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Found 15,849 results

  1. Depakote is what started my 100 lb weight gain 20 years that I've never been able to shed and what led me to this surgery. I was on it as a mood stabilizer. I know it is used to help with other conditions like migraines. I just wanted to share how that drug to me is my sworn enemy. Hopefully you don't have the same side effect.
  2. I know how you feel. My surgery (sleeve) was 4/17 and I also have a mood disorder. I also take Lamictal and Prozac. My doctor (and I agree) that Lamictal doesn't usually cause much weight gain but sadly, lithium does, that's why I don't want to take it but my hypomanic episodes are few and far in between, but I do have depression almost all the time. Luckily since my surgery my depression has been much better, maybe from the weight loss and probably from increased exercise? I know with mood disorders change is big with us, making us manic or depressed quickly. My loss slowed too but I wasn't getting enough fluids at all and I also upped my calories and I've started to lose again. Feel free to PM me if you want
  3. James Marusek


    The amount of sugar will probably vary by patient. I strictly avoid processed sugars. I have a sweet tooth and that is one of the major causes that contributed to my weight gain over my lifetime. I limit myself to artificial sweeteners (such as Splenda and sugar alcohols), to natural low calorie sweeteners (such as Stevia) and to the natural sugars found in fruits and milk. I had diabetes. That went into remission when I left the hospital two days after surgery and I have not taken any diabetic medicine ever since and my blood sugar levels are good. I test my blood sugar levels periodically. I read the labels of all food that I consume. I look at the grams of sugar per serving. If it is above 5 grams, I look at the ingredients. The ingredients are listed in order by highest percentage, and if the first 5 ingredients contain processed sugar (in any of its many forms), then I avoid this food, like a plague.
  4. Don't forget the first couple of weeks you have a lot scar tissues and the body trying to get itself back to normal may mean that you will not lose as much as you think. I hope that you do lose 15 or more pounds but be too despondent if you have lost a little less. Any weight loss is better than the weight gain cycle we were in pre-op! Good luck and update us on your news after the visit.
  5. I have battled with my weight since I was young but pretty much kept it under control with working out and diet. Late 2009 I started having issues with my hips and was unable to walk more then just a few feet, so the weight just piled on was at my heaviest 312 I'm 5"7. My doctor recommended I have a bariatric consultant. At the time the way things went with the bariatric doctor it seemed like the magic pill we al dream of. Just one consult and I was underway to my upcoming surgery I had to lose 10% of my weight. Took me about 3 months and had my surgery January of 2011. I was outpatient surgery and was home by dinner. I have to say it was fairly easy very little pain, some shoulder gas pain I walked off. Being on the liquid diet the weight came off quick and I followed the liquid diet to a T. No issues weight came off and I was back to my normal activity within 2 weeks. Solid foods in the beginning where great small portions and chewed everything very carefully. Fast forward to 2014 I am down to 220 total weight loss 92 pounds feeling and looking great. Went from size 24 to 16. I had to watch everything I ate because the weight was creeping back so I went on weight watchers at this time I had put on about 25 pounds but back down to around 220. I never lost anymore weight. When I went back to my bariatric doctor for fills I was almost full...that's when things went down hill...after that I threw up every day every meal and still not weight loss but weight gain, then came the reflux...so bad I was taking medicine and eating bottles of tums every day, had to sleep with a wedge..but worse then that was my asthma was so bad, I was taking tons of prednisone my immunity was going down, I had thrush for five weeks...I was a mess, not to mention my weight was up to 263. My bariatric doctor said just go back on liquids I did but who can live on liquid for ever...finally my primary doctor got me a consultation with a different bariatric doctor and he was amazing ran test found out I had an ulcer around my band. I will not even do bands do to 50 % of patients having issues, I am no awaiting my insurance to authorize a band removal and revision to full gastric bypass...the band was a nightmare for me.., my band is open all the way now, my reflux and asthma is great! I've lost 8 pounds and going to meet with the nutritionist next month.... Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  6. 2goldengirl

    Remind why I don't want to be fat...

    Warning, i'm preop, so take this as it comes I feel ya. There is a part of all of us, I'm sure, who resent that we have to monitor every little stinkin' bite we take or pay the price in a weight gain. And there have been times when I've franklin fallen off my plan out of sheer rebellion at the relentlessness of it. I've spent the past year simply trying to be more aware of what I'm eating and why, quite deliberately trying to get the oughts and shoulds out of my thinking. And the real truth is, being overweight is just a pain in the posterior. It's inconvenient. it's uncomfortable, it's expensive - and that's without taking into account that it's gotten harder and harder to keep my blood pressure under control and now my blood sugar is creeping up, too. I've decided it's worth the relentlessness to get my health and energy back. I want to retire in the next couple-three years, and dangit, I want to enjoy it. I want to be able to travel and hike around Europe and simply bend over to tie my shoes comfortably and not wince at photos of myself. If I have to buy new clothes, I want it to be because I've either worn out or fallen out of love with the ones I have, not because I've gotten too big for them. I'm just plain done with that. I don't know that this will help you, but you've come this far, surely it's worth the the effort!
  7. kakatlady612

    Large weight gain

    As a fellow asthmatic I can tell you steroids are notorious for weight gain. Ah you can't live with them and we can't live do well without them. As the King says in Anna and the King of Siam says " is a puzzlement" Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. MichiganChic

    What’s Your Halloween Plan?

    @@BigGirlPanties I really like that idea, and might do it, too. I have not bought any candy, because I don't want it in the house until the last minute. Before I was sleeved, I would buy it "for the kids" and have to keep rebuyng it until Halloween. Even now, I don't think I would stop at just one, and so was thinking about just skipping it all together, though I don't want to be a Halloween scrooge, lol. Most sugary carbs have the ability to send me into a downward spiral that just makes me mad at myself, so eating them isn't worth the subsequent weight gain and irritation from losing control.
  9. Recently at the gym I spoke with a person that had gastric sleeve surgery about 3 yrs prior. She lost a tremendous amount of weight - 275 lbs. and over time gained back 200 lbs. My question is, how does that happen if your stomach only holds 1/2 c of food. I had the roux en y procedure and if I eat one tsp more than I should then I am miserable.
  10. I saw my surgeon last week and he said all is well and to begin eating normally over the weekend. I thought that was sounding good until I began eating again. I had lost weight pretty consistently in the beginning then gained and lost the same pound or two for a week. Today I weighed in and gained 3 pounds! I haven't had a fill and feel little to no restriction and understand that when you go from liquids only to mushies, to real food the odds are that your body will try to hang on to it and weight gain is likely. Maybe I was in denial about it all, but gosh, those 3 pounds are gnawing at me like crazy! I am not eating a lot and exercising, so I hoped I wouldn't gain but I did. I am looking forward to my first fill (which will be later than usual since doc will be on vacation. :thumbup:) Oh well, I just had to vent. It's just a frustrating day.
  11. Jachut

    Eating disorder

    I havent actually indulged in any of these behaviours, nor thought about it, but I certainly have been underweight and been obsessed with staying there. I was sick and having chemo at the time and I was thrilled with my ultra low weight - I couldnt see that it looked bad although others were expressing concern. Now I'm back to a normal weight - with a BMI of about 20 to 21 and it's driving me crazy, I feel compelled to diet hard to get back to that low weight and I'm getting myself into that binge/starve cycle again where I'm ultra "good" for days and then my body rebels and I pig out on bad foods. Which only leads to more weight gain. I can usually get myself on track again though. I know its disordered thinking/behaviour and I can recognise it when I do it and with concerted effort get back to healthier ways. I really need to accept my current 65kg which is still less than I was at this time last year - thinking of 140ish pounds at 5ft 10 as fat is really ridiculous. It was cancer that sent me on that spiral too, but in me, not a relative. I'm so sorry for what your mother is going to have to go through - and you too. Stay strong and healthy.
  12. You know what's funny? I've lived in the same county for 18 years, and even owned a retail shop here about 9 years ago. The shop had a group of regular customers. Right after we went out of business, I became a stay-at -home Mom, and instantly gained 70lbs. For the last 9 years, I've hardly ever gotten the: {"Hey! How are you, long time no see.. miss the shop..."} But now that I've lost 69 of those pounds, suddenly people are SEEING me! My habits haven't changed, but the weight gain had made me unrecognizable. It'll be really interesting if I again become invisible when I get to goal...
  13. IrishGermanRN

    Enlarged pouch & small slip

    I am in the same place you are. I was banded in 2009 and put on almost all but 10 pounds. I did have a small slip 3 years ago and had a complete unfill. a few months later they did a fill. Now I have 1.2 in my band and they advised to not go higher. That was 3 years ago. That is when my weight gain started. I am now going to have the band removed and have the Gastric Sleeve 1/20. When in doubt, always get a 2nd opinion.
  14. Jill7768

    Need help.

    Is there any way you can see a counselor? Maybe some of the issues that caused your weight gain in the first place, are resurfacing? It sounds like you are slipping back in to the bad habits. Maybe talking with a professional will help you. New Year....New Start!
  15. ditto88

    Perth Sleevers?

    That's is so inspiring, and I am so happy for you:) do you mind sharing how you went in the earlier weeks? I'm really struggling with this purée diet thin and have started seriously sneaking in normal food... Granted I only have 1 week of purée left to go, I'm just surprised that I can mane it with no issues plus I now feel like I am hungry all the time?? Like iv stretched my pouch whereas before I could survive hours in between the liquid shakes and stuff??? Is this normal or have I messed something up already.....Hi yummy mummy, thankyou so much :)The first few weeks were hard, I remember the first night in hospital after I had it done I would of killed for a ham sandwich with bowl of pumpkin Soup haha..I honestly believe there is no way you have ruined it so dont stress about that when you say normal food what do you mean? How many weeks out are you? I don't really remember what I ate but I know there was some trying times where I did sneak a bite of my children's food and would chew it until my jaw hurt! If you body is asking for more and sleeve excepting it you should be fine just make sure you don't touch the naughty foods just yet or pushing the limit if foods you def shouldn't be touching(steak, bread ect) longer you stay away from sweets the better your tolerance will be! I still to this day feel sick if I have more then I should I junk like chocolate chips ect, my sleeve hates maccas thankgod it feels like I'm swallowing a sponge lolMy biggest motivation was the fear of doing damage to my stomach, I was petrified of leak!!Please don't let me scare you that's what's going to happen cause you ate something a bit soon but that's what helped me stay in track..now it's still my fear that helps me to stay eating well but it's a fear of weight gain. It will be hard for awhile but eventually you will see food as fuel and when you can eat more you will realise why we are so over weight the portion sizes that out society has made us think is normal is crazy! I survive on eating as much or less then my 4yo would at a meal, always serve my food up on a bread and butter plate eating my meat and veg first then carb if still hungry. i will still have a little bit if dessert alot of the time but i have an even smaller serve then my kids or just a bite so I can still have treats and enjoy food but it doesn't rule my life anymore.Your still very early out so Water is very important, right now it's a mental challenge and you have the fear of doing wrong which is good as your conscious of your old habits meaning you wont slip back into them. Keep doing what your doing and if the hunger hits have a nibble of something healthy there's nothing wrong with that, itl keep your metabolism moving.Sorry for the novel lol but ask away I'm happy to answer any questions
  16. jennypenny1998


    I have regained a bit as well and have been wanting to do the two week reset. I have heard from others that it works, but am not sure myself. I keep telling myself "I'll start tomorrow" then lunch rolls around and I am so hangry that I give in to food and not the shakes. I don't have a "team" and have never really had one. My doctor's office has always seemed uninterested and very in and out. The last time I talked with my doctor about the weight gain, they suggested I take multivitamins and do some crunches. I have IC so going to the gym is difficult for me, so I feel like the reset would be most beneficial. When I finally do start, I will share my results.
  17. I went through a nutrionist as well in fact I don't even think my pcp knows about my surgery yet. I had been going to my pcp for weight loss help and she recommended I take my IUD birth control out because she said it may be causing weight gain. Well what do you know 2 months later I was pregnant. I had been thinking about the surgery for a while and the fact that I now had to wait 9 months or longer bummed me out. So anyway during my pregnancy I kept trying to find an in network Surgeon that would do it without the 1 year post birth waiting period most of them asked for. Found one but then was hit with another waiting period since the insurance wouldn't pay for the surgery unless I completed a wellness programs for at least 6 months. Anyway long story short my nutritionist was good at working with insurance companies so she said we only needed 4 months and would use the data from my pcp for the other 2 months. I ended up starting the program my 8th month of pregnancy, delivered naturally with no issues and got the surgery 2 months post birth. I'm only on day 4 post op and I'm a little upset I can't breastfeed anymore but I'm happy overall. I was able to get it done and the insurance paid all of it because I met my deductible from the hospital birth. In conclusion sorry for the long story, be patient and it will work out. You just have to go to weigh ins periodically and record your food input. I wasn't good with that so a lot of time I'd be filling in a few days at a time. You do learn a lot more from a nutrientist like the other people said and they also know the loopholes for the insurance companies. Sent from my SM-N920T using the BariatricPal App
  18. Aria622

    Anyone in Houston, TX

    I'm so frustrated!!! For my last weigh in (2 of 4) I gained weight. I was on a new medication and weight gain was one of the side effects. I'm trying to get back down to my first weigh in weight but I'm having such a hard time! I'm so afraid that I'll be denied. I called my insurance company to ask about their requirements and was told that there isn't a weight loss requirement, but a BMI of >40 is required. Which I have and then some, but I'm still nervous.
  19. MichiganChic

    The Rules: Do you follow them?

    As you get further out, you might find you do a little better with dry food. But I totally had to laugh about it the rules being like being Catholic. So true! As a born and bred Catholic, that's probably why the rules and following them feel a little non-negotiable to me! I try to follow them best I can, and I feel so guilty when I don't. I guess if breaking the rules equals sinning, then the subsequent weight gain from breaking rules equals the purgatory/hell from sinning, lol! Don't know about you, but morbid obesity felt like hell on earth, to me. I really hated it.
  20. StephieC

    Scare Tissue Restricting Band

    I had the original Lap-Band surgery just 01 month after it was approved by the FDA in 2001. My start weight was 240 and I was down to 162 at my lowest. I have been the unfortunate recipient of some unusual abdominal tumors that gave me an enormous weight gain. I was back up to 200 last year and I seem to hover around 190-195 currently. I was at a steady 190 for several years as I seem to have lost the first 50 in the first year. Now, in the middle of my tumor removal surgeries (yes, there were 2), I somehow managed to have the tube between my port and my band come "un-done" and it started "floating" around and poking my insides causing excruciating pain. I had the tube repaired in a quick outpatient procedure. I also managed to have a 4th surgery because my last tumor removal resulted in a hernia. Now that I am apparently healthy, which is been nearly 7 months now, I cannot seem to lose the weight. I never know when the band will work. Sometimes I can eat whatever I want and sometimes I can't. I was able to have my repair covered by insurance, but it doesn't normally cover WLS. My doc told me that I have severe scar tissue around my band because it is old and it doesn't want to stretch with the fills so it doesn't work properly. I desperately want to lose the weight, down to at least 150, but I am in a vicious cycle. I am too exhausted all of the time to go work out, which I need to do to lose the weight, but the extra weight makes me exhausted! Arghhh! Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone ever heard of Cigna covering revision surgery? I am thinking that although they don't normally cover WLS, since I am having health issues, they may actually cover it as a means of repair. Does this make any sense or am I just wishful thinking? The band and the port are starting to cause pain when I lay down in certain positions, too. Any thoughts? Thanks to any and all for any suggestions.
  21. Lexigurl82

    Dealing with Rejection

    @@Lexigurl82 First of all... you are beautiful. I know you can't see this right now because you're so broken but you really are. Your ex is a straight up BUSTER. Know that you have done the absolute best thing for you and your daughter and I just want to applaud you for having the COURAGE to take such a huge step. Many women live in this kind of turmoil and because they really don't believe they deserve better-- they stay. YOU made the first step and not only did you leave-- but you filed for DIVORCE. Please know that This too.... shall pass. Lexi, this is your time. I know it doesn't feel like it right now but in time you will be able to look back on this day shaking your head and smiling at the same time. It's time for you to start loving YOU. You've had the WLS-- and been quite successful thusfar. Congratulations!!!! Continue with healthy activities it's this kind of thing that can derail us back to bad habits but DON'T EVEN. The 5 stages of grief associated with dying apply to Divorce just the same. Some stages you will skip past quickly, some you will linger around in longer. It's ok to be sad. To cry. To break things. To be ANGRY. But then you must move on so that you can grow as an individual and transition into the next phase of your life that GOD has waiting for you. It is amazing. Don't worry about dating right now. You're no where nearly ready for that. You have to heal first so that you are ready for the right one. OR else you might find yourself back in the same situation. First and foremost allow me to recommend personal counseling/therapy. I know this is not a very popular option but-- check your insurance benefits. Many plans have a Mental Health benefit that most of us never take advantage of. If your co-pays are too high, reach out to your Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Its a great resource available to employees to help you cope with stressors in your life. If you belong to a church you can also seek pastoral counseling. I went through therapy for about 4 months. One night a week. 1 hr. No judgement. Psychologist was neutral and helped me to identify reasons that led to my thinking and behavior, and provided tools and behavioral exercises to help improve my thinking patterns, and responses. I had to DO THE WORK chile, because she couldn't be with me 24 hours but there were things I would work on until my next visit and we would review and move forward. This helped me to look at life with a new perspective, see the positive in myself so that I could focus more on becoming a better version of myself. That was the mind part. I began eating healthier, exercising, taking care of my body. Then I had WLS. That was the body part. Many men who are themselves insecure, will prey on others with insecurities as a method to inflict control. He had not problem with your weight gain because it was no threat to him. He asked you if you were going to leave after having WLS because this was a threat to him. That's his problem, not yours. Then the soul... whatever helps you to tap into a higher power, spiritual connection-- meditation, prayer, scriptures-- Bottom line all things need to be in check mind body and soul. Spend some time to yourself to do some reflecting and create a vision board for what and who you want to be. Fit, stylish, Social, Traveler, whatever. Create a list of things you want to do. Yoga, Spa, re-connect with old friends, visit a new place, get your hair, nails, feet done. Go to the mall buy a new lip color, let them makeup your face. LOVE on YOU. IF you look good, you'll feel good. Spend time with your daughter. I encourage you to work on yourself first and foremost because everything you do affects her. If you're moping around and depressed-- mad at the world, mad at her dad. She's taking it all in. Trust me kids pick up on these things and when mommy is sad... she hurts too. Be open to discussing her feelings. I understand your feelings toward his friends and family but at the end of the day... their loyalty is to him. My sister in law and I are very close but I KNOW-- if there were something going on... her loyalty will always remain to her brother. Sometimes people just don't want to get involved or cause drama. That doesn't make it right, but this is a time for you to purge individuals out of your life and its up to you to pick and choose who you want in your life. I do wish you the very best. I have a feeling this time next year for you will be much different but it is a process and there is light at the end of the tunnel. But it starts with you! Best wishes Lexi! thank you so much, I needed to hear those words. I am doing a little bit more, going out with my roommate and just trying to have fun. it is a process and I just want to heal. I know it's going to take some time and I guess it is something I just have to go through. I am actively looking for a job in the new city I am in and as soon as I find a job I will look into getting some additional counseling. Thanks again and God bless you
  22. Hey all - it's a while since I posted (and I was a newbie anyway so I hadn't posted much). I told myself it was because my surgery was still so far away that it was better to step away from the board and obsessing too much... but in reality it's because I'm anxious because I haven't told my husband and I don't know how to start. The surgery is Feb 5th! We have a few friends who have had the surgery and he is very negative and judgemental, critical and mocking. My main reason for getting it is PCOS - which causes weight gain as well as some other nasty side effects. My hormone levels are getting further and further away from where they should be, and the medications I was on are no longer working and are having a negative impact on my health. Honestly, the weight loss will be a bonus for me - it's resetting my hormones and becoming healthy again that I am most looking forward to. My BMI is "low" for this surgery at 36 - but I know that it will just get worse and worse so I should deal with it now while I am still relatively young. And he knows this - he has seen my struggle with awful hormonal conditions for 17 years. But all he ever says is that I need to work out more and eat better. A few things come into play in our relationship: 1. He is 25 years older than me (which I didn't find out about until after we were engaged - he lied about his age). 2. He is an alcoholic (which I didn;t find out about until after we were married. He is a binge drinker and so was able to stay sober for the months we were engaged). 3. I have an Irish accent that people here in the US gravitate to, and he gets very jealous. 4. He is not overweight as such, but has a belly from drinking and being middle-aged that he has been trying to lose since I met him. He yo-yos a lot, and goes on extreme fasts and workouts to lose it, then gains it all back when he goes on a drinking binge. He always talks about this magical day in the future when he has lost his gut, and it never comes. It will irritate him beyond belief that this day will come for me. These things make him very insecure, and while he gives me a hard time about my weight sometimes - I think he is very comfortable with me being fat as it means I am not going to leave him or be attractive to other men. He will be jealous of me. He might try to stop me getting the surgery. I'm not being fanciful - back in 2013 I was due to have a breast reduction. My boobs were massive, always had been even when I was 112 lbs. He supported my decision, wanted me to get the surgery... then he wen on a drinking binge the week before and I caught him trying to get my insurance cancelled so I couldn't have the op. When that didn't work he tried to call the hospital and cancel it - of course they wouldn't let him. When he sobered up he was mortified and bent over backwards to be supportive when I had the op - but it happened, and I am wary. To that end I am not telling him until after this Friday, as that is the end date for open enrollment on our insurance plan. I have gotten more savvy as time goes on! Please don't be lecturing me or telling me to leave. I know what the situation is, I know what I can deal with, and I have a plan. The only place I would want to go if I left would be home to Ireland, and that can't happen until my daughter is 16 - so I have 4.5 years to squirrel away money and position myself. I have a comfortable lifestyle, and it suits me to stay. I gave up everything to move here and be with him, and I figure I'm owed and would rather be comfortable until I can leave. If we divorced some other woman would move in and get what I'm owed - there is a shortage of men around here, esp men with good jobs. And honestly (don't judge me) - he is a 67 year old chronic alcoholic. He could pass away in the next 4.5 years and me and the kids would be pretty set. He doesn't bother me, we live pretty independently, there is no animosity, I have my own bedroom, and I pretty much do my own thing (like going home to Ireland for 6 weeks every summer). I have gone to all my weigh ins and pre-op appts without him even being in the slightest bit aware - that's how separate our lives tend to be. How do I start this conversation? He is smart and educated, but very judgemental. He is a therapist (haha, I know) who has had clients who have had the surgery and not done well. But they were a lot heavier than me, smokers and substance abusers, with severe mental health problems. I have read a lot and plan to make a note of all the benefits. I have some articles to show him - but I know he won't read them (he has a very short attention span and I've never seen him read a whole article never mind a book). I plan to ask him why he doesn't want me to have it - I know that "you could die" will be the only real thing he'll have to say - but I have a medical report showing that the mortality rate for sleeve surgery is 0.08%. He can't really say "because I'm jealous" as that isn't a valid argument. If he says it is the easy way out or the lazy way out I can cite facts to show him how it isn't - but even if it was... so what? So what if it was the easy way out it gets my health back on track and me feeling better? I mean, when I was having kids it was all epidural vs. med free and breast milk vs. formula. We all made our own choices, but in hindsight it didn't matter as long as the outcome was the same: a healthy baby. I'm trying to anticipate other things he might say, or stuff I should have prepped in advance. Everyone else I have told has been very supportive - my mum, two daughters, close friends. I know 4 people in my immediate circle who have had it and have asked a lot of questions. I guess my fear is that he will try to stop it somehow - I don't expect any support, but I don't want to blindside him by telling him afterwards. I don't plan on telling him my Dr's name or the hospital I'll be at, just in case. I'm very averse to confrontation and hate having hard conversations. I'm not scared of him - he isn't physically or emotionally threatening in any way, but I am scared to bring it up. Can't put my finger on why exactly. Thanks for listening to my ramble - I guess I'm just anxious, and I really could do without it because I am a natural worrier as it is!
  23. Losing 10 lb in two weeks is a tall order, particularly if you have already been losing some in the months before. Those who report losing that much are either doing so during a longer pre-op diet/exercise program that many docs and insurance companies require, or they had no significant prior weight loss effort so that their 2 week program loss was their initial loss. It is not unusual to have a fairly large initial drop the first couple weeks of any kind of weight loss program. What happens is that most of the initial loss is from your limited stores of carbs and Protein, which lose at a rate of around 2000 calories per pound. After those first couple of weeks you will often experience a stall when your body realizes that something serious is going on starvationwise and works to adjust things before tapping your fat reserves, which then burn at a rate of around 3500 calories per pound, so your rate of loss slows some, but you are then burning mostly fat, which is the whole idea. You have likely already gotten into this fat burning mode from your efforts since June, so there really is nothing to worry about - things are going as they should. Also, don't be surprised to see some weight gain when you get home from the hospital - they are going to keep you well hydrated with that nice IV bag feeding your arm. I think I gained about five pounds during that time, but it comes off quickly in a couple of days as you literally pee the weight away! Good luck with it all - you already have a great start.
  24. Week 10 no weight loss. Week 11 I had a 6 pound weigh loss. Week 12 I gained 2 pounds. I do not understand. My eating has not changed and I am working out more. Is this normal?
  25. My weight fluctuates 3-5 lbs a day also, and has always done that. I have to force myself not to weigh in everyday. I can understand why you are right now with worries about the weigh in for surgery. My doctor is known for canceling surgery due to a weight gain.. My last appointment with my regular dietician I had gained 3 lbs and was devastated. Hang in there and watch your sodium intake,, I went back to salt sense and can already see a difference,,, (and it tastes good)

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