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Found 1,239 results

  1. 4ALongerLife

    Stopped Lossing Lbs

    Do what your dr. says and it WILL come off. There is a common "three week" stall that is so true. You will have many more stalls. Do not live by the scale. Weigh once a week, two times if you are ocd about it. Try to limit that (I'm preaching to myself ok?). But do what you are told - watch protein, get your water in, exercise whenever you dr. gives you the green light (I think not yet for you, but IDK 100% to be honest). It'll happen. Watch!
  2. Mickie0130

    3 weeks out and weight gain

    Could definitely have hit the three week stall. But I'm curious how much protein are you eating a day? Should be between 60-90 grams. Your fluid intake isn't bad. My nut said you have to work up to the 64 ounces a day and she was right. Also how many calories are you eating a day? Do you journal? I HIGHLY recommend it! I do soooo much better hitting my goals when I journal. I suggest you stay away from the scale for two weeks, concentrate on getting your protein and fluids in and see how you do. I stalled at three weeks for two weeks and then i started dropping weight off rapidly. Best of luck to you! [emoji4]
  3. summerseeker

    A newbie 17 days post op

    Hello and welcome in the forum, its great to have peoples from other countries who contribute and share their journeys and knowledge. I didn't know anyone who had this surgery either, so this forum was super helpful. In the months waiting my surgery I read thousands of back pages. You are at a really difficult place in your journey. Everything is hard to learn, eating and drinking are difficult. Lots of people find it hard to drink the shakes, I just drank milk with dried milk powder in to boost the protein or milk with peanut butter and fruit. You just have to wait until you can have real food again. We have all been there, it sucks. There are still foods that are off my menu, mainly chicken and the very preloved cooked salmon. I hope that I can eat them one day but its still a small price to pay for my weight loss and getting my life back. I wouldn't change a thing You may get a stall in your weight loss soon. If you want to read up on it, put three week stall in the header. There are thousands of posts. It saves a lot of anguish and asking yourself 'What am I doing wrong' Just take it day by day and trust the process. Go back and ask your team if they have any info that will help you just now with food and drink choices and make sure you have enough medication for the nausea. Good luck in your journey
  4. fruitandveggies

    2 weeks no weight loss

    I had a three week stall right at four weeks out, like you. I even gained five pounds! I honestly started losing once I started eating a little bit more. I'm about 4 months out and I'm having a stall too. Really is interesting how we can have such a large caloric deficit but not lose weight every week. This will pass! We just need to keep on doing the right things.
  5. I am beginning the fourth week of my three week stall. I am six weeks post op, and while I know the stall will eventually break, it is really discouraging while it's going on. It's helpful to read about other people's experiences, and to know I'm not doing anything wrong - it's my body fighting back....I mean, adjusting. 🙂
  6. blizair09

    Compulsive weighing

    @@Dashofpixiedust8 I weigh every morning, and I record my weight every Monday (a habit I started during my six-month pre-op diet). I am also data driven, and it would drive me more crazy to not know where I was than it does when my body acts all weird. I won't lie, the "three week stall" about broke me, but I finally broke free of that, and the past week or so, I have been in a bit of a free fall again. I know that won't last forever, and that the ebbs and flows will go on, but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts for now. I agree with @@theantichick, if it doesn't stress you out, weigh all you want!
  7. Renee, How close are you to TOM? Lots of ladies notice a couple of pound increase just before because we are retaining Water, then most see a loss immediately afterwards. That three week stall is a booger, isn't it!? I was so worried about mine, but just kept doing the water, doing the Protein, and then I had a big drop, 4 or 5 pounds, IIRC. I hit another one at the end of my 2nd month/beginning of the 3rd month, so I upped my walking and gained a pound. My regular doc told me that I wouldn't lose until I backed off the walking for a few days. I rolled my eyes when he told me that muscle weighs more than fat, but he's right. And, during that second stall, I lost inches in a hurry! That's when I dropped the second pants size, so always check your measurements when you stall on the scale. Also, always look for those NSV's (non scale victories). I've had tons of them lately and I make sure to keep my eyes open for them. Something as simple as being able to slide into a booth in a restaurant will thrill me, although I might not say anything to my dining companions. I was thrilled to be able to buy a belt...and then it was too big the first time I wore it! I had to adjust my car seat because I not longer need to sit way to one side so that the seat belt latch doesn't dig into my tush. Those are all somewhat silly, but they are the things that make me go YEAH! Good luck to you all!
  8. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    three-week stall. If you search this site, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your plan, stay off the scale for a few days, and it'll eventually break (lasts 1-3 weeks, usually) and you'll be on your way again.
  9. Look up the "three week stall" You sound like you are in it. Most have this stall at around 3 weeks.
  10. You are just experiencing the "three week stall" that everyone goes through. Your body just went through a traumatic surgery and is concentrating more on healing at the moment than anything else. Your job right now is to meet your protein and water goals, and to work through your food stages. This isn't the most fun time in the journey, but it is an important time. You will feel better and better as the days and weeks go by. When you are hungry, have a protein shake (or part of a protein shake). That always helped me. Good luck!
  11. I think this is the dreaded three week stall. I just try to remember that my body need this time to adjust, it helps me not to fixate on the scale. Trying to up my water, and I walk 40-60 mins a day. So far I had to loose 10lbs. pre-op, lost 15 on liquid pre-op, and 19 since surgery on 2/24. The scale has been stalled for a while now, but I have never lost 44lbs this quickly.
  12. I had my surgery on February 11th. I am doing great. Haven't found anything that doesn't agree so far. (Fingers crossed) I have hit a three week stall praying that stops sometime soon. I'm doing a mile on the elliptical and a mile on the treadmill 3-4 nights a week. So excited for what the future holds for all of us!!!! Surgery weight: 263 Present weight:235 Total loss:28 pounds
  13. catwoman7

    3 week stall Gastric Sleeve

    I saved you some time and did a search on this site for the "three week stall" (I think you're just experiencing this a little early, as some do. Mine was weeks 2 &3). 17,501 posts on this as of today. This happens to almost all of us and we see at least a couple of posts a week on this. Bariatric clinics REALLY need to mention this phenomenon to their patients because it's almost certainly going to happen, and everyone freaks out about it (unless they're aware of it beforehand). Here are the 17,501 posts: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall re: the four lbs - as long as you're gradually trending down - and you will have occasional stalls along the way where you won't lose for 1-3 weeks - you're good. There's not much you can do about your rate of weight loss other than follow your surgeon's plan. Other things that factor into this - like genetics - you don't have much (if any) control over, but you DO have control over how closely you stick to the plan. If you're committed, the weight WILL come off, whether fast or slow. I was behind the curve the entire journey, yet I lost all of my excess weight.
  14. bratvp63

    March Roll Call!

    Checking in....still having no issues at all from surgery which is a blessing. I had the dreaded three week stall but it has finally broke and the scale dropped 6 pounds since then. Whew. I am down 21 pounds since surgery and 44 pounds over all. I am so glad I did this and only wish I had done it sooner.
  15. Ello everyone! I finally kicked the scale to the curb today. I entered the three-week stall and just have been getting frustrated, so I'm now only weighing weekly instead! I should have known this stall was coming because there was a lot of hormones in my body because of my period! Hopefully this stall ends soooon, it's a little frustrating.
  16. lynetta

    The Slow Losers Thread

    Great post! I'm at week 4 and have not lost at all this week. I've been getting about 60- 70 grams of protein in a day, but I'll try for 80 to see if it helps. Before this week, I was loosing 1-2 lbs a day, so when it stopped and one day I gained 2 lbs, I couldn't believe it! I know I shouldn't weigh every morning, but I can't help it. I'm so excited and anxious too see the fat melt away. I guess I just had high expectations and am impatient. Lol. Anyways thanks for the tips and protein suggestions. Also, thanks everyone for all your posts and advice. Oh and I've heard of a three week stall... Has anyone else heard or experienced this? I hope it doesn't last too much longer (I can't help my impatience!)
  17. GummyBearQueen

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Three week stall, look it up!
  18. it's the infamous three-week stall - it just came early for you. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Almost everyone goes through that early stall. Just stick to your program and it'll eventually break. It always does!
  19. KittyKat848

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    This morning my three week stall was broken. At one point, I'd actually gained a pound. How's that even possible?! Lol. This morning I'm down 5 pounds!! Don't get discouraged.
  20. I have definitely been in a three week stall before. In June I tried to increase the intensity of my workouts and redesign my diet. It's been helping.
  21. sharkweek

    November sleevers here

    I lost a bunch of weight quickly for the first three weeks, then hit the three week stall everyone talks about on this forum. Stayed stalled for a week or two, then the weight loss started again. Now the weight loss is less dramatic if you look at it day by day (0.2 lbs here, 0.6 here, etc) but it helps to look at it week by week. For example I thought last week was pretty slow weight loss wise, but then I looked at my weekly view on MFP and realized I'd actually lost four and a half pounds in a week. I would have killed for that a few months ago!
  22. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    My sleeve was March 9th and my weight loss has stalled as well. Several people on here say that the three week stall seems to be a common thing. We can hang in there together.
  23. vikingbeast


    This sounds like the infamous "three week stall"—there are thousands and thousands and thousands of posts here about it. Just stay the course and the weight loss will resume!
  24. RunningA5K

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    I wish there was an exact science...but it will happen randomly throughout your weight loss journey. My good friend who had her sleeve done back in February' said she had her first stall at 5 weeks. I think it just happens when your body says 'what the Sam heck did you do to me?!?'' Typically I have read about a three week stall, but no worries Britt....just stick to the plan and you'll break the stall!
  25. MissB1982


    Hitting the beginning of week 3/ending week 2. I am on pureed now and it felt like heaven to have some real Food no matter how disgusting it looks. I had had it with cream soups and protein shakes, it just made me nauseous. I really struggle to get in that one protein shake and I try to get the rest of my protein in with food. I'm eating maybe 1/4 cup sometimes to 1/2 cup sometimes at a time. I eat slowly, but I definitely feel like I feel hungry at times. Maybe it's head hunger. I eat three times a day but I read in the beginning you should eat four to six meals a day because you're only getting in 1/4 to 1/2 a cup each time but I'm not there yet . I'm probably going to hit the three week stall soon so I'm not even going to get on the scale, it's no big deal to me. I know I'm losing by my clothes. They are hanging off of me. Last I weighed I was 248 about a fifteen pound loss from surgery date. Getting in 60+ protein most days and close to 50 ounces of water. I didn't get any rest after surgery. I'm a single mother and I had no help so immediately I was cleaning and cooking. I wish I could have rested but I must say I think it sped up my recovery and kept me active because my energy is pretty good now and I rarely have dizzy spells except sometimes at night which could be low sugar, low pressure, or hot bouts. Immediately after surgery I was hit with hot flashes and bad night sweats so I keep water and g2 by my bed at night. It's hard but no regrets!

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