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Found 17,501 results

  1. ShoppGirl

    Off Track and Discouraged

    I second the protein coffee. I had sleeve three years ago and heard all about it but never tried. Now I’m pending revision and decided to give it a try and I love it. To the point I have to be sure I don’t get too much protein because it’s so good. I got out of the swing of taking my vitamins as well and I’m working on a routine now. I take my multivitamin right after my morning coffee (just be sure it’s a whole protein shake or it may not be enough in your stomach to keep the vitamin down). I keep my multivitamin in the kitchen cabinet with the cups I use for coffee now to remind me to grab them. I sit them right next to my iced “proffee” as I’m drinking it so I don’t forget (I’m pretty bad so yes it does take that many reminders). Then I return the empty cup and the vitamins to the kitchen. As far as the calcium I haven’t gotten back into the swing of that yet but I intend to take it with lunch and dinner to make things easy. I think maybe alarms on my phone may be necessary untill I get back into a routine.
  2. Just to let you guys know that my stall broke and I lost 1.2 Kgs (2.7 lbs) the past two weeks (not doing anything differently). I am stocked and thank you all for your valuable advise.
  3. Ok I need everyone’s coping strategies for dealing with being so cold the whole time. It’s 16 C ( 60 F) this morning in athens. I’ve « burnt » through all the warm clothes I bought with me so will have to drop laundry to be done today. Because I have a whole week left here. Yesterday a collègue touched my hand as I was passing him some papers and audibly gasped at how cold I was and asked if I was okay and then gave me his jacket to put over my knees during the meeting so I know it’s not all in my head. I have the heating on and a hot water bottle for night but I just can’t warm up. Im pretty sure I must be very anemic right now and will check that with blood tests when I get back home. I know I sound like a broken record but I’m just really really struggling with being so freezing the whole time. It’s miserable. My hands are so cold I’m having issues typing for work …
  4. SandyT

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hello Everyone! Hope those who have had surgery are doing well and those with pending surgery are hanging in there. I was doing well at my 1 week mark until yesterday when I had a near fainting episode. I went to see my PCP and he found that my potassium was low and I was just a little dehydrated, despite drinking constantly! It is probably due to the problem I am having with diarrhea. I started potassium pills and working on hydration, hope I will start feeling less weak. Be aware this can happen, even when on a liquid diet.
  5. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve to bypass question

    Hummm. I was thinking that maybe if they do change it then it would be smaller for me because I swear my sleeve was left too big from day one. The surgeon thinks I just have fast gastric emptying and that’s why I feel like I can eat more but I hope we will know for sure when he does the scope in a couple of weeks. It will be nice if I do finally get an answer as to why I was always able to eat more than everyone else. I was just thinking that even though statistics say I will lose more with SADI revision that I may be differnt if one involves changing the stomach and the other does not.
  6. Hey Warren, I'm presuming because they would only look at fixing the opening if they did feel it was contributing to the pain and other issues I'm having 'downstream'. This would not be a true revision in the sense of reducing the size of the pouch. My insurance company also only pays for 1 bariatric surgery in your 'lifetime'. They would only pass for the revision of opening if it were medically necessitated, and they would not consider 'failure to lose weight' or a 'weight regain' as medically necessary. My GI wanted me to talk to the bariatric surgeon who specializes in revisions. The surgeon does not think what is happening to me is 'dumping due to widened opening'. He said it doesn't sound like dumping to him and if that happened to everyone whose opening widened, everyone would be having "dumping" issues after a couple of years. He did point out that both the upper and lower GI I had done do not look at the inside of the pouch so if there is a hernia that is causing the on again/off again pain and on rare occasions bleeding (looks like coffee grounds), then the GI doctor would not know as they never 'scope' the pouch for a routine upper/lower GI. He also indicated that depending on the scope size a GI doctor uses, it doesn't go through every single space that we have (due to us having been um "modified"?) so it would take a doctor who uses an extra long scope. That last part I must confess I do not understand at all. He does have me scheduled right now for a laparoscopic investigatory procedure to take a look inside my pouch and see if there is scar tissue or a hernia that needs to be addressed. He also gave me prescription acid reflux meds and said if i got better after 'taking' them, I could cancel the procedure in 2 weeks. What he fails to understand and I've tried telling his office, I can go a month with no pain. Then I go back to back days in extreme pain. Have not been able to tie it to specific food, time of day I'm eating, etc. My right side starts with a stabby/cramping pain (closest I can compare if it feels like the pain I used to get when I ovulated or that 'stitch in your side' type feeling. It often goes downhill from there. I have tried to get it figured out now for 2 years but taking ANY medicine and 'not having an episode in the next 2 weeks' does NOT give me a definitive answer as I do not have this pain all the time, it is just enough to be frustrating and has lasted LONG enough to be concerning. The 'coffee ground' type bleeding that I have observed is one and off for the past 3 months (maybe it started a while ago but now I know what to 'look for'. I don't like going under anesthesia but I'm probably going to keep that procedure scheduled as I have no guarantee that ANY medicine given for the next 2 weeks has 'fixed' any issue. I wonder if anyone else has ever had their opening revised but not their pouch out of curiosity.
  7. Hi all, I’m looking to see if anybody has any personal experience of taking recreational drugs after gastric sleeve surgery. I am going to Amsterdam 5 weeks after my surgery and I will most definitely want to smoke a joint and have a glass of wine. I’m also going to cream fields festival at the end of August. I will most definitely take drugs like cocaine and MDMA at this festival. Can anyone please share some personal experiences with me? Also I’m not looking for a lecture on the health implications I know the risk just looking for people’s experiences.
  8. Hi there folks. I was sleeved back in September of 2023, so it's been 8 months. In 3 months, I have lost 3 pounds. This has had me in tears. I haven't been absolutely perfect, but I'm exercising 5 times a week and maintaining a significant calorie deficit (average 1400 cal at 330 pounds). For the last 6 weeks, my hands and feet have started getting cold, and I have been sweating excessively. I went to see my GP and we considered thyroid, which was a relief as it might explain the stalls AND the circulation. BUT the TSH test just came back within normal range. She's stressing that extreme weight loss can cause you to feel cold more often due to the loss of insulation, but my hands and feet are objectively cold (other people can feel it) so it doesn't seem this simple. Any ideas? If I'm back to steering my own healthcare on this, it is not a new thing for me, I'm just not sure where to start.
  9. I use NetDiary (track every day!) and I love it! I wear my apple watch everyday and I stay in competition with myself to see if how many times a week I close all 3 rings on the fitness. At work I walk every single work day for 30ish min on my lunch break. I do go to the gym as well to weight lift and a little more cardio. Not every day but about 3-4times a week. Take pictures! That is what encourages me, I have been documenting my journey and its amazing to look back at and see how far I have come. I weigh myself at least once a week, I am trying to stay away from the scale because I tend to beat myself up if I am up a lb in a day (WHICH CAN BE ANYTHING! late dinner, salt and not enough water) but I get flustered so I can't do that. Most importantly, What is your "why?" Why did you choose WLS? What or who is/are motivation?
  10. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    you're in the infamous three-week stall. Happens to most of us. It's not ALWAYS the third week, but that's the most common (hence, the name), but most of us experience our first major stall within the first month or so after surgery. Best way to deal with it is to make sure you're following your clinic's plan to a "T", and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you're following your program, the stall WILL break, and you'll be on your way again. It usually takes 1-3 weeks. It's basically your system recalibrating - and this will likely be the first of many stalls. re: bowel movements - constipation is a common issue after WLS. It's because of the high protein diet and supplements some of us take (iron and calcium are particularly notorious for this). It should improve once you start eating fiber again, but many of us have to take things like Miralax, magnesium tablets, or stool softeners daily to keep on top of it.
  11. Jonathan Carlson

    Not losing weight

    If all you're eating is protein, the weight will come off. Don't worry about a quick stall! Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk
  12. I had surgery May 1st, 2024, I lost 14 lbs the first week, but as soon as I started drinking and eating protein, I’ve stopped losing weight. I’m assuming it’s because I’m assuming it’s the protein intake, and not being able to eat veggies. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyone experience this?
  13. Kee95


    Yes I’ve spoken with them. Was in the hospital for two weeks getting fluids. All the scans came back normal. They said pancreatitis now gastritis I just feel like they’re missing something. Idk I’m tired
  14. I had surgery 4/9/24. Been sick ever since the second week, I can barely keep water down. Everyone keeps saying it’ll get better but this is by far my biggest regret!! I feel like I’m dying!! Anyone else experience this? I don’t know if I’m losing too fast or what but I can’t live like this!
  15. Meisha

    November 2023 buddies

    @ChunkCatDANG GIRL! You look great! I'm so sorry you're struggling with POTS. That stinks, but it sounds like you've got a plan in place to help you manage until - 2025 (so ridiculous). I can't believe it's been almost 6 months already! I sometimes forget that I had it done (until I try to eat fast - LOL!). I'm down 77 pounds since my highest - 69 since the surgery. I still struggle with not being able to see the change (because I see my self every day), but occasionally I'll see a picture of me or see a reflection at a certain angle that makes me go... wait... a... minute! :) I'm down 2 jeans sizes (probably actually down 3 sizes because let's be honest, those 24s were STRETCHED to capacity! LOL!). I could get my 20s on a few weeks ago but I couldn't breathe, so there's that. I did go on a cruise week before last. That was interesting. I gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted and I found that I'm now starting to naturally lean toward healthier/smarter choices. I only gained 2.2 pounds that week and it came off very quickly. The big news is that I've scheduled my knee surgeries!!! Getting one done in June, the other in October! I'm nervous because of the unknowns (pain after the surgery, rehab, not being able to drive, etc), but I'm more excited because I'm ready to have my life back! New body, new knees... I'm going to be unstoppable! Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!
  16. I took Latuda for bipolar when I had my sleeve three years ago and my prescribing doctor was concerned about me not getting enough calories in the beginning for it to absorb properly as well. (For those who don’t know about this particular medication it’s not about it not absorbing due to the surgery itself like many controlled release meds. This med needs the 350 calories in order to absorb fully for anyone, not just people who had surgery). Anyways, My doctor switched me to vraylar for a couple of months prior to surgery just to make sure I was stable on it and then a short time after until I was back to being able to consume 350 calories at one time. The vraylar is quite expensive but luckily they were able to get enough samples for me. The plan was to switch me back once I was eating enough. What was weird and unexpected was post surgery when he tried to switch me back to the Latuda all of a sudden it caused me a great deal of anxiety and I couldn’t tolerate it anymore (even though I was on it for three years before surgery) so he kept me on the vraylar a little longer until things got back more normal for me and then made another change. I am now on a completely different medication. Neither the surgeon or prescribing dr could explain that anxiety except that when you alter the anatomy things just happen sometimes but I just worked with my prescribing dr and he sorted it out. The most important thing is that your prescribing dr and your loved ones are very aware that you may encounter some issues and that everyone is on top of it. If you feel the slightest bit off, you may need to be the one to contact your Dr. You mentioned “the switch” as an option. Not sure if you are speaking if the SADI switch or the Duodenal switch but both of those are restrictive and malabsorbing surgeries. The reason they suggested the sleeve for me was because they were concerned about my other meds not absorbing fully just because of the malabsorbing component of the other surgery. Fast forward three years and I gained my weight back and we are now considering conversion to the SADI or bypass because I gained my weight back. I gained it back because I ate the wrong things though so don’t let that scare you. I only mention it because I’m guessing you can see my current weight and may wonder why I didn’t lose. I did lose quite a bit and maintained it for a while but I was discouraged I didn’t lose it all and I let that get to me. Which is something you should be aware of, you may not lose as much as someone who is not on all these meds. Just don’t get too caught up in comparing your journey to others. I am 5’8” and I got down to 168. I would be so much happier and healthy now if I had just accepted that win instead of getting it in my head that I failed by not making it to where others did.
  17. Lilia_90

    Travel 6 months Post-op

    Hello Congrats on your upcoming surgery, hope it goes smoothly. I traveled 3 weeks, 3 months and will be travelling 7 months post surgery. It was all smooth, my first trip was with my hubby and kids, so I would just eat tiny bits of their food, second trip was with hubby only and we would always order a salad/veggie dish and a healthy/ish entree where I would eat a bit of protein and a bit of veggies and my hubby's mission was to clear the rest lol. As to what to pack, I only packed my vitamins and probiotics, if you can pack some high protein snacks like beef jerky, bars ...etc. then do that as I would get hungrier often due to all the walking and would need a snack, but where I traveled the supplement shops were always available so ... Don't stress it, enjoy your time and food. P.S. : If there were leftovers I would always give them out to anyone in need ❤️
  18. NickelChip

    Did anyone else stall when...

    You're probably right about the need to search for patterns when there aren't any! The only scientific explanation I can think of is the amount I've lost this time, and the amount I lost 7 years ago to get to this same weight, is basically the same, and about 20% of my total body weight. I know I've read that 20% tends to be where the body starts really fighting weight loss, and even if the surgery makes it possible to overcome those mechanisms and lose more, it may be that the short term effect is a brief stall while it all gets sorted out internally. So it's probably just coincidence, maybe based on having lost about the same number of pounds as last time.
  19. I haven't ever noticed this and I can't think of a scientific reason for it! What I will say is as humans we are hard-wired to look for patterns and then read into those something significant. I suspect you've just hit a stall. We all do, many times, on our weight loss journeys. If you can just relax into it and wait for it to break and then resume losing I think you'll be good. My experience with WLS is that my body chose a new set weight and I just got there with a bit of effort and sticking to the rules. Totally agree that with previous diets my set weight might have been very different but those haven't intruded *at all* into my life post sleeve.
  20. MNewell

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi! I had bypass surgery on 5/1. So almost two weeks out. 1. I was nervous about the recovery after. I have three big dogs that love to be all up in my business. A pillow to block my abdomen was my best friend. 2. I overpacked for the hospital. My surgeon only required an overnight stay. But I brought some skincare and a book and a game to play with my husband. Didn’t use any of it lol. Except some lip balm. My lips were crazy dry after the surgery. I brought a heating pad with me. I used it for the gas pain because that stuff travels! It migrated to my shoulders at one point. So painful. Getting up and walking around helped so much. You’re going to be so exhausted after surgery, you’re not going to want to do much but sleep. 3. I’m excited about actually being healthy for the first time in my life. Looking forward to doing things with my family and friends that I previously would have said no to.
  21. Thank you for your time and your answer 'Cat'! It helps me alot. I had the sleeve and I have being obsessing ever since that something is wrong because my hunger (I don't which type) never went away and my restriction seems quite forgiving. Till yesterday that someone told me that maybe the surgery didn't cut a big enough piece of my stomach.. I've been crying all day. I do follow the portions the nutritionist gave me but got scared when I compared myself to others, some of them saying the could not even tolerate soup 2 or 3 weeks post op. It is surely a struggle, mainly mentally, and I have decided to go to therapy about it. I will keep in mind the things you said about hunger and head hunger and try not to panic when I feel them. Thanks again for your reply❤️
  22. I went through similar for the first few months and couldn't keep them down. In the end my surgeon agreed that I could take 'normal' vitamins for a month, which I had been taking pre-op, and then to go on to a different format of the bariatric vitamins once my stomach was ready to accept them. I had been taking the hard ones that were so big, dry and tasted disgusting and couldn't keep them down, even the smell of them turned my stomach. Now I can take the capsule format as there is no taste or smell. I also tried a different brand of bariatric capsules but they were cherry tasting (hate) and couldn't keep them down and even putting into a smoothie turned the the taste of the smoothie vile. For the calcium I have to just buy generic ones on Amazon as the special bariatric ones I can get here can only be sold as a package with the horrible cherry capsules. I also had to take a daily dose of iron for a month or so when my levels got too low as I have pernicious anemia. Picture attached of the daily vitamin one I take. I also took their special hair capsule one in addition for three months to help when I was losing so much hair.
  23. ChunkCat

    Intake Tracking

    I use the Baritastic app. It tracks food macros and fluid intake. I track EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth, even condiments and coffee. LOL It helps immensely with staying on track. My Apple watch doesn't help with intake. It helps me remember to stand hourly. It counts my steps. It annoys me with messages all day. It reminds me to take my meds and vitamins. But it doesn't help with meals. Though there might be something to set in it to help with that? I just don't because my meal times vary a bit depending on when I wake up and eat my first meal. I highly suggest you get a pill case and dose out your vitamins for the whole week, or in my case, the whole month! A dietician can provide you with a list of supplementation or you can hunt down the ASMBS guidelines for your surgery, that's what most good dieticians use. It sounds like you may need to be watching your protein, fat, and calcium intake. Many people a few years out from the various surgeries start to show nutritional deficiencies if they haven't been keeping up with their protein intake and supplementation. Good hydration is important too. If you can, it would be wise to go have bariatric labs drawn, your GP can do this if you aren't still seeing your surgery center. A bariatric practice could do this too and would be good to follow up with if you are struggling with regain and getting back on track. You can do this!!
  24. I remember the first time I realized I have food noise. I was given Saxenda and several weeks into it as I increased the dose, I noticed that the mental pressure to eat was gone... It was like that voice that often brought up food throughout the day was suddenly silenced. I never even realized it was there before, it was such a familiar thing in my mental landscape it didn't occur to me that not everyone has that! GLP-1 medications in general are known for this side effect. Meds for ADHD like Vyvanse and anti-depressants like Wellbutrin are also known to help with this. When I went off my Ozempic before surgery, the voice came back with a vengeance!! I didn't have much of a appetite pre-op, but man did it come back post-op... For the first month I was sooo hungry. And the voice was SO loud. Thankfully I have a lot of techniques to manage inner voices, due to a decade of somatic based trauma therapy. I think without that, the process would have been so much harder for me. One thing that helps me the most is distinguishing that part as a PART of me, not ALL of me. So instead of "I'm hungry!" it is "I'm noticing a part of me feels hungry." This may seem like a weird distinction, but research has shown when we do this with emotions "A part of me is angry." vs "I'm angry!") it helps us create a little space between us and the feeling and helps us remember that there are other parts of us present and not all of them are caught up in the emotion of the moment. Remembering there are parts of ourselves that are like Switzerland helps us navigate internally when voices get loud. So I apply this to head hunger too. I identify the part of me that is hungry. I ask it what it needs. I validate its experience. And then I offer to just sit with it for a while and be present with the feeling of hunger. Then I let it know when we are next going to eat and orient that part to thinking of what we might want to eat at the coming meal. I'm sure this approach won't work for everyone, it is just what I tend to do. I notice when I hear the parts of me that feel things and give them some presence, they often start to soften, or have something important to tell me about what we are experiencing in that moment. For instance, I have severe ADHD. I get easily distracted and forget to eat. Post op it has been a struggle. That voice is there to remind me to tend my body. It may be louder than most people have it, but it still serves a purpose and when I can give it a job it tends to fight with me less. I eat every 3 hours. Without exception. If I go past 3 hours the voices get really loud and I feel sick, probably my blood sugar dropping... So I eat every 3 hours. But I eat within a 30 minute window, then I'm done. I don't snack in between. If my body tells me we need more food before the 3 hour mark I stop to reflect why this might be. If it is because I am bored, I find something to redirect the energy to and wait. If it is due to a workout or being sick and burning through energy faster. I may add in an earlier meal. Seeing my body as something to partner with, as something I have a relationship with that I want to be a GOOD relationship, seems to help me remember to treat my inner voices with kindness and compassion instead of judgment and irritation. If someone you were closely connected to constantly ignored you or snapped at you, over time you'd either get louder or go away. That is what I did to my body. So now when I hear the voice it is a reminder that this is something I'm working to relate to in a healthier way, so I choose a reaction to it like I'd choose a reaction to a friend reminding me to eat or drink water. Sorry for the long ramble, it just happens to be something I've been reflecting deeply on over the past 6 months!! ETA: I do take Wellbutrin for depression. I have never noticed it affecting that internal voice, but some notice an impact. If you are struggling deeply with this voice, you might consider a medication that can support you in this. I have a good friend who has ADHD and noticed when she started Vyvanse it significantly helped with the food noise and binging behavior. It isn't a good solution for everyone, but it is a good solution for some. ❤️
  25. There is nothing wrong with you... First, when we have surgery, a lot of nerves are cut that need time to heal. These are the nerves that tell us we are full, or getting full. So you are not getting accurate feedback from your stomach right now. These cut nerves take several months to heal fully. I noticed a distinct change in my fullness cues around 3 months out. Second--just because you CAN eat that amount doesn't mean you SHOULD (I'm so thankful the regulars here remind us all of this early post-op). You aren't getting accurate messages about your restriction right now, and different foods will cause different feelings of restriction or lack thereof. Try to stick to the small portions your dietician should have gone over with you. You have a lot of sutures holding your healing tummy together, you don't want to stress them. Take your time here, there is no rush. Third--different foods will cause different feelings of fullness. Purees often don't cause fullness, even meat purees. When you get into soft foods you might start to feel restriction when you eat denser proteins. But again, your stomach is still healing, so it may take time to feel your restriction, and some people never feel strong restriction, or don't feel it until they are overly full. This is where it is important to measure out your portions and eat tiny bites, slowly, watching for any signs of fullness. For us post op that may feel very different than it did pre-op. For me, for the first few months, all I would get is violent sneezing, intense hiccups, runny nose, etc... It took a while before I started feeling internal pressure with fullness. Fourth--Hunger is a b***h! Some people lose it, not everyone does. I woke up in recovery STARVING!! I was so mad. 😂I felt like I'd been given a faulty surgery. LOL But it really made me learn to work with my hunger cues and to sit with the discomfort of being hungry for a while. I was very, very hungry the first few weeks because nothing feels like it has enough substance to calm that ravenous hunger. This will ease in time as you progress your diet. For now all you can do is learn to distinguish head hunger from body hunger and learn to deal with the fact that sometimes we feel hungry and that's okay. Lastly, many people can drink water freely post op. You don't list your surgery, but this is very common with gastric bypass patients, though I have seen it with sleeve patients too. Once the internal swelling goes down, many can drink water easily. This is a blessing, since dehydration is the #1 reason bariatric patients end up in the ER post op!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
