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Found 17,501 results

  1. Izzabelbaby42

    Weight Loss Stall

    Hi everyone! I had Gastric sleeve in Mexico on October 28th and weighed 283. Today I weight 268. My weight has been 268 for 2 and a half weeks, I managed to get down to 266 Saturday but then went back up!. I’m not eating over 7-800 calories, take in a good amount of water, my protein could be better but I definitely hit at least 40 grams which is what was put to at least hit (40-60 per nutritionist). I move around and walk for at least 15-20 min. What is going on? Is something wrong with me? Did I pay 4500 for nothing? I’m very depressed and thinking I’ll never lose weight. I eat a variety of food I don’t limit anything but it’s all home food not eating pizza and stuff. I eat grilled chicken tenders, sweet potatoes whole wheat toast boiled eggs veggies yogurt all healthy and no more than 4-5 bites per meal. I’m very very depressed that even a surgery can’t help me lose weight.
  2. I’m like what the hell just happen - on the day of my surgery The weight was 330 and now 289 which is not bad - I am 6’2 and my healthy weight is about 200 putting me at 130 pounds of excess weight and I’ve lost 41 pounds post op which is about 31% from that excess weight. But for the past week now matter what I do I think I hit a plateau 😤😤😤😤😤 stuck a 289. Is frustrating at the least but I know is a long love journey. I keep my food diary and basically I am doing keto. Better get back to the drawing board and speak to my nutrition team. Anyone else has experience this post op in the initial stages????
  3. Meganator

    Week 6 - Down 20lbs PO, 42lbs Total

    From the album: Post Op Progress - Sleeved 10/13/21

    It's the beginning of Week 6! Starting soft foods today and out of a two week puree stage. I'm also down 20lbs post-op (lost over a full 5 week period). 42lbs down total from May 2021. This is the most weight I've lost all together (previous record was 37lbs). I'm giving myself a reward (a Disney bag) at 50lbs total. Looking forward to it.
  4. Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and would love some input into the concerns I have which pertain to my weight loss/progress. So I am 28 weeks post-op as of tomorrow and I feel as though my weight loss is a little slow. So far I have lost 4 stone and 8lbs (64 pounds) but I am struggling to hit the five stone mark. On Facebook, I am part of a group that has new and post-op patients from the clinic that I did my surgery with but everyone’s progress seems to be much better than mine. I am 24, 5ft 4 and my starting weight was 21 stone. I am grateful to be currently 16 stone 13lbs but I feel as though I should be loosing more. Am I worrying too much, or would you all agree with me? All replied appreciated 😊
  5. So... what happens when you stop checking out the forums every day and quit tracking? Well, for me it means weight gain. Hit my low of about 165 and then... well... then, essentially have been on a bender since then. It's been about a month. I know what I have to do, I just have to actually DO IT. I'm up 4lbs and can't seem to shake it. I'm NOT going over 170 again, but I have to find that happy medium between starving myself and gorging myself. My solution: start holding myself accountable. I'm starting over today. Tracking, posting, and weighing daily. For others out there in the same boat, don't give up or give in. Take it one day at a time and don't let setbacks get you down.
  6. HI, I'm new here. I had VSG on 10/28 and so I'm just over two weeks post op. I still have incisional pain, but I am having very little restriction. So far, nothing at all has made me sick, I have no food aversions whatsoever, and I have been hungry since day 1. I was allowed to transition from liquid diet to soft foods ONLY FOUR DAYS AGO. Today I was trying to follow the meal plans laid out in my resources which basically was 1 cup of soft food and two protein shakes. I did that, and I had a snack in the afternoon of about 3oz hummus and olives. I had ricotta bake, an egg, a protein shake, and that's about it. Maybe a sup and a half fo soft food all day, but I tracked my calories at 1000. I'm so upset with myself. My clinic told me that people are able to get between 500-800 during the soft food stage. What is wrong with me? How do I fix this? How do I keep from feeling like I did all this for nothing?
  7. I'm going in next Wednesday for revision from sleeve to bypass, very excited to start this journey again! For those who went through this already, I was curious about eating/drinking after the surgery. After my sleeve, they had me eating real food the next day, starting with eggs for breakfast and then for other meals chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad, blended very smooth. I was able to take in about 4-6 oz per meal with no problem, also got my liquids and protein in. I know that the bypass pouch is significantly smaller than the sleeve, so I was wondering what the diet is like after surgery. I know they want us to drink 64 oz of water a day, but is that even possible with such a small pouch? Thanks!
  8. Shrinkingvee

    Week 5 since op

    I’m in my 5th week since my gastric sleeve, I’m the uk we have fluids for one day then puréed for 2 -3 weeks then soft foods. I was told it was my journey. I moved on early to soft foods as soup and purée was going straight through I’m finding it hard still learning a new way of eating. I can’t eat more than 2 -3 small spoon mouthfuls before i feel full and it feels almost stuck. I just wondered if it will get better that I don’t have to wait so long to eat in between mouthfuls I’m waiting 30 seconds, I think the most hardest thing to get used to is this new way of time it takes to eat a little food.
  9. As I've searched online, many apparently it is common but no one had spoken on this subject for about 4-7 years. I can barely walk, i'm in excruciating pain, thank god it hit me in this stage of at least being some what healed. Has anyone else gone through this and what did they do relieve themselves of the pain. How was the protein intake. Anything !!?!??
  10. Hi all, wondering if anyone else has a similar experience: some days I can eat no problem and other days the sight of food repulses me. Some days I hit 60 grams of protein other days I barely get to 40. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar?
  11. I am one week post opp, and the soreness/pulling/muscle catching pain is still very intense for me. I am walking multiple times a day to try and help, but everywhere i've read people seem to barley have any pain from the surgery. Can anyone shed light on their experience with the pain after surgery? (P.S. im NOT talking gas, shoulder, or back pain) Im referring to the pain from the healing of the surgery, (incisions, super sore). What did y'all's timeline of pain look like? or was there something yall did to help heal faster?
  12. well I'm 6 weeks post OP, lost 41 pounds so far, and I feel great, i thought about retiring early, because i had spinal stenosis, and couldn't walk but 50 yards with out having to sit, because the pain was so bad, but now I'm walking 5 miles per day, not at one time though, i feel like a new man, everyone notices but me, I cant see the weight loss, but i can feel the difference,
  13. I feel really defeated and upset. Sorry this is gonna be a negative post but I dont know what to do anymore. I had my surgery (vsg) September 28th (in another post I mixed up September and October) and recovered very well, very fast. Hardly any gas pain, no incisional pain and so far no vomiting. As thankful as I am about all that that pretty much sums up all the good things there are. First of I’m hungry ALL THE TIME!! In fact my cravings have never been this bad. I think about food 24/7!! Then the moment I smell food or prepare food my hunger vanishes and gets replaced by feeling incredibly nauseous. I can only eat something once then it grosses me out. Because of this I avoid eating and - as stupid as it sounds I’m well aware of that - I get scared to eat because I dont want to be miserable. I can tolerate everything fine but the smell is just awful! Speaking of awful I have the worst and most disgusting bad breath of my life!! No matter how much I brush my teeth and floss my mouth my family can smell me from down the hall. I feel so gross! If only I was loosing weight I’d accept it all but the kicker is I’m not losing any!! The first two weeks I lost 25lbs. Week 3 and four I lost 3lbs and since then (two weeks!!) I’ve been stalling. I’m so frustrated!! What makes matters the absolute worst (sorry this is tmi) I can’t 💩!!!! I havent gone in 15 days!! I’m seeing a nutritionist, who has prescribed me stool softener but nothing happened. I’ll probably have to go back to the hospital over the weekend to get a stronger laxative (talked to the surgeon on the phone today). I didnt expect to have regular bowl movement as before but feeling constipated for two weeks is really no fun. I’m telling myself at least once that’s out maybe my weight will finally drop? Some more context: My surgeon’s plan calls for regular food after day 4. I didnt follow that guideline because it scared me and ate soft foods till aprox. week 5 focusing on my protein intake. I weigh my food though I feel like I can eat a lot. So far I consume around 300-400kcal a day. I had to eat out once for work where I had bread with cheese. Other than that I’m very diligent with my diet. My water intake could be better but I’m constantly sipping on water and cant get more down than 1 maybe 1 1/2L a day. I feel like I’m being punished because I lost (and gained back) 100lbs three times before with very restrictive diets and my body is so used to “being starved” so it’s not playing along. I keep reminding myself my main goal isnt weight loss (though I need and want to) but to stop yoyo dieting in such excess. It’s hardly comforting though because I’m really really frustrated. I’m sorry to be so negative! And I’m sorry I wrote so much but I need to get it off my chest. Have any of y’all had a similar hard beginning? Does it really get better? At this point I can’t imagine it
  14. Hi I had my op 3 weeks ago. I lost 5kg in my pre op so was over the moon and in the first week of the op lost another 6kg, but for the last 10 days the weight has fluctuated up and down by .5kg. I am following everything. Is this normal? Am i expecting too much? It feels a bit disheartening
  15. As of today I'm six weeks post op for my Mini Gastric Bypass. Definitely hasn't been an easy ride (with two stalls), but hasn't been terrible either. Except for a week ago when I started getting increasingly frequent discomfort in the stomach region. It would feel similar to the pain of gallstone attack, and would wake me up at night, and give me the odd bout of nausea. I've not been able to eat - just my protein shake/water and supplements, and those don't feel great going down either. So I visited my surgeon yesterday and he thinks it's likely the development of an ulcer/s and accompanying swelling at the intestinal join site, so I'm on Salpraz to see if that's the culprit. I was worried I was developing a stricture, so this is definitely a better alternative! I had been on Salpraz post-op for my previous GERD, and had finished the course about two weeks ago, so... it sounds the likely culprit. Mind you I had NO reflux or sign of reflux, so this was a bit of a sneaky attack that got me unawares. Eating hasn't been easy for me post-op anyway, but it's currently ridiculous. Looking forward to this improving so I can at least do more than sit on a glass of water when my partner and I go out! Worth mentioning that I still regret nothing! Even though it's been a little rough and the "honeymoon period" seems to be running late.
  16. Hey Guys I’m just about 3 weeks post op and I think I’m already stalling. Could this even be possible, I was on a nice decent down, I had the gastric sleeve on October 7th. I’m just worried because I’m considered smaller client before surgery… this is a real stall already.
  17. I had the gastric bypass on Oct 12. Ive lost 10lbs since then & havent lost anymore. I feel like I might be doing something wrong? I’ve read so much about people not meeting Protein goals due to feeling full/restriction, which I dont feel. I’m currently able to eat 3-4oz meals & I feel like maybe its too much? Like I shouldnt be able to eat so much, so soon after surgery. I’m eating slowly, taking time between each bite & I wait the 30 mns after my meal to drink Water. However, I don’t feel any restriction and I don’t feel full(I dont feel hungry either, but I eat to reach my protein goals). Should I be able to eat this much so soon out of surgery? Am I eating too much & that’s why I haven't lost any more weight? Is there something I should do differently? *I was cleared to eat eggs, flaky fish, & tuna. & I eat every 3-4hrs, & once I meet my protein goal, I focus on my water & don’t eat more. For reference
  18. I had the gastric bypass on Oct 12. Ive lost 10lbs since then & havent lost anymore. I feel like I might be doing something wrong? I’ve read so much about people not meeting protein goals due to feeling full/restriction, which I dont feel. I’m currently able to eat 3-4oz meals & I feel like maybe its too much? Like I shouldnt be able to eat so much, so soon after surgery. I’m eating slowly, taking time between each bite & I wait the 30 mns after my meal to drink water. However, I don’t feel any restriction and I don’t feel full(I dont feel hungry either, but I eat to reach my protein goals). Should I be able to eat this much so soon out of surgery? Am I eating too much & that’s why I haven't lost any more weight? Is there something I should do differently? *I was cleared to eat eggs, flaky fish, & tuna. & I eat every 3-4hrs, & once I meet my protein goal, I focus on my water & don’t eat more. For reference
  19. Hi all, How did everyone feel their 3rd week post op? How soon did people get back to work, part time or full time? I tried going back to work this wee after 2 weeks off. I could barely last half a day and one day was very ill and didn't clock in at all. I don't know if I caught a stomach bug from one of my family members or if I tried something that triggered it. Also, all week my mouth tastes metallic. I thought maybe it was ketosis until I was sick for a day. I had a LOT of acid. I was really surprised at what I had to come up for the low amount of liquid and food I'm getting. My water intake this week has been terrible and I think it's the taste in my mouth just making me uninterested. I'm on Pepcid Complete and started taking a broken up Nexium. I also have 2 tums a few times a day but not a fan because I don't want to cause kidney stones. I had a low fever the day I wasn't able to keep much down. No pain other than where I know stitches are. Wondering if this is common or an issue. Trying to avoid the... "I tried something I shouldn't have" convo with the doctors office. Thank you!
  20. Hi all, I’m three months out from my sleeve. I lost 46 pounds and feel so grateful but now I’m stuck!!! I haven’t lost a pound in three weeks! Is this normal? Please tell me it’s not😩
  21. Hi Everyone, I had RNY surgery on Oct, 13th, 2020, so I am just over the 12 month post op mark. I notice my weight loss has slowed down a lot, and around the 8-9 month post op mark, I have stalled and I am not loosing any weight. I know this is normal but still worried that my body has reached it's set point. If anyone here has experienced this, let me know. I seem to have gained a pound each month and my weight is back up to the weight it was when I was at 9 months post op. I have lost 100lbs since surgery, but still have around 60 lbs. to go to reach my goal weight. Should I be worried? ( I will be speaking to my Bariatric clinic soon for my 1 year appointment so I will be talking to them about this) All advice and opinions welcomed. Thanks 😀
  22. For Week/Phase 3; is spaghetti with Veggie pasta noodles okay???? Im seriously craving spaghetti...... Surgery date was 10/11/21 Sent from my LM-Q730 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. I’m 3 weeks post op RNY. What foods did you start eating at this time??
  24. Hello, I am new to the group but I had gastric sleeve surgery on 9/30 and was told I could start soft foods 3 days ago and I did try to but I was afraid I would rip my staples so I sort of stopped and went back to doing shakes. I do try to eat a few bites of mash potatoes but get full instantly. I am so scared of causing a leak and not sure if the way I am feeling it normal. Im not in pain although I do get the occasional nerve pinches and twinge here and there. Anyone else like this?

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