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Found 17,501 results

  1. I feel I am losing way too much weight very fast. I am quite worried now.
  2. Reposting on this forum from the gals room… Has anyone had their mirena iud removed after weight loss surgery and gained weight because of it? I got my gastric sleeve last year and I’m so happy with where I’m at however, I’ve been considering getting my iud removed. My issue is that I have pcos and am terrified that I gain weight due to hormones after getting it removed. Has anyone else been in this situation that can offer any advice?
  3. I didn't have a 3-week stall but I did gain around 10 lbs due to IVs right after surgery, and it took awhile for that to come off. My weight loss pattern is/was like steps, my body likes to hold on to the weight, then drops, hold on to the weight, then drops.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    How to pick the right plastic surgeon!

    Plastics usually comes after you've maintained your weight for at least a year. You had your surgery almost 5 months ago. Did you tell them that and are they ok with it?
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Yesterday was my 1st day back at work!!!

    I had a lot of complications with the sleeve and the decision was made for me. My surgeon told me in no uncertain terms that I HAD to have the revision. It wasn't because I wasn't losing weight.
  6. Arabesque

    Bouncing weight loss for past week??

    Everyone fluctuates regardless of whether they’re trying to lose weight or not. Hormonal fluctuations, fluid retention, what we eat or drink one day compared to another, pooping, not pooping, etc. If you were like me you didn’t weigh yourself often so probably weren’t all that aware of your usual fluctuation. My usual fluctuation is about 1kg (2.2lbs) so I never worry about that weight gain or loss. It’s odd the way your body reacts. I’ve discovered I always weigh more the day I break constipation that I did when I was constipated. Your weight loss will never be a consistently straight downward line. It will zig & zag, go up & down, drop quickly one day slowly the next. As long as your weight loss trend is going down you’re golden. And yes reduce how often you weigh yourself if you find the number on the scale is messing with you.
  7. .......... I "think" I broke the stall ! * knock on wood* 😁 Yes! I've been at 192 for months and nothing I did would break it. Finally ....I am gradually going down and as of today I am 185 ! It's the weirdest thing - all summer I was exercising and walking and the scale wouldn't move. Now that it's winter in Wisconsin , I haven't been walking at all except for grocery shopping and the weight loss started again. The only reason I can think of why I was stalled is,I must have been gaining muscle . Well - I'm not going to question it .... I'm just going to enjoy it I'm so happy to be a "loser" again..... LOL
  8. Bypass2Freedom

    Am I behind?

    That is honestly an amazing loss! I think the key thing to remember here (as others have said) is that we are all different - our bodies all have their own individual quirks, different metabolic set points & needs, so one persons weight loss may be +/- than yours, and that is normal! I have been speaking to this lovely person who had the same surgery as me, same surgeon, PCOS & everything, just the day before me. Her start weight was a little lower so I fully expected to lose weight at a quicker rate than her, but it was the opposite way around! I remember feeling a little upset that I wasn't keeping up with my peers, but I really had to check myself to remind myself that 1) it isn't a competition, and 2) my body is losing at the rate it needs to. You are doing amazingly, be proud of yourself! Celebrate every win, no matter how small
  9. I have seen many people actually use this as a weight loss vitamin or pill?, has anyone seen actual data or results from this ?
  10. Arabesque

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    Remember your weight loss isn’t a straight line in a downward trajectory. it zigs & zags & goes up & down for seemingly no reason. There aren’t any ‘you must weigh this, be eating this many calories, be doing this much activity, be losing this much weight by a certain date’ rules. There are just guidelines, averages, may bes & could bes. I agree with the suggestion to talk with your team. Track your food for a week or so first, just to ensure you’re not missing something (it can be easy to do). But I don’t it’s real weight gain in such a short period of time. Yes fluid retention, poop, hormonal fluctuations, etc. Could all contribute. Have you had a medication change? Have you changed your activity in any way? Are you stressed, anxious, etc. about anything? And sometimes our bodies can just be weird & not make sense. I can eat the exact same things for a couple of days & my weight can go up & down. I can break a couple of days of constipation & still weigh more. Who knows why?
  11. Okay, I am about 20lbs from my weight goal but really may never get to that goal, as I am weight lifting and working out. Honestly my boobs are so depressing and Idk if I can hold out 8 more months till I hit a year. Do you all suggest I start my search now for surgeon and see what they say?
  12. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thanks, @RonHall908! I should probably say, the 48lbs lost stretches back to last summer when I was at my highest ever weight and started incorporating the Pound of Cure guidelines into my daily routine. I lost 13lbs just with that over about 6 months, and then I lost about 13lbs more during the 2-week pre-op diet. So 26 of it was pre-op and 22 is post-op. Which kind of feels weird. I thought the surgery would ramp things up, but it feels like it slowed things down! I know there's a lot more going on metabolism-wise that will make it easier in the long run to lose more and keep the weight off, but it still can do your head in sometimes trying to balance expectations and reality. This is also the weight where I plateaued during my last serious weight loss attempt, right around losing 20% of my starting body weight. I know that research shows that most people can lose 5-10% of their body weight, but once you get to the 15 to 20% mark your body usually rebels. I assume that may be what's happening here as everything has to readjust, and the surgery changes will eventually make it possible to push past that plateau where I couldn't do it before. Fingers crossed!
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    6 Months post surgery, minimal to no weight loss

    PCOS is absolutely something that will make this harder. I have it, and I've had to fight for every pound lost. PCOS causes, among other things, weight gain without the real ability to lose the weight. It just holds on to it. While there's no actual "pouch reset" per se, there is the option to get back to basics with what you eat, how much, how often, and how you move your body. It's more resetting your mind and reminding your body what it's supposed to do and not do. For me PERSONALLY, on non work out days, I eat around 1100 - 1200 calories, 25-30g of carbs, 50g or less of HEALTHY fats, and 60-70g of protein. I will drink 64oz of fluids typically. On work out days, I eat 1300-1400 calories, 40-50g of carbs, 55-65g of HEALTHY fats, and 80-90g of protein. I'll drink 90oz of fluids per day, with at least 20oz being either a Propel electrolyte water or a Gatorade Zero. For work outs, I started off small in the beginning. I walked on the treadmill, rode the exercise bike, did water exercises. Once I lost my first 60 pounds or so after surgery, I started adding in walking around my neighborhood and light arm weights. When I hit 100 pounds down, I increased my arm weights to full blown weight training, added in core/strength training, and kicked up my cardio. While I still keep to my eating schedule, I change up what food I eat based on the kind of work out I do that day. And I switch it up, meaning I don't do cardio on Monday, core training on Tuesday, weight training on Wednesday, etc... I change up the order I do my work outs and what types of core exercises I do or cardio I do, etc... Keeping my body confused about what I'm doing each day makes everything I do more impactful and makes more of a difference. I also make sure to take my multivitamin every day, I take a collagen & biotin supplement, I take a fiber supplement (on top of the fiber I eat because constipation and I are old frenemies at this point), I take coq10, echinacea, and I am sugar free as much as possible (or at the very least, no sugar added, and when I need a sweetener, I use monk fruit sweetener) and salt free (if I absolutely need it, I use pink Himalayan salt). I also drink green tea every morning for my caffeine as well as because it's a mild appetite suppressant (sometimes I have one at lunch, too, if I'm just dragging at work, but that's on top of my normal fluid intake).
  14. BabySpoons

    Struggling to stop losing

    Bodyfat to muscle ratio? My concern as the weight comes off is losing too much muscle weight as opposed to fat %. A low number on a scale doesn't reflect that. But it will show in clothing sizes. Or could it be excess skin???? This discussion does pose a question for me. Everyone here who has hit goal weight and lost a ton of weight to get there. I see these people who have skin removal surgery, and they weigh it and turns out to be 30+ pounds. How does that figure in to goal weight if never removed??? Say if goal is 150 and you are left with excess skin weight, would 180 be more realistic or if you reach 150 would you be underweight if you are carrying around 30 pounds of excess skin???? Such a conundrum. 🤔
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Must we wait the entire year for plastics?

    I could technically start looking now, but I want to give it a year AFTER I hit my final goal weight to see how my weight holds and how bad the fluctuations are (if there are any). I also want to give my body a rest. I have basically ZERO boobs and my butt just went and eff'd off. In a perfect world, I'd like to get a lower body lift, upper body lift, boob job, and whatever I need to correct the turkey neck I now have. HOWEVER, I don't know that I can realistically do all that. So a boob job, tummy tuck, and my neck are really my must haves. Everything else, I can work around with my clothes. I just don't want to undo the plastics by getting them too soon and then losing more weight and needing them done again. I'd rather make sure my body and weight are COMPLETELY stable before I invest that kind of money.
  16. summerseeker

    Needing some encouragement

    Who lost 30 pounds in their first month ? Not anyone your size. Who gave you these ridiculous expectations ? It could take a year to 18 months or so for you to be at a healthy weight. Your body will do what it will, you can not force the weight off your body. Stay off the scales, listen to your team and be patient.
  17. Jessie203

    Initial Visit-Mixed Emotions

    I APOLOGIZE!! It got long but I wanted to add some background. and the regret comes from nervousness that I won’t enjoy food. And no desire to be really thin but being disabled mean getting/ keeping weight off will be difficult according to the bariatric surgeon I am 5’2. Majority of my weight is my thighs. I do have a belly, apron belly.
  18. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    It's not something that has been easy for the past 15 years. I used to workout several days a week for a long time, but I was just more into weight lifting, not so much cardio or anything like it. Since I've lost a lot of weight, that same drive has kicked started again. Also, I know this is going to need to be a long term thing to ensure I don't go back to what I was doing before. I have knee replacement surgery in October, so I'm trying to keep the knee strong for better recovery.
  19. summerseeker

    What was your “Moment” ?

    You are amazing. You did this and lost so much weight. That is the best thing that I read all day. I know you will be smiling but I wish you could see the smile you put on my face.
  20. ClarkRomulus

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hello!! January 30th is my date. I’m nervous. I lost 130 pounds on my own in the last couple of years and have gained at least 50 Of it back, I keep telling myself this is the right thing to do I don’t want all that weight back, I’m glad I’m catching it in time but I am still nervous. I got a surgery date 5 years ago and backed out due to my career and trying to do it on my own. Now here I am again and I refuse to back out.Wish me luck and God Bless.
  21. ahhh yes "Follow your Arrow" I like Kasey Musgraves! I actually had ppl elude to the fact that I was on drugs because I was losing weight so quickly LOL I shut down that quick!
  22. BabySpoons

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    I can relate to the acid reflux issue due to having a hiatal hernia too. I was daily suffering with it for years until WLS. My stomach was also pushed up through my diaphragm. Docs found the hernia during pre-op testing and repaired it the same day as my RNY. I think your doctor was hoping by fixing your hernia, it might take care of your reflux along with you losing the abdominal weight from the sleeve surgery. I also carried the majority of my excess weight around my midsection and was told that my reflux was because excess fat was pushing food back up into my esophagus. That was before they discovered I had the hernia. But both problems contributed. After losing over 100 pounds, I'm finding that even though I am losing weight all over, my stomach is still the last place it is coming off. Very frustrating but I still have 40 lbs. to lose. And that's where it is sitting. I chalk it up to genetics. Sadly, the hernia repair didn't take care of your reflux and the sleeve is notorious for causing it. Even in those that never had it. One of the reasons I opted for the bypass and haven't had reflux since. As for your weight loss stall, maybe try backing off from hard workouts unless you are getting an adequate days rest in between. Increased levels of cortisol can cause abdominal weight gain. I lost all my weight from leisurely walking outdoors 2-3 miles 5-6xs a week.. GL. Your pics look great.
  23. After waiting an eternity for my therapist office to fax over my notes, my psych eval was cleared they sent my file to my insurance. It was approved within 24 hours. I honestly think it’s because I’m on year 3 of monthly visits to the weight management place here in town and I’ve been on medication to help with my weight loss for about 1.5 years. My next step is pre-op testing.
  24. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Life has been nuts the past couple months but I do periodically stalk the pages to get ideas. This was last night’s dinner- espresso bbq roasted chicken thighs, coleslaw, broccoli watermelon, and loaded mashed potatoes. (Chicken thighs marinated in buttermilk, KC bbq rub and espresso rub then topped with more of each and baked at 450F for 35ish minutes)- I’m not currently counting calories as I’m doing cardiac rehab 3 days a week and have lost 25lbs since I’ve had heart surgery that I had gained beforehand (stupid fatigue). Also, went to the museum with my youngest on a field trip today and we grabbed ice cream to share. This is the after from both of us eating it.
  25. Arabesque

    Surgery Date 3/7

    I think everyone does in some form. Doesn’t mean it will happen though. Yes, a bounce back regain of 10-20lbs is a real possibility but it doesn’t happen to everyone. Whether you regain or not I think depends on a number of factors. Some you can control & manage & some you can’t. Complacency - letting the new good eating habits slide. Not dealing with emotional & psychological issues behind your eating habits. Health & medications - some medications are renown for increasing your appetite or a health situation may arise that limits you in some way. Unsustainable way of eating to maintain - too restrictive & stops you from enjoying & living your life as you want. Life - sometimes throws crap at you & good intentions are the first to go. Commitment - accepting the changes you make have to be forever. I had 40 years of losing & gaining weight. Every diet, dieticians, medications, exercise plans, you name it I did it. I’d stick to it, lose weight & as soon as I stopped I would start regaining again almost immediately. Simply because I went back to eating the exact same way as I did before. I had a low & a high weight I bounced between until the last 4 or so years & my weight exploded. Nothing worked then so surgery was my only solution. Am nearing 5 years & have basically maintained my initial stabilised low weight. Never have been able to keep weight off like this ever. I had a medication glitch but we sorted that & I lost the 5ish lbs I’d gained without doing anything. I work at it every day. I established a way of eating that was sustainable & works for me, my needs & my life. Same with my activity. Don’t exercise as such just do four x 5 minute sessions of resistance bands & stretches 6 days a week - wouldn't burn 20 calories. I’m okay with that because it works for me & I’m happy to do it You have to be mentally ready for this because that’s where a lot of the battle is. Sure the surgery gives you some tools, but for me, the time it gave me while those tools were at their most effective was the biggest win. It was when I examined my relationship with food (the why, what & when I ate) & worked out what I needed to do make be the most successful. I wouldn’t stress about something that may happen because it simply may not. Just be aware of it. You never know what the future will bring & you’ll have built a wealth of knowledge & strategies & have a support team (doctor, dietician, therapist) to help you get on top of it. All the best.

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