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Found 17,501 results

  1. ripburn

    fiber is in now ?

    Here are 10 reasons that fiber is good. 1. Healthy weight loss 2. Weight control 3. Lower type 2 diabetes risk 4. Lower odds of heart disease 5. Increased beneficial gut bacteria. 6. Reduces risk of certain cancers 7. Longer life 8. More regular bowl movements 9. All-natural detox 10. Strong Bones
  2. TruthBehindMyEyes

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi everyone my name is kaitlin! I am a semi driver I'm on medical leave currently because of a hernia. In order to get it fixed I have to get to 150 pounds. I dropped 60 pounds on my own out on the road before this happened. So when i got taken out of the saddle in September I took the pledge and plunge I ended up going through the process for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass which I had on May 14th 2024. My highest documented weight was 420. But my starting weight before surgery was 389. My day of surgery weight was 364 and I'm sitting at 341 now!!! I'm on soft food stage.
  3. catwoman7


    1) you're experiencing the extremely common "three-week stall". Happens to most of us within the first month or so of surgery, usually (but not always) the 3rd week, hence, the name. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks before breaking 2) the gain is almost certainly water or very full intestines. Give it a couple of days and it should be gone.
  4. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    Must we wait the entire year for plastics?

    It depends on the surgeon. I am in the midst of consultations with surgeons for tummy tuck and breast lift. Today one told me they wanted me within 10 pounds of goal weight, stable at that weight for three months. Two others are fine doing the surgery now, given that I do not intend on losing 20 or more pounds (goal is under 10 lbs).
  5. cokey

    A 2nd Chance at Life

    i shed an entire person, weight and personality wise. im a new man. i should have done this in 2011. use this to push yourself forward and be a new person.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Rapid Weight Loss

    Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 45, 5'5" Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 33 pounds Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 388 pounds (day of sleeve surgery) **13 months later** 275 pounds (day of revision surgery) I am 2 years post op from sleeve and 1 year post of from revision to bypass Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass
  7. Gigi G

    Choosing Bariatric Surgery

    had the sleeve, gained it back. 7 months out from sadi-s and 70lbs down (more than i ever lost with sleeve) but very big bathroom issues!! make sure you're investigating all procedures is my advice.
  8. Al.law

    IUD removal after surgery

    Has anyone had their mirena iud removed after weight loss surgery and gained weight because of it? I got my gastric sleeve last year and I’m so happy with where I’m at however, I’ve been considering getting my iud removed. My issue is that I have pcos and am terrified that I gain weight due to hormones after getting it removed. Has anyone else been in this situation that can offer any advice?
  9. I agree with NickelChip, the only way I can feasibly see you dropping that much weight is to start your pre-op diet early and stick to shakes and low carb veggies. Sugar free shakes though, because that will allow you to go into ketosis and you'll drop water weight pretty quickly, which could boost your numbers. I don't recommend doing this unless you really feel you have to though. My insurance said I couldn't gain a pound before surgery. Does yours say the same thing, or is this your surgeon's requirement? Often surgeons will ask their patients to lose weight beforehand to show their commitment, I think this is kind of lame, since the whole point of weight loss surgery is that most of us have not been able to lose the weight on our own! It causes a lot of unnecessary stress before surgery IMO. I wish you luck in dropping the weight!!
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA


    Ask to see their medical degree, after all your medical doctor says you are right where you should be and since he/she's medically trained their diagnosis has more weight - perhaps if they disagree they should debate them about (my - you) your healthy weight...and ask them if they'd like the doctors number!?
  11. Thanks for responses all. I spoke with my insurance and they told me it would fall under medical benefits and that they are seeing it ALOT with sleeve. I've gained some weight as well, but that it not my primary concern here. I am having a barium swallow, EKG, endoscopy, and a few others tests. We shall see. It would be interesting to see the different insurance we all have. I have UHC.
  12. Well I signed a contact twenty years ago and I wasn't informed all that much about what I signed up for... Maybe because it was so long ago.. I do now know and understand the deal but the problem is simple.. So I had a car hit me when I was crossing the street and spent six months in a hospital followed by six months of a resting home to recover followed by a heart failure and another five months in the hospital followed by multiple hospital trips and lost all my original muscle.. I was always average strength but it's another thing to be told you might have a heart attack if you don't gain muscle. So I did everything I was told to bring me to this point. I have gained ten pounds of muscle in the last two years and I gain average of a pound a month. Only in the sorta person I need advise and someone to tell me what to do so that I don't make mistake. This might be a result of brain damage from my accident or maybe I'm just a big dumb guy I dunno.. But I did my own math if I eat 4200 calories I absorb 2200. So it does make sense I can't bulk however I'm taking enzymes and my doctor said the enzymes turn your ds off so that you can absorb everything you eat with them.. Now I'm fine tuning everything. Maybe my ds is to powerful and I'll learn that I really can't bulk and yes I look more defined in the mirror I think. But because my skin is stretchy it's hard to tell. I have gone from 175 to 178 so hopefully that's going to keep going up. My only real goal of taking the enzymes is to increase my protein which is 6.1. Before I worked out I was capable of maintaining my weight but my doctor told me I lost so much muscle that to not regain it would be dangerous to my health So regardless of anything I have no choice but to gain weight. If that means eventually eating 6000 calories so be it. But I really think the enzymes alone will solve my problems. I plan to take the enzymes for 3 months then get off then for two months then back on them in a bulk cutting kinda formula however I'll admit I don't know that this will work. I've gained weight in the past getting up to 240 in the resting home but that was eating six full meals a day with no working out and tons of high fat snacks and sense then I've gotten hypoglycemia which makes gaining weight difficult because I can't just devour sugar like I used to be able to. Man I used to love pudding cups... Anyways no I didn't know what I was getting into I was 19 and all I wanted was to lose weight but to still be able to eat as much as I wanted. Which is what I got. I never understood the risks. Never. That's why I got all these problems and it's hard to dig your self out of a ditch.. I would work out more if I thought it would help but I just lift weights 3x a week and I have a trainer and a bunch of great doctors who help.. The thing is the DS shouldn't kill me.. I should be able to figure out a way to make this work and my real issue is I'm 6"3 and a man so I require 3200 calories a day is what my trainer said. I only absorb 2200 thus I'm taking enzymes I'm focusing on absorbing protein and enough calories to feed my muscle building and I'm getting blood tests and scanning my body for progress it's a really scary time for me because I know I can lose muscle fast if I forget anything.. finding this website has helped me relearn just got crazy this surgery can be... For real you all helped me so much... But I can not except life as a weakling I'm 39 and a man and people need me so I can't just except things the way they are. If a normal person can build muscle I can to. It may take more work and more intelligence on my part but that fine I'm willing to do anything to be average if that makes sense.. in fact I was debating going to the gym today because my back hurts but you just motivated me to go . 😁 Thank you. Have a nice day. Please information is key here any advise on maybe how many calories you eat or your macros would be helpful to me because I do have a little problems working stuff out in my head and so the more information I can't the better I can deal.
  13. So my surgery was seven weeks today. For the past two weeks I have been stuck at the same weight OR gained 2-3 lbs. Basically fluctuating the same 2-3 pounds I guess. I wouldn't have thought I would hit a plateau this early. I'm eating the plan they laid out for me. I'm walking when I can (torn meniscus and degenerative disc disease issues). I guess I just don't understand why I'm stuck already. Just frustrated. Any words of wisdom?
  14. Evelyns

    Pre-op Not Dating until Post

    I'm curious if anyone else decided to hold off on dating until after their weight loss surgery. I've decided to wait six months post-op before I start dating again. I feel like I need to focus on my weight loss journey and ensure I'm in a good place physically and mentally before diving back into the dating scene.
  15. JennyBeez

    A Frustrating Week

    A loss is a loss!! Especially if you've been struggling with pain (and pain killers). Honestly, even if it were a gain, the fact that you're learning from it and identifying where your problems were this week would still make it a plus, in my book. This is a life-long journey you've (we've) started, and we're going to keep re-negotiating things with our bodies and our digestive systems -- so anything that teaches us is at least a small win, right? Sodium has been a toughie for me post-op. So many food items take out sugars/carbs or fats but really seem to up the sodium to make up for it. I was always a little sensitive to sodium, but post-op? JEEBUS, the sodium headaches if I'm not careful. (Looking at you, sugar free drink crystals)
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    A Frustrating Week

    Ok, so a couple of things. First, let's look at things a little differently when it comes to that pound you lost. You LOST A POUND!!! Which means you DIDN'T GAIN A POUND!!!! WooHoo!!!! Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves that ANY loss is still a success. Some weeks will be better than others. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Next, you know where you went wrong with the foods you ate, you know you retain water when you have too much salt, so now you know what to avoid. Sometimes, the best way to learn is by trial and error. There's nothing wrong with experimenting with new foods. Just read the labels carefully and make adjustments accordingly to how much of that food you eat and what you eat the rest of the day to compensate for it. Finally, if I were to make a suggestion, I might say to lower your carbs a bit. That seems like a pretty high amount, and unless you're carb loading for intense workouts, I don't think you need to be over 100 carbs per day. PERSONALLY for me, I never go over 50, and that's on weight training days. But again, that's me. It just works out the best for my body. But I, too, had to experiment until I found the sweet spot for my body in regards to calories, carbs, healthy fats, protein. All in all, give yourself some grace, take note of what your body did and didn't do this week, and make changes as needed. You're still doing great, and you'll get to where you want to be. Don't worry about that.
  17. I use my starting weight from before the pre-op diet. I was my highest when I started that, and my diet was only for 10 days, so I figured that was my beginning weight. I think my dietician uses that one, too. That puts me at 41 pounds lost as of today, and I'm thrilled. I'm with you on not having a particular weight I must reach. I don't even have a number in my head. (I did put a weight on my ticker here, but that was just for progress purposes) I think my goal is to see how much comes off and how I feel at that point. At my age, I'm looking to feel healthy, and that's my goal. I won't be a supermodel or wear a bikini! Lol. I think we are all doing wonderful, and I'm excited for each and every one of us!! ♥
  18. jparadigm

    Post-op diet troubles!

    THANK YOU! So much for your kind response. This is indeed work and I intend to stick to the plan...it's been easy up until last week when I was able to start in on pureed foods. I took that as a challenge to see what I can thoroughly chew before swallowing. And I've paid the price by doing so...Easter was really hard. I'm trying my best to get my proteins in, but more than that too. Didn't really realize sodium plays a negative roll as well. I decided on surgery before gaining more weight. I was almost not qualified due to not weighing enough but my doctors worked with me. I have had a real bad relationship with food for so long. And with the pre-op diet going so well and the first 2 weeks of liquids i thought for sure I'd be golden by the time I hit pureed foods. But now I feel as if I've just set myself back. I have to really digest this new lifestyle change. Thanks for responding it really means a lot.
  19. This July it will be 5 yrs out since my gastric bypass. Originally I wanted to put goal weight at 150 but even when I was 16 and on the swim team and burning calories like crazy, the lightest I ever was, was roughly 145. As a teen I even did VERY UNHEALTHY things to try and get down to what at the time, according to the notorious insurance standards, was a medical goal weight of 114 -135 lbs for my height at the time. I never managed to get down to 114 despite going on under 600 calories a day (again, with no medical guidance..I was a teen and listened to peer pressure and society tell me what was 'ideal'). So to think that in my 50's that I need to even try for that kind of weight, I figured I'd just disappoint myself plus I'm older and my body has changed. I finally set my goal at 170. Fast forward to THIS year (year 5) - I had consistently been tracking between 169-175 (and been THRILLED) and for some reason I hit a rough patch about 7 mos ago where I was hungry all the time, scary hungry considering I had been more at ease with my life and not feeling like I had to monitor anything. Things felt like there was a natural rhythm to hunger and how I addressed it. I didn't feel desire to overeat and my family said I still 'ate like a bird, but I realized I had let bad habits creep back in and it was more a boredom thing and honestly, extreme stress. What I was doing that let calories creep in was I was eating more frequently. You can overcome any 'restriction' at some point by eating frequently. I gave myself 'guard rail'/target weight zone instead at the end of my first year post surgery. If I'm in my 'zone', then I'm not actively trying to gain or lose, I'm content. If I get up towards the high end of my zone, I re-evaluate what I'm doing. I ended up in 1 month blowing past the high end of my zone to a weight spike that I had not had for 3 solid years. I had been consistent AND happy with where I was at. Thankfully I've course corrected and with some help I'm at my lowest weight ever since I was...er...18? I'm 165 right now and as I am also considering plastics, I'm going to re-review the valuable info on the plastics forum/threads as I know I want weight 'stability' for sure. I knew when I did the surgery that I personally wanted to wait until a few years out because honestly, I was afraid I'd find some way to tank the surgery even though I waited 5 yrs before having the surgery to work on myself mentally/emotionally. I also knew I'd have to pay for it out of pocket so I would need YEARS to save so I figured I could lose the weight and tone what I could so the plastic surgeon, if I was fortunate enough to find one I could trust, would know what they had to work with. I'll let them tell me if they also feel I'm ready. I have SO much loose skin that I honestly don't know with it removed if I'd weigh 5 lbs less than what the scale says. I also learned my watching my 1000 lb life that loose skin doesn't weigh as much as I THINK it should..LOL. That is why I'm only attributing 5 lbs to my loose skin I think you are doing AWESOME! I'm glad you are keeping your goal where it is. Just settle into your 'new fantastic self' which is just another facet of the already awesome person you were! We can both spend time researching the plastics info while you are in this new chapter of your life and I'm hanging out at 5 years hoping I win the lottery or at least a big payoff scratch off so I can put some money 'down' with a plastic surgeon..LOL!
  20. Italiano26

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Hopefully this will be the first thanksgiving that we don’t gain weight 🤦‍♀️
  21. Spinoza

    1 year post op help

    Oh that is so helpful - thank you! I really rate this doctor and I expect the program will be helpful. OP you haven't filled in the stats in your profile. What procedure did you have? What are your starting and current weights? Are you close to your goal or wanting to lose a lot more weight? I agree with everyone else - our macro goals and weight loss goals depend on where we are, where we want to be and lots of other variables. I wish you lots of luck on your journey.
  22. First, congrats on your weight loss. Wonderful! Second, is it a stall, a very normal & important part of your weight loss, or is it just your body slowly down the loss to seemingly nothing as you’re nearing or at your body’s new set point weight? If it is your new set point, you will constantly be fighting it to try to lose more. This is where your body is happiest. If your weight loss has slowed/stopped at this weight that means you will need to continue to eat the 1000 calories you are eating now to maintain it. Or less to lose more. Is that sustainable? Is it healthy in the long term? There’s the weight you want to see on the scales & the weight your body wants you to be & is compatible with your life & lifestyle. This alone can take time to accept & wrap your head around. Just some things to consider. Not everyone has a bounce back regain. I didn’t. I still weigh about what I weighed when I first stabilised with the same fluctuation range of about a kilogram/2 lbs at almost 5 years out. And I consume more calories now than I did when I first stabilised (1300 then & 1600 now). I don’t do any real exercise, am a little shorter than you & quite a few years older than you I expect. Also, look at increasing your fluid intake. You should be aiming for 2 litres a day & more on the days you’re more active. Your weight loss isn’t over until it’s over. A stall doesn’t mean it’s over. Just your body taking a break to reassess your current needs.
  23. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Here is my 4-week post-op update: Highest weight: 251 Start of 2 week pre-op diet weight: 238 Day before surgery weight: 226 Today's weight: 214.8 I had a stall that began exactly at the 3-week post-surgery mark and lasted 7 days. Below are photos taken before surgery and this morning.
  24. catwoman7

    What am I doing wrong?

    that's not slow at all - that's pretty average. I was about where you're at the six week mark, and I started out at almost 400 lbs. there are so many factors the affect your rate of weight loss, most of which you don't have much - if any - control over. Gender, age, starting weight, what percentage of your body is muscle, whether or not you lost a ton of weight before surgery, genetic factors, metabolic rate, etc. The only two things you do have a lot of control over is how closely you stick to your clinic's plan and how active you are. Do well with those, and the weight will come off, whether fast or slow. I considered myself a slow loser the entire time, and I lost 100% of my excess weight, over 200 lbs (I've gained a few back since then, but I'm still over 200 lbs less than when I started). don't worry about it - just stick to your plan and the weight will come off.
  25. Vanessa Correal

    I needed to talk…

    Yes it’s a lot of lost weight! I really liked the movie, and it helped me. Thank you for the answer !

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