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Found 1,208 results

  1. Hi ALL! I am currently in the 89+ day weight loss management stage. October 29th is my last weigh-in. My questions is, what happens if you gain weight during this period? Will CIGNA deny you because of it?
  2. Ok Ladies....... I am 6 weeks post op tomorrow and just started my first period since surgery and the scale shows I gained 3 pounds. While my brain tells me the gain is likely due to my period, I can't help but feel maybe it isn't. Anyone else experience this?
  3. Some people undergo WLS and lose significant weight only to gain some or all of it back years later. I asked my nutricianist "Why". Her response was grazing. Grazing is to eat small portions of food, as appetizers or the like, in place of a full-sized meal or to snack during the course of the day in place of regular meals. A recent study by University of California, Berkeley, may have found a correlation between sleep and body mass index (BMI). Breakfast and breakfast skipping is associated with weight gain.” This study seems to go hand-in-hand with another study. Another recent study found that reducing the eating window (the hours per day that one eats) reduces weight. http://acsh.org/2015/09/picture-this-a-food-app-that-could-improve-public-health/ The results from this study published in Cell Metabolism showed that the majority eat over a 15-hour period each day. Some research suggests that limiting the “eating window” to 10-12 hours per day may contribute to weight loss. Their sample size was small, but of their volunteers interested in weight loss researchers set the smart phone app to help them restrict food intake to a 10-hour window. Without changing the types of food they were eating over 13 weeks, this volunteer group lost an average of 3.5 percent of their initial weight per person. So it appears that to maintain the weight loss after you reach the Maintenance stage, one needs to control "Grazing". This includes limiting your "eating window" to around 10-12 hours per day and getting the nominal 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  4. Help! I had my gastric sleeve surgery September 24. I started at 264 pounds. I was down to 200 pounds at the beginning of February then found out I had a cavernous malformation on my brain stem and had to have surgery to remove it. During that time I managed to gain back 20 pounds. Some of that was due to prednisone but some was due to not being in control of my own cooking. Now I cant seem to start losing again. Im definitely eating larger portions than right after my surgery. Any suggestions?
  5. Ok i am 3 weeks post OP and am so frustrated...i lost about 16 lbs the first 2 weeks and for the last few days i was stalled ABCs this morning i was even up a couple lbs!!! I am still on liquids for a week and then puree for 2 weeks...a couple contributing factors could be lack of protein or lack of water...very hard for me to get those in...anything else that could be causing this? Any one have suggestions to jump start my weight loss again? I am kind of freaking out...why am i torturing myself for no weight loss??!
  6. Hello - I was sleeved on 9/10 and so far my recovery has been right on par. Everything I expected to happen, happened (THANK GOD FOR THIS WEBSITE!!) and every day I saw drastic improvements in how much Protein I was able to get in, fluids, etc. Small victories, but exciting nonetheless. In addition to quitting medicine for Diabetes Type II and Hypertension (yea, kicked them in the a**)... I've quit smoking and quit caffeine (I am also a recovering drug/alcohol addict with almost 3 years sober). So, I have a LOT to be grateful for and proud of. But, I have a lot of fear and anxiety that "it wont happen." Anyone else have this post-op? I even gained 3 lbs when I switched from Clear liquids to full liquids. I'm still getting less than 600 calories a day, 70+ grams of protein and as much Water as I can. Is this normal? How can I not focus on the # glaring back at me from the scale? Thanks!
  7. I am scheduled for surgery on October 28. I'm self pay (in US, not in Mexico) and have my second appointment with my surgeon in a few days. The problem is that I have been gorging on food because I feel like I'm saying goodbye to a lifelong friend and habit. I'm so ashamed that I've gained at least 5 pounds and maybe more in a month and feel like the surgeon is going to be upset. Did any of you have any weight gain in the weeks before you started your pre-op diet?
  8. I am about a month and a halg post op and I have only been weighing myself once a week. Today when I stepped on the scale, I gained 5lbs. Is it normal to gain?
  9. I'm at the very beginning stages.... Had my first appt end of April! I see people saying that they didn't get approved because of a weight gain, but what are they referring to? Can you not gain any weight from first spot to surgery date? Or is it month by month? Or just on pre-op diet? I'm so confused.... I'm 3 lbs heavier than my spot last month... Will this be an issue?
  10. Hello everyone So I'm 14 months out from my sleeve and I have had a stable weight for months now and my partner wants us to try for a baby. I also want a baby but I'm so scared of gaining weight. Like I mean is bad how scared I'm to gain weight its literally all I think about. I just don't never want to see myself at the weight I was before.
  11. I'm one year out, I had 13 more pounds to goal. I've lost 52 lbs, I have lost tons of inches. I went from a size 14-16 to a 6-4 . I workout everyday and tried to be mindful of what I eat. I had Gallbladder surgery a month ago. I've recently stared gaining weight and I'm so worry, it's not a lot 7lbs I'm afraid that's how it's start and I gain all the way back. ( literally crying) I don't know what to do. Has anyone gained the weight back or gained weight. How did you loose it. Help please
  12. Does anybody have experience with weight gain after starting Prednisone? I have been gaining a 1/2 to 1 pound a day but am careful with my calorie intake. Will this gain leave as soon as I stop the Prednisone? I am on 10mg a day for 14 days for severe Sciatica pain. Which also means I had to stop exercising. Help!!!! Mimi
  13. Augh... I was on vacation and I came in contact with something I was allergic to. My legs swelled and I had a very nasty angry looking rash. The local er gave me prednisone. Normally I would not take it because I get really bad mood and eating issues even taking small doses. However the swelling pain and itch was intolerable. So my weight is up which is frustrating because in 3 weeks I have my final weight in. I was told from month to month i had to maintain or lose. I'm down 15 total but so far have 3 pound weight gain since starting this medicine. I'm retaining Water and other parts of my body are swollen. I'm drinking a lot of water but the return is not where I think it should be.Any tips on getting this weight back down? I have 6 more days of the prednisone to go. (I have dropped an email to my doctors on this but I would like to hear if any one has had a similar experience) Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  14. Has anyone ever gained weight during your pre-op liquid diet? I'm on day 7 and every day the scale was lower and lower, but today I'm 2 lbs heavier. :/ I'm wondering if my metabolism is slowing down and storing fat. Can that be a possibility?
  15. Hi everyone, i will be getting my first fill this morning and I know I will have a weight gain when I weigh in. I did great on liquids, mushies, etc. When I started solids, the scale didn't move then went up a little. I already feel like I'm failing with the lap band. I'm down 21 pounds including pre-op diet. Surgery was Nov 9th. I would really appreciate some feedback. Did anyone else have a gain before first fill?? I weighed 205 post op visit on 11/17. Am now 207. Ugh:bored: Thanks everyone.
  16. Comparing info... I asked my Dr. at our initial consultation if you can gain weight back after the sleeve? He told me the new stomach can not stretch more than 5%. At my psych eval, I mentioned that & the psychologist was floored; said he knew people that gained it all back after the sleeve! That scares me. Curious what others' bariatric surgeons told them about possibility of weight gain? My doctor, Dr. Kuhn, also sad the max. you could expect to lose is 80% excess body weight (on his web site, it says 70%).. Yet, on the forums, I see people who have lost more weight. Wondering if that is a rare occurrence? What did your Dr. Tell you?
  17. I am 5 weeks post-op, and twice now I have experienced 3-5 lb weight GAINS. The first time was random, and it really upset me. The second time was after I hurt my back and was basically immobile for 3 days as well as taking (liquid) pain meds (hydrocodone). It is very frustrating, especially when I think that I have only lost 20 lbs (+/-) total since surgery, at a time where I thought my numbers would be much higher. Is this typical?? Right now, I just got down to 1 lb BELOW the last 5 lb gain (so I lost 6 lbs, verrry slowly) and now I'm up almost 2 lbs. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!! Especially when I don't know if anyone has ever experienced such a strange phenomena. I can't call my regular doc since they are closed for the holidays. I have to admit, I am not exercising (because of my back issues, in tandem with the stress of the holidays), and I'm hoping that this, in conjunction with my choosing high carb items (baked potato Soup, cheese soup, noodles, etc) has something to do with it. Please tell me that this is actually what the problem is, so that I can begin that rapid downward scoop that I was looking for pre-surgery!! Or, am I just expecting too much, and should I be happy with my weight loss to date? I began at 245 which is comparatively low for GSS patients, in general (I'm told). Could that be it?? I'm just stumped, and frustrated.
  18. Has anyone gained weight while being on a liquid diet? I started my Optifast diet on the march 5th, as of today I gained 3 lbs. I have not cheated at all, I scheduled for surgery on the 19th. I currently weigh 247 and the dr wants me to loose 17 by the 18th. Does anyone know what I can do?
  19. I lost quite a bit of weight PRIOR to WLS, then had a TT. After my TT, I had the mind set that "now I no longer have to be as careful about what I eat". Of course that thinking led me to ultimately need WLS. Just saying, don't fall into the same trap I did. Even after a TT it is still possible to gain In your abdomen. Your weight line increases and your upper abdomen will get fuller.
  20. I had my RNY on December 13, 2016. I have followed every instruction from my dietician and surgeon without any cheating. I have weighed all my food, meeting my Protein goals, meeting my Water goals, and keeping a food diary. My weight has been steadily decreasing about 1 to 2 pounds a day. Today I wake up and weigh myself and there was no change in my weight. I weighed the same as yesterday. I'm ok with that. However later in the morning I weighed again and I had gained 3 pounds! How is it possible to gain 3 pounds in a matter of hours? I understand there may be plateaus, but gaining in a matter of hours is really upsetting. Has anyone else had this experience? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. specialkiddomom

    Weight gain

    Surgery in May. Doing well. Lost 55 pounds so far!!! Been at a stall for a couple weeks- so I tried extra hard to get in my Protein and fluids and I've gained almost 3 pounds. I trying not to flip out. Curious if anyone can relate? Thank you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Listening to this podcast at the moment. Extremely interesting. A lot of scientific big words but even I understand it. Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, and a senior research scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC). Layne Norton is a renowned prep/physique coach and pro-natural bodybuilder/powerlifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences.
  23. I go to my 2nd dietician appt. on Thursday. I'm certain I've gained weight. To make it worse, the scale at the doctor is always a few lbs more than the one I have at home, so I'm quite certain it will be ugly. Is this going to blow the whole process for me? I know I have several more months of pre-op left. My (starts with -H-) insurance requires that I have to do 6 months cumulative, 3 of which must be consecutive, of medically supervised weight loss & exercise. Is a weight gain this early in the game going to reset the clock? This happen to anyone else?? Thanks.
  24. Hi I'm scheduled for June surgery and I'm reading how some have gained some or all weight back I guess I thought with the Sleeve being that your stomach is much smaller it would be hard for the weight gain -- now I'm scared
  25. Just checking in, really trying to stay consistent on the forums here seems to help me stay accountable. I am 22 months post op and was doing great at my lowest (although still not my goal), then i gained 10 lbs during a SUPER stressful two semesters of grad school and starting a new job, and switching that job from days to nights, and just life in general. Because I haven't seen my surgeon in about 9 months and didn't have the option to see my usual nutrition clinician (new insurance doesn't cover their services), I took the steps today to make an appointment with my surgeon in June AND called for a NUT appointment with the bariatric clinic in a nearby town that my insurance covers. I had every intention of starting a 5 day pouch test too, but having just accepted a huge promotion in my new job, my coworkers are giving me a big giant potluck tomorrow night and even though I'll eat healthy, i didn't want to stand there with a shake and turn my nose up at their efforts. So, 5 day pouch reset starting sunday night... I would love any input as far as pouch test success, getting back on track, etc. I currently have 10 lbs to get back to my lowest, and about 25 to my goal!! I CAN DO THIS.

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