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  1. HW 303 SW 295 CW 259 I’m worried 😟. I’m 3 weeks post op and I’m alarmed at the amount of food (phase 2 puréed stage ) I’m able to eat. I keep reading how most people can only have a few bites of food and drink and feel miserable. I on the other hand can eat two packets of oatmeal (full 🍚 bowl) and 2 SF Jellos. Worried they didn’t cut our enough stomach or that this won’t work for me.
  2. Hey I was wondering when did you guys eat fried food, noodles,rice, pasta been having cravings like crazy and my doctor doesn’t help
  3. Have my gastric sleeve surgery scheduled for October 25, I lost over 50 pounds dieting up until this point . Just started my 2 week pre op liquid diet . I'm am obsessing over having penne vodka with chicken ONE more time before it's time . Surgery 11 days away . Will ONE meal truly affect me 11 days from now if it's the ONE and ONLY time ? Thoughts ? I'm dying over here 😩😩😩
  4. Sleevedandstressed

    3 weeks post op

    Hi! I’m new here, and new to this lifestyle. I had surgery September 21, 2021 (Hiatal hernia repair, VSG, and gallbladder removed). I had moderate pain discomfort a few days after surgery but then felt great until 2 days ago. On Friday I started having diarrhea (more than 5 times a day). That continued through this morning. I know diarrhea is common after such surgeries, but is it normal to take so long and to last so long? It’s been hard but I feel like I’ve kept myself minimally hydrated to compete with the diarrhea. I have started to struggle getting in my protein shakes and puréed food literally is turning my stomach. Is this normal? I'm not in “pain”, my incisions look great, I’m not running a fever.
  5. Hello all, I waited a while to post this and just left the doctors (and I’m a little frustrated) so I finally decided to reach out via the forums. I am eight weeks postop and I have been dealing with constant but random bouts of nausea for three weeks now. They do not coincide with eating. They happen before I’ve even eaten anything and sometimes even directly after eating things. The best I can describe it as is a hunger pang. I am on omeprazole and have been for the entire time and that fact alone made my doctor almost completely rule out an ulcer or anything like that in my actual stomach. They thought it was gall stones maybe, but the ultrasounds came back negative and I’m not having sharp shooting pains, I’m just having radiating hunger pangs - The kind of nausea that you get when you haven’t eaten anything. I feel these randomly throughout the day including just plain nausea, gas and have had light color stools sometimes. The doctor put me on a stronger PPI but told me we can do an endoscopy if it doesn’t work so I am just waiting. Has anyone else experienced something like this? It is really putting a damper on my life, I am constantly interrupted with any good mood by queasiness. My next instinct is to assume that maybe I am just very dehydrated? I have been struggling since the beginning to get enough water in, so maybe that is it. I am scheduled for a appointment with my primary doctor on Tuesday, but any help or tips would be appreciated while I wait for the doctors to figure it out.
  6. Today, I am officially one week and a day post-op. The first 2-3 days by far were the worse and even caused me to have “buyer’s remorse”. But for anyone thinking about surgery, do it! It gets a little easier each day. You do have to learn to be patient with how your body initially reacts to anything you ingest. Is the diet post-op boring? Absa-freaking-lutely! But I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thus far, I have lost 15 lbs, I am astonished. Those 15 lbs have allowed me to drop a size to a 16. I haven’t been able to get down to that size since 5 years ago, before I had my first child. Everyone has those shorts or clothes that you hang on to because you are determined to fit back into them. This week my NSVs were fitting into two pairs of shorts I have been hanging onto. I am so happy! Another NSV (TMI topic) is that I am fully back to being “regular” on my BMs, makes me feel a little more normal since it took about 4 days after surgery to have one.
  7. I'm a week out from go-time! Today starts the all-liquids phase of my pre-op and about a month of being liquidy total. This afternoon is my last appointment with my surgeon before the main event. Looking forward to it!

  8. Hi all, Wondering if anyone knows when the sour stomach and morning nauseous go away post surgery? I'm week 4 and it seems worse this week than it has been. I'm on an acid reducer.
  9. I had gastric sleeve surgery on September 20th and was losing weight pretty quick but it just stopped in the last few days! Is this normal? Is it going to pick up again? Has anyone else had this issue?
  10. Good morning! This is my first post here, but I have been "lurking" for a while. 😊 I had my RNY 3/17/2021 (HW 367, SW 349) and did GREAT for the first 3 months (down to 292.6). Around month 4 I noticed I could eat much more and when boredom hit, I would munch on snacks. I started eating "around" my surgery. Slider foods mostly. I hit my protein goals and water goals daily, but I have realized that I am a stress and emotional eater. In my program, we have a doctor, nutritionist, and a surgeon. I spoke with the nutritionist and the doctor about my habits and how I caused my own stalls. They were quite understanding and even offered to start a medication to control the appetite. (I work 2 jobs and I am a single mother, so I was using food to soothe myself when things were rough.) At my 6 month post-op appointment with my surgeon (279.8) I was hit with accusations of not wanting it bad enough and was told being stressed should make me lose weight, etc. Ugh! At the end of the appointment, he told me he believes in me and it frustrates him when patients aren't losing what he expects. So of course, I went home and did what I knew to do - I ate everything I could without getting sick. I woke up having lost 2 pounds. 🤦‍♀️ As angry as I was with my surgeon, he had changed something in me. He was wrong. I want it bad enough. I just don't know how to cope with stress well. I have always used food to self-medicate, to celebrate, to cope with life. I took up smoking and when I quit, the weight piled on. Today I am 263 pounds. I am 6 1/2 months post op. I am tracking every atom of food I consume again. I am drinking a gallon to a gallon and a half of water every day. I am walking more than ever. When I see him in 5 1/2 months, I want to be at goal. His goal for me is 200 pounds. My personal goal is 167. I did not need the medication to jump-start my weight loss again. I needed to be angry. I say this to say that I was not being honest with myself and when someone was honest with me, I became defensive. I still have days when I eat like crap or days when I don't want to walk. Such is life. I am fighting this food addiction with all my might and I really have my mean old surgeon to thank for the kick in the pants. ❤️
  11. I am 6 weeks post op as of yesterday. I had gastric sleeve. I have been unable to keep food down and have been vomiting. I am taking medication for acid reflux and something to help my stomach empty the acid. 

    I keep having this white foamy stuff come up. I am taking medication for nausea and drinking coconut water. 


    I am ready to feel normal.  

  12. large2little

    2 weeks post op

    Hi guys and girls Jenn here and I'm looking for some advice. As the title states I am 2 weeks post op and I have a bit of a stall. I'm not sure if its because I can't get anything but soup and yoghurt in or that I'm constipated all the time. I'm also struggling with my water intake, I'm managing around 1 liter a day plus the soup and yoghurt, oh and the occasional popsicle Any advice would be great Sent from my MAR-LX1A using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. I had my surgery (sleeve) 7 days ago. I am moving to California Oct 29th. (Military) We will be traveling for 4-9 days (depending on kids) from South Georgia. I was supposed to have surgery this past summer. Then they made it for august and then covid got worse. So finally last week got it done. But now so many worries. Has anyone travelled Long distance after sleeve surgery? Anyone who has any tips or tricks they learned or have any good ideas. I have no idea how I’m gonna do this when I’m limited on what I can eat and we will be on the road for a while. Just getting nervous.
  14. Hi, I lost 11 kg în first month but now I am stuck for 3 weeks în a row. I AM DISPERATE. my surgeon said I should lose another 11 kg în the next 2 month but...I remember dreadfully ale the diets that had the same no result.can I not lase weight with 6 spoons of food??? I do more sport but i do not have Time for daily gym... Sent from my SM-N986B using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on December 29, 2020. I had been consistently losing weight until about 3 months ago. I have been at a 3 month stall and even gained about 3 pounds. I saw my surgeon yesterday and was a bit ashamed because I had gained. It was totally my own fault. I had stopped drinking my protein shakes and my appetite seemed to ha e picked up as well. I had began to eat more foods and I believe that has had a huge impact. From there, I began some unhealthy snacking and craving foods that I used to eat and gave in to the temptation. I had been stressed from life and work. Been having back spasms and unmotivated to workout. Today, I will begin my protein shakes again and get up and move!! I changed my life by getting surgery to lose the weight and I must regain my motivation back! With the new way of life due to the pandemic, it has been hard to get out as much. I am determined to break this horrible cycle I have fell into, I can do this and so can you!!! Sent from my SM-G998U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. roadman1122

    1 week post op

    well, it’s been one week, I went to my Back doctor, because I had spinal stenosis in the lower back for about three years, Tried having surgery, but I couldn’t because when I went into the operating room, when they flipped me over, I stopped breathing, so the operation was canceled, All I could do was walk about 100 feet then my back would hurt so bad, I would halve to sit down, I also couldn’t stand longer than 10 minutes at a time. Because of the pain, I also had arthritis pain in my knees, hips lower and upper back, I was a mess. Had my surgery, and yes it hurt, and yes, I had to change, I went to my back doctor, and he said I lost 24 pounds. I said wow. The first thing I noticed was my ankles, they weren’t swollen anymore. They looked kind of skinny, My back pain stated to go away, my arthritis pain went away, I showered yesterday and dropped my sock and I just reached down and picked it up, haven’t done that in a while. Rechecked today and yes, I have no problem picking up items off the floor. Went to the store, and walked around the whole time, feet are tired, but my back doesn’t hurt at all. After all this after one week, what’s to come in the future.
  17. Hello I had the gastric sleeve surgery 2 weeks ago and I am still feeling pain in the surgery area( like a quick aching pain when I bend down or move a certain way fast, can anybody tell me if they felt that and how long should I feel this pain thanks

    STALL ?

    I had vsg surgery on 7/27/21. i was 465 pre diet. i lost 98 lbs before surgery in 6 months, i lost 35 lbs the first 4 weeks after. i have not lost any in the last 4 weeks. i am drinking at least 80 oz of water, following my diet, am getting at least 80 to 90 grams of protein per day. im lost, not sure what to do, my doc is happy but im not! any ideas?
  19. vikingbeast

    Two weeks post-VSG

    Hi everyone! It's two weeks past my sleeve, and I thought I'd post some of my observations. THE GOOD - Down 27 lbs. from surgery weight (357 to 330) - Down 2" on my neck (!), 3" on my waist, 6" on my abdomen - Had to size down in shirts and do my first closet purge - One blood pressure medication cut completely, the other at half dosage - Able to meet protein target of 80-100 g per day and liquid goal of 64-96 oz per day THE BAD - Brain fog and fatigue (will discuss with my surgeon later, could be vitamin deficiency) - Sick to death of liquid diet but have another week of it left - Itchy dry legs THE UGLY - C O N S T I P A T I O N - The one incision (the large one where the unwanted stomach is withdrawn) has started hurting and pulling again, but is not inflamed I am back to work at one job (from home) but not yet at the other (outdoors, physical). I'm back in the gym but not doing anything that requires abs, abdominal pressure (so no weightlifting)... a lot of walking, running, and stationary biking, and a lot of stuff with the 10-lb. dumbbell I'm allowed by my surgeon. My time on an 800m run went from about 6:30 to 4:45... running feels totally different! Overall, despite the rough first couple of days (all. that. gas!) this is clearly the right decision for me and I love seeing myself literally deflate.
  20. Hello all hope your doing well - i had my sleeve 9/9 and 1 week of puured foods im craving meara bread sweets etc - after dinner protein shakes etc and 1-2L drinking any advice and what foods did you eat at this stage?
  21. First and foremost I understand that stalls happen and patience is required. I'm only 4.5 months post so I know my journey is unlikely to have stopped this early. That being said I'm at a weight I've gotten to before when I've been successful with dieting. Twice prior to surgery I was able to lose 40-50lbs and get down to right around 200lbs and then that's typically when I started to regain. So I do think this is a bit of a set point for my body. Is there anything to do in a stall beyond waiting it out? Increasing protein, decreasing carbs? Or is it best to just stay the course and let my body do it's thing? I think it's extra frustrating being so close to one-derland and not being able to get over the tipping point. 😫
  22. Had gastric sleeve and hiatal hernia surgery 2 weeks ago and I still feel pain in my stomach/ lots of gases when I eat, is that normal and will it go away or is this part of life now with gastric sleeve
  23. xobambi


    My starting weight was 252, surgery weight was 243, and I’ve been stuck at 197 for a month almost. Honestly I’ve only lost 17 lbs in the past like 2 months. I’m 3 months post op and I’m so frustrated. I get about 90-115g of protein a day, my job is very active… I’m so frustrated. I’m starting to worry that this is all the weight I’ll lose. Does anyone have any advice? I’m so scared I’m doing something wrong or that my surgery is just failing.

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