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Found 17,501 results

  1. Pre-Op? In the First Month Post-Op? One-Three Months Post-Op? Three-Six Months Post Op? Just curious. Many people lose quite a bit on the pre-op diet a month or two, or more, before surgery. I would assume that the pre-op clear liquid diet would yield more of a loss, but some people have just as much quick loss on the clear liquids post-op, leading up to solid foods. Please chime in - thanks!
  2. hi everyone, need help first few weeks was great with weight loss after ESG (15lbs) but now I'm stuck! my body is toning well but no more weight is dropping off. i started eating more high protein foods, only drink water all throughout the day, peppermint tea in morning to soothe my stomach and acid reflux o yeah and take my vitamins. workout around 30mins-1hr a day. any advice??
  3. I was wondering if anyone else found themselves gaining weight during the preop process. My last appointment was a month ago and it’s been a stressful month for me and I stress ate. I have an appointment in a week and a half and I’m honestly pretty much crash dieting to try and be just what I was at my last appointment. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I didn’t realize how much I had gained and I’m glad I got on the scale. Uggh. (I know I need to learn some new coping skills going forward.) just wondering if anyone else gained during the pre op process. I’m disappointed in myself. I feel like I should have my head in the game but I had extended family members test positive for covid, my husband just put in his notice at work, I’m worried about so many things and it got the best of me and I stress ate. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think by the time of my appointment I’ll be the same (ish) as I was last time but I’m worried it will be embarrassing to go and not lose. Wondering if I’m not the only person who is having a hard time in this area. Thanks for listening.
  4. Just had a 6 week follow up with my surgeon. He advised to eat about 1,000 calories a day at this point as to not slow down weight loss. I’ve been averaging between 600-700. Since July 15 I’ve lost 30 pounds. Pre-2 week surgery diet I was 250. Surgery day weight was 241, now I’m 220 even. Seems slow. He told me that weight loss isn’t like a straight drop. And two weeks ago, I stalled for about 3 weeks. He advised to only weigh once a week. How is everyone else doing on calories and weight loss at about 6/7 weeks out? Just want to see how I’m doing. One thing I haven’t been doing is rigorous exercise…he said that would help too. Any advice is appreciated.
  5. Hey guys I had surgery March 3rd 2021. I am literally 2 days shy of 6 months and I am livid. I eat healthy, drink water all day, exercise everyday one hour and I didn’t hit my second weight loss goal and I doubt I will by my 6 month mark. I am 5’4 my pre surgery weight was 268 and I’m now 173. My overall goal is 145. I have hit several stalls month 4 and 5 not sure why. What are your stats and have you hit any stalls? When did your weightloss slow down what did you do to get the pounds back to dropping. My dr is happy with my weightloss but I am devastated by the slow process.
  6. jpnalls776@outlook.com

    Weight loss week 2

  7. I cannot figure out how to input my weight on my ticker please help. Thanks 

    1. jpnalls776@outlook.com
    2. jpnalls776@outlook.com


      I figured it out yay me.

    3. Dave In Houston

      Dave In Houston

      It took me a good while to figure out how to do this. It's not intuitive. In fact, it took me 10 minutes to remember how I did it just 2 days ago.

      Click your name in the upper right part of the screen.

      In the drop down box, choose "My surgery."

      Then under "Surgery Information toward the left side of the screen, choose "Progress."

      On the bottom of this screen, there's a selection called "Keep my weight private." Turn it off. (The default seems to be "On."

      I think that should do it.

  8. I am curious how those who have had the VSG surgery lost weight on the pre op diet vs what they are losing after the surgery. Is the rate of loss the same? Faster? Slower? Easier? Harder? I have lost 21 pounds in a little over 2 weeks pre surgery and if this continues I will meet my goal really quickly.
  9. Hi friends! I am 8th month after sleeve surgery and I am not really happy about how much weight I lose now :( what is normal to lose in the 8th month and up? I know we all different just want some advice please 🙏
  10. Hello all, My name is Jen. This is my first post and I hope to find some support within this community. I had my gastric sleeve procedure in July 2017 at 22 years old. I was 310 pounds before the two-week fast and was 291 pounds at the time of the surgery. After the surgery, I lost weight rapidly, I was down to 225 pounds by December of that same year. But then my weight loss decreased and for the past 2.5 years, I've been stuck at an average weight of 215 pounds. Since COVID started, I have actually gained weight and am now 235 lbs (not being able to go to the gym has sucked). At one point nearly 2 years after my surgery I had even gotten to 196 lbs, which was a 100-pound weight loss. I want to lose another 100 pounds to meet my goal weight range of 135-140 lbs, which would be a healthy weight for my height and build. But I need help. I have other factors that are making weight loss more difficult. I have PCOS which naturally makes weight loss difficult. I use birth control pills to help regulate the hormones that are affected by PCOS. I also have had bone and joint problems since I was a child. I've been trying to focus on my diet, but I must admit I have a giant sweet tooth and I am a picky eater. Pizza and candy are my banes. I'm also a graduate student who is under a ton of stress and has very limited personal time. This makes exercising and preparing meals difficult. Despite these complications, I don't eat out at all, nor do I order take-in. I have a treadmill that I walk or jog on for at least an hour each day, and I attend Zumba twice a weak (I'm not very good at it haha). I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic but I do have asthma. So, is anyone else in a similar situation that would like to build a little group? I've never had any weight loss support and I am hoping that by building a group, I can find more motivation and encouragement as I lose 100 more pounds. TLDR: 4 years since VSG surgery and I'm still not at goal weight, keep stalling or gaining weight. Need friends in similar situations for support, guidance, motivation, and encouragement.
  11. Just wondering what y'alls experience has been like with weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery. My surgeon said to expect a 50% weight loss of excess weight. My excess weight started at about 120lbs, which means i can only expect to lose 60 lbs of I trust what my surgeon said. That's disappointing. I'm curious as to what some of you have lost, that have had surgery 6 months ago or longer? Respectfully, Renee Z [emoji304][emoji160]
  12. Hello everyone. I'm new till this app but so far love what I'm seeing! I had gastric sleeve surgery on July 17th, just 1 month 3 days ago. My 1st two weeks was amazing regarding my weight loss! I lost 20 lbs! But after that I hit a platue that has lasted 2 weeks and I'd actually gained 2 lbs during that time. I got very discouraged because I was sticking to the recommended diet but couldn't get past the thought that maybe I was just someone who wasn't going to lose the weight. This past week though I began losing again, although it's been extremely slow and nothing compared to the 1st two weeks. I've lost 3 lbs in a week and a half. Although I'm eating right, I'll admit I'm not exercising. I'm sure that's a big part of it. I used to do yoga before gaining this 100 lbs a few years ago and tried the other day but still haven't lost enough weight for my mobility to be where it needs to be to do yoga without it hurting. So I guess for now I should start walking. I just hate this heat! So to avoid it I'll start getting up early in the morning, while it's still cool and before work. I will be honest though....the platue I experienced, and now this very slow weight loss has me very discouraged. At this point I figured I'd have lost enough for it to be dramatically noticeable to others, but that's just not the case. Sent from my LM-Q720 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Chelbears

    Weight gain

    I'm 2 1/2 month post op. I've lost a total of 36lbs since surgery day. I get frustrated and even little sad when I get on the scale and it's saying I just gained almost 5lbs in 3 days. How does that happen?
  14. Hi friends! I am brand new here and also in the process of WLS. My first appointment with my weight loss surgeon is on 9/1/21 to start the process! I am looking at the sleeve surgery since it seems the best from the research I have done. My concern is how much I can lose with the procedure's assistance. I know it's a tool, but I need to lose approx. 126lbs and from the calculators and estimators I have used online it says I would lose only about 70lbs with the sleeve or 85lbs with the bypass. These numbers seem really low compared to the results I see on the forums and other websites. I just wanted to know if anyone had more information on this? Is anyone similar to my stats who has lost more/less? Thank you in advance!
  15. Just curious since I've never had surgery of any kind. What happens at the pre op appointments with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist? Also, has anyone ever gained weight before surgery? I'm super nervous I'm not going to lose enough or that they will cancel my surgery. Which I find crazy because if I could lose weight on my own I wouldn't need the surgery..
  16. Anyone have breast lift and implants after weight loss surgery? Looking for someone who did and had high profile implants put in. Help.
  17. I had a revision for GERD/hiatal hernia repair/esophageal dysmotility 7/13. The goal with my revision was to continue maintaining my weight. I had been in maintenance for 7 months the day of my revision. I was 144 pounds the day of my revision. At two weeks post op my weight was down to 133. I met with my dietitian who gave me a goal of 600-800 calories a day initially and to work towards getting back to 1200. She gave me meal plans for puree and soft foods Week 3 I had gained back to 137. I was alarmed but thought maybe the initial weight loss was just water weight and it would even out. However it didn't stop. Week 4 I was back up to 139 and this week (week 5) 141. My fear is that if this continues i will be heavier than the day of my revision. I am not constipated and am having regular bowel movements thanks to miralax. I asked in a revision "support" group on Facebook but got mostly blame filled posts telling me to go back to my dietitian and that I must be eating too much or ridiculous suggestions to ask my doctor for phentermine. I am diligent about weighing and measuring food and tracking what I eat. I was successfully maintaining my weight post sleeve so it is infuriating to be gaining weight while eating less. I am still struggling with esophageal dysmotility and vomiting due to that. I can't get over 800 calories a day because of it and am weak and tired. I did see my gastroenterologist this week and was told I need a esophageal manometry done but we have to wait until I am fully healed from the bypass. I am still eating soft foods. I have a follow up with my surgeon next week. I want to add that I am not interested in losing more weight. I can't physically eat more and I do not buy into the idea that eating too little would cause weight gain. I just want to maintain my weight. I am really trying to eat as much as my dietitian has suggested but it's hard.
  18. Hi all, Ill be having the sleeve done later this year. Ive had my first appointment with the surgeon i want to go with, it was just with the nurse that time. I did tell her my private health insurance reaches that one year mark in the middle of October and with my sons birthday a few days later I'd be wanting the surgery to be around early November just so I'm not on the pre op diet on his birthday(a kid only turns 10 once!). They gave me my next appointments to be 19th October which is after that one year mark. Its with the dietitian and the surgeon. So im just wondering what the timeline is like with these appointments?? Im based in Sydney Australia. Would i start the pre op the day after that appointment? Are there other appointments i need to attend? Im really hoping for that first week or 2 of november to be the surgery date and just feel like the appointments that were made would push my surgery to late november or even december!
  19. Anyone out 11 months from bypass? What is your weight loss amount? Mine is 102 from surgery, 132 total. I'm far behind. My biggest problem is drinking my calories. Tired if water, but get so dehydrated.
  20. Anyone have tips on speeding up weight loss? I'm 4 months out and have only lost 2 pounds in last 2 months. I get my minimum protein and water in. I walk more than pre op, do YouTube exercise videos a few times per week. Calories are 600-800 per day. I don't get what I'm doing wrong. Help? Sent from my moto g play (2021) using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I don't know why, but suddenly, since I made the decision to pursue VSG, weight loss is becoming easier. I haven't changed my diet too much, I don't think—I still eat a variety of food—but yesterday I put on a smaller size jeans and they buttoned with no tugging, and today at the gym I had to cinch my weight belt in another notch before doing strict presses. Reduction in stress corresponding to a reduction in cortisol? Unconsciously starting to wind down my overconsumption? Psychosomatic? Sleeping better? My body anxious to "repair" itself? I don't know which of those it is, but I'm not going to complain about it!
  22. I had a gastric sleeve on Tuesday, August 3. Have felt tired and drained since. Today was the first day I have weighed since surgery. I have gained 2 pounds since surgery. I am following the post op diet to the letter. Has this happened to anyone else?
  23. So it’s been one year! my weight before surgery (August 2020) was 330 lbs! my weight today is 170 lbs. I really want to inspire people as much as I can.. I want my journey to show you that you can do it no matter what. I’m much healthier now and I feel like I own the world, my life has completely changed, I don’t have sleep apnea anymore, I’m back to being the energetic kid I used to be, no more sleeping 24/7, and I can finally drive! ( I never had the chance to due to severe sleep apnea) I couldn’t ride roller coasters before duo to my weight, and I’ve waited in line just to discover that I don’t fit into seats many times. But now, I can fit in every single ride and I just feel so happy, I feel.. alive! Before pics and after pics included ❤️ Hope this inspires someone!!

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