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Found 172 results

  1. Irish Girl in NW

    Awful 3-Week Stall

    The dreaded 3-week stall strikes again!!!! Only weighing once a week, jumped right on this morning hoping to see a nice size loss.....only a .3 weight loss??? How can that be?? My calorie intake is only about 400-500? The Laws of logic don't match up. Bummed. [emoji20]
  2. Isobella

    [2] 3 Week Stall, @#$%!

    I am officially 3 weeks post op, and have not lost any weight for the past week, whereas I was losing a couple of pounds consistently each day for the first week. The first two or three days of this stall I experienced in complete denial. It's water weight, I would think to myself. Day six and seven of my stall brought me to google searches for answers. I've read countless reasons as to why I am possibly stalling, the following being more believable (at least to me) than others: It is a normal bodily response to drastic water loss and decreased caloric intake Your body is storing every bit of calorie you take in to burn for the healing process for your surgery, instead of burning actual fat itself My searches also brought me various methods, or "tricks" people used to break them from the vicious three week stall: Take in 200 more calories a day Increase physical activity Get one more hour of sleep each night Make sure you are drinking 2 liters of water every day, and 70-120 g of protein I have yet to be cleared safe by my surgeon to hit the gym just yet because at this point, I am taking in so little calories each day (300 to 500) that I would be so dangerously exhausted. As for increasing my caloric intake, I will have to do it in the form of protein shakes. I am still on a full liquid diet (thick liquids), so solids are out of the question for me. I also finally brought myself to sign up for a gym membership for the first time in three years. I work three days a week which leaves me 4 days of nothing but free time. Hopefully this will allow me to get back into a steady routine for the next year. At least I'd better get in there regularly! For one year of membership, it cost me $459 total but with no monthly payments. I'd be lying if I said I'm not excited about going to the gym. I vaguely remember the feeling of my body after a seriously intense workout. How I somehow just felt "light", and my limbs ached and felt like jell-o because I pushed myself harder than the last time. I also felt stronger. Anyways, I hope this week three stall breaks soon.
  3. Hello. I was just wondering what is the 3 week stall. I am 16 days out.
  4. I stopped losing weight at about 3 weeks post op, and the scale hasn't moved since. It's been holding steady and pissing me off. How long do I need to wait? How do I get the scale moving again????
  5. Havent lost any weight in 3 weeks im 6 weeks post-op i get bout 60 grams of protien and 64 oz of water a day..i do my exercising. Dr wants to see me monday to see what going on...anyone have any advice???
  6. 1Cor2:9

    3 Week Stall

    I am a little over three weeks out from my surgery and I am experiencing a stall. I am exercising and following the orders from my surgeon's office. Does anyone have suggestions of how to get over this stall? I only weigh myself once a week, so that I do not drive myself crazy. I know that if I continue to do what I am presently do the stall may work itself out without any additional steps taken, but if I can do something to send it on its way faster let me know.
  7. Lots of people complain that they have a 3 week stall and lots of people seem to feel depressed and regret having had surgery. I think this is a great explanation as to why. One of the challenges some patients face after weight loss surgery is a condition described as the hibernation syndrome. This is a group of symptoms that include feeling fatigued, depressed and lack of motivation to do any physical activity. Patients often feel upset and become plagued by thoughts that the surgery was as mistake.. This can be quite alarming to patients recovering from the surgery and recognizing the signs assist in getting over this stage in recovery. Hibernation syndrome is common in the first few weeks after the surgery. It is caused by the low number of calories being consumed and the reduced activity associated with this time of healing. The body perceives that it is starving and triggers an evolutionary response that has helped humans survive famines. The main aim of the response is to slow us down to conserve energy and thus resulting in; tiredness, need for sleep, lack of motivation and depression. It is important to understand that these symptoms are normal and will pass with time. Most patients notice improvement in their symptoms around 4-6 weeks after the operation and the improvement is brought by increasing protein in the diet, taking the multivitamin tablets, increasing the metabolic rate with exercise and return to work and the encouragement patients get as they shed the extra weight. A supportive family member or friend is a great help during this time.
  8. so, I have heard of it, the three week stall, but I don't like it very much. I think part of my problem is that I am not taking in enough fluids or just throwing them up. I just took some mirilax because I havent had a bowel movement in a week. Yes, I said a week. I have RA and am on pain medication and that doesn't help at all. so when does this stage pass. I am so discouraged!
  9. It's happened. Totally expected it. The question is, is it a 3 week stall or a 2 week stall. Surgery last Tuesday, 9/29. But does the 1 week liquid pre-op count as week 1 making this week 3 or does the count actually begin after surgery. The stall corresponded with the move from Clear liquids to full liquids. Still doing great though. Yesterday was 650 calories, 60 grams of Protein and 80 oz Water. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Started liquids 9/4, sleeved 9/19. Lost 14 pre-op, 6 post-op, but scale hasn't budged. Is this the stall I hear about? I'm not freaking out or upset, just mind blown to stall one week post-op!
  11. ... Dear stall.. you can't see it but I am giving you the finger. Indeed, I am. Sigh!
  12. Butterthebean

    3 Week Stall

    For those of you who have had or are having the 3 week stall, I found a great article that explains the reason why this happens. It's about plateau's in general, but it really sheds some light on the 3 week stall. It doesn't use that exact phrase, but you'll know it when you read it. The author uses the phrase," the inevitable stall"....here is the crux of it. "A "stall" a few weeks out is inevitable, and here's why. Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet. As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a saber tooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored." http://www.dsfacts.c...or-plateau.html
  13. Hi Everyone, So I'm 3 weeks post op tomorrow and for the past 6 days I haven't shed even half a pound. Before everyone chimes in let me give you the info 1) Yes, I know the 3 week stall is perfectly normal and everyone goes through it. 2) Yes, I know you shouldn't weigh yourself every day and I'm not. I'm talking about a span of 6 days here. 3) Yes, I'm wearing the same thing every time I weigh myself. All that being said, I would like to hear from others about how long your stalls lasted. I thought it would only be 3-4 days but no luck. Am I looking at closer to two weeks or should the scale be moving any day now? I'd like to get an idea so I know when I should start worrying that it may not be the normal 3 weeks stall, but possibly something I'm doing wrong. I'm still struggling to get all my fluids in a day. I get them, but it's a struggle. And I'm getting about 40 g of protien and I can eat about 1/3 of food at a time. Thanks for any input!
  14. i keep hearing about the 3 week stall. i am at 3 weeks now and i noticed that the weight isnt coming off. so i guess my question is how long does this first stall normally last?
  15. Is the 2-3 week stall over ?

  16. Guess I hit the dreaded 3 week stall.....UGH!

  17. Hello 3 week stall--you may leave now!

  18. 3 week stall and that's ok because I feel my body changing! And I'm in a 16 fom a 20/22!!!

  19. After a 3 week stall finally 4 lbs dropped overnight.

  20. 3 week stall 4 days early

    1. becomingmandikaye


      I feel your pain. But keep on doing what you're doing, and it'll break.

    2. ProudGrammy


      you need to be without weight loss for at LEAST 3 weeks before its and official stall!! - kathy

  21. Ugh... 3  week stall.  I have decided to wait until Sunday to weigh myself again.  

  22. My 3 week stall just broke!!! Only 3 lbs to go to 100!

  23. So when I had my sleeve done 6/8, I recall asking the nutritionist if I'd be able to eat regular food for our family's annual 4th of July trip to Vegas. She assured me I would. So flash forward to last Wednesday, my 3 week surgiversary and the day before our trip. I'd heard about 3-week stalls and I was a little apprehensive, but I was 39 pounds down and feeling confident. This weekend I had only one Protein drink. I ate pretty much what I wanted to, including a frozen lemonade and a slice of key lime pie. I had oysters and fish and ribs and chicken and even a little potato puree and some grits with my redfish at Emeril's. I had a Philly cheesesteak slider, but I did not eat at Craftsteak, which didn't disappoint me anywhere near as much as I'd expected. I even had a pretzel dog in the airport when our flight was delayed. No other way to say it...I overate and I was waaay off my diet plan. A couple of times to the point of feeling uncomfortably full, and once to the point of throwing up. Also, since I know it's a topic here, I should mention alcohol. I tried two adult beverages, and neither of them sat well. Both were, in fact, unfinished. I'm not normally a drinker, but when it's 106 degrees outside and you're at the pool paying $15 for a frozen lemonade, virgin or not, you figure you want your money's worth. I definitely got more bang for the buck from the virgin drinks. After all that I came home and I'd gained 0.6 pounds. I'm about to go to the deli across the street from my office and get a scrambled egg with cheese. Time to get back on track and over my totally self-induced 3-week stall. Truth is, I'm looking forward to it, but I also know I've got to learn to eat healthy even in social and vacation settings or I'm not going to feel my best. That's going to be a struggle for me, because I've always linked so many happy memories to food. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. It's becoming annoying to see the scale say the same thing everyday for the last week ok now I'm ready for it to go down. I'm going to follow this suggested menu from my docs today it's a lot more than what I've been eating drinking and the Protein is definitely way more so maybe this will help. :/ Any other suggestions?
  25. After losing 15 lbs in the two weeks post-op (and 0 lbs pre-op because I didn't do a pre-op diet), I have been stalled for going on 10 days. I know it's normal and to be expected...I've googled it, read the message boards, and still stayed awake at night worrying that 15lbs is all I'd get out of this process. BUT, I'm wondering what your experiences have been in terms of how long this lasted, and what (if you can identify anything) broke the stall. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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