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Found 17,501 results


  2. Current weight 189 lbs 

    1. GastricGal


      Wow, your doing well in such a short amount of time... What are you eating now? I will have the sleeve on April 30 and im truly excited and nervous at the same time.

  3. This anyone who weight over 500 pounds and had success with the surgery

    1. Summer56


      Yes thank you so much

    2. Summer56


      I'm single mom how do you tell your children you have surgery to help you lose weight

    3. BigDaddy BGP

      BigDaddy BGP

      With my kids, I simply told them that the reason I was doing it was so that I could do more with them, and be more involved...I mean I went to most of their baseball and football games, but, to be more involved, in actually teaching them how to play their sports and coaching them...they caught on pretty easy...I tease them and ask them if they will share some of their "bad" food with me...and they say "Daddy, you can't have that...you know better..."

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  4. Another interim weight loss goal reached: I now weigh less than Mr.!!! This morning I weighed in at 156.4 😁

    (Mind you, I've reached below his weight the last 3 times I dieted, but I have a good feelings about this time, and that it will stick 😎).

    Next interim weight loss goal: Break into the 140's...

    1. GreenTealael


      Congratulations 👑

  5. I'm 13 years out from having weight loss surgery. I would have to say it was the best choice I have ever made. I have been successful BUT now I'm feeling like I'm sliding back and getting comfortable with old eating habits. I absolutely do not want to ever go back to where I came from. I'm just needing support and some pointers to get me focused again. Any one have any thoughts or suggestions. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. 

    1. Faith2Faith


      I’m new but I wish you luck in getting back on track. Maybe see a nutritionalist first.

  6. Ten years ago I had by-pass surgery.  My starting weight was 562.  It has been a long road, and I wanted my goal to be 180.  I am 218 and now I find out my weight for 5'1" should be 143.  I really think I can get that thin.  HELP!!!!!

    1. KimTriesRNY


      You may want to be thinner, but that is a success! Wow! You must feel so much healthier now!

    2. Missouri-Lee's Summit

      Missouri-Lee's Summit

      Of course you can get to 143! You lost 344 pounds...didn't you? And, honestly, did that seem possible all those years ago?

      Orchids&Dragons is right. You've done awesome so far. While there's never a guarantee, you've proven that it's possible. Patience is your best friend.

    3. FluffyChix


      Girl! Super congrats!!!! Like these ladies have said, you've done the hard part! Now just take it one meal at a time/1 day at a time and do this thing! SMASH it! Set those short term goals. You'll break into onderland before you know it. You're so close!!!! You can doooo eeettttt!

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  7. Pre op appt today. Gained over Christmas :(  Lecture coming I am sure.  

  8. My weight will JUST NOT BUDGE. I'm annoyed. This stall sucks. Can stress alone trigger a stall? I'm 237, have been for...oh 10 days now. I'm doing everything else I need to, but am more stressed than I have been. 

    1. KimTriesRNY


      You will stall. I’ve had stalls for over three weeks at a time. The lower you get, the longer it will take to lose the pounds. Just keep to the program, it will come off. It’s discouraging but everyone goes through it! 🤗

  9. Check out my video chat with Dr. Domanskis on plastic surgery after weight loss http://www.mybariatriclife.org/dr-edward-domanskis-bariatric-plastic-surgery-video-1/

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Thanks for sharing

    2. Djmohr


      Thanks Cheryl for sharing everything that you have learned on your journey. I am in the midst of plastics now having just had a Brachioplasty 2 weeks ago and have several combined surgeries coming down the road. I look forward to seeing your future learnings. P.S. You look absolutely fantastic and I know it has not been an easy road for you.

    3. My Bariatric Life

      My Bariatric Life

      Thanks to you both!!! xxx ooo And good luck with your plastics!

  10. I am 4 pounds from the lowest weight I can remember being in over a decade! 23 more pounds til onederland!

  11. I was talking with a friend last night and she told me her weight while she weighed herself (she is trying to gain weight) and I realized I have lost more than her entire body weight, and while she is small, she isn't tiny. It is crazy to think I this time last year I was walking around with an entire person on my back. No wonder my heels are so comfortable now.

    1. jane13
    2. nieuwevis


      it's crazy, isn't it! congrats on your success!

  12. how do i update my weight?

    1. Kaze


      There should be a counter that says "together we have lost" and it has two boxes for your current and starting weight...it's on the left side...it could be at the top or the bottom.

    2. healthier&happier4life


      Thank you!!! Of course it's right there in front of my face! I was looking through all the settings.

  13. Today I weigh less than the weight I lied about on my last driver's license . LOL!!

    1. highfunctioningfatman
    2. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      LOL! You two are cracking me up ;-D

    3. suzzzzz


      My TX drivers licence doesn't have weight on it. They did away with that years ago. Guess they figured everyone lied about it anyway!

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  14. I'm so happy about where I am in my Weight loss journey!!! I am 5 months in I have a great handle on my eating-- skin not too flabby--still have big boobs, butt is smaller but it's still a force to be reckoned with! I feel great and my confidence is unexplainable. I feel like i'm 26 again!

    1. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      That is so awesome!! Way to go on your success, you are rockin it!

    2. ProudGrammy


      you said you feel like your 26 again?!! you only look 25!! LOL - keep up the good work cutie - kathy


    3. marieac2


      How long did you feel like crap after the surgery? I had ny surgery 11/28 came home yesterday. I didn't sleep all night & feel like crap today. I'm trying to walk around but I feel awful. I tried sipping on protein drink. Ech tasted awful. Any recommendations??

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  15. I haven't been on Bariatric Pal in a long while. I need to refocus! Weight loss has been at a stall and I have been a bad girl...

    1. BackSpin81


      You and me both!! I used to be on this site constantly and so very motivated. Welp back to the drawing board!


    2. Sai


      Focus, refocus, focus = success. :)

  16. Had my 9 month follow up and have lost 92 pounds. Total weight loss 274. Dr is finally looking into excess skin removal surgeons in my area. Have 43 more pounds to lose before he will refer me to the plastic surgeon. HURRAY!

    1. her1981


      that's awesome!

    2. MIMISAN


      Great job, and I know you feel better, right?

    3. LisaMergs


      Nice work!!!!!

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  17. I love pickles but every time I eat one. I temporarily gain 2 lbs the next day. I need to find some tasty low sodium ones. It's not the weight that bothers me but more why does my body DO that? grrrr

    1. PorkChopExpress


      I had mild edema before surgery too, I would get swelling in my feet, ankles and calves quite a bit (especially after sitting for long periods of time). It has totally vanished, now. I think part of it was because I was chronically dehydrated due to all the Coke I was drinking, and probably other issues related to weight. But after dropping a bunch of weight, it has disappeared. So it may resolve itself over time. But yeah, salt just makes you swell up unless you also have enough potassium in your diet to help regulate the sodium intake, and potassium isn't something you can really supplement, it has to come primarily from food. Bananas and Broccoli! :)

    2. Sai


      Thanks ^^

    3. KristenLe


      I love pickles too! I bought pickle popsicles but haven't tried them yet.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  18. Everything except last NUT is done. HAVE to show a bit of a weight loss on Monday. Crossed Fingers.

  19. 3rd NUT Tues, Hope no more gain! 2nd re-injury after surgery in as many months & job affecting me. Maybe I won't be able to handle surgery either. :(

    1. LipstickLady


      Keep your chin up, chicky. Injuries suck but you can lose weight through diet alone if you make great choices.


      You can absolutely do this. If I can, anyone can.

  20. Halfway through a month long squat challenge to make up for all the weight that is coming out of my butt. Got to keep it round!

    1. OKCPirate
    2. Candygyrl


      lol! I probably should've started this... RIP to my ass! Hope it helps!

    3. higher


      Nah it's this one: http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/30-Day-Squat-Challenge-30806625

      And yeah, I think it's working. I'm pretty vain and have been taking lots of photos lol. Also got confirmation from an outside source lmao.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  21. Have definitely stalled. Not worried about the weight, but I know I need to get my protein and calories up a bit from what I've been managing.

    1. Christinamo7


      what is your favorite protein snack?

    2. theantichick


      So far hummus or cheddar cheese.

  22. GAINED 5 lbs since my 1st Nut Appointment. WTF. Going back to work (SPED teacher) & still recovering from ACL surgery doesn't help a damn bit..

  23. how do I change my current weight?

    1. trekker954


      I click on my name up top, then surgery and then progress I believe you can update your weight

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