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Found 17,501 results

  1. Love&Light

    Berberine, PCOS, and RNY?

    I know this thread is a few years old but I thought I would ask how it went @dolphinkrazy22 I am 1.5 years post op. I had a VSG. I regained 10 pounds recently because I wasn’t as vigilant with my post op routine as I was right after surgery. I recently purchased Berberine and will be starting it tomorrow. I have a solid workout routine and have been consistent with strength training. I am hoping the Berberine will help with inflammation, performance, and weight loss. Let’s see how it goes.
  2. OH YES! I am still pre-op and I HAVE to be at the goal weight the surgeon gave me of 275 on my surgery date, so I gotta make sure I stay in check! I went back to tracking, eating proteins first and doing my 30min of activity 3x a week. It came back off but I still have 19 more days till surgery day!
  3. Meisha

    November 2023 buddies

    I'm in the same boat! I've been yo-yoing between the same 3 pounds for a week now. Juuuuuuust enough to not feel its necessary to call the dietician. Ugh. I've lost 33.4 since surgery, 41 total if you include the 8 pounds I lost before surgery. QUESTION: When people ask, do you tell them how much you've lost since surgery or how much you've lost overall? I don't want to give anyone a false impression that I've lost 41 pounds since surgery, but do they really care that I lost 8 pounds before surgery? I need to add more movement to my daily routine. I'm averaging about 2000 steps per day thanks to my need-replacing knees and I tried a chair aerobic workout this week. Clearly it was NOT a beginner video. I was sucking wind at 2 minutes into it - and it was only 10 minutes long! I had to stop at 4 minutes in. It was disheartening, but I won't be deterred. @ChunkCat & @NickelChip - Y'all are my people! Sarcasm is my love language.
  4. AmberFL

    My Story (Pre-Surgery)

    Happy to have you!!! I have been overweight most of my life, my first diet was at 12 with Weight Watchers because mom kept telling me that If I lost 20lbs I would be so pretty (it was never about health). My dad would tell me that I would never have a boyfriend because I was fat or I would struggle with acceptance because of my weight. I did not have my first relationship until I was 20 because of my self poor image ( I was about 240lbs at this point). Ended up marrying him and he was the most emotionally, verbally, sexually, physically and mentally abusive human being. We moved across the country and that's when the abuse got worse. He would degrade me and tell me no on would want me because I was disgusting and he had to imagine other women while we were intimate. We ended up having a daughter together and she was the best thing that's ever happened to me, but after 10 long years I left with my daughter when she was 18months! When I finally left I was 325lbs. Since then It opened me to a whole new world opened up for me and my daughter. I was able to focus on just us and my health was something that I needed to control- I started working out, eating right and got down to 240lbs met the love of my life and now I have happy weight. He is the best thing that has every happened to my daughter and I. Her bio-dad is not in her life, and we ended up having a son together and I shot back up to 297lbs. After some health scares with my family I decided WLS is the way to go!! I am set to have the Sleeve on the 24th!
  5. Hello all. I'm 11 years out from my bypass and lost 150 lbs. I maintained 135 pounds surgeon wanted 125) up until COVID where I gained 10 pounds. I was able to get an overstitch last November and dropped back down. In the past 2 months I've gained 6 pounds and I am unable to figure out what's different now. I'm holding steady, but the body contouring is on hold until I get back down. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Thank you.
  6. Bypass2Freedom

    Do you have a piercing?

    Hey lovely! So I have the following piercings, I will rate them by my personal pain & healing process!: Philtrum - this one was quite a painful facial piercing. Around 8/10. The healing was a little rough, lots of swelling. But by far one of my favourite piercings. Septum - honestly minimal pain on this one! 2/10 when getting it pierced. Healing was a breeze too. I forgot it was there haha! Labret - this one was probably 3/10, healing was quick and quite painless too Conch - pain was more so a 4/10, healing was longer as it is through cartilage but as long as I didn't sleep on my ear it was fine! Tragus - pain again was around a 4/10, but the healing process was a bit fussy. Sometimes flares up with pain if I sleep on it. Venom (double tongue piercing) - this was about a 7/10 getting pierced, but my god, the healing process was awful. I really do not recommend getting this one if you have not had any other piercings before! The healing was a long process, and I couldn't eat anything more than fluids & puree's for weeks until the swelling and pain had gone. It was a lot of pain. But, with all that being said, it is my most favourite piercing out of them all! All I would say is that you should research the piercer you are planning to see, look at reviews and make sure you have a consultation with them if they offer it to see which piercings may work for your anatomy Piercers should use implant grade titanium, preferably internally threaded jewellery But genuinely go for it! I love my piercings and they are such a fun way to express yourself!
  7. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Yea I am at week two going on week three i misunderstood my diet and was eating soft foods a week early lol but I do find it hard to swallow the most annoying part is not being able to drink water comfortably really anything ive tried hot drinks and for some reason its better for me to take warm drinks. I got sugar free hot cocoa bc its been cold so far so good also caffeine free spearmint tea has been great. I’m down 16 lbs so far im hoping for a good 10/12 lbs moving forward per month but we shall see! I’m going to start my walking routine tomorrow and im excited for that. Happy loosing 🥰
  8. Hello All, Long time a member but have been away a long time. I was banded in April 2012 at 488lbs. My lowest weight attained was 170. I have since over the years climbed back up to 328. Monday, Jan 8th I am scheduled for a conversion to bypass. Removing my band as well as my gallbladder. Any advice would be appreciated. It's been 10 years. I imagine somethings have changed while some haven't. I know it's a tool. I know the weight doesn't fall off overnight. The band saved my life. I hope bypass gets me back on track. Thanks, Jim.
  9. My highest recorded weight was 341 pounds, but I lost about 70 pounds before surgery. I'm almost 3.5 years out and I'm in the mid-130s now. I didn't expect to lose this much; I wasn't really hung up on a specific number, but I think my original goal weight (based on average WLS data) was about 180. It was initially fairly easy to lose weight after surgery (the "honeymoon period" when my restriction was very strong and my hunger was almost nonexistent), but it took a lot of effort to get to where I am and maintain it. I've completely changed my diet and eating habits and I work out a lot (at least 90 minutes every day). A lot of my life revolves around diet and exercise to maintain my weight, but I still enjoy food and eating at least as much as before, and I have discovered a love for a lot of healthy foods. After losing over 200 pounds, I do have excess skin, and I don't currently have any plans to have plastic surgery. I have a flabby belly and sagging thighs. I have a little arm flab but not as bad as I expected. My butt and chest are quite deflated. I'm never going to have a bikini-ready body and I accept that. A shaping cami works wonders to hold in the belly, and flattering clothing can hide the rest well enough that no one would guess that I used to weigh more than twice as much. I care much more about the non-scale victories than the number on the scale, and for someone who started at a super morbidly obese weight, getting to my current size is a whole new world. My health has improved in so many ways -- my blood pressure is normal, lipid panel is good, and my doctor undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. I used to have a hard time finding clothing in my size, as I was too big for even "plus size" clothing at some stores (I used to wear size 26/28), and now I can find my size almost anywhere (I am now size 6/8 or medium/large). I used to struggle to walk short distances or a couple of flights of stairs, and now I can walk miles without breaking a sweat and glide up 10 flights of stairs without stopping. It's amazing how much easier it is to get around when I'm not carrying the weight of a whole extra person. I used to be hyper-aware of people judging me for my weight, and I dreaded meeting people face to face, knowing that they would think less of me when they saw my size. It is hard to describe the emotional burden that has been lifted by not having to worry about people making negative assumptions about me based on my weight. I have not had any direct complications from the surgery, but because of the rapid weight loss, I developed bradycardia (slow heart rate) and had to get a pacemaker. That's been rough, but overall, I am far better off having had the surgery and losing the weight.
  10. Juree9281

    January Surgery Buddies

    @Bluebell_1980 I have been on a liver-shrinking diet since December 19—no sugar or starchy foods, no carbs—fat-free. I'll start a clear liquid diet on January 3 and 4, then have surgery on January 5. I already did my pre-op labs, and the labs look really good—no more fatty liver.
  11. I started at 373 lbs. Two years later, I was down to 138. I had the expected "bounce back" regain in year 3 (unfortunately, I went over the expected "bounce back" weight of 10-20 lbs - but then, I'd lost a crap ton of weight - more than a lot of people) as GreaterFood said, 65% loss of excess weight is average, but as with any average, there are lots of people who fall above or below that. It all depends on how compliant you are with your plan, and your motivation. I was more than ready to get rid of that weight once and for all. I didn't originally set a goal of a normal BMI; I told my surgeon that I wanted to get to 200 lbs, which at the time seemed like a pipe dream - but I blew through that. I switched goals a couple more times, the last one being a normal BMI. I was told that was a bit unrealistic as only about 10-15% of their patients manage to get there, but I made it (and btw, that 10-15% stat is backed up by some of the research articles I read, too). but even if I'd only made it 200 lbs, I would have been overjoyed. I looked 100% better at that weight than I did at 373, of course - my health was much better, and I could finally do all the things I wanted to do but couldn't while I was super morbidly obese. life is absolutely terrific. I wish I had done this YEARS ago - and I would go back and have it done every year if I had to. I never dreamed I could be at this weight and I am really enjoying my life as a "normal" person again!! excess skin - I had a ton of it, but it was easy to hide in clothes. However, I eventually had it removed because I hated looking at it. But I'll attach a picture of me from BEFORE I had plastic surgery. You'd never know by looking at the pictures that my torso, especially, looked like a Sharpei puppy, but it did. Other than the scars, I have a normal-looking body now.
  12. As the title suggest, I'm having what I assume is very severe gas pain. After dinner last night I started getting gas pain around my sternum/pouch area. I thought it would resolve after some chore and sleep but it persisted and even woke me up at night. It continues to persist, I've tried walking, massaging the area, etc. Unfortunately I work 22 miles from home in a rural area that has no stores where I can buy some gas x but as soon as I get back to town that is my first stop. Has anyone else experienced this? What do you do to relieve the pain? I've never had such bad gas pains!
  13. GiGi 1970

    I need help

    Gastric bypass 2 years ago. I've gained 10 pounds the last 2 months. It won't stop. Please help! I need to start over and don't know how. I never lost enough weight. I got down to 182. Now I'm 192.. How do I start over. All advice welcome Please Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. GiGi 1970

    I need help

    Gastric bypass 2 years ago. I've gained 10 pounds the last 2 months. It won't stop. Please help! I need to start over and don't know how. I never lost enough weight. I got down to 182. Now I'm 192.. How do I start over. All advice welcome Please Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Allen Grateful

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    SADI surgery coming Jan 10!
  16. catwoman7

    Gaining after 3 yrs

    it's actually very common to have a rebound gain of 10-20 lbs during year 3. There was a dietitian once on Unjury's online support group who said in her clinic, they don't even consider anything less that 15% of the person's lowest weight to be a regain (so in your case, they wouldn't consider anything under a 21.6 lb gain as "regain" - it's just more-or-less expected). Granted, you're up more than that, but only by about 10 lbs. You can always lose weight again by getting back on track. If it's really tough to do that (and it can be..), maybe just make one or two small changes at a time until they become a habit. Start with something not super challenging - like logging your food intake - or taking a walk 3x a week. Or whatever...just anything that seems achievable. It all adds up in the end... A lot of people have dealt with this, so you're definitely not alone.
  17. Allen Grateful

    Similar Weight Height Men 6' 267 Starting weight?

    Hello, How is your wls journey going? I'm similar to you in that I'm 5 11.5 tall and around 265 pounds. My surgery date is Jan 10, 2024 and scheduled for the SADI. However, I may go with the sleeve because I don't want to lose too much weight. Goal is to stay around 190 pounds.
  18. Allen Grateful

    No forum for SADI patients?

    Hello all, this is my first post on this forum. I'm scheduled for the SADI on Jan 10, 2024, and have mixed emotions. My weight now is 270 lbs (BMI is 36.5) and I'm 5 ft 11.5 inches tall. I'm somewhat concerned about losing too much weight and looking anorexic as well. My goal weight is around 190 lbs. I still have time to decide between the SADI or the gastric sleeve. Reading some of these posts may help decide which direction to go.
  19. I initially had VSG in 2017 and was revised to RNY in 2019. I have no horror stories. Some mild but utterly manageable complications early on but nothing that has made me regret life post RNY compared to VSG. Honestly to me it feels exactly the same and I have lived with the change long enough to make the comparison. In the early stages post revision, I needed to relearn and change some things but after that it’s been smooth. I deal with dumping syndrome (but I did with VSG also) so I know what to stay away from and it has eliminated 95% of the possibility of it happening. As always, your experience may differ in any number of ways but IMHO the people who struggle the most with revisions are the ones who either have very serious physical complications or those who didn’t want to be revised at all (this is more mental than physical). I hope you choose the best path forward that you are comfortable with. Keep us updated ❤️
  20. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hey loves! I had my surgery 12.18 I’m about a week and half post op now. I have my follow up appointment today although they literally wanted me in there the day after I was discharged I was in no condition to go so I had to reschedule. Anesthesia hits me really hard every time so I was out for the first two days for the most part. My surgery experience was pretty good they found and fixed a hernia that was interesting to hear. I started out at 240 and im down 10 lbs now but for this week im been bouncing back from 229 to 230 :-/ I have been following the diet the doctors recommended if anything im not able to eat all they recommended per meal. I have experienced being backed up so would recommend anyone who hasn’t had their surgery yet to have miralax ready. Overall I’m fine I haven’t had any vomiting or anything else weird happen. I do feel a little frustrated bc last week I was dropping a lb a day. But my doctor said to introduce purée food this week so I’m assuming that has to do with the hold up🤷‍♀️. I have been walking daily and last night pulled out my workout bike so I will see what happens next. Sending you all prayers and congratulations to those who’ve had and are yet to get their surgery. I heard of the 3 week stall but I feel like I’m already there on week 2 :-/! Anyone else dealing with that? Is 10 lbs good? I’m 5’4 and started at 240 when I began my journey to get this surgery I was 234. In a week and a half I’m down 10lbs.
  21. Bruce Dragon

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hi all. New here. Had my surgery on 12/18/23: DS/BPD. Spent a single night in the hospital, with discharge ~1pm the following day. Apparently I'm having a somewhat rare complication, which is severe hiccups. By severe I mean where the diaphragm spasms and holds for 10 seconds, during which you cannot breathe. Fortunately, this hasn't happened more than once per day, and today I got a scrip for a drug called Reglan which should moderate the hiccups until whatever is irritating my diaphragm heals itself. Aside from that, the weight is dropping off rapidly. Lost 11 lbs on the 2 week pre-surgery 1K cal/day diet, and am losing since surgery an average of 2.3 lbs / day, which is mind blowing. Cheers, Bruce
  22. Aaron2000

    Pre-op Liquid diet

    Scheduled for surgery 1/10/24. I was told my Dr’s office that I will only need to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours before surgery. I’ve always heard that it’s a week or 10 days. Wondering if anyone has ever heard this?
  23. Aaron2000

    Day 1 pre op diet

    Scheduled for surgery 1/10/24. I was told my Dr’s office that I will only need to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours before surgery. I’ve always heard that it’s a week or 10 days. Wondering if anyone has ever heard this?
  24. Aaron2000

    Day 1 pre op diet

    Scheduled for surgery 1/10/24. I was told my Dr’s office that I will only need to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours before surgery. I’ve always heard that it’s a week or 10 days. Wondering if anyone has ever heard this?
  25. CarolineLittle

    7 Months Post Op Normalities?

    I was sleeved 10 May, all good here, no issues. I've been lucky enough to lose every week, apart from a 10 day plateau 2 weeks after surgery. I put my success down to tracking daily and hitting my protein goal consistently. I eat really well for the most part too apart from an occasional treat. I eat carbs, I'm learning to accept that carbs aren't the devil. I don't eat bread itself much, but enjoy low carb wraps daily. Also been having a muktigrain muffin every day with peanut butter. It's 20 carbs, not terrible IMHO. I include brown rice, pasta, potato, protein is the focus of course. Of a meal carbs might make up a quarter for example. My carbs average around a hundred a day, give or take. I'm a vegetarian so the bulk of it comes from legumes and vegetables, also fruit which I eat daily.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
