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Found 1,239 results

  1. Joann454


    I'm sorry you're discouraged. It's SO COMMON tho. Honestly. I had the famous three week stall. Make sure you're drinking all your water and let your body heal. This first month is about healing. It WILL come off. Are you tracking your protein and water ?
  2. MBird

    Water... ugh.

    Crystal light won't affect the stall. The stall is your body's way of adjusting. Mine lasted two and a half weeks and some have lasted up to several months for others. You want to up protein and be patient. I drank Crystal Light and still do but alternate between that and plain water, with plain water being my main source of liquid. You shouldn't have any restriction on liquid at all. I did cut out the protein shake, which helped me, not sure how much meat you eat so feel unsure you want to cut that out. Walking more now helps, and I'm losing a pound a day. I have no issues, even eating one small scoop of ice cream with a cookie last night, and waking up a pound and a half lighter. (First and last time eating ice cream for a long time, I had no dumping syndrome.) The stalls are hard but normal. There is no dreaded "three week stall", it's just one of several plateaus you will hit. I will say you may wish to not drink crystal light due to fake sweetener that's in it, still having said that I drink it once in a while when water is too redundant. I personally don't think you ought to return to all fluids - you need to eat every three or so hours to keep your metabolism working. It's the yo-yo dieting that ruined the ability to lose to begin with. Just stick with 1-2 oz of food. Measure out 4oz, put half away and eat when you feel hungry. My doctor told me to expect a severe stall after I started solid food and that's exactly what I got. I'm down 53 pounds since May 1st. Good luck.
  3. Google "three week stall." Everyone goes through it. My advice is to stay off of the scale for at least the first month post-op. Your body is desperately trying to heal, and weight loss isn't the top priority. And get used to stalls. I have found that I am in a stall more often than a period of loss post-op. It's just part of the process. Good luck!
  4. blizair09

    The Stall...

    Google "three week stall." That is what is happening. Just stick to your plan and the weight will come off. Nothing about post-op weight loss is linear. It is full of periods of loss, followed by longer periods of stall. That is just part of the process. Also, it is slow. I started my six month insurance-required diet program at 397 pounds, and weighed 298 pounds on surgery day. Even at that size, my loss in the first four weeks post-op was far from "dramatic." But I have followed my plan religiously every single day, kept my carbs below 20 every single day, tracked everything I put in my body every single day, and even with the countless stalls, I have lost 205 pounds and am 12 pounds from goal at 9 months post-op. Put the scale away if it bothers you and keep focused on what is important. Good luck!
  5. Google "three week stall" and stay off of the scale for the first month. Your body is desperately trying to heal, and weight loss comes second to that. Make meeting your protein and water goals your full-time job, and the weight will begin to slowly come off. Everything about this journey is a marathon, not a sprint.
  6. Apple1

    2 weeks post op and stalled!

    Almost everyone gets what is called the three week stall sometime during the first month or so. It is completely normal. I am very surprised at how many calories you are able to consume in a day. At two weeks I was right around 400, at4 weeks 600, and now at almost 8 weeks 875-900. You sound like me in that you have had an easy recovery. My stomach healed quickly and I think I. Could easily squeeze in more calories if I tried. I am working towards a gradual increase to 1000 at 3 moths and 1200 at 6 months.
  7. gwbicster

    Y'all! I'm hungry!

    I'm currently having a real problem with this. I feel like I'm hungry ALL THE TIME! I know that even if my brain wants to eat something, there's no physical place for my body to put it anymore. I'm currently at the 2 ounce phase, and I realize at some point I will be able to eat 4 ounces of protein plus some applesauce or maybe even lettuce (God do I miss that, never thought I'd miss salad), but my brain still wants to eat a full plate of something. I'm losing weight (although I've hit my three week stall a bit early) and you'd think that'd be reward enough, but I'm frustrated. I know it's something I'm just going to have to adjust to, but I worry that I won't be able. But the surgery is non-reversible and so I'm stuck here for the rest of my life. Skinny people might point to obesity surgery as "the easy way out", but I am here to tell you, psychologically, it ain't so easy, at least for me. Thanks for listening.
  8. blizair09

    Three Week Post-Op Stall: Help!

    Google "three week stall." That's all this is. Stay off of the scale, stick to your plan, and the weight will come off in its own time. Good luck!
  9. Cajunmiss

    Dreaded 3-week stall?

    I too am experiencing the three-week stall but I noticed while reading the entries from others, that most of their information on the right column shows they are now at or near their goal weight!
  10. fruitandveggies

    2 weeks no weight loss

    I had a three week stall right at four weeks out, like you. I even gained five pounds! I honestly started losing once I started eating a little bit more. I'm about 4 months out and I'm having a stall too. Really is interesting how we can have such a large caloric deficit but not lose weight every week. This will pass! We just need to keep on doing the right things.
  11. catwoman7

    2 weeks no weight loss

    almost everyone has their first stall within 4-6 weeks after surgery. We call it "the three week stall", even though it's not always on the third week post-op. But do a search for it - you'll find thousands of threads on it. It happens to almost everybody.
  12. blizair09

    1 week, no weight loss!

    Google "three week stall." This happens to everyone. The best advice is to follow your plan, meet your protein and water goals each day, walk when you can, and stay off of the scale for a while. Your body is desperately trying to heal, and weight loss just isn't the top priority right now.
  13. catwoman7

    Weight loss STOPPED!!!!

    look up the "three week stall". Almost everyone gets that. Yours just arrived a little ahead of schedule. Stick to your plan and it will break.
  14. Google "three week stall." My advice is to stick to your plan, meet your protein and water goals, walk as much as you can, and stay off of the scale for at least a month. Your body is trying desperately to heal, and weight loss isn't the top priority right now. Good luck!
  15. blizair09

    No Weight Loss

    Google "three week stall." Right now, your body is desperately trying to heal. Stick to your plan, meet your protein and water goals, walk when you can, and stay off of the scale. The weight will eventually start coming off. And get used to the stalls. I have learned that nothing about post-op weight loss is linear. It is frustrating, I know, but if you just trust in the process and do exactly what you are supposed to do all of the time, you will be successful. Good luck!
  16. catwoman7

    In Week 5 and I have NO Energy

    1000 a day is a lot for that early out. I was 600-800 for several months, as I recall. your protein intake seems fine, although we discovered early on with mine (through blood work) that I malabsorb it, so I had to start shooting for 100 grams a day. They'll be able to tell that on your labs. I remember being tired a lot the first couple of months. It may just be a combination of healing from major trauma and the limited calories. as for not losing weight, you're probably in the infamous "three week stall" (it doesn't always happen at three weeks out, but certainly within the first 4-6 weeks post-surgery. Almost everyone goes through that. Just stick to your plan and it will break)
  17. catwoman7

    No weight loss in 7 days?!

    it's the three-week stall - right on schedule!
  18. catwoman7

    Stall at week 3 already?

    almost everyone experiences that. In fact, we have an official name for it - "the three-week stall". If you do a search on it, you'll probably find thousands of threads on it
  19. blizair09

    Slow Weight Loss

    You have just gotten started. You're not going to lose all of your weight in a few months. You should be making lifestyle changes that you plan on keeping to for the rest of your life. If you stick to your plan, meet your protein and water goals, and get up and exercise, you will lose weight. But it all won't come off tomorrow, or this month, or maybe even this year. Google "three week stall." That is your issue right now.
  20. catwoman7

    Post op weight gain

    you might be entering the infamous "three-week stall", and your weight might be up slightly because of water retention or full intestines. Just stick to your plan - it'll pass and you'll be on your way to losing again!
  21. catwoman7

    Post Surgery weight loss

    the three-week stall usually lasts a week or two, but I've known of a couple of people who had it last for 3.5 weeks. Mine lasted for two weeks and after it broke, I settled into a pattern like you described - a half pound to a pound a day. I lost at that rate for the first six or seven months, then it slowed down even more (actually, after the first month or two, it was more like a half pound a day, if that...). It adds up over time, though. I've lost a total of 236 lbs. Just stick to your program and be patient and the weight will come off..
  22. Maxthecat

    Post Surgery weight loss

    It took a good week for all the extra fluids to wash out. Then I lost 16lbs the next week. Now I am at the dreaded three week stall.
  23. hdsjourney

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    The three week stall.... it happens to almost everyone keep you head up, and your yogurt down! Sleeved
  24. blizair09

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    It happens to almost everyone. Google "three week stall."
  25. catwoman7

    Cross post: 2.5week stall?

    it's the infamous "three-week stall". I had mine weeks 2 and 3. It broke week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight. Just follow your plan and it'll break - I promise!

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