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  1. Hello all! Newbie here! I had gastric bypass surgery on August 8. Since then, I have not been able to meet my fluid or protein requirements, or even get close honestly. My Dr and dietitian just say "well, you have to." I'm still feeling weak and tired and just want to feel better! Does anyone have any tips, tricks, recipes (I'm on stage 3) that might help?
  2. first of all, 18 lbs in three weeks is normal. Most of us lose around 15-25 lbs the first month post-op. Thirty pounds in three weeks is way above average - did they start out at 400+ lbs or something? If so, that would explain it. Starting BMI is a huge factor in how quickly you'll lose weight - at least at first. soup and cheese both have a lot of sodium in them. So does store-bought bread. That three lbs might be water retention from the sodium.
  3. I haven't ever noticed this and I can't think of a scientific reason for it! What I will say is as humans we are hard-wired to look for patterns and then read into those something significant. I suspect you've just hit a stall. We all do, many times, on our weight loss journeys. If you can just relax into it and wait for it to break and then resume losing I think you'll be good. My experience with WLS is that my body chose a new set weight and I just got there with a bit of effort and sticking to the rules. Totally agree that with previous diets my set weight might have been very different but those haven't intruded *at all* into my life post sleeve.
  4. catwoman7

    5 weeks pose op and 3 week stall

    normal. Wait it out. Make sure you're sticking to your program and stay off the scale - maybe just weigh yourself once a week until the thing breaks. And it WILL break. This will likely be the first among several stalls, just so you know. You just have to wait 'em out and just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing...
  5. I made this post in another thread as a response to someone else, and then I realized it's something that might help others after they've had their surgery and find themselves struggling. Maybe you're seeing an increase in hormones all of a sudden...maybe you're discovering there's a lot more work involved in getting and keeping the results you need after having the surgery. Maybe you're struggling to change your relationship with food. Whatever the case is, maybe this will help "I never really had the emotional ups and downs, mostly because at the time I had PCOS, and the influx of estrogen from both my surgeries actually normalized my hormones for a few months each time lol What I DID have, however, is the emotional issues that came with changing my relationship with food. I had NO IDEA that would be a thing lol Changing what you eat, how you eat, when and why you eat, how often you eat is like breaking up with a toxic partner. You've been together for a REALLY long time, and even though you KNOW it's a terrible, unhealthy relationship, it's really all you know and you're so dependent on it you don't think you can function without it. And now you have to figure out how to. You have to completely retrain your brain, learn the difference between true hunger and head hunger (there is an actual, real difference), and you have to learn to read the nutrition labels, track your calories and Protein and carbs, work out, don't cheat (and don't make excuse after excuse and justification after justification for why you went back to the toxic relationship even after you knew it was bad for you, yet still gave in), measure food, track fluids, take HONEST accountability for your actions (which isn't something most of us had been particularly good at) and make adjustments as needed to stay as compliant as possible for the long haul. Contrary to what so many think, there's actually a LOT of work that has to happen after the surgery. The surgery itself is just a tool. It's not a miracle cure. It won't fix all the issues if you don't put in the actual work. Just eating smaller amounts without making any of the necessary changes isn't enough, and that's a hard lesson many learn later on. All of this is such a mind eff, and takes a toll on a person. It's a lot of changes, and a lot of work, thrown at a person all at once. And no matter how ready you think you are, it can still cause so much emotional turmoil, and understandably so. What I, and so many, don't realize is that we all have ED (eating disorders) in order to get to being obese and morbidly obese (or in some cases, super morbidly obese). It's not just anorexia or bulimia. I genuinely didn't know that. We have to retrain our brains to get out of that, and sometimes that requires help, and we have to be ok with getting that help. And because we have to do that, we then get incredibly frustrated and defeated feeling when the weight comes off slower than we thought it would, or we hit stalls (or in my case, stall after stall after stall - which is COMPLETELY normal, by the way, and should be expected). I said all of this to say there's SO many different reasons we can have emotions all over the place. Influx of hormones all at once, changes in relationship with food, changes in routines and increase in the things we don't particularly like doing (or not doing anymore), learning we have to do a lot of work to get and maintain the results we want after the surgery, learning PATIENCE with the rate of weight loss and trusting the process (easier said than done, believe me, I know), realizing that body dysmorphia is REAL and we can and do struggle with seeing ourselves as anything other than our formerly obese selves (I'm 182 pounds and I still see 421 pounds sometimes when I look in the mirror), and of course, hair loss (also COMPLETELY normal, and will eventually stop). You won't go bald, there's nothing to prevent it or stop it, you need to increase your protein, biotin doesn't slow it down, and it's a COMPLETELY normal part of the process that many of us don't know about until it happens and then we freak out. So give yourself some grace and just know this is normal. You're doing great, and we're all here for you, just like everyone was here for me "
  6. Love, love, love this advice!! I can personally tell you that you are 100% correct. I was not drinking enough water (i was relying on Coke Zero) which i know actually dehydrates you. I also got into the bad habit of staying up way too late on my phone while watching Netflix so I was not getting enough sleep. My weigh loss stalled. I have now been drinking a lot more water and making sure i get between 7.5- 8 hours of sleep a night. By doing this i have broken the very long stall/very slow weight loss!! I know this is common knowledge about getting enough water/sleep, I just got into very bad habits for a while. I had my surgery 4/12/23 and have lost 82 lbs so i am doing good, but i knew i could do better!
  7. Jalapeño

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    When I went to the hospital, I wore my pyjamas, comfy crocs and a fleece. I packed another pair of pyjamas, underwear and phone charger. Nothing else. In the UK, hospitals provide you with toothbrush/toothpaste and toiletries for showering etc. Besides, when you get admitted, you have to change into a hospital gown. I kept my boxer shorts on, and discarded them in the hospital bathroom bin when I showered three days later. You want to keep packing light, make it easier on yourself. Most of your time will be spent in bed recovering, not surfing the net.
  8. Stalls are perfectly normal & are an important part of your weight loss as the others have said. The first one usually begins around week 3but can be before or after this time like yours. They generally last 1-3 weeks & again they can last longer or even only for fewer days. The numbers are based on averages & so just give you an idea what might happen when. Yes they are frustrating but it’s best to let them ride out. The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. Don’t stress it out by making more changes other than those required by your plan so stick to it. Reduce how often you’re on the scales & try taking body measurements. Many notice that while the scale doesn’t move, their clothing fits differently. Also, if you would like more precise information about portion sizes, macros, etc, ask for them from your dietician. It’s about feeling comfortable & confident about what you’re doing, For example did they say when you should be up to a cup of food? I was told 6 months for a cup but that was what I was told for me.
  9. ShoppGirl

    Question about fats.

    Would it make more sense if the fat was supposed to be 15g per meal? It seemed like she was calculating it from three meals when she was talking to me because she was adding the carbs out loud. That seems like a mistake that could be easily made and that would be closer to what the DS vets have said. Still not quite as high but it is a little different surgery than DS. Plus adding 30 more grams of fat brings the calories to 1,125 if I’m understanding and calculating that correctly which falls within that range that she gave me.
  10. NickelChip

    Did anyone else stall when...

    You're probably right about the need to search for patterns when there aren't any! The only scientific explanation I can think of is the amount I've lost this time, and the amount I lost 7 years ago to get to this same weight, is basically the same, and about 20% of my total body weight. I know I've read that 20% tends to be where the body starts really fighting weight loss, and even if the surgery makes it possible to overcome those mechanisms and lose more, it may be that the short term effect is a brief stall while it all gets sorted out internally. So it's probably just coincidence, maybe based on having lost about the same number of pounds as last time.
  11. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Thank you all for your messages re my stall! I'm still stalled ... no suprise there. I'm going to try and track what I'm eating this week as I haven't really been tracking at all. Just trying to be sensible and go with the flow. I'm still being very conciencious about everything I put in my mouth and reckon I'm averaging about 1200-1300 calories a day max. I know I could eat more protein but as I eat so little meat its a bit complicated esp when I'm travelling. I hate protein shakes and anything with an artificial taste, I'm really not into processed foods. I do love carbs. I know what I'm eating is far from perfect but I'm also trying to "live" as normally as I can without getting ultra focused on food because 1) I just don't want to 2) I know that it won't be substainable for me to track/only eat specific things/100% certain avoid things long term 3) food is a real source of joy for me as is cooking. Cooking is my way of calming down and disconecting my brain after work but I'm an improvisation whats left on the fridge cook not a planning cook 4) I've very scared of being too "strict" on food and ending up with a transfer addiction as I have a very addition prone personality and I already smoke (cigarettes daily and weed probably 2/3 times a month) and drink (much much less than before the surgery when I was drinking too much) and even though I haven't touched a Benzodiazepine (xanax) in 3 years and 8 months (go me 😌) I had a big enough issue with benzo abuse to have to take a month of work to come off them. I'll try and track properly tomorrow and for a few days but for example today from memory I had ( I also had water) Breakfast : 1/4 bagel with butter, coffee with semi skim milk Mid Morning : 2x Coffee with semi skim milk Lunch : Palm sized bit of omelette with courgette, red peppers, kale, onions, cheese, about two tablespoons grated carrot salad Mid afternoon : Tea with semi skim milk and sweetener, bit of brie cheese about twice the size of my thumb Supper : Palm sized bit of omelette with courgette, red peppers, kale, onions, cheese Herbal tea Before bed : About 4/5 teaspoons of vegan pannacotta (soy milk, sweetener, orange flower water, cornstarch, pistachios, maple syrup) Herbal tea
  12. You are right! I shouldn’t stop this negativity I’m giving myself. I’ve been trying so hard to eat what’s my nutrition handbook for the past 5 months. I guess that’s why I’m craving so much other food. I also suspect because I’m in a stall, my body is sending out signal to creat my head hunger. This is my 2nd stall post op and it’s getting harder to break. Changing habit is not easy and my previous life style is not healthy. I loooove food and I believe I am a good cook… I was scared that I will go back to how I eat previously. The root problem is that I need to change my habit and my food choice, and it’s hard. I failed at my first sleeve surgery, and got the bypass now, which it still make me feel horrible. The thoughts of failing again got the best of me. I should be happy I loss 43lbs, and 2 size down on my dress size!
  13. catwoman7

    Protein help!

    the first stall out of the gate at around the three-week mark (although it comes earlier for some, later for others) is extremely common. We even have a name for it "the three-week stall". Almost everyone has that. In fact, if you do a search on this site for it, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it. And I am NOT kidding. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days, and the stall will break. Usually takes 1-3 weeks. And know that it's likely the first of many stalls. It's a natural part of losing weight. I think your body just has to stop and recalibrate once in a while. constipation is also a very common issue after weight loss surgery. It's probably due to the high protein diet plus some of the supplements (iron and calcium supplements are the usual culprits). A lot of us have to take daily Miralax or stool softeners to keep on top of it. Other things that might help - magnesium tablets, prunes, Smooth Move tea. You might have to experiment to see what works for you. I take a capful of Miralax every morning and have been doing it for eight years. does the dizziness occur when you stand up? If so, it's probably orthostatic hypotension - also very common early after surgery - and it eventually goes away. Until then, just stand up SLOWLY. Protein shakes also count as liquids, so it may not be as difficult as you think to hit your fluid goals. the first few weeks are a challenge, but. you'll soon have all this behind you!!
  14. Oh yes I get the comparing yourself to others. That is REALLY HARD. I say celebrate the 18lbs in 2 weeks (when have you ever lost even close to that on any diet?), get to know how the three week stall hits almost all of us (and can last a few weeks) and then settle into your programme and enjoy the big losses to come. 3lbs gain in a month is nothing to worry about - honestly. I am really surprised that you're allowed bread at such an early stage. My plan was protein then veg and no carbs for many months. When I did start earing bread it sat in my stomach like a lump of lead - so did pasta and rice. Less so 2 years on but I honestly only use them like a weapon in certain situations - not for daily consumption even now. I wish you all the best
  15. TwinkleToes87

    Feeling discouraged.

    According to my post of instructions, we weren’t allowed to eat regular foods until 8 weeks post op. Maybe try to go back on pureed/soft. Then once you get to 8 weeks introduce regular food.
  16. I totally understand this. It's not a bad thing AT ALL to step away from the scales if they aren't helping you. Honestly - if you stick to your plan you will lose more weight than you have already - much more. The issue is that the loss is never linear. If you get stressed by stalls and regains then maybe weigh yourself once a month and celebrate your losses then. I was and am a daily weigher but I could tolerate the highs and lows associated with that. Yes - the food volumes we can tolerate increase in the months and years after surgery. If you focus on a diet of protein and veggies you're not likely to go too far wrong.
  17. KathyLev

    5 weeks pose op and 3 week stall

    I've been on a stall for 4 months now !!! It sure is disappointing to have that happen. It's like doing all that work and not one acknowledgement from the scale ! I put the scale away and focused on other things - like being able to walk without gasping for air I also measured myself - and even though I'm not losing weight , I lost 15" ! So there's that ! I also talked to my doc about it , and she told me to go back on my presurgery liquid diet for a week or two. She also suggested changing up my proteins to see if that helps. I'm still experimenting with her advice . Don't let the stall get you down ! Good luck with everything
  18. I am still basically stalled too. I fluctuate up and down the same pound over and over again but everyone keeps saying “you’ve lost more weight, haven’t you?” Ummm, no. It must just be shifting around. I know how discouraging it can be for the scale to not move especially after the quick initial weight loss right after surgery. I try to tell myself it’s a good thing because my skin seems to be bouncing right back and if I was losing too quickly it wouldn’t and then I would have the added problem of loose skin everywhere. I have about 25lbs left to lose so if we have a year to lose our weight I have 9 months to lose that weight. If you look at it that way it’s more bearable. Hang in there
  19. brandycsiz

    November 2023 buddies

    My sugery was 11/29.. as of this morning I am 32lbs down.. I started back into the gym on Monday, 8 weeks post op. I have not really had a weight stall yet, I am noticing that my hair loss has picked up so I am getting it cut on Tuesday. I am off all my food restrictions so I am excited about trying out all kinds of food. Going clothes shopping this weekend to pick up a few things as my clothes are falling off me.. This has been a fun, stressful and frustrating journey but I am here for it...
  20. Fingerscrossed2112

    Just starting out

    Must meet one of the following three criteria: 1. Must have a minimum body mass index (BMI) of > 30 with a diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. 2. Must have a BMI of > 35-39 and must have at least one of the following conditions: a. Degenerative joint disease of major weight bearing joint(s). The member must be a candidate for joint replacement surgery if weight loss is achieved. b. Other rare chronic conditions (for example, pseudo tumor cerebri) in which there is medical evidence that bariatric surgery is medically necessary and that the benefits of bariatric surgery outweigh the risk of surgical mortality. 3. Must have a minimum BMI of > 40 Here is their wording. I’m obviously number 3 I’m just worried it’s a case by case basis and they won’t approve me.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Chewing Gum

    I am three years out and I chewed gum and i forgot and swallowed it. I called the surgeons office and they were like did you swallow it on purpose. I said of course not. She just told me what to watch for and when to go to er. It passed thank god bit I’ve never been so scared in my life. It’s not worth it to me. I haven’t swallowed gum since I was a kid but sure enough I did??
  22. So I got my surgery on June 22nd - about nine weeks ago. I am 5'8", 35F, and started out at 320, I'm currently 288 for a loss of 32 pounds over about two months. Is that okay? For the last week or so, I've had a really rough stall and barely been losing anything. Some days I'll even gain a pound. This is my second stall. I normally eat between 600 and 1000 calories (mostly about 800) and almost entirely protein really. Is there an issue with me? Is my weight loss rate okay or is it too slow? I feel like I should have lost like 50 pounds by now. What about this stall?
  23. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    My weight loss has stalled since November 5th. I know this is normal since loads of other people have mentioned experiencing a week 3 stall, but it is still disheartening to lose nothing for 11 days when I know I'm following the diet, focusing on protein, drinking fluids and keeping my portion sizes appropriately small. I hope this plateau breaks soon because it is demoralizing.
  24. pamelacoa@yahoo.com


    So we’re all about 4 months out give or take. How’s everyone doing? I’m in week 4 of a stall and it’s starting to get to me

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