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Found 2,865 results

  1. Hi all, joining the party. When I was 21 I found myself at 305 and it freaked me out, and I went on a severe diet. I dropped 112 pounds in a year, but after I met my husband and quit smoking I was back up to 305. And then marriage added another 72! My highest was 377 in 2011. From 2011-2017 I was able to get down to 315, but I kept bouncing back and forth from 335 to 315. When I decided to start the sleeve journey I was 333. On my surgery day, 4/27/18, I was 303, and nearly 4 weeks post op I am 278. I question my choice constantly. I am discouraged by the 3 week stall, I miss food, I hate the nausea and the heartburn and all the pills. I am super tired. I know a lot of people regret their sleeve the first month. I just hope to get out of this funk soon. Here is my progress.
  2. It does get challenging...I know...I'm currently going through it. I was sleeved on Jan 19th...I'm down 54 pounds but I'm at a 3 week stall...im finding myself wanting snacks chips cookies etc....I do eat one or two but I have to look in the mirror to see how far the Lord has brought me and REALITY HITS...I've come a long way don't screw it up now...so my advice....look in the mirror at yourself see your results no matter if it's 20 30 40 pounds we would never have been this far without the surgery...doing it on our own 10 pounds maybe in 5 months lol...truly....but youre doing great dont fear of overeating or stretching your tool...still enjoy foods but count the calories and embrace your new look...its still an ongoing journey.
  3. Sleeved on January 19th Starting weight 244 Current weight 192 Goal weight 170 Currently at a 3 week stall loose 2 gain 2...but I'm pressing and praying 💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏
  4. I had the 3 week stall. And it was exactly 3 weeks lol. I’ve tried to edit my profile to allow my surgery stats but it won’t let me. My highest weight was 270. Surgery weight was 259. Current weight is 209. Im 5’9 and 39 years old. Surgery was 2/28/2018
  5. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Frustrated by progress

    Well it's been almost three weeks since your surgery. So that infamous "3 week stall" was going to happen. People stall either at 3 weeks or a little before that. But the weight loss will start back up again. I know my stalls lasted a week each time and for me to break them, I either needed more of something like more protein or I needed more exercise. There are other ways to break stalls besides those options but you're in the very beginning stages and right now, it's not really advisable to try them. Hw-273 Sw-226 CW-124 GW-130 Size- 2, Small in sweats. Small in shirts. depends on how it's cut or made. Bra Size- 34C Surgery Date- April 26th, 2017 RNY "Only those who try will become" FFX
  6. Kay07

    Frustrated by progress

    It’s normal. There a lots of threads on here about stalls. Honestly your weight loss has been GREAT so far! Search 3 week stall in the search feature and you’ll see at least 50 topics on it The body needs a reset period. I’ve heard others mention that while the numbers stay the same, often times their inches are changing!
  7. My doctor told me that everyone hits a plateau for a few weeks. "3 week stall" is what I've heard its been called. He said the body is adjusting to taking in more calories. He said after that I will start losing again. I haven't hit a plateau yet, but I'm dreading it too because I guess in my mind I just constantly need to see good results. I am a little over 3 weeks post-op by the way.
  8. YeahOkay31

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    Initially after surgery, every day. But then I hit my 3 week stall/slow down and got depressed and have committed to only doing it once a week, on a Friday.
  9. FancyChristine15

    Talk to me about the week 3 stall

    It can be. I, personally, did not experience a 3 week stall.
  10. Apple203

    Having a NSV!

    I think you are just in your Week 3, 3-week stall, which is just part of the process (but tough when you are in it). Its funny how the weight and measurements operate independently. This morning, I was getting ready and my shorts literally fell down below my hips, LOL and woot!
  11. TakingABreak

    Rate of Weight Loss

    I lost 24 lbs in the pre op diet (if I recall correctly) and I had a stall after the first week of surgery that lasted almost a week. Basically, I had the 3 week stall early. Our bodies are trying to process the trauma, compounded with eating substantially less than it's used to. I wouldn't worry about your loss as being slow. You are on the lower weight side, and people with lower BMIs tend to loose slower. But not to worry, they average the same loss in the end. Remember is not about how fast you run the race, but rather that you cross the finish line!
  12. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈


    I had open surgery so 5 days in hospital. Then I had a week at my in laws, before coming home. I didn’t weigh myself over that time because no scales - but weight goes up just after surgery because of all the IV fluids. When I got home, I had lost 10lbs. Within a month of surgery, going back to work, 18lbs and needed new trousers (out of storage, thankfully!). The two lbs a week has been very steady ever since (apart from the 3-week stall, the 3-month stall, which is a week (or 2 or 3) with no loss - but you might drop a clothes size! It really, looking back, is fast - although early on I was thinking ‘too slow’. Now I am thinking ‘ok, how do I slow this’!!!
  13. Ok, so I'm very proud of myself. I got up this morning and was out at the nature reserve by 8am. And I walked all the way around the 2 lakes by myself--1.7miles in 40 minutes. I'm have no earthly idea how to do the math on that to determine how "fast" I was walking. LOL. I say that, cuz I was sweatin like a horse and was pushing myself to limit. And people were just amblin by me, passing me left and right--talking and looking at the view! *snort* But hey, I showed up and did it. And for that I'm proud regardless of how slow I am and how fast I "think" I am in my head. ROFLMFAO! Now I'm home and about to start Sunday chores: laundry, cleaning, prepping for next week. Yeeeehawwwww! And Happy Mother's Days to all the mommies out there!!!! ((hugs)) And hope your families treat you preciously - with a worth more than pearls! Hope y'all have a blessed day. This week I have my 6 month oncology appointment, my 6 month echo cardiogram to check on the fluid around my heart, and my 3 month f/u with my bariatric surgeon. I should be going to her support group Thursday night, but instead we're going to the ball game with friends! Baseball beats bariatric support groups any day of the week in my world. I'm trying to put my head down and just work my program, but for the last 7 days, I've been up and down the same 2 lbs a la GHDWL. This morning I am still sitting at 187.8lbs despite no cheats or food indiscretions, and in the face of daily exercise. I have firmly raised my protein and calories be more of a 750-800 level. I'm sure that has something to do with it. But I'm also trying to raise my cals slowly so I don't give my system a jolt. I suspect it may be the "3 month stall" some WLS peeps talk about on other boards. There's supposed to be one at 3, 6, and 9 months as well as the famous 3 week stall. My doc would neither confirm nor deny, LOL, she just said that WL isn't linear and that there will be plateaus and times when the scale won't be reflective of the dedication we put into it. LOL. Thought that was a particularly lovely way to describe a hound-from-hell-stall. Ok, well time to go work. I've got mountains of clothes to wash! More later.
  14. I'm also 4 weeks out. Have struggled to get my proteins in. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. I have had no appetite. I eat because I have to or it's "time". Although today I've been struggling with a bit of "head hunger". The dreaded 3 week stall hit me this week and instead of stalling, I've gained 2 pounds. For someone who is lucky to get 700 calories in per day without resorting to high carb foods, this setback is VERY troubling. Has me wondering if I have gone through this whole thing for nothing. I keep thinking, "If I'm going to gain at least let me enjoy getting there". Hence the "head hunger".
  15. magpie26

    3 week stall?

    Is this the dreaded three week stall? I thought it was a joke! I weighed in at the doctors on Wednesday and haven't lost anything since! My scale said I even gain half a pound! I am not eating anything I'm not supposed to. I am transitioning to liquids to blended. However, I'm having a REALLY hard time getting my water in. I try to eat, I get so full I feel like I can't put anything in my body for like 2 hours, and it's not like the old days where you can just chug your water. I sip all day and I can barely finish 24 ounces. I'm 19 days post op today. I have been way more conscious of how fast I'm eating, I am chewing things to death, I use a baby spoon, I put my plate away, I wait between water and good but I'm a!ways so uncomfortable after eating almost any amount i am just afraid to drink! I feel like this is why I'm not losing. I also use the baritastic app AND write in a journal. I'm seriously thinking of having my friend that's a nurse come over with an IV!
  16. Yadifan

    very little weight loss

    I’m at 9 weeks out and have lost only 35 pounds from day of surgery. I had a 3 week stall where I lost absolutely nothing.
  17. Losingit2018

    1 Week Post Op-Frustrated

    Nope. Search the forum for the infamous 3 week stall. Keep following your plan and it will break.
  18. Happywifemom

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    I would. My drs scale shows better weight loss than mine though 😂 ill go with mine because I will see it more often Sw 242 CW 225 sleeved 3/20/18 think I’m in the 3 week stall for a couple weeks. I’m still very tired some days. Haven’t started exercising yet because of this
  19. Creekimp13

    Weight stalled third week post op

    3 week stall is super common. Google it.
  20. Stalls suck, period. ((hugs)) Hang in there, follow your doc's plan. Don't deviate. Log your food. Plan your meals for the day. And if remotely possible limit the scale time (not possible for me, but maybe you will be more successful! hehe). The 3 week stall usually happens anywhere between week 2 and week 4. Make sure you're getting your fluids in and walking each and every day!
  21. Hang in there, it will start. I finally started dropping again pretty close to a 3 week stall. I actually dropped down to 358 lbs. and the next couple of days I shot back up to 361 lbs. and stayed there for almost 3 weeks. This past week the scales finally started to move and I'm down to 356 lbs. I know it's hard and for all you've been through you're expecting more. I was feeling the same way, so you’re not alone. We just got to stay strong and stick to our plans and it will happen!
  22. I stalled less than 2 weeks after surgery as well. It's common to hear of the 3 week stall. I had lost so much pre op, 27lbs, that my body went into a immediate stall after my first week. I was loosing again by week 4. I think that increasing my calories when I went into soft foods and exercise helped break that stall.
  23. I read a post where someone wrote there was a medical and scientific reason for this stall. Can someone link it? It would be nice if I had a reasonable explanation for the pool of blood that will form on my floor after I am done bashing my head into the wall today. Sent from my XT1609 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Today is my weekly weigh in and I finally broke my 3 week stall and lost 4.4lb! I'm now the lowest I've been in my entire adult life. I haven't been this weight since my husband and I were dating and I had anorexia. However, I still have some body issues with clothes. By habit (and because its snowing...still...here in Massachusetts...in April), I put on a sweater that was 1x and it looks like I'm wearing a trash bag.
  25. 46w4kds

    Help! Stuck in a rut!

    Totally agree with fluffyChix, try cutting protein shakes down to one a day. Eat real food, it should help. Im 8 months out and only drink a protein shake maybe once a week, went thru a 3 week stall as well. We all will go thru one sooner or later, just hang in there and dont get caught up on weighing yourself alot. HW:277 SW:244 CW: 176 GW:145

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