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Found 1,239 results

  1. Joann454


    I'm sorry you're discouraged. It's SO COMMON tho. Honestly. I had the famous three week stall. Make sure you're drinking all your water and let your body heal. This first month is about healing. It WILL come off. Are you tracking your protein and water ?
  2. catwoman7

    23 Days After Sleeve

    I was going to say the same thing - it sounds like the infamous "three week stall" (most of us have our first major stall within the first month or so after surgery - it's usually the third week (hence the name), but not always. Sometimes it's the second or fourth week (and occasionally even a little later). The best thing to do is make sure you're following your plan to a "T", and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks, although occasionally they'll last a little longer. But it WILL break as long as you stick to your plan. as far as exercising, you might want to check with your clinic for their recommendations. I was allowed to walk (and ENCOURAGED to walk) right away. I was cleared to do most other exercise ( other than weights) at about a month out. I was able to do weights at eight weeks out, I think.
  3. WASunshinegal

    Any December 30th Sleevers ?!

    Alrighty. It's been 4 days without seeing much change on the scale. I've stalked the bulletin boards enough to have read about the mysterious 3 week stall but didn't expect it at 2.... At first I thought it was because things weren't moving through and miralax and prune juice assured me that wasn't the problem. I started looking for more "sciency" reasons other than some magic weight loss elf taking the 3rd week off. This is the best sciency reason I could find. I found this http://bariatricfacts.org/threads/the-three-week-stall.743/ - A nice lady named Diana Cox wrote that: A "stall" at this point is inevitable, and here is why. Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet. As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a sabertooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored.
  4. catwoman7

    Question on "3 week stall"

    yes - they can be that long. My "three week stall" lasted for two weeks - but I have a friend whose lasted for 3.5 weeks!
  5. I have definitely been in a three week stall before. In June I tried to increase the intensity of my workouts and redesign my diet. It's been helping.
  6. catwoman7

    4 weeks out and scale isn't budging

    yep. It's the infamous "three week stall". Most of us experience it. Just stick to your food plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks.
  7. My HW before pre-op diet was 282. I'm now down to 199 in eight months. I'm pear-shape and carry my weight in my legs (I have a circulatory condition) and my butt, which I think is harder to lose than apple-shaped, stomach/bust weight, but even though I'm slower than some on this list, the losses have been steady and my eating is at a very sustainable pace. I don't feel that I'm dieting or that I'm deprived. With the help of Mr. Sleeve, I perceive myself as eating like a "normal" person - I eat, get full, and stop eating. Before surgery, I never got full unless it was Thanksgiving dinner! Unlike some others on this list, I don't have any forbidden foods. I eat out at restaurants often due to the nature of my work but choose lean Proteins and only eat half portions. I even eat dessert sometimes - eating one cookie can satisfy me now rather than 6 (or 12?) Cookies. The first two weeks are by far the hardest. The three week stall is hard too. But after that, I hope it is as smooth for you as it's been for me.
  8. lynetta

    The Slow Losers Thread

    Great post! I'm at week 4 and have not lost at all this week. I've been getting about 60- 70 grams of protein in a day, but I'll try for 80 to see if it helps. Before this week, I was loosing 1-2 lbs a day, so when it stopped and one day I gained 2 lbs, I couldn't believe it! I know I shouldn't weigh every morning, but I can't help it. I'm so excited and anxious too see the fat melt away. I guess I just had high expectations and am impatient. Lol. Anyways thanks for the tips and protein suggestions. Also, thanks everyone for all your posts and advice. Oh and I've heard of a three week stall... Has anyone else heard or experienced this? I hope it doesn't last too much longer (I can't help my impatience!)
  9. Hello everyone . I am going through the three week stall and it is the puts. My surgery was on June 11th this year and so far I've lost 20 lbs so far. Now I'm non my fourth week and I hope it gets better. I'm still taking my vitamins and calcium . I'm also in taking my protein shakes, at least 40-50 grams. Since I've been back to work, it's really hard to find a eating balance schedule, but I do the best I can. I need to know is will the stalling pass soon? Please help!!!
  10. @2goldengirl I was walking 12-14K steps a day while still in the Hospital. At my two week check in, my Doctor wanted to know what I was up to, and I told him I had stepped back, slowed down, and he admonished me, he told me to get out and get pushing! He'll be thrilled I have increased my walk, and it's really just that, a long walk. I drink 32oz of Water while doing it and wear a long, tight undershirt that holds my fat in place, so I am not jiggling. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it though, but the more I read it sounds like the dreaded three week stall, and there is not a lot I can do about it, except keep at it.
  11. marywithoutsound

    An English Sleever's Journey

    One week post op so I jumped on the scales out of curiosity...from a high of around 238lb before I began my pre-op, I am down to 212lb today. I know a lot of that will be water weigh and I am heading towards my three week stall, but I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself!
  12. TrialAtty

    June Sleevers!

    Sleeved on June 2. Dropped a quick 30, then hit the three week stall. I think I've punched through it by some heavy cardio and gym work, so now Im down about 35 in less than a month.
  13. MissB1982


    Hitting the beginning of week 3/ending week 2. I am on pureed now and it felt like heaven to have some real Food no matter how disgusting it looks. I had had it with cream soups and protein shakes, it just made me nauseous. I really struggle to get in that one protein shake and I try to get the rest of my protein in with food. I'm eating maybe 1/4 cup sometimes to 1/2 cup sometimes at a time. I eat slowly, but I definitely feel like I feel hungry at times. Maybe it's head hunger. I eat three times a day but I read in the beginning you should eat four to six meals a day because you're only getting in 1/4 to 1/2 a cup each time but I'm not there yet . I'm probably going to hit the three week stall soon so I'm not even going to get on the scale, it's no big deal to me. I know I'm losing by my clothes. They are hanging off of me. Last I weighed I was 248 about a fifteen pound loss from surgery date. Getting in 60+ protein most days and close to 50 ounces of water. I didn't get any rest after surgery. I'm a single mother and I had no help so immediately I was cleaning and cooking. I wish I could have rested but I must say I think it sped up my recovery and kept me active because my energy is pretty good now and I rarely have dizzy spells except sometimes at night which could be low sugar, low pressure, or hot bouts. Immediately after surgery I was hit with hot flashes and bad night sweats so I keep water and g2 by my bed at night. It's hard but no regrets!
  14. I'm glad to see this post. I'm in the middle of my three week stall myself. I lost 40 pounds the first two weeks post-op then it's stayed there for the past few days.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    My sleeve was March 9th and my weight loss has stalled as well. Several people on here say that the three week stall seems to be a common thing. We can hang in there together.
  16. Look up the "three week stall" You sound like you are in it. Most have this stall at around 3 weeks.
  17. Bufflehead

    Someone please answer!

    --there is no average, there's only what's right for you. As long as you are following your plan faithfully, don't worry about how fast you are losing or how fast other people are losing. I think you are doing great. --you have hit the "three week stall." Not everyone hits it, but close. Yes, your weight loss will pick up again as long as you are following a good program and not doing something like making your protein shakes with peanut butter and ice cream. --what are you eating? How much you can eat will vary depending on what you are eating. I am concerned that you are eating "way more" than four ounces of anything, though. Are you supposed to be eating that much? That's a bit different from most typical post-op plans that I have seen. Drinking more than four ounces, yes, eating more, that seems weird, unless you are eating high-carb slider foods like oatmeal or mashed potatoes.
  18. RunningA5K

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    I wish there was an exact science...but it will happen randomly throughout your weight loss journey. My good friend who had her sleeve done back in February' said she had her first stall at 5 weeks. I think it just happens when your body says 'what the Sam heck did you do to me?!?'' Typically I have read about a three week stall, but no worries Britt....just stick to the plan and you'll break the stall!
  19. yep - it's the infamous three-week stall that you've probably read a lot about on here. It happens to almost everybody (it's not always the third week - although that's the most common time - but some people have it the second week and some the fifth week - it varies). Just stick to your plan and it'll eventually break. Mine lasted two weeks (stalls are usually 1-3 weeks long). Stay off the scale for a few days if you have to
  20. vikingbeast


    This sounds like the infamous "three week stall"—there are thousands and thousands and thousands of posts here about it. Just stay the course and the weight loss will resume!
  21. jaidajacoby2

    December Sleevers??

    I am in the same boat...three week stall....I have lost 36 pounds all togher and 23lbs since surgery! I am still not comfortable eating tuna, chicken, or any meats yet but doing well on chicken salad, tuna salad, and beans. Egg salad sounds good, will have to try that as well. I have not been able to get all of my protein in so I ordered some liquid protein since i have trouble with trying to eat and get enough in. Good luck!
  22. 4ALongerLife

    Stopped Lossing Lbs

    Do what your dr. says and it WILL come off. There is a common "three week" stall that is so true. You will have many more stalls. Do not live by the scale. Weigh once a week, two times if you are ocd about it. Try to limit that (I'm preaching to myself ok?). But do what you are told - watch protein, get your water in, exercise whenever you dr. gives you the green light (I think not yet for you, but IDK 100% to be honest). It'll happen. Watch!
  23. terravue

    All of my December sleevers...

    I have been on a three week stall as well, could the folks who are getting out of it post how many calories and protein they are getting a day? I just upped mine a bit , program has me on 300 cal. And 30 grams of protein on average. Walk everyday. Not supposed to have shakes or snacks with my 1/4 cup meals 3x a day. Think it should be more.
  24. hepktty

    All of my December sleevers...

    @popsicle: I was sleeved dec. 27, surgery weight 242 now I'm 215. I just got off a three week stall. It comes off as needed. Once the body adjusts to the new eating habits the pounds drop. Don't be discouraged. Keep it up!
  25. Ello everyone! I finally kicked the scale to the curb today. I entered the three-week stall and just have been getting frustrated, so I'm now only weighing weekly instead! I should have known this stall was coming because there was a lot of hormones in my body because of my period! Hopefully this stall ends soooon, it's a little frustrating.

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