cannot experience that again. I shouldn't have to take Ativan to go to the lady's. I really looking forward to my body getting with the program again. 

    I'm in day three of the "puree" stage of eating and despite the strange textures, all of the savory flavors seem decadent. 

    I timed this surgery so that I'd be recovering during my spring break. That was a good plan. Today is a state holiday and the final day of break. I feel really strong to return to school tomorrow. 

  4. Hello I had my revision to gastric bypass March 20th, 2024. The pain is minimal when moving or sitting. I’ve been able to stop pain meds. What I do feel has me so worried even though I’m pretty sure it’s not anything terrible. Whenever I drink fluids I get a pain in my lower abdomen. Not terrible but I feel it and when I do I get nervous. I have my post op appt next Friday. Should I wait to see if it subsides or do I call the surgeon Monday? TIA for your answers.
  5. Hi. I had gastric bypass Monday the 18th. I am doing well, walking a lot. Today I had a few sips of coffee and I also am having a few sips of a lobster bisque soup. Technically neither of these things are allowed but I just needed something more than broth and protein shakes. I am also having trouble getting 48+ oz a day of liquids in. I’ve been consistently getting 36-40 but after that 40 it’s so hard. i guess my question is.. am i harming myself by jumping ahead by a few days? I understand it’s best to listen to my doctor but i am just struggling to do anything and tasting something different seems to have helped HW 324 SW (before liquid diet) 324 CW 296
  6. From the album: ms.sss ARMS

    not as defined as i used to be (i don't do as much strength training as i used to), but i'm still not flappy. in this position, you can see the end of my scar near the elbow, and a sliver of a much darker/redder scar at my armpit. like i mentioned, i historically scar terribly, so my results are worse than normal, scar-wise. alot of folks here have virtually invisible ones at the same point as me.
  7. Hi Everyone, Hope you all are feeling and doing amazing. Quick question???? Did anyone have a feeling of being super full or not being able to "digest" regular food between 6-10 weeks post op? The feeling started around 6.5 weeks out and I just feel so UGH... Like anything I eat was just sitting at the top of my stomach. I also have issues being "regular" in the bathroom so I thought it was that. I was able to fix that and the bottom of my stomach got relief but the top still felt full. I was having a hard time eating or drinking only cause I always felt full like overfull. Reached out to the doctor and he said that sometimes between 6-10 weeks scar tissue can develop where the stomach and intestine are attached which can constrict. Has anyone had this and did it go away or get better after 10 weeks? I switched to primarily a liquid diet and it is better but still feel ugh. I feel like Violet in Willy Wonka. Doctor is doing an upper GI x-ray just to be safe but that is a week away. Just want to get ideas from you all. 🙂
  8. I am a month out now and I am happy I dropped 18 pounds but now it seems I am on a stall already. I am still not making protein or fluid requirements. I never drank 100 oz. A day of water in my life. I am so full I can’t seem to reach this 70 - 80 of protein. I am on foods well chewed now. I feel like every 21/2 hours drink then wait eat then wit drink shake. Nothing to drink a hour after you eat. There are not enough hours in the day! Ia week after my surgery I got Covid and my age it wasn’t easy. I am still out of sorts. Doc checked me and I’m ok. I need to do better. I just started walks and some bicycle. I am hoping my stamina gets better. If anyone has any tricks they do about how to manage better with foods, I would appreciate if you can share! Thanks so much!
  9. Hello! I had the endoscopic gastroplasty in December. I lost about 15 pounds within the first week and nothing since. I have in fact gained 3 pounds back. At my follow up the physician said some patients don't lose weight at all. I paid out of pocket for this surgery. Insurance wouldn't cover it b/c it was deemed 'elective'. I'm pretty upset about hearing some people don't lose weight. I wasn't told anything like this beforehand and although I didn't want to go through surgery, it may have swayed me to go that route. Any thoughts out there? Am I the only one not losing? He now wants to put me on Mounjaro. While I don't mind this, I do mind that I'm out $12K.
  10. Hello everyone, I was sleeved on Jan 10th. For the past two weeks I have to have chinese takeout in my fridge. I am a college student so I don’t have access to a stove just a microwave (an air fryer really) and fridge. I am pretty content with how much weight i’ve lost. I’m just mourning the loss of my butt. I know it isn’t ideal to always eat chinese food nearly every day but I guess it works for me. I wanted to know if anyone else can relate to being hyper-fixed to a food. My order is usually chicken and broccoli with light sauce and rice or vegetable/chicken lo mein. That’s all I get but because I can eat such small portions, 1 order can last me about a week and a half.
  11. Had my 6 month post-op checkup with the surgeon 2 weeks ago. The nurse was directing me to stand on the usual scale, but I asked if I could get on the machine that can measure your fat/muscle percentage, water weight, bone weight, and some other things in addition to weight. You hold on to a couple of paddles and it sends a small electrical signal from one side to the other. She said sure, and I got on and got measured.

    Well, when the nutritionist came into the room, he had this massive smile on his face, I mean huge, smiling with his eyes, looking at me fiercely. He had these two print outs in his hand, and puts them down on the table. He starts pointing out how much of my body is muscle, how much is water, how much is bone, etc. He then gets to the section that shows my body fat percentage, and shows me that I am at 22%, which is 1% more than goal! He starts giving me high fives, I start crying, he gives me a hug and a pat on the back, and tells me that I have reached all of my goals at 6 months out.

    Wow! I left that appointment elated, floating, so proud of myself for finally getting fit and embracing the life I've always been meant to lead. I'm now at the point where I've got to consume more calories and transition to maintenance mode.

    Amazing. I'm so, SO happy 🤩

    1. NickelChip


      Wow, congratulations! That has to be the best doctor's visit ever!

  12. Currently 10 weeks post op Vsg . Haven’t been able to reach my protein goals (can’t tolerate many foods) & just started reaching my water goals. Not sure if this has contributed to my stall but any advice or recommendations on how to break a stall ?
  13. Hello Everyone, I am a little past, 3 weeks post op and I am currently on Soft Food Phase. For dinner, I ate a couple of meatballs, broccoli and cauliflower rice. The total weighed 5 ounces on the scale. I didn't finish the meal though. For some reason, today I thought 5 oz was okay; but when I looked at my notes my md wanted me to eat 3-4 oz per meal. I made a mistake and am scared my pouch may stretch or I might sabotage my weight loss! Moving forward I plan to follow the guidelines, but my question is , is there a possibility that I stretched my pouch? Will this sabotage my weight loss? Should I contact my md?
  14. Hey Bariatric family!! I’m four weeks post op and the thought of food makes me sick. Protein and water are my best friend. I have had some puréed stuff and a tiny piece of white fish. Once I eat something and put it up for “later” the thought of it disgust me. Will this go away?? Any food ideals?? Besides chili and fish?? The thought of chicken makes me want to pass out. I’m feeling good and everything is going well , just scared that this will not go away. Thanks in advance for all replies . These forums have gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life after vsg surgery.
  15. Hello, I, 9 month post with VGS,, I am on a super strict calorie diet. 400 or less a day. ( Doc is ok with that) i do moderate exercise 3 days a weeks, and walking everyday. i have only lost 3# in 2 months. Doc said sometimes it happens, it not typical but can still happen, then he said one month i could loss 10# after my body catches up and get out of starvation mode or something along that line.. I just need to talk to someone who has experienced something similar. I had a rough start to this journey and I am just hoping that it starts going better,
  16. Hello I'm 2 weeks post sleeve to bypass conversion due to GERD and vertical hernia. I'm still on the liquid diet phase. I'm able to get my liquids and vitamin in. I definitely miss the restriction with the gastric sleeve. Recovery is slower and more painful this time. I'm still hurting from intubation throat pain and hernia repair. I still have pain from surgical gas trapped in my upper belly and left neck/ shoulder and . I walking 30 mins 4 x / week to move gas and wearing compression to reduce swelling. It seems the sleeve recovery was much easier.
  17. Hi I’m 8 months nearly 9 month post gastric sleeve . I’ve posted my weight below . Am I in a stall ? My goal is 9.6 stones 15th Jan -11.1st 22 th Jan -10.13st 29th Jan -10.12st 5th Feb -11.0 st 12th Feb -11.1 st I’m so worried 😭
  18. One of my concerns is regain. I have in the past, about 10 years ago, lost 100lbs following a low carb low fat diet along with medication from my Dr. Anyone else concerned about regain?
  19. Hi guyssss i have a concern with weight stalling. i had my surgery on September 23, 2023, and after the surgery by a month i had a weight stall that lasted 3 weeks and after those 3 weeks but weight kept going down as normal. Recently (for a week now) i've noticed my weight is stuck on 75 KG so im guessing thats another weight stall almost 4.5 months in after surgery. Is it normal to have multiple weight stalls? or should i be worried?
  20. I’ve just had my surgery on January 23rd and I am struggling. I can barely handle any liquids, I’ve been trying to get my water and protein goals in but failing miserably. I’ve only managed to have just 2 bottles of protein since I left the hospital and for the broth I love barely had any and it’s almost been a week. Has anyone else had this problem? My stomach is constantly in pain and of course the gas pains. I can manage some water but it has to be cold and that’s mostly it. I know I have to have protein shakes and the broth but I just can’t. I’m just feeling weaker as the days go by and I’m not sure what to do next. Any advice?
  21. So I have my surgery next week! I'm having the gastric bypass, I'm having it on the nhs I'm from the UK, I couldn't afford to have it done here privately, anyone on here who has had it done on the nhs ? How long did it take to recover? I'm on the pre op diet and I'm starving! Lol the first few weeks I Have to be on a liquid diet, any ideas of what I could have?
  22. A few weeks from post-op, other than feeling pain and nausea I think I'm feeling pretty upbeat which is odd for me...

  23. Hello all o/ I am hoping some of you can help me with some questions about life post SADI. I had RNY in 2013, and on 6/2023 I had it converted to SADI. This is a new procedure at my doctor’s office. They’ve never done duodenal switch procedures and I was one of the first people to have SADI. The Dietary information given to me was the same they give for RNY/Sleeve patients. There isn’t anyone for me to really talk to at the support group about it and while my nurses try to be helpful, it’s not the same as getting info from people who have lived through this. Ever since surgery I have been extremely hungry. I haven’t had any kind of restrictive feeling you would have with the original RNY surgery. My doctor said part of it was because when she reversed my RNY she left me with a bigger stomach than normal (to help prevent pressure on the suture lines and leaks). When people were eating 2oz of yogurt I was able to eat a whole cup, and my doctor told me it was fine, she wanted me to eat more with this surgery. The problem is she has never said how much is too much. She said just meet my protein goals (80 -100grams) and everything else will follow naturally. As the months have passed and I have been trying to eat more normal food, I have noticed that I am already slipping up. I am constantly hungry and find I am just watching the clock for when I can eat again, and I am overeating. And eating the wrong things. The amount of gas I have been experiencing is unbearable. I am having a hard time pin pointing exactly what is making me this way (the only two things I know with out a doubt seem to be potatoes and Onions… two of my favorite vegetables ) I was sick for 3 days after Thanksgiving from eating stuffing and mashed potatoes. I am so grateful that I work from home right now because I don’t know how I can be around people like this. I am ok until around 3pm, then the bloating starts, and the gas keeps me up all night. It’s not gentle, it sounds like warfare. The tiniest poop might come out with gale winds force. I can’t go in public. No amount of Gas X or Beano seems to work. I need to get a handle on this. I am taking my vitamins/calcium religiously. I am eating about 60-80 grams of protein a day, but found I am eating larger portions than I think I should be, snacking, and eating too much carbs. Just basically I’m off the rails. I am still losing weight, but probably not what I could be. I do plan on talking to the dietician again but would like to hear from people who have lived this life first. Can some of you share your experiences with me? Are there certain foods you must avoid because of the gas? Is there a certain number of carbs/fats/protein you’re aiming for each day? Does it get better? Can you eventually eat friend onions with your fajitas again? Did you struggle with hunger? I would love to hear everyones experiences and what has/has not worked for them. Thanks for the support!
  24. Curious to hear what people who had surgery in December 2023 are eating or what you ate when you were 5 weeks out? Sticking to protein and veggies?What is your general calorie consumption?
  25. Dealing with another stall, I think. This is kind of getting on my nerves. Four months post op and I'm stuck with a measly 41-pound weight loss. Am I what they like to call a slow loser? I am under a lot of stress, and I do suffer from depression. Could that be the cause?

    1. GMaJen


      My doctor counts the weight I lost pre surgery, so I put my starting weight at what it was when I first started the process (I think it's cheating). I lost 40 pounds before my surgery and in the 7 months after, I lost 45. I had reached my goal weight and stayed there for 2 months then went to see my doc, who told me to increase my calories for a maintenance diet, and I lost another 5. Those stalls are frustrating. Little changes can bust it. Add 100 calories for a couple days or exercise more for a couple days. I don't like exercise, so I'd play music and dance around the room and down the hallway. Worked to break my stalls.

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