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Found 15,821 results

  1. April J.

    Beating Myself Up

    Girl do not beat yourself up over this! If it feels like a trigger for you then stay away from those items however two french fries and an onion ring are not going to kill you. The grease from them may make you feel yucky but eating just those two things every once in a while isn't going to cause weight gain. Keep with your program and follow your head, not those sneaky stomachs!
  2. agree with Arabesque - common during menopause. Plus you said you're on prednisone - one of the side effects of that is weight gain. So there's two culprits right there... Yes - I'd have a chat with someone to see what your options are. Weight loss is going to be a struggle, so maybe they'd be willing to do something to help with that.
  3. Hi! I’m Emily, new here, so pardon me if this question has been answered more than once, or not in the right category. I swear I’ve looked all over for answers prior to asking. I have my first appt. With the surgeon Monday to begin the 6 month pre op program. I vape, well, stopped yesterday and I’m using patches and gum to wean off before end of July. I was doing well mentally until I learned that quitting almost always causes weight gain. Minimum of 5-10 pounds. I was told by a friend that I cannot gain any weight during the 6 month process but don’t have to lose a certain amount ( she went to the same surgeon I’m seeing) I am also learning how to eat better on top of all of this, and I’m so scared that when I quit nicotine all together, it’s going to inevitably cause weight gain. I don’t want to be kicked out of the program as soon as I start because of this. Would it be better to wait until I absolutely have to quit? Maybe that’s a stupid question. I just need encouraging words, anybody that has been down this path of quitting, whether you instead waited to quit a month or two before surgery, etc. I am so serious about taking my health back, and it’s hard enough to learn to cool and eat right without having to stress about this too. please help 🥺 thank you in advance! ps. Maybe this is trivial, maybe it’s not a big a deal as I’m making it, but even a fraction of a pound I gain could get me kicked out of the program.
  4. It's been 5 years since my gastric bypass. Have done fairly well in staying in my safe zone. My goal weight was 170 initially although mentally I wanted to put 150. After starting at almost 400 lbs, I wanted to see if I could even hit 170 which I did. For 2 days about 2 years ago I briefly 'dipped' down to 167! LOL. Fast forward to 9 months ago, I hit a rough patch and went up to 180'ish. I knew some folks going to a local place that compounded their own semiglutide if I understood them correctly. After asking repeated questions about whether taking this would disrupt the supply to diabetics who needed the medicine, I decided to try it. I was never one of those fortunate ones who after bariatic surgery lost the desire to eat (grehlin?). Even though I obviously had the 'restriction' kicking in due to the pouch size, I had to white-knuckle SOMETIMES during the first 6 months. Part of me feels like I cheated by introducing semiglutide but there are also people who think that weight loss surgery is the 'easy way out'. I can tell you that none of those people, in my opinion, have ever had the surgery. I actually really like the semiglutide, it removes the..trying to think of it as I saw on someone else's post, it is the first thing that has ever removed the mental 'food chatter' in my head. Sometimes I will skip weeks on the injections and I'm already making plans to taper off now that I'm down to 163. I realize I will need to be able to then try to maintain in my new 'safety zone of watching for a weight gain of more than 5 to 10 lbs over current weight. I like to nip those things in the bud. Just curious if anyone else post weight loss surgery (by years) has brought semiglutide into the picture whether to break up a stall, or to get weight gain that has started to creep up halted.
  5. FifiLux

    The unspoken rule

    I hope I don't come across as rude when I write this but everyone has different likes or dislikes and you clearly say you have never liked alcohol from the outset so good for you but the post does come across as judgmental. If someone likes to have a drink it is up to them as adults to do as they wish, be it too many calories etc. It is everyone's choice to make if they would like to have a drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and deal with the consequences, if there are any like weight gain, reflux, dumping etc. Do you like eggs? I don't like the smell or taste of them so why do you eat them? Just making the point!
  6. abitruchriste

    Vaping and WLS

    I'd say, chat with your surgeon about a quitting plan that feels right for you. And about the potential weight gain, girl, we all worry. Maybe focus on the awesome changes you're making with your eating habits. Small wins count! Oh, and by the way, ever heard of Bulk Buy Vapes? Word on the street is they've got top-notch stuff!
  7. summerseeker

    Post-op diet troubles!

    I just could not do puree, I did soups instead. I chewed any big lumps or squished them with the back of my spoon. I found a lot of these forward steps difficult. My team were very happy with me going at a slow and steady pace that suited my new stomach. When I was ready I went straight to regular foods like minced meats and vegetables and well cooked stews and casseroles. You will find what you can eat one day will not be ok another day. My new stomach has tantrums even now. Just do your best. I was so turned off food and was never hungry. I had a filthy taste in my mouth all the time, numerous tooth brushings never altered this. I too had deep regrets, everything I ever knew about eating was altered. I had to find new ways to find pleasure because now we have to eat to live and not the other way around. You will get there, just ride this out. Your hormones are running wild at the moment so it is all against you at the moment. Weight gains and stalls are all par for the course. You will get them all the time. A full bowel, a salty meal or salty broth can cause a temporary weight gain. Just stick to the plan and believe , it works. Soon you will be able to make your teams water and protein goals then you will feel so much better. People think that doing WLS is the easy option. Its not, especially early on. Contact your team and tell them your struggles. Get counselling if you need it. Chat and vent on here, we all have. Everyone has had similar issues.
  8. fed-up

    Wegovy vs bariatric surgery

    Froufrou - this where I am now .18 months post sleeve and my appetite is back and I am gaining weight .It started with stress when my sister became very ill , and now I am considering asking for Wegovy as I don't want it to climb further .I've done a lot of reading about the sleeve ,and it's pretty common for weight gain to occur between 12 months -18 months .I'll see what my doctor says ,I am hoping it will help me .
  9. JennyBeez

    Clothing sizes

    I feel like most of us have mental health issues prior to WLS -- related to the weight gain in the first place, and the body dysmorphia that so easily comes along with life as a 'non-standard' size. I'm not surprised at all that many of us continue to struggle with both things during/after weight loss. People that haven't had a similar life might struggle to understand. Anyone who tells someone to "just get over it" or "just get passed it" in regards to any mental health issue is flat out not helping -- whether that's because they can't empathize with the struggle directly, or something else. I've been doing a lot of personal work on 'boundaries' lately. Just want to remind everyone that it's okay to remind someone that what they're saying is not very compassionate. It doesn't have to be a fight or an attack against them, even a simple "Yeah, that's really not a helpful thing to say but thanks for the effort, I guess?" might have them re-think their own words. They don't owe us support -- nobody owes anybody, really -- but we're all humans and deserve basic compassion rather than dismissal.
  10. Tomo

    Weight gain

    Ups and down throughout the whole first year is expected. Mainly due to your body adjusting to the surgery and water weight gain too. I'm not sure how much you gained but I can tell you for myself, a 3 to 5 lbs. gain is very common, it is temporary but sometimes lasting 2 weeks, then a big drop in weight follows it. It was a normal thing for me. Still is, actually.
  11. Edward

    Band revision?

    Band replaced in 2014 so yes 10yr mark and weight gain and no restriction what so ever at this point. Have 14cc band and supposedly I'm at 6cc. He is very cautious will fills. His bed side matter is great but where I live there are not a lot of experts. May go see my original surgery one hour away as he is now in a big group with lots of experts. I have a suspicion that the tube got punctured at my last fill since it took forever to find the port with the needle. He did mention scare tissue, healing, my history of slips etc. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Thanks so much.
  12. BabySpoons

    Almost 3 weeks PO and gaining?

    Forcing yourself to eat to meet a suggested calorie count sounds very problematic. Reminds me of the days of eating past the point of being full which led to weight gain and our need for WLS. Hmmm.... Mindful conscious eating is key to success. Listen to your body. Stop eating before you get full and stay away from the scale. GL to you!!!
  13. JennyBeez

    I finally have a date.

    I too think that this will be a really good thing for you. In my program, their clinic's data shows that a sizeable portion of their sleeve patients needed revision after a few years. You're not alone -- the sleeve just isn't optimal for everyone. It's not a personal failure. Try your best to get that out of your head -- I know it's hard, I'm sure most of us here have a lifetime of blaming ourselves for our weight gain, 'failure' at prior weight loss attempts/diets, etc. For me, the side-effects of my RNY are part of what keeps me mentally on the right track. Part of my brain just reminds me "You didn't go through ______ to eff it up now for the few minutes you'll enjoy having downed an entire bag of chips. find a better way to get out of your funk." It sounds like you've done plenty of research these past months. Only you can decide if it's right for you -- which is an intimidating prospect for sure -- but your surgeon wouldn't be supporting you / suggesting it for you if he didn't think you'd do well with it. They're invested in your success, at the very least because it gives them better success rates to encourage future patients.
  14. ShoppGirl


    I supposed the OP has already worked this out since the post was 2015 but I just want to add that the surgeons do then to weight loss drugs as one of the tools in their belts post surgery now. They have quite a few in addition to phentermine nowadays too. For anyone out there experiencing weight gain please touch base with your team. I was unable to take the meds because if interactions with other meds I was on but that was definitely an option that was presented to me early on and for someone with only a fair amount of weight to lose it could help. I have taken phentermine in the past and it did reduce my appetite significantly. My problem is I wake up several times and night and eat too so once the med wore off I was hungry. For those reasons they didn’t work for me but they do work for many people.
  15. NickelChip

    No weight loss

    The concern I would have (though I am not a dietician) is that slim fast bars and protein shakes are more "food-like substances" than actual food. Processed foods, even "diet" ones, can cause metabolism issues, and this feels almost punishing. Maybe you could try to find more satisfying, healthier options? You might try scrambling 2 eggs blended with some cottage cheese and a big handful of frozen chopped spinach for breakfast with a small serving of fruit, and a big salad of mixed veg topped with rotisserie chicken, black beans, and fresh salsa for lunch. Make sure the meat or chicken is being served with plenty of non-starchy veg, too. And don't ignore a good night's sleep and plenty of hydration. If you take prescription meds, check if any of them have weight gain as a side effect. I do agree that surgery is most likely going to be needed as soon as you can get it sorted because losing and maintaining that amount of weight is almost impossible without the metabolic changes that come with surgery.
  16. sillykitty

    Doubts about plastic surgery

    I believe we should get the the bodies we want, and that doesn't necessarily stop at weight loss surgery. It's wonderful your husband thinks you're perfect, but he's not living in your body. And, yeah, you may want more procedures, but why not? If you can get a body you're comfortable in through plastics, why is that a bad thing? I've had two sets of plastic surgery (but not an arm lift). Recovery sucks in the short term. But what's a few week vs. being happy with your arms forever? Additionally, there is a study that shows that those who get plastics after WLS are more apt to keep the weight off. Anecdotally, the group of women I am in touch with on here who have had plastics, and all 5+ years out, and all have had no significant weight gain, outside the normal bounce.
  17. Sorry just seen this now. Yes they were happy with the weight gain. Month 9 I did gain another 8 pounds (my appetite went crazy) so 15 pounds total. Baby was 7 pounds healthy and perfect! By 2 weeks post partum my weight went back to pre pregnancy weight. But then the holidays came and I did gain about 10 pounds, so I would just say be careful after you give birth and try to continue healthy eating habits.
  18. Sorry just seen this now. Yes they were happy with the weight gain. Month 9 I did gain another 8 pounds (my appetite went crazy) so 15 pounds total. Baby was 7 pounds healthy and perfect! By 2 weeks post partum my weight went back to pre pregnancy weight. But then the holidays came and I did gain about 10 pounds, so I would just say be careful after you give birth and try to continue healthy eating habits.
  19. TexasHeathen

    Vaping and WLS

    It's completely normal to have concerns before starting a pre-op program. Firstly, congratulations on taking steps to improve your health! Quitting vaping is a significant achievement, and worrying about weight gain is understandable. Remember, everyone's journey is unique. Personally, for me, it was hard to quit vaping. I quit because I was slowly decreasing the amount of nicotine I was using. The last smoking devices I was using were purchased from this website and were disposable vapes with a low percentage of nicotine because I had a terrible nicotine addiction. So, focus on the positive changes you're making for your health. Trust the process and stay committed to your goals. Consider seeking support from your healthcare team for guidance and reassurance. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Stay strong and stay focused on your goals. You've got this!
  20. Lilia_90

    Rapid Weight Loss

    That is very helpful! I appreciate how much time and thought you put into your responses. I am around one kilo away from my new goal which I think is too low anyway, so I want to shift to maintenance at the moment but I am scared, worried, don't know how and I think I'm developing a low key ED. I was out with my mom and sister for lunch yesterday and we went to this fancy Chinese place and ordered dim sum, Kung Pao Chicken and Tenderloin. Obviously due to restriction I had very little food but then they brought in a dessert platter with mini samples of desserts they were testing and I was really scared to even trying a mini bite of anything. My mom and sister went like you aren't going to gain weight if you have one bite of something you fancy! this is not healthy. I don't know how to shift gears for maintenance and I am so worried of weight gain but also don't want to be sick looking. I have blabbered too much but I really want to learn from people who have successfully kept the weight off for years but are not afraid to eat. I need to achieve that balance and don't know how to do it.
  21. Arabesque

    yogurt after surgery

    Remember that’s added sugar. Not the naturally occurring sugar. The naturally occurring sugar in milk (& other dairy products), fruit, vegetables, are fine. Keeping your added sugar under than 7g is easy. I do it every day & am 4.75 years out. I’d go further though & say stay away from as much artificial sweetener as well. It only feeds your desire for sweet/sugar, causes weight gain, affects your immune system, etc. it’s not easy cause they put that stuff in seemingly every darn thing. But at least try to keep it low.
  22. first congrats on the weight loss! second: for someone going into their 60's your skin is phenomenal!! do you like bathe in tubs filled with moisturizer?? never go out in the sun??? amazing 😳 third: unfortunately you cant target weight loss to a specific part of ur body without losing in other areas as well. generally the first place you notice weight gain is the last place place it will come off. unless you have an underlying condition (which you can be found out by visiting ur doc), bigger midsections are usually the result of 3 main things: (1) genetics...do ur parents have higher-proportion midsection circumstances? (2) bloating...from ones diet that causes fluid retention and gas...cut the carbs! (3) inactivity... visceral fat lives on inactivity, and guess where visceral fat likes to hang out? around ur internal organs which are located in your midsection.
  23. Bra sizing has been an irritating area for me. This is one of the main reasons PS (breast reduction) has been on my radar for a long time. Prior to becoming obese finding a bra in local stores was impossible because my ribcage size to cup size is not what makers/stores think is average. Stores rarely ever sold 30/32F. I had to settle for a larger band then alter the bra. Add in the weight gain and loss (empty breast are definitely real) I'm waiting to see where I end up. Definitely need a lift.
  24. catwoman7

    When the honeymoon is over

    Nine years out, and I fight the beast every day. I know people who've worked with therapists who specialize in eating disorders who've found it helpful, so maybe looking into that if you're feeling like you're losing the struggle (?). Or does your bariatric clinic have a health psychologist on staff, or can they refer you to one? P.S. I also know a few people who are struggling and have had some significant weight gain who are on appetite suppressants like phentermine - or some of the newer drugs that people are using for weight loss, such as Ozempic. I don't know if you want to go down that route, but some have had success with those. If you're interested in that, check with either your bariatric clinic or your regular physician.
  25. Wonderwoman14

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    Honestly i never wanted this surgery WLS, i refused it fighting with the doctors the whole year. But when i learned it was actually meant for GERD patients to help us eliviate the reflux and saving our throat is when i said Yes i'll have the surgery. Doctors noticed the weight loss for GERD patients then it became the number 1 surgery for obesity. Perimenopause has a huge hand in our weight gain belly and reflux triggering more. Our hormones are off the track so I do take BHRT (BioIdentical Hormone Therapy) to help with a lot of my symptoms. Overall i really cant tell if my reflux is worse or not it's there regardless and i cant get off my meds.

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